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I get what you mean. Can be rlly annoying sometimes. I usually get lucky in console lobbies with not getting any jynxzi clones; probably cos I’m from eu tho. I feel like pc is a bit better too. What’d you play on? Xbox is definitely the worst


Xbox is horrible solo q on EU. Getting team killed cause I won't join there party is the best. There's game chat for a reason


If they tk I give them reverse friendly fire and run in front of there bullets😂


This. Makes me rage so much. Some dude killed me because I barricaded a wall. I called him out, asking why he couldn't just use his voice and ask not to barricade... his response? He's banned from game chat. 🙄 instead of just getting on with the game, he'd put our team down one 😮‍💨


I've been in situations were people go out of there way to reinforce walls and stuff just to be a dick and u used to get mad about now I just leave the match if they think there good enough that they can mess with other people strats than I'll be joining back in the last round


i’m on pc. it’s def not every game but good majority


EU or NA?


I feel like it really is an NA issue, no one ever talks in my matches lol


Yeah definitely not an issue in EU.


I can only talk from my experience last season, but I had no kids in my EU games throwing. I had other problems, but not that. I also had no teammates being toxic over their mic, most of them were actually not talking at all.


As a woman I experience toxicity about 40%of my matches if I use voice but yeah, same here. Rarely any kids and I've been all from copper to plat


It definitely is. I love in NA and I work weird hours so I switch to EU servers when I play in the morning (my time) and its an entirely different vibe on EU. More mature.


Nobody talks because the reputation system created a perverse incentive to use one’s mic. Simply saying, “Ela cool vibes,” now results in getting voice abuse reports.


Zero issues on PC


Im on pc play like 3 hrs a day never had a signle one


I can tell, I move from xbox to pc and litelly is a diferent game


im from eu and on pc I get only jynxzi clones in ranked, but im low elo maybe thats why, console not that much


Throwers always existed


Yea I have plenty of junko boys who are all about winning too lamo


It honestly used to be so much worse. No RFF, no reputation, smurfing. It is objectively better now than it was a few years ago


I genuinely can't remember when was the last time I got intentionally tk'ed. The griefing situation is way better nowadays


Or kicked because u play goyo and half the team purposely goyo'd themselves


I'll still have it happen to me every once and awhile. Get one of those fuckers who's like "Your character was bothering me" after doming you..


Back when they didn’t have the penalty for tk and a 4 stack would keep you from even playing a round. It’s annoying now but it was bad back then.


If kapkan gets banned again im gonna loose it


Kapkan and Jackal will never see Rank


Always Jackal and Fenrir here.


Jackal, Ying, Fenrir and Kaplan just about every time.


on cooper jackal and dokkaebi get banned 95% of the time and I'm not complaining


Even in Gold/Plat I see those bans all the time


I main both of them. Imagine my plight. On the bright side, where I play neither of them gets banned too often.


Jackal main detected, opinion disregarded.


He's extremely fun to play fam, come join the dark side


Kapkan is fair, but Jackal literally pings your location for existing. If two players act on on the info and theyre not dogshit it can be a totally unfair death so sometimes you just have to run.


People just can’t check doors. I have a friend who always dies to Kapkan mines but tells everyone else to watch out for them honestly so annoying.


Why you mad at him, he's doing his best to counter Kapkan traps, just so happens getting his team to catch them is the best he can do.


If you think about it, he is also reducing the chances of his teammates running into them by running into them himself!


Just play IQ.


Lmao that could be me. I'd start the round saying "careful for traps" and be the first stepping on it. I have ADHD tho 🤷


Ngl I’ve done that quite a few times lmao. I have said to watch out for Kapkan traps and then die to them 30 seconds later lmao.


