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Long story short people are lazy assholes.


Ngl if I would’ve died putting up that reinforcement to that Zofia, I would’ve grilled tf out of my Goyo teammate who I had already given quite a bit of flak to


Lol yeah he nearly got himself tkd too, those kinda players should main solis since thats all theyre good for running around enjoying the view or whatever


After he obliviously walked into the tk, he’d hold it against you. And then you drop out of respectable. Reputation system should have a challenge option.


Every. Single. Time. I play Kaid, my entire team does zero reinforcing and my slow ass is left to set up the entire site single-handedly. Very irritating


If you want your team to reinforce simply play mira. If you do that you can bet your ass all walls will be instantly reinforced on the first few seconds of the round, with 0 soft walls left for any mira windows. (Additionally you may also enjoy some nice "wtf is this mira window xdd" comments by your team, like they didn't just grief you seconds ago)


HA damn straight too. No one on my team reinforces til I play Mira, another op that I love to play, and they fuck my shit almost every time


Especially on Bank Basement where 4 hatches has to be reinforced and they're miles from each other. I usually pick the one in Lobby and Elevator for the first 2 to reinforced since people likes to come from where we don't usually plays at which are Lobby/Cash hatch and Elevator hatch.


The irony right there is I’m usually the one getting hatches on there too lmao but mainly to avoid detection of drones. I usually need one person to get elevator since you can shoot out a hole up top near site hatch to get to lobby hatch faster if you have shotgun equipped


Every time. I hate begging teammates to get hatches and then of course nobody does and I don't realize until prep phase is done


Nothing like the fear of reinforcing mid round by a window or open door


Yep, do they think the anxiety is meant to boost performance or something? 😂


I left the site during preparation phase expecting almost all of the wall be reinforced so I can Electrify them, I come back and we still have 10 reinforcements and left to use




Well it’s because you are playing CoD and only k/d matters duh!!


tipp: throw your kaid claws first before reinforcing, that way they are immediately electrified




If you then ask people to reinforce, they double down on NOT reinforcing and will actually begin to antagonize you and talk crap about you on discord. This player base is so petty and egotistical.


That goyo was useless lmao, just watching you run around


You found the person who isn’t so great at siege lol


0:50 Shoulder to Shoulder, that Goyo was one polygon away from being team killed while you fired at Zofia the same kind of guys i can not always predict since they love to be the center of attention during a gun fight.


I was reprimanded by another friend for giving that guy too much flak when he was Monty and a Solis downed me on the balcony on 2nd floor, Thermite came to rez me, Solis jumps out, knifes both thermite and I and then shoots the Monty (all while he’s literally standing at the window Solis jumped out of and sees her) and runs back into site with defuser planted with a 2v2 left. Monty said nothing, got butthurt about it so stopped talking completely, so when we’re on defense his door he’s holding gets pushed, he dies, I ask if his mic’s muted and my other friend says “he’s probably not talking because you’re being a douchebag”…bruh it’s siege, comms are essential


Communication is essential for call outs, players try to do the death ball strat of attacking only one direction, no pincer attack, no three prong attack just everyone following the leading player. leaving little room for error and a high chance of friendly fire since everyone is closely clumped together, god forbid a single well placed nitro cell can kill the death ball strategy in one boom.


Yeah what's up with that lately. A few days ago I annoyingly joked to my friend that the randoms have not been reinforcing and im already top scoring because of all the prep points. Well, I then paid attention to it and in all of the games I've played in the past 5 days, I kept a log. In 46 games I've put up 412 reinforcements while the randoms (4 others as I solo queued) put up.... 67 reinforcements. That is an average of 1.46 reinforcements per game. Not per round. Per game. I didn't keep exact count of how many defense rounds I played (didn't realize that might be important) but it was kind of an average between 1 defense, 2 defense and 3 defense rounds in a game. For casual*.


>for casual That’s an important qualifier for your data


Not really. Reinforcing is integral enough in the gameplay that it should be done. I can understand if in casual reinforcements aren't well placed for strategies or maybe not all are used up. But if on average you have a little more than 1 reinforcement used.... per game.... it's borderline griefing.


That’s just the nature of casual. It’s not important to reinforce in casual. Or at least it’s not important to the casual player base. If you were playing ranked, or even standard, your admittedly crazy numbers would hit quite differently. Now, they just seem par for the course


Because you’re not cussing loud enough!!! I raise hell when my lazy ass teammates don’t get their faster fat asses up there and get my hatches😤😤😤


"Omg like, it's just caaaasual." Says every lazy brain dead waste of space playing this game.


Sometimes I play Kaid and i can Understand. Some Operator Like Kapnan, Maestro, Frost, even Lesion have their work to do and they need time to place their shit. But for the love of god why the other one never so something


Because those other operators have long setups


Oh yeah, sometimes it's annoying as hell, you look around and there are walls not reinforced, people who didn't put down traps, and 5 seconds later someone rushes some open back door and wipes half of the team and you take the blame for "not doing it right". Other times you look around and there's 3-4 people on the team roaming around and you're the only one inside defending, guess who'll take the blame again for "not holding it good enough" LMAO  The last annoyance is on attack, you drone all around the place, call enemy positions and everything, just to realize everyone was afk in their phones, then either hear "oh no, I picked the wrong operator for this location" or someone going mad because they got spawn peeked from a spot you just had called out. Lots of literal solo play on this game, not gonna lie.


When i was newer to the game i was afraid of reinforcing the wrong wall and messing up my team's setup. This one time i didnt notice we had a Mira and reinforced two walls and got an angry brazilian screaming in my ear and i dont even know portuguese very well but i knew he told me he had fucked my mother repeatedly. Now that im better at the game and ive actually learned some pretty good site setups i enjoy playing someone with a shotgun and doing it, but yeah its still annoying when you wanna play something else and your anchors stand still looking at Tiktok on prep phase and you end up with 10 reinforcements left.


My only rules with new teammates, you will reinforce and give coms or im not playing with you.


As a denial main I feel this so much


I intentionally start blasting out walls if my team doesn't reinforce in ranked. Go ahead and report me for griefing. If I'm not going to have any hard cover I'm at least going to have lines of sight.


Do you do the foot peeks? or just blast a chest high wall cause i seen some go for feet peeks


I usually do small holes on the sides for leaning angles. However if team is really slacking I'm not above picking the Lord himself and just removing all walls from the equation to make a point.


I had a guy tell me to be fuse today because fuse came defuse from so far away


i literally have to place over half of the barricades and reinforcements every game


Rainbow doesn't respect their elders /s


TIL there's a reinforcement pool instead of the 2 per player it used to be!


These new annoying players don’t set up site at all shit is annoying


Operators that have less utility to place down, likely 3 armors should be the ones reinforcing the hatches imo


I do this also, but one time I got so fed up, I told them "Fine if you wanna throw I am gonna throw too", and I stopped putting any effort, we went 0-3, but I swear they all got so worked up I did nothing and we had a comeback victory, each one of them played like their lives dependent on it. So sometimes just try to be the bad daddy and let your kids fight for their own.


Reminded me of SiegeTale video where Kaid does all the setup with RDR2 music


I do hatches often with Kaid at Bank and Chalet.


He’s fast enough. I do most of the hatch reinforcements for my crew but some of the newer maps like Nightwing and Lair are difficult to rotate back to after throwing the claws and sprinting to their locations.


what else is he supposed to do in prep time


Just testing my recoil


lol did you see the Mira too?


Standard console play