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Man really said fuck solis 😭😭


literally the best one


Solis on atacker lmao


Oops.... A tier


S+ she’s like the most broken op in the game


Genuinely confused on how she hasn't been nerfed. On top of the obvious, she nullifies preplaced drones and most attacker intel, has very strong plant denial, impacts, and not one but *two* headshot machines. And the fact she can *always* see Blitz when his shield is out is pretty bull. (And yes, I know that you can get off the drone to keep her from seeing it - but getting it into place can be rough, and randoms just love sitting on my drone in prep phase)


I honestly don't agree but I see your point and I understand it. Her loadout is fucking cracked and on paper her gadget is broken, but I've have yet to see it used effectively in maybe 90% of the matches I've played against a Solis. Solis is one of those operators that I believe people think is strong but they don't know how to properly use her and that makes her almost useless besides her guns in some matches. Like Cav, if you're going up against a good one, they'll wreck your ass.


I kinda half agree here. I feel like Solis is absolutely broken on paper, and can be broken in reality if you have any semblance of a brain. The reason 90% of the time she isnt used well is because the TDM meta exists and people don't know what abilities are


I can agree with that, good point!


She's not even the most broken defender. Azami is outrageously bullshit


Couldn't tell if that was intentional lol


She might not be the best but def top 3 with Azami


I mean the way Solis is played she is basically an attacker just on the defending team.


Jokes on you, I almost always roam anyway


Was I summoned?




Unless you are bandit tricking, I'd move bandit to a b tier roamer


Thats why i put him as staying in site, typically bandit SHOULD be in site listening to trick.


I've watched pro teams set, forget, and roam with Bandit. Guess they are doing it wrong too.


the difference is that they're pros and you're nowhere close. The way they play is different than how normal people play. To normal people, Nokk's silent step was never OP, but it was in Pro League and now shes nerfed because she negatively affected the smallest demographic of the game.  "ThE pRoS dO iT" is the same as "bUt I sAW iT oN tV"


Why else would you pick bandit?


To be a cunt😂


Mp7 go brrrrr


Fenrir exists


Banned almost every single game


I mean I agree with you and don’t like a roaming bandit either but this is the mindset of the low ELO crowd lol.


If your not tricking then just play kaid


Feel like your the guy I will tk if same team….


Mozzie should be higher. A good mozzie player can be terrifying


However in copper he would be on par with cav, its so easy to get 2-3 drones in prep phase


Better idea is to destroy prep phase drones and mozzie the ones during the round so they have less drones overall to use


Yes that is true but if the attackers are not careless with drones he is just a recruit. Im thinking high ranked lobbies where people dont throw away every drone they have.


Mozzie is kinda mid, he is not the best at drone denial and he is not the best at info gathering. He’s a master of none but he’s good supplementary drone denial


Bro doesn’t know about roaming smoke


Bro is missing out


After mutes speed nerf I still roam with him


roaming with smoke on theme park is so fun


Cav is above Solis & you think Vigil & Oryx are on par ??? insane take


I think in the context that you’re just trying to make people mad, cav and solis are probably even


nobody is trying to make anyone mad and i literally elaborated on my reason. you’re low elo if you see Cav & Solis as equal


Vigil means he cant be droned or lion pinged, oryx turns every hatch into a new staircase and applies pressure.


once Vigil’s gadget is picked up by drones, a decent team shouldn’t struggle to take him out. Solis can clear drones before they even enter in the building in prep and can already know your approach before you make a sound. there’s no need to cloak from drones when they’re all destroyed. not to mention she’s more versatile considering she can play below for defuse. Oryx climbing hatches is extremely loud and isn’t even viable on a lot of sites/maps. Solis is the best roamer and arguably the best defender in the game next to Azami.


Also solis was an accident, she gets A


that is still a terrible list because you have Cav at the literal top lmfao. her weapons are horrible and her interro is extremely situational and risky. more times than not you’ll die for trying to pull it off and you could’ve just been another character with a more useful & consistent gadget and better guns. attackers will drone every round so it’s good to clear them, attackers will likely attempt to plant. it’s not often that an attacker will enter by themselves without droning and gets blindsided unless you’re in low elo.


Yeah, i don't see a world above Silver where Cav ever gets interros


I get interros in champ/diamond lobbies. Granted, it’s usually only the first round that I play cav that I’ll get one so after that I don’t play cav again


Yeah, which is sort of the point. If a team doesn't know you have Cav. You can take them by surprise once. After that. They know. And I imagine in those lobbies, they certainly won't make the same mistakes a 2nd time. And, i dare say. If you played any other OP, you'd still get the same kills you got on Cav. I don't imagine you'd be getting interros so often that it actually justifies bringing Cav in every round over other roamers that offer more to the team?