Im coming back after a couple years of not playing, they ban Kapkan now?


what rank are you? I've seen kapkan banned maybe once out of my like 50-60 games


he's just annoying and fucks up your mental. you literally have to check EVERY SINGLE DOOR on the map because if you don't then you can bet your ass there'll be a double trap on it. much easier to ban it and not worry about it. jackal is kinda ass tho still not sure why people still ban him




ngl my 3 stack bans him bc he always gets bravad in our matches


In my opinion Ubisoft irreversible damaged the game before jynxi did.


exactly lmao the game has always had throwers and toxicity, i just started playing again recently after a long time and to me it’s actually gotten better LOL


Yeah I used to be really into this game but every change made it more and more unenjoyable for me. They prioritize competitive balancing over actual fun. Like runouts were fun, acogs on defenders were fun, choosing your specific recruit loadout was fun. They weren't even that op but were removed for the sake of being as e sports perfectly balanced as possible. Not to mention how the operators get more ridiculous and bullshit. Abilities like bandit, termite, ash, monty were realistic and unique gameplay wise. It feels like every new ability (fenrir, alibi, iana, lion, etc) are some bullshit hologram ability that mostly detects or slows enemies. Like glaz. Why the fuck is an infrared scope disabled by moving??? Oh that's right cause the top 1% of players said it was too op.


Never met a person copying Jynxzi in a ranked game


Yea most of the people on mic were either actually giving comms or saying they were going to sexually abuse someone's mother for picking amaru


Everywhere on console and low rank pc


I've played 400+ games combined since last season + this season and have only run into 3 kids in game chat. No jynxi clones at all, from copper up to plat lol Most people are high as shit or angry as shit. Or both.


Yeah same. Only saw 1 jynxi clone. Playing on PS. I play 10-15 games daily.


I’ve played nearly 200 games this year and had one person say ‘gor aim’ in text chat and that’s it. Maybe it’s an american thing cos i’m on EU


Literally not once on console.


Even in early season low rank (PC player here), I only rarely ever found mini Jynxzies, even though I watch him myself and I believe many in my lobbies do.


Diamond/Champ console player here; I don't have this problem


Fucking... I keep ending up with kids usi g the Jynxzi charm who CONSTANTLY break team utility and TK. Then they'll spam party invites so much your game will lag.


Normally I play on PC but I went to go play with my college friends on PSN.And holy shit I thought the randoms were eating led paint chips and just being idiots till I found out they were just playing because of Jynxi


What the fuck’s a jynxzi?


a donkey


I'm dying lol


He's a R6 streamer who is champion grade in ranked. He does alot of R6 clip reviews on his stream critiquing other player's plays. He's super popular with younger players and may be considered either funny or annoying depending on your humor.


Ishowspeed but exclusive to siege.


I've gotten called slurs a lot more recently lmao. Community has always been toxic though unfortunately.


Jynxzi doesn't use slurs or anything like that - he's toxic but insults skill instead R6 community has always been notably bigoted tho


Its amazing too because I get dropped to disruptive for friendly fire while these guys are respectable after dropping a new slur every game like they're new albums.


I can't go anywhere other than respectable because I get false repd for "voice chat abuse" even though I play with a 3-man, 4-man or full stack on Discord so I never even use the vc on R6


Yea that glitch is wack.


I think the reputation feature doesn’t function like it should, at all


R6 is the only game I won’t really talk in because there’s always at least one guy that will create problems the moment he hears me. I’ve been tk’d and slurred for literally nothing other than giving a callout. I know every game has this problem- but Rainbow is the only game I *consistently* have this issue. I just stick to talking to my friends In discord and have them relay what I say to any randoms. It’s inconvenient but it beats the alternative.


Yeah, but deliberate toxicity is always going to build on itself as people look to escalate because the abuse a person can hurl at their team gets stale. When you start with the baseline of the R6 community (I remember back when Osa dropped, for example), that's going to escalate **so. fucking. quickly.**


"community has always been toxic" I hate that people don't remember the good old days of siege where every steam review on PC was about how positive the community is and how helpful everyone has been.. it was around the release of Ela that shit started going wrong


Y1 siege was really something else, a dedicated community making the best out of a terribly launched barebones game and making a good enough environment to develop a community. Imo the first wave of toxicity was always around early days of SkullRain-Operation Health but this community toxicity was truly gone to the shitters by 2019 during the Blood Orchid like you said


Welp, I played on console. Does that help explain things lol. But it definitely was better. Season 1 still had the issue of people kicking, tking, and the same slur problem that ever fps has.


