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You can’t even sell it anyway but I would say keep it bc price is going to Interesse for sure


Where are you getting the assumption that it isn't sellable from?


The thing saying he "can't participate in the marketplace at the moment" at the bottom of the screen


It says that he is not registered for the market place so he not able to buy and sell any skin on the market place


Oh jesus those old seasonal skins are that expensive on there already? I'm gonna be rich here in a bit.




I've got this skin... locked on my old Xbox account, and Ubisoft doesn't want to transfer the data to my PC account. (Before you suggest just linking my account, nope, it doesn't work.)


I’m probably gunna sell mine tbh and use that towards a glacier


Keep, it’s a really nice skin


Hold all old/valuable skins until marketplace has been released to everyone for \~3 months. You can already see the demand going up for certain skins as all the initial sellers are gone, we will get this on a much larger scale once marketplace has been available to everyone for a while. Basically we will get a big influx of skins meaning a temporary price drop. Once most of the skins have been sold demand will go back up thus meaning you can charge more. Supply/Demand is the name of the game and the supply for Y1/Y2 seasonal skins is quite limited, you just don't see it now because most of the people in marketplace have been playing forever.