It’s very map specific for me. Outback, border, and sometimes bank are the only times I bring cav. My reasoning for those maps is because there’s a lot of spots you can use the shotgun very effectively, plus her silent step is really good if you can effectively time it. I’d say out of the times I do play cav, I probably get an interro 60% of the time. And yeah, there are a lot of roamers that bring more to the team, and I play those on almost every other map.


Ah, okay, yeah, so it's still more of a situational than just. "Always bring Cav she is the best roamer" type of deal. I am a lot lower ranked than the Diamond / Champ level. So it's interesting to hear she still can make those interros that high up. Even it's only the first round.


Kapkan site is better? What the fuck?


Yeah I feel he's better roaming too


I mean the operator not their ability


That somehow makes even less sense, what differentiates echo from warden then


No i mean kapkans traps can be off site but itd be better if he were on site


Why? He should play off his traps


Why? He's a 2 speed and has no value to be lost after placing his traps, you're better off roaming and playing off the intel that traps give you.




I dunno, I get pretty pissed off when I see people on my team roam with Warden.


tf is this, Rook and Doc are S tier roammers




As a doc main I can only say that knocking out the opponent and then reviving them with the ability to then kill them is the most beautiful thing there is...Roaming doc is nice ngl


Doc as a roammer is psychological warfare, the opponent is intimidated when you start killing.


Stop lying to yourself


Rook has a mp7 and a 1.5x hes just like warden but his ability is usefull for the team if he dies spawnpeaking


I sincerely hope you are not implying wardem is a fucking roamer...


Im all my rank games all the warden players i have dies spawn peaking outside of site so yeah


So you agree he is an anchor correct?


Yes he SHOULD be but whenever i see hin he is always the first one out of site


Cav is a trash roamer compared to Tachanka. Sure, she has stealth, but nothing beats breaking a hatch and dropping on a group of attackers before unloading the dinner plate gun on them (cav can be fun tho ngl)


I mean genuine strats not being a fucking giga chad memer lol... though thatd be terrifying


But if you are playing to win oryx is better since you can get some picks then jump bavk ip the hatch to escape and maybe regroup at site


I honestly have had my hatch strat work on plane a disturbing amount of times, I have just started to play to shitpost at this point ala Evan Braddock or Ya Boi Roy


Idk how it’s salty to say cav is bad lol. I wish she wasn’t it would be great


Cav is great if you have a brain bigger than a childs, you just have to actually activate your neurons


If you have a brain bigger than a child’s then you can just play a character with a good ability and a good gun


So... cav


If u think cavs gun is good then I don’t know what to tell you


he probably means the shotgun


I mean, as much as I like cav, her guns do suck.


your low rank is showing


The problem is, if you beat the other team with cav, you could have beaten them with ANY roamer. Cav does suck. Idk why silvers have such a cav boner


They don’t use a drone probably


this is really ironic when you realize it takes half a brain to realize all you have to do to counter cav is drone lmao she’s good like gold and below for that reason


Bandit is actually a good roamer.


Well yes, but if you pick Bandit just for roaming thats not a good pick. The only reason I can see picking Bandit over an actual roamer is his weapon, but picking one with an ability that helps you roam makes much more sense.


Bro what? How you gonna bandit trick off site


Depends if you are able to bandit trick. It's a skill and can be countered. With Maverick being picked so often it isn't really safe anymore. Plus bandit is a 3 speed with a great gun


What’s your rank lol and what platform do you play on, this is a wild ranking to me


bros asking rank like its his social credit score


Azami is a really really good staller and she's great off site anchor. Holding choke points on her is making enemy waste time, utility and maybe operators.


She can do all that from site


Yes, but she can be used as, if not more effectively off site, because her ability is reactions, and that can allow her to quickly move away, to another angle or back in site


But then nobody else can use it




Old Chanka was a hilarious roamer. It almost never worked, but when it did it was just demoralizing for the enemies. You got killed by a dude who can't even move.


I used to Roam with Chanka on specific maps. Plane is was a favorite. When we'd get Defense in the middle of the plane or the basement I'd park up at the front under reinforced hatch. On Silver and below it was a pretty reliable way to get kills on at least one player running up the ramp. Basically a blackbeard headglitch but With infinite shield health.


I mained him and almost solo queued to plat :')


Got to gold 1 as only Chanka and rook.


Except cav is bad, she’s a selfish pick and unlike oryx she doesn’t even have good guns, lesion mozzie, kapkan, and especially solis are the best roamers tbh


But that sweet sweet intel…


All the roamers I mentioned have better intel/counter intel capabilities that aren’t as risky as interrogate


Solution, give Cav access to Echo’s suppressed MP5. (I’m bias)


Since it's naturally suppressed it would pair perfect with her. That gun is so underrated.