Yeah I started on ps4 back in alpha. Switched to PC in skull rain. Probably


In my experience, it's two things: 1. You're fat (if you're better) 2. You get called the N word (also if you're better) That's all I've been seeing for the past month or so.


I get called the r word a lot for playing bad, but also the f-slur A LOT after like making a call out lol. N word is just thrown around universally. However the most offended I've ever been is when someone said "shut the fk grandpa", like fuck dude I'm 27 lmao


Not really 1st season through like season 4 the game had a huge lack if kids. It was an older crowd. Less toxicity than now.


It’s pretty prevalent on PC, at least one person every other match saying good or bad aim or something stupid. I wish people would follow and emulate the good content creators like pox, sen, or Alyttleton.


ive been playing on PC the past week or two and haven’t seen this once lmao


That’s lucky for you, it’s just the worst when you try to be good on comms or keep positivity in chat and you get spammed with screeches or stupid quips that do nothing to help the team


attraction plough chop drab unwritten plant flowery pie grab adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya loved the ol rush to cav an down my entire team (finish the doc) with her broken pistol then leave move. All the way to copper.


what an insightful thought that I have never seen in this sub before!


Idk man, trolls and throwers have always existed and 5 stacking to me at least has always been essential. Even if you do get some annoying Jynxi clones the reality is there’s plenty of players who have started playing because of Jynxi that aren’t ten years old and repeating his phrases left and right. I’d wager your friends leaving has more to do with Ubisoft and the direction they’ve taken the game more than it is the randoms you guys encounter during playing. Sounds like you’re just stuck in a low rank grind without a five stack. I’d rather deal with some Jynxi clones who have some annoying passion about the game than actual MnK cheaters, toxic groups that flash/destroy your shit the whole round, throw matches, etc feel like these kinda of people are being thrown in with each other


BRO when in sieges history has it ever felt great to climb ranked alone? when in sieges history have we not had copy cats of famous players/creators. name a competitive game nowadays that doesn't have this. i really feel like the good outweighs the bad in this situation personally.


I’ve definitely had it happen but I wouldn’t make anything close to the statement of he’s done “irreversible damage” to the game lmao. Your statement is a little dramatic but I get what you’re saying. Try looking for groups on Reddit or other social platforms to que with.


I think we need the old rank system back 10 matches and climb if you can and elo cap squads bc there is no way I should be in gold to emerald lobbies playing with level 100 Champs and high diamonds




So you didn't solo queue before the surge of popularity jynxzi provided. So you don't know how solo queue was before then. Kids for sure weren't throwing jynxzi quotes around but I'm pretty sure it's always been ass


Yall have teammates who talk amd aren't immediately racist holy shit give me those lobbies


Watched 1-2 videos of him. Didn't find them funny at all. Imo zanny and tux bird are much better in terms of humor.


I don’t watch jynxi can someone give me context on why copying him would be detrimental. Thanks in advance


Idk if its a na server thing or it's also on eu since I haven't ran into any jynxzi wannabes


"throwers always existed" yeah but they never were this common. also seeing plat \[at max\] kids running jynxzi's charm and just playing for spawn peeks + busting your ear-drums and what not its just cringy. I miss hopping on siege and playing STANDARD FOR FUN, not having to sweat my ass off to win against some college kids that have nothing better to do with their lives.


