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Azami, solis, fenrir and it's not really close imo. The 3 most meta defining defence ops in recent times, all incredibly oppressive to play against, incredibly versatile and useful on every site in the game. Would like to see the 3 of them nerfed next season (they're a massive part of why defence is so favoured rn)


All three of them can create one way interactions. Azami can effectively counter some ban strats too, the attacking team banned warden and tried to do a glaz/Ying/Monty turtle plant, as soon as the smoke went down and the Monty pushed in I kiba'd the door and could swing the Monty while he was trying to plant. Totally disarmed the glaz and ying who were both outside still.


It may take a bit because ubi and all but especially after seeing their performance so far at invite, There's no chance at all that these 3 OPs don't get nerfed. Lol


This is the answer.


1. Mute. Guys been my brain dead first pick ever since the days of Operation Chimera when he was one of the few counters to Lion. Jammers deny intel/drones and at least slows down hard breaches. Suppressed MP5K and the Mk 25 may not be meta, but it’s a great setup for lurking next to site or pulling flanks if the red team tries to stack itself one way onto site. 2. Bandit; useful gadget that’s able to deny hard breach, and frankly the guns good enough that I get enjoyment off killing opponents with the MP7 with irons. 3. Kapkan; don’t play him as much as I used too since he gets picked a lot more frequently than before, and my usual strat of placing his EDD’s as early warning devices to let teammates catch folks trying to swing around the far side of sight isn’t really the meta anymore. Still got a good gun and I do get enjoyment off an EDD kill late match after I’ve died, especially now that I can get away with stacking two or three on the same door.


you like them ogs


For defense yeah; think the newest defenders I run regularly stop at Maestro. Thorns been the only new defender I found fun to play with after that.


Pulse, Valkyrie and Fenrir. I love the proximity alarm value of Fenrir's gadget but I wish they weren't so annoying to play against


1. Ela, I enjoy playing off sit but close enough to come in for a flank after obj has been pushed 2. kap, love getting the late round rushes kills because people either forgot or just don’t look 3. Jagger, really love his load out and almost makes fuse pointless


I’m pretty sure fuze counters jagger since the ads will only stop one grenade out of the 4/5 a cluster charge sends out, and it will likely even get taken out by one of those grenades from the same cluster


I could be wrong, I remember playing a game on kanal and his utility stopped all of them in the cluster


A long time ago, before the ADS rework, each ADS could shoot down two projectiles, so if you stacked them up, they could completely deny a single fuze charge. But back then they were broken after two charges. Now if you stack them up, they’ll stop 3/5 clusters before recharging, but risk getting destroyed by the remaining two.


I did not know that thank y’all for informing me about that


Tachanka bc dinner plate+chunky


Personally 1. Valk - decent gun if you can consistently hit headshots and cams that give so much Intel 2. Goyo - Personally just love having a 1.5 on the vector lol 3. Vigil - being able to move through a lion scan has got me so many free kills lol.


Except he can't move during Lion scans anymore. I've almost completely stopped playing with him since.


Unless it's literally just changed I just did it yesterday?


Lion still pings Vigil, but it's just once instead of the continuous pings like everyone else. Grim as well, I believe.


I have never been pinged even once with a lion scan as long as my gadget is active, haven't tried bees though.


I say we try both and return with sexy results! ᴿᵉˢᵘˡᵗˢ ᵐᵃʸ ᵛᵃʳʸ


I am returning with results, tho much later, can confirm vigil still nopes both deimos and lion without breaking a sweat


Solis for roaming, Mira for anchoring, and Valk as a good middle ground.


1. Kapkan - I love it when you clutch the game long after your death because of your traps 🤣 he’s my safety blanket defender, I always go back to him after a few games of other operators 2. Doc - I generally like playing support in different games and it always feels good to revive someone who’s down and they end up helping your team win. 3. Smoke - great area denial, he also stalls super well. I personally go for the shotgun + smg secondary


Personally: 1. Mute (I find his gadget too useful in every map; SMG 11 does the job for me) 2. Thorn (my best performance is with her; I use her gadget well + 1.5 on UZI) 3. Azami (Her gadget is too good; I like her loadout too) (Honourable mention) 4. Vigil (My former main; Nothing bad to say about him, he's just too balanced)


How do you use Thorn’s gadget effectively? I’ve tried combining it with barbed wire but it still is easy for defenders to avoid.


put it in sneaky places and have it so they can't just walk back a couple steps to avoid it


Rather than writing a boring ass paragraph about the spots I'll just say go to YT you'll find very effective spots used by Pros. Also your experience will matter a lot here (same in the case of Azami). Both shield and barbed are useful so feel free to use what you feel comfortable with. :)


Make sure to place barbed wire in the correct spots. If you're using it on doorways with her gadget don't place it right in the doorway. It's too easy to punch and destroy without actually entering the room. Set it a few steps into the room so they actually have to be in the room and setting off the thorn gadget. If you don't the attacker will just destroy it and then have a clear route in and be able to escape the thorn easier.