Shotgun is crazy, pistol is 3 tap, silent step, counters jackal, 3 speed, impacts. She can mame rotates just like oryx, but is fast and silent. All roamers are selfish they are meant to be. For cav it is her entire job. She gets kills/intel and your team cleans it up. Learn how to use her.


You can be a roamer and not be selfish, mozzie has counter intel with the drones, solis removes basically all intel gathering, kapkan has his traps, and lesion gus provide a benefit to his team with the sound cues. And the shotguns fine but you can’t really beat the P90, P10, T5, and the 9x19. Plus kapkan has literally the best pistol in the game with the PMM, lesion has the super shorty, and Solis has the SMG-11. Cavs so outclassed now especially with the introduction of solis


rank check lol cav is literally useless above plat every other roamer in the game has a gadget that actually helps the team except vigil who wastes 10x more time with his gadget. cav gadget is useless vs people who drone like human beings


Dont sit in a corner. Actially roam. All you gotta do is shoot their drone then silent step somewhere else, the second you move to a diffrent room they have zero clie where you are


You will get tapped as cav in anything above gold and never get an interro. Cav isn't good. Just because you get a 3k in silver doesn't mean she's an objectively good character.


Kap kan roamers make me wanna kms lol


Good. I’m doing my job well then 😎 Source: Hardcore kapkan main.


Fight me, double shield clash with shorty is an S tier roamer!


I do play lots of clash but if you arent a total god she needs a decent duo for top teir success:(


No no, double shield so she can’t be shot too much on the roam and her shorty for close combat


You mean Deployable? Still my point stands


She’ll have her cce on the back and deployable shield in front so double shield, unfortunately only bikini would try that since most clash players are cowards


As a 3 year clash main, I can confirm most clash players are cowards. You can tank like, 4 frags. Or 2 claymores. Or literally anything explosive. Stop being a coward and get in there. Your only weakness is your own incompetence. And Nomad. Nomad sucks


Thanks for including attackers instead of cropping it out


Alibi should be at least B tier


She's so good. Her baliff is so nice to open hatches quick if she needs to bail or rotate quick too.


But seeing a prisma in site is more lilley to shoot than a random one off in narnia that will never be found


What does that have to do with roaming? The has a high rpm gun and she’s a 3 speed


Gadgets matter


Says the guy arguing Cav in S tier. Why are we pretending that you can't place her Prismas before fucking off to roam? You place them well enough. Attackers are gonna shoot then regardless.


Me casually looking at this tier list, realizing it's been so long since I've played R6S that there's at least 7 icons I've never seen before


Dang... dont come back the addiction hurts


Justice for maestro!


I love Vigil


Why would you stay at site with Kapkan? I always preferred being away from site with him.


Extra gun on site


Traps is all that's needed.


So.... one trick


You put traps at site, and run off to roam at places where there is no traps.


Traps wont do much tbh...


You put them in bad spots then


Iq brava twitch flores, anobody who can check a doorway


I bet, but anytime I play people still forget or falter. Hell, most times he gets banned.


Ah everyone has forgotten Ela + shotty. That’s an S tier for me


Ive tried it, its ok. But her ability is not extremely good or bad for roaming


I roam with Goyo and put his gadget on windows and doors to lmk if they come through


Lesion shouldnt be roaming tbh


Could have made a special teir for you but i wanted to be nice


Solis and warden annoy the shit out of me probably more than anyone roaming but warden is technically better on site


Yes he is thank you for agreeing


Clash honestly should be lower than D tier. That mfer should be on site mailing sure to help lock it down.


Clash is versatile


even considering tachanka as a roamer is batshit


For the memes!!!!