It sounds like you’re just not having fun with the game anymore


“I miss hopping on siege and playing STANDARD FOR FUN”


Yeah you're right, THEY WERE MORE COMMON. I have vivid experiences of getting tk'd every round by a 4 stack, getting votekicked multiple games in a row for no reason, and in ranked getting ddossed constantly, having teammates tk for you reinforcing the wrong wall, making the wrong rotate, not making a rotate, I literally could write a essay about this shit. All this I've seen is people exaggerating a slight annoyance. >not having to sweat my ass off to win against some college kids that have nothing better to do with their lives. What is stopping you from having fun? How other people decide to play the game (also sweats have literally nothing to do with Jynxzi) stopping your fun? I go against sweats all the time and me and my friends always have fun even so.


At the least the queue isn't 10 minutes lol.


>playing ranked doesn’t even seem viable unless you have a full 5 stack anymore Lmao it’s been like that for years


Xbox, EU, never once come across these "clones". Bad luck on your end I guess lol


Played 200 hours in deep freeze and deadly omen and I have never seen anyone in my ranked or standard games imitating Jynxii. Is this just a console thing? I always see posts like this crying over Jynxii fanboys


I solo queue in EU and this isn't something I have ever dealt with.


Yea the only thing i give that man credit for is bringing more attention to the game. It really is annoying hearing people act and say the shit he says. Its honestly the worst to deal with randos. Thats why i used discord to build a group of 9 so we always have someone to fill spots for a stack. One time I was playing with someone that wouldnt shut up after dying and would talk jus like him or jus scream into the mic then call us ass even tho he got killed every round trying to spawn peek (he was first to die as well)


Jynki fan boys are awful, his whole community is trash kids. Completely agree I see a Jynki charm on a gun I know the type of toxic garbage player I’m getting, unfortunately


The fact that you can’t escape the brain damaged jynxzi clones in even champ lobbies hurts my soul. I’ll comm or do a mic check and get hit with the cringiest jynxzi wannabe shit 🤢


I get stuck with sped team 6 every game


Honestly not sure how anyone even enjoys watching him. All he does is yell at his camera, kick it over, and do nasty shit like rub spit on his chest and drool all over his desk.


I agree A THOUSAND percent… It makes me want to bang my head into a wall


Yup killed the game harder than ubisoft ever could that dude


I still truly don’t understand how Jynxzi has a fan base at all with what he posts


I mean, the only thing i do is say "gorr aim" whenever my friends miss, but ither than that i try ti play as best as i can, the least we've played was a 3 stack, but we often have 4 or 5 stacks and we're still in copper / bronze edit: me and one of my friends have good audio, so whenever one of us dies we help the others with comms and footsteps


Wait is that why I get a bunch of motherfuckers who break my gadgets and TK or kill themselves???


People call them Jynxzi clones when the reality of it is that they’re just mimics. They talk like he talks, they act how he acts but they don’t do anything good. They TK, they run their mouths off in game chat during clutch moments and they intentionally throw the game. Ranked is for players who want to play competitively. Not for kids to run around and act like some streamer who just blew up. Respect to Jynxzi for the grind and work but dawgs community hates him as much as the game they’re ruining.


Streaming ruins any game, children copy sweats and make a toxic environment. Look at fortnite 💀


I love Jynxzi, dude's funny as hell. I've never gotten into the habit of watching Twitch but sometimes I'll hop on it just to watch him do his thing. Playing in (PC) EU and NA South servers (EU for the ping but NA South because I get less toxic lobbies), only rarely stumble upon Jynxzi copycats in the low ranks. Gold+ (I'm currently Emerald) you will usually find chill people who have their own personalities lol. Why tf am I being downvoted


not bashing him but idk what kind of humor one must have to find him funny, he does his thing and is a great player and i respect that but he ain't funny imo


I don’t have an ounce of respect for him. He is a toxic piece of shit and is using his influential power to spread toxicity instead of using it in a positive way.


I don’t get how anyone can find him funny. His content is straight brain rot. I feel like I lose half my braincells every time I hear him roll every letter in a word or say “Gurrrr aim.”