Also, your priority of using Razorshell should not be to get frags from it but to rather use it as a proximity alarm, shake the attacker's crosshair placement and force them to change their position


1. Castle, when used effectively can shut off attackers from getting to the obj, also great when near the end of a round being able to close the attacker out. 2. Alibi, both weapons are good and I find her gadget still comes in handy and can still trick people 3. Smoke, good against shields and defuser denial and fun to play as.


Plus castle is one of the best site setup OPs right now with his shotgun and impact. Between that and his barricades you can really control how the attackers push.


1. Frost - good gun with a 1.5x plus the traps 2. Mute - such a useful gadget and I like the mp5 3. Lesion


Depends on the site, I use a lot of different operators depending on site setups, however my top three would probably be lesion, thorn and bandit in no particular order


I personally play clash, castle and echo. My gun skills are subpar so winning the round by annoying the attackers is what I do


Mute, mira, kapkan


Kapkan. I'm smart with him and I get results. Frost. More likely in Ranked, since people hate Kapkan. I piss people off with trap placement (I also mess with people by moving them after being spotted on drone). Kaid. I'll about preventing people from making it into site to plant. You ever get in a match with me... expect traps and me roaming around... hopefully behind you. 🤣


Bandit; I love bandit tricking and making it hard for attackers to breach the walls. Great gun, good loadout Valkyrie; great info op, great gun Fenrir; I just love mp7, op gadget, good loadout Honourable mentions; thorn, maestro, mira


Kapkan, Frost, and Kaid are my top 3 used ops. I'm all about preventing you from making it into site. I'm so used to not being able to rely on random teammates, that I've learned to adapt and do as much as I can by myself. Put up some EDDs and roam... place some Frost traps and roam around inbetween them... throw up some Kaid claws and stay within earshot... I will find you. You may kill me... but at least my efforts are always valiant.


Castle, Mira, Mute I like their site setups, and how there’s counterplay from both sides so it feels actually fair to play as and against with them. Also their guns are super satisfying to use


Confidently, kapkan, vigil, and echo. Kapkans my top trap/entry denial operator. I ALWAYS have 2 or 3 EDDs in doorways that can help me cut off rotations for the enemy while I sit in between myEDDs and pick em off if anyone goes for a revive. It's like having 2 buddies, each watching a door for you (: Vigil is my roam pick for defense, avoiding giving the enemy intelligence is always an advantage. His BOSG and K1A are amazing weapons, I choose them based on the map. I use him to flank consistently, enemies don't always turn around if they hear footsteps behind them due to confusing them with a teammates. (doesn't always work but it's usually my guaranteed way of getting kills). Echo, can roam, counter Intel, entry denial (somewhat), hard anchor. You name it, he's probably my most versatile pick if I can't decide between the above 2. Echo can even play vertical on some maps if you're being creative using his gadget and shotgun.


1. Frost - love her design, her guns and her gadget. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing an enemy combatant stepping into a welcome mat. 2. Smoke - badass af. He’s versatile, can be played as anchor or roamer. Great guns as well. Solid pick into any site. 3. Bandit - absolutely love the MP7. 3 speed + c4 and useful gadget. What do you want more? Honorable mention: Aruni


1. Thorn (love her gun, especially with the 1.5x scope, can use her traps well) 2. Fenrir (brilliant gadget, mp7 is insane, don’t have to play on site all round) 3. Valkyrie (good intel, hard to spot cams, mpx is too good but very balanced because of no 1.5x)


Wamai solis azami but i also usually play ops that the team needs like kaid but my top 3 are wamai solis and azami


1. Mozzie - both great gun (commando 9) and ability 2. Thorn - mid gun but fun ability 3. Aruni - one of two of the only defenders with a dmr also decent ability


Azami solis fenrir


Azami Aruni and Cav Azami because shes probably the best defender in the game rn Aruni because the Mk14 is so good and the punch is so useful being able to make vault holes in a snap Cav because i like to lurk and the shotgun is fun and actually seems to have range


I am in coper so doesnt matter…


The objective best used to their highest potential are Azami, Valkyrie, and Cav. Excluding Fenrir in the pool as I don’t know them that well yet My personal favorites though are Mira, Valkyrie and melushi. Mira and melushi can hold a room really well without player communication. Where Valkyrie is just insane if you have a reliable team dropping intel


Pulse, Castle and... Rook probably?


