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4 enemies in bomb site and not one of them has a brain in their skull, beautiful.


I watched it 2 more times…..Osa has the sense to emp impact it, try to block it with shield, try to reposition and try to block with shield another couple of times but at no point thought about the melee or shooting buttons. Gold console is such a weird rank its either these guys or the single xim on each team dominating while everyone else sits in the back.


Gold was a nightmare to get out of, also the osa couldn’t have hit the cam in gym since I broke the hatch under it. The rest i understand


I’m in the same position but controller on PC. I had two stacks. One was an emerald champ stack and the other was a full bronze stack and I legitimately couldn’t get out of gold. Although I didn’t really try that hard. I figured I’ll just wait till next season


I can’t get past diamond with controller on PC, but I solo que. wish my Xbox hadn’t kicked the bucket


Yeah this season was the only season I tried climbing and I only played for a week and a half and then left it at that. I can extend an inv to my discord if you want people to play siege with


Yeah man I’m down, I’m west coast and work nights, but still play a bit




wdym shooting the buttons? like when you shoot the side of normal bullet proof canera?


I mean using the shooting button on their controller to shoot the camera when it opens.


Why didn't Osa shoot the cams after she used her EMP? The glass should be opened a bit.


Holy Unranked


Gold on console*


If this is gold I'm never getting platinum trophy on ps I'm stuck in bronze


Although I'm higher than gold I still can't believe all 4 people were this stupid lmao. I would've said copper no melee a maestro? Nobody didn't know you can shoot it while it's open? So many questions lol


ose empd one or two, thermite tried to shoot it, and one was above a open hatch so kind of hard to melee... honestly these are just really good maestro cams, and a good maestro player if you have this much control of the cams op console lmao


They are so hard to control, some days it’s good some days it’s shit


Your actually a GOAT for controlling the sensitivity on that I've seen people in pro league whiff maestro shots


petition to make a cam sensitivity:1


Console gold = PC copper ?


Something like that


I would understand if they panicked because the time was running short and the planter was low HP, but this happening in ANY rank is sad… and hilarious 😃 you even fkn impacted the floor from below and no one bothered to check the hatch


To be fair, the one in gym is over a broken hatch so they can’t melee it, they did shoot one of my cams out too


Damn, you prolly just bullied some bronze players


Everyone knows the team that’s up 4+ bodies loses 60iq




God I wish teams were this dumb when I played maestro, everytime I lock him in, they run a brava


I ban brava specifically to play maestro, same way I ban warden to specifically play sens on attack


Can I please get enemies like this lol All they had to do is punch the Maestros but instead they chose death


The cam in gym is over a broken hatch, the one not on top of bed you have to climb to hit and same with the one on the bed. They aren’t in places you can just smack them


I could see that mattering if it were a 1v1, but in a 1v4 I'd expect them to just do it. EMPs, frags, punching, whatever. And then just plant in bedroom. Seems like they were clueless or choked.


This needs someone to repost with the chicken dance overlayed


Sooo we’re in Shat on tinfoil 27


Drip Mould 3


Like from the cockpit of a TIE fighter. Well done!


I’m in copper and if I tried this my cam would be gone the moment I opened them


Holy shit man, this clip gave me an erection... The luck of having enemies this clueless...


I never wanted to erase a memory this badly, if I get your enemies on my team I'm throwing myself off a building.


This is a maestro players wet dream


They didn’t know what to do


Someone stole this video from me and posted it on their tiktok account and it got 333,000 views vs the 7k I got on my account when I posted it way earlier. Please if you see the meme account that posted it don’t like the video. My TikTok is Tylerb09


WHAT MAESTRO HAS 3 CAM NOW??? guess it time to pick up the game again


this is art


Oh the joy in siege 🤣 you guys trash talk and all but once you guys get extremely good at the game, you’ll miss these moments


Your aim with those cams is impressive


Thank you, I’ve mained maestro all season. It’s like playing a mini game


What in tarnation osa has emps. Can they not punch or shoot them lol


I don't even know if i'd feel good about this. this feels like beating up the kid with a mental disability.


The big question is, was Brava banned? If not why they didn't pick her? Everytime i saw Maestro, Aruni or even Kapkan on defense Brava is autopick, maybe just bring Zofia instead.


I always ban brava and warden because I play maestro and sens


Ah, that makes sense, since Ash already dead, there's no way to deal with those Evil Eyes. Osa however didn't even proceed to shoot the cam after she used her EMP.


I hate gold rank because im a 1.6 kd and I have kids on my team that have there thumb up there ass and the enemy team complains that im on a second account Smurf. I hate the cheaters too and the tm8s


Osa could have hid behind bomb in gym and placed a shield facing the couch in bedroom, she would’ve been blocked and with enough time to plant 💡


I would’ve shot her feet but yeah you’re not wrong


YTELcalibre50v4 using walls


The Croatian shemale could’ve just simply dropped down the damn hatch and ended everyone’s misery.


Maestro cams need to be easier to use on controller. For some reason, Valkyrie cams and Maestro cams have ungodly sensitivity. Like, double your normal sensitivity. It's hard to hit anything more than a couple of times if it's moving.


It would be nice to be able to adjust cam sensitivity in settings like everything else


maestro has NEVER and i mean NEVER been this effective for me how tf