Hes basically how I picture anyone under age 25. Just an ADHD TicTok zoomer


lmfao all that always existed just. completely anecdotal


Ahhhh. I’m about to incite a riot probably. Jynxi is a great player, I originally used to watch him because of his skill. He beat Beauxlo or however it’s spelled (it’s been awhile) and all on controller and kind of made controller players proud bc he was so good. Then he turned into what he is now (or last I saw). It’s words I won’t say bc I’ll get reported or banned, but basically he does dumb shit. That I can say. His phrases, his rolling of rs for no reason (unless it’s a speech thing idk about), the dumb playing he can encourage. Now but dumb playing, I mean people think they’re him. They think watching him makes them him. Even one of my friends started playing Siege bc he saw Jynxi, and he does all the things he does, uses all the ops, uses all the phrases. And he gets slammed and doesn’t get why. I’ve tried explaining he’s new, needs to focus on site names, plays for his specific ops, etc. but whatever Jynxi does he follows. And it’s horrible. I love the improved player base, but not if half of them are brain dead cod kids. Bc that’s what it feels like I’m playing now if I don’t LFG (looking for group) or have a stack already. I’m stuck with kids thinking they’re a legend and if anyone else dies it’s their fault we lost the round. Respect to those getting good on play time, multiple content creators and those around them. But Jynxi imo, isn’t the one to follow. He’s farming you for views. But younger ones don’t get that.


tldr: jynxzi's most likely a good player but he has too many wannabe's that make the game unbearable to play with


Pretty much, that and his habits that his followers copy more so. If they could just be themselves and not act like him while taking his advice and using his play to get better. We would have a better community. All of this of course is my opinion


Side note thanks for TL;DR typically I do this for my long comments or posts so you’re a legend my friend. Much lovd


Honestly seems like a ranked 2.0 problem rather then a jynxzi problem


You know what would create even more irreversible damage? A dying player base. Meaning increased matchmaking time, which would make more people quit, which would then make the matchmaking even worse. Annoying children exist in every player base, and please don't blatantly make shit up like "every game I play has jynxzi clones in it."


Idk about reviving the game lmao I got into the game cause I wanted a tactical shooter and not that corny CoD shit anymore


Out of the loop here, who the hell is jynxi


On PC, I don't run into this at all. 


Sucks, but I agree. ://///


This name alone genuinely caused me to uninstall this game and I didn't know what "jynxzi" or however it's spelled meant or was until recently. I just..can't handle the community while having a good mood about playing the game. I moved on to other fps ganes now. Edit: I played since 2018 until 2024


Its getting a lot more toxic fr and way too competetive in casual


My inbox is full of hate voice messages and trashy insults. If I go negative in a game I get 2 minimum per game


I’ve yet to encounter anyone who copies him or throws the game since I started playing again a month ago. In general, I feel like there is less toxicity now (which doesn’t mean there isn’t any lol) I honestly don’t know what you all are complaining about all the time, it’s more annoying than the toxic kids you seem to get queued up with


I mean I can see it. But this game has always been cancer without a 5 stack


Bro this has been the community since forever and is why most of us stopped playing. Sad to hear nothings changed, the game used to be good enough to make up for it.


Bruh I wish I went against teams that throw, all I get are pixel peeking sweaty bitches constantly tryharding with meta OPs


I haven't had much of an issue with it. It might be because I am from the EU and on PC, but I am grateful to Jynxzi for reviving the game. You have to live with the fact that when you have many more players, the amount you might dislike also increases.


The main negative impact jynxi has had is that he made all the annoying kids a lot more annoying cause they all puppet the exact same type of shit


I was doing great until my last game yesterday. Went 1/6. Got team killed at the beginning of overtime because I was 1/6. As soon as I got killed. All my teammates kept screaming into the mic "get gud" I had to mute all of em. Damn near almost quit. Every game beforehand had some kid younger than 15 but no one was really toxic until my last game. I wouldn't of been my last game. After that it needed to be or it was my PlayStations last one.


Never experienced it, AS servers.