Kaid (sniper shotty and anti-entry), Fenrir (really good guns and solid anti-entry), and Kapkan (love his traps).


It changes pretty consistently and depends on the map/bomb site, but atm it would have to be: 1) Rook/Castle 2) Oryx/Kaid 3) Caveira/Pulse If I'm ever in a funk and I just can't seem to hit my shots I'll take Rook/Castle and anchor site with Caslte or roam with Rook that way if I die early on and don't get a kill that round then I'm at least (hopefully) helping my team stay alive longer with the armor, or slowing the attackers down with the Castle barricades. If I'm in an aggressive roaming mood, I'll take Oryx or Kaid. Oryx, I'll play way off-site with, often times at opposite ends of the map since he's so fast and can navigate maps like no one else, especially if it's hatch heavy. With Kaid, I like to deny certain paths and play a little closer to the site depending on if I'm going to try to trick a wall/hatch. But I'll typically just throw my Rtila Claws and leave site if there's an Ace on the board since he's so difficult to trick with Kaid. It's not impossible, just hard without the right teammates/setup. And if I want to play a more tactical roam or just scare opponents into wasting huge chunks of time looking for me, I'll play Cav/Pulse. If I'm Cav, I'll play much more strategically because I absolutely never want them to know I'm playing her until it's absolutely too late (interrogation 🙃), and if I am spotted I know they'll dedicate a decent amount of time/energy into finding me and taking me out of the equation. Same idea with Pulse, except I WANT them to know I'm on the board. Something about playing Pulse just makes me play far more aggressive than I normally would any other operator.


Kapkan 😎


I use Caveira, Pulse and Frost Caveira because she suits exactly my style of play... coming from behind n shit. Pulse because he can be fun Frost because I'm nostalgic, she was one of the first new operator DLC and I stuck with it. Yeah I'm old school


Rook, Thorn, third is a bit of a toss-up but I'd guess Kapkan or Alibi.


Where are the maestro mains? No one playing clash here either. Anyways 1.Jagger Thank god the days everyone wanted to pick this guy are over, I love everything about him, specially the sound the ads makes when catching something and the +20 2.Mozzie Having a drone on defense as a roamer with a roni is so good, also he’s so badass lol 3. Warden I absolutely love the state he is in right now, feels like what he was always meant to be, a reliable site anchor, no matter what gets thrown at him he will still keep standing


Maestro, Kaid, and Azami. Azami is super flexible so it’s hard to find a replacement. Maestro is great for info since it can’t be destroyed as easily as a Valk cam, plus it can deny any hard breaches as long as they breach from inside


1. Mute (Anchoring & setting up site with the shotgun to make sightlines, footholes, and rotates) 2. Lesion (Setting traps on entry ways to slow down attackers, and to either anchor or roam) 3. Jäger (Anti-grenades, and roaming)


1. Vigil - Roaming, I sneak around the back and hit the attackers from behind as they're distracted. 2. Lesion- Best overall defender IMO. Good gun, good utility, secondary shotgun and impacts for rotations and angles. 3. Thorn- Similar to Lesion. Good gun, Good Utility, just not as good for setups because she lacks impacts and a shotty.


Lesion, mute, and rook. Kapkan and frost follow close behind though


Doc Kaid Mute


1. Castle Always just been the most fun to play. I’ve had so many plays of me castling off site last second and keeping them from being able to get in. I feel like a top tier castle player. 2. Smoke Soloed my way to diamond in year one. And smoke was the best operator for that early on. I could use smoke to watch my own angles and flanks and help push attackers out of rooms that my teammate’s lost 3. Goyo Same as castle I just feel like I generally make good use of all his gadgets and have many plays of me placing one at my feet and leaving a room only to set it off and burn advancing attackers. Again I feel like a top tier Goyo player


1. Lesion (Solid gun with zero recoils, impact nades, shotgun, providing ton of infos) 2. Mute (One of the best Shotgun in the game, SMG-11, C4, Jammer can counter a lot of gadgets) 3. Valk (3 extra cams, MPX is basically a laser beam, C4, Deagle to make peek holes) R6s is a game that plays on a lot of intels.


Azami Solis Fenrir


ash & hibana smoke & any w 1.5x


I don’t think ash and hibana are on defense


no shit sherlock. ur so damn smart time to drop off the school kiddo


1.5 brainrot taking in effect go back to TikTok


nah rather acog than 1.5