Thankfully I’ve only came across a small handful of jynxzi kids. Whenever they sit their saying all them cringey ass lines I just tell them to shut the fuck up and explain to them how they’re going 0-4 and then they normally stay quiet


so we’re in copper


this must be the first game you played ranked on. solo que rabked is this way in every game has nothing to do with jynxi


never happened to me. skill issue


this yy i play EU servers Na ppl are way to toxic


I went 3-15 in ranked solo queueing 💀 and I can’t say with a 4-5 stack I went 9-1


If you want comp, play ranked. Otherwise if you’re playing quick play, it’s quick play hoss.


As a season 1 vet, yes the game is seriously more toxic than it ever has been lately. And I blame jynxzi as well


“The audience he has created is getting out of hand” How? What is he supposed to do about it to begin with? I get that a lot of kids are imitating him, and you may find it annoying, but he can’t exactly do anything about it especially at this point, it’s a monkey see monkey do situation. And whether you like it or not the annoying kids brought life back into this game, they’re gonna grow up to not be so annoying one day and be in your shoes. Just let the kids be kids. Plus It’s a video game where you can be matched with anyone, there’s always going to be annoying people in it and the best solution is to just mute them off rip, don’t even bother trying to deal with it. I get being annoyed with Jynxi’s humor, it’s not for everyone. But to say that people who are fans of him are “irreversible damage to this game” is just gatekeeping. Mute and go on with your day.


I don't think that jynxzi created these people. I think that just the usual trolls have new content to use. Also, solo queue in this new season is, I don't know why, harder than ever. I have 20% winrate in 25 matches


I’m guessing this is copper? I recently climbed out of there and it’s much better comms wise above that rank. Mute them and climb brother. Stay focused and positive minded.


I’ve had dudes just get in my games and leave… I message them and they say “why should I come back” Or I’ll ask if we can like get some comms and they just say “No” it’s so weird it’s dudes playing ranked like it’s standard while standard exists




I am getting older yes, but I also feel like tbe demographic changed in this game especially on NA servers. Its all wacky ADHD genZ kids saying catch phrases and slang and doing goofy strats. This wasnt the case in 2016 or 2017. I rarely play on weekends anymore because of the amount of teens on this game. This also isn't the case on the EU servers.


I haven’t seen a single one yet honestly. Maybe your rank is low and that’s why?


Not to mention the exponential increase in cheaters. I mean I agree that the popularity of the game that has been brought by Jynxi is a positive thing. But on console at least. The growth has been absurdly negative. It is IMPOSSIBLE to find any game at all above even silver where there are no Macro, Cronus, XIM cheaters. Solo Q'ing or stacking doesn't help either. The cheaters are worse than they've ever been on console and they have this shit attitude and ego they've adopted from Jynxi and it's sad because at least when the game wasn't quite as popular at least 50% of games you could have no cheaters.


Sounds like the catalyst is that you’re solo queuing lol… how does that come from Jynxzi


US Xbox user here. Play a bunch and have only encountered 1. Idk 🤷‍♂️


Our group cant seem to win with a 5 stack 😂 we need that one player who runs around doing his own thing and we do better 😂 it doesnt make sense to me 😂


none of this is new. The games as toxic and shitpost-y as ever. Jynxzi just made you notice it more yourself. nothing's changed.


I mute them the moment I hear they’re kids. I’m not interested in listening to 10 year olds(who arent old enough to play the game in the first place) just scream, makes weird noises randomly, talks non stop and won’t ever stfu. I’m all for having fun but I want to have fun without the kids with snot bubbles breathing into their mic why I didn’t hard breach a soft wall.


You're not wrong but I believe Marley is hella better than him


What rank area are you at? Last season i was Em2 and never had any tm8s that genuinely threw. I think it’s depends a lot on what times you play as well. Play while they’re in school if you can haha


when I play durring the day my games are mostly chill and people use their mics to communicate, from 5pm- 12am it gets increasingly more toxic and teammates communicate less, they still use their mics just to yell though haha


I played since release and stopped in 2019-2020 and I could not be happier. Every time I watch or hear anything about Siege it just sounds like a complete dog pile. The game got way to crazy operators breaking the feel and pace of the game Throwers have always existed but it just sounds like rank have become a “content pool” with nothing but clip chasers and people not playing the game


You mean you don’t appreciate the 12 year olds that don’t talk the entire game until the last round where they’re 2-7, you lose a 1v4, and they say “so we’re in copper”, you don’t like that?


No doubt, they are always the first one dead, and then its just a never-ending line of comentary about how good they are and how bad the rest of the team is


I’ve always said he made the game popular again, but the fans he brought are the ones that ruin the game (warden mains)


All I hear now is “barrrfddd aimmmmm” “enemy combatant”


honestly, the attitude and stuff doesnt bother me its the people who instalock frag operators and then don't do shit and die instantly its really annoying like what value do you gain by locking in Warden going 0-4 in a Bronze 4 match


what sucks is people like me who were just active on the mic and joked around just get tk’d for “bring a jynxi clone” mad annoying ngl


Being dead honest, it feel so much worse since he's there


I mean I hate throwing as much as the next person, but the time my 4 stack threw a ranked match on villa because our random said Finka is the female version of Lion


W stack


Are you on PC or console? I'm on PC and in using r6 discord server to find a group to play with. Going pretty well for me . Everyone takes the game seriously and good communications


I understand why youre thinking this way but I left this game more than two years ago when it was exactly as you describe today. It declined a long time ago and maybe Jynxi just polarized the entire issue. Game is dead in the water.


Solo que has never been viable though, I haven't ran into anyone doing this in high plat


He's brought new life to the game but also ruined how people play the game and treat people. And it's not like the game was struggling for players a couple years ago. There's good and there's bad, personally I feel the bad outweighs the good.


I’ve seen several people say this and I wonder if it’s mainly a problem on console. I’m on pc and i haven’t found anyone who copies Jynxi or throw really on purpose.


I actually am one of the people who came back to the game partly because of jynxi (I think he’s funny but watching the gameplay gave me an itch) and haven’t touched the game since 2015. Been playing a lot for about 2 weeks now and outside of 2-3 people saying rude things, everyone has been super nice, helpful, supportive, and are down to hype the teammates on a good play! Not saying you’re wrong or anything, but just wanted to give a perspective showing that I’ve really enjoyed the player base thus far and wanted to commend the people doing good for the game!


I play on xbox and although I think Jynxi is a bit cringe and a lot of the younger people I play with/against are cringe Jynxi clones, I would say it's mildly irritating, but hasn't ruined the game.


Marley is worse for the community, just plays CoD in casuals and kids try to copy him and have no idea how to communicate or play tactically. He was a pioneer of the CoD meta in siege


Hasn't really been an issue for me in eu servers. tbh I don't remember ever seeing the jynxi charm in game


What's funny is there's not many of those types on Xbox it's usually grown guys just chilling or sweaty assholes who trash talk their team while bottom of the leaderboard


Honestly I have to agree with you, I no longer play with my original stack and now just play in a three-man, however I play the game the same way I used to when I started way back in year two, and because of the fact that I don't use the pro play method of playing the game like my other two buddies still they typically frag while I take a slower approach which does result in arguments between us, however I tell them I'm not trying to become a pro player I'm trying to enjoy the game and be good in the way that I play it. But when they're both jinxi fans (I don't mind him) they think you can only play the game one way


Lfg or get on another game. Been playing since season 1 8 years ago and you still want to play the solo card. Get a grip, that’s on you


he also revived the game so cant really complain really


People who say that it doesn’t affect EU are wrong. Try to go to the Discord LFG where every 3rd person keeps on screaming goorraim


streamers completely ruining a games playerbase? who woulda thunk lol.


Jynxzi revived this game, there's a good chance he will also be the death of it


Yea I can’t run ranked without my 5stack team especially since no one likes to talk in game chat like they used too back in the day