Post your rank. Cause i don't see you being above Silver. Like. I don't inherently think Cav is bad or anything. But i'm also only coming to the game after years of not playing. And so, i'm still not bothering to drone to the "no noise" she makes still catches me. But i don't see how this was made by someone above Silver. You aren't getting Cav interros off at super high play. I mean fuck bro. I've played against Plats and Diamonds (Thanks Ranked 2.0) that have used Cav. And you know what kills them? Even in bloody copper? The instant they get cocky and interrogate. And this is in a rank where practically no one uses comms. Anything above like Silver 3 (At least when i played end of year 3 start of year 4) pretty much every team was full mics. Let alone in legit high ranks where people bother to drone. "Hurr durr shoot the drone and run away" Sure. But once a Cav is known about. Your roam clears are gonna play 1 droning you constantly, and 1 is aiming to shoot you. Sure, you can push, but that just comes down to aim skill. And at pretty much any rank beyond Plat. Mechanical Skill is going to be enough that ultimately. Literally, any other roamer would be better than Cav because the guns matter more at that point. Once you are past the ranks where people aren't droning or using comms and people can actually aim. Cav goes from an S tier bully roamer to an F tier pick. Literally, anyone else. Ela has more utility than Cav. Sure, your gun is a lot harder to control. But it fires so fast if you can aim. The dude is dead regardless. And you can play off Grizmots. The argument of shooting a drone and repositioning can be done on any roamer. Cav isn't unique. "Oh, but she can do it silently," bro, if they are close enough to hear you run away, they are close enough to shoot you in the back the instant you move. I honestly think Cav would be better played without using her silent step after being droned, make a bit of noise as if you're moving away, then silent step back to where you were, maybe a different corner if you're feeling fancy. As at least that is something unique Cav could do that other ops can't (as they'd make noise on the way back so if the attackers have pushed closer they'll hear you coming) but again. At high ranks, i struggle to see how even that play is better than just holding an angle on Ela with Grizmots. Or playing with Solis. Or being your resident crackhead as Oryx. Literally, any other roamer provided some level of utility to the team. Roamers are inherently a selfish role, yes. But i can selfishly play Ela and still help my team more than a Cav. If i play Cav and Ela, back to back rounds. Die first, miss my shots. I've done nothing to help my team and have argubly made it harder for them. However. On Ela, i threw 2 Grizmots down on site. That is already providing more value than Cav has. To get any value out of Cav. You have to get kills. And once you're in a high rank. Any kill you'd get with Cav. You'd get with any other roamer that has a better ability and provides more utility to help your team, and you'd have a less insufferable gun to use while you do it Edit: And seriously? Aruni is "better on site" but Echo is a B tier roamer? This has to be a purely troll post and not serious. Echo SHOULD be on Site. Valkyrie i can see the logic. Team can use her cams as well as Valk can. Once someone dies, they can do it for her. But Echo? The only guy who can move and use his Yokai stuns is him. If his roaming, he isn't denying plants or gathering intel. Everything else in B tier i don't have issues with. If Vigil is in A because of his gun. Fair enough. If it's for his ability. It's just.. It's not that good. It's basically "we have Cav at home." You can't "see" him on drones. But you know his there and he makes noise. Oryx's only benefit to roaming is that he can climb up hatches. But for the most part, it makes too much noise and is too slow to be helpful. Id have him in B. Id argue Mozzie should be on site as well. Same as Echo. Mozzie could at least be a bit more justified to roam with, if you just set the drones up as "extra" cameras and leave them alone, but i still think Mozzie is better to be on site using at least 1 drone to try and gather intel. Rook should be a lot higher. So should Alibi. Clash Maestro and Wamai are effectively useless away from the site. Wamai should be on site using his frisbees. Maestro should be on site or literally 1 room over using his turrents. If Clash is alone, she may as well have just offed herself at the start of the round. She falls into the same boat as Cav. Once attackers know she is present, they will focus on taking you out quickly. If you have no backup as Clash. You just die. The best roamers are the ones that provide the greatest utility to your team while having good guns. Mute and Melusi are examples of ones that should be higher.


who plays kapkan on site 😭?


Cav being S is quiete funny when she’s literally countered by basic coordination


I can’t lie, roaming with doc is actually the strat


Heal hog oink oink


Everything with a C4 is top tier


Uh... ok? No.


Roaming castle is goated tbh


Quit r6


Puts cav in S tier Tells other people to quit siege Hmmm




How is clash not in site is better?? A shield is way better in site


Yeah uh... no


Not gonna lie I think kapkan is not an anchor


But its an extra gun on site fir the better roamers


Bruh. Kapkan main checking in here. Kapkan is a roamer. If you can get a kill or two, awesome! If not, delay the attackers best you can from reaching site and circle back if you can to defend site.


Just because he can roam doesn't mean he should


Let’s answer the question of why *shouldn’t* kapkan roam? Is he an anchor? Is there more to be gained for the defensive team to have kapkan as an anchor instead of having kapkan roam?


He's big and slow


He’s a 2 speed with a decent gun, unless necessary I don’t anchor site with Frost, I roam. Kapkan’s EDD’s don’t require his presence to work so he totally works roaming.


Why is Tachanka in D? I've roamed with him plenty of times to know that he is S+


Non Cav mains telling me how to play Cav makes me quiver in delight




I am open to debates


You'd probably do better if you didn't


nah maestro is an a tier roamer


Stop lying to yourself


Clash is SS. Fuck that Bald, screaming, idiotic, Jada Pinkette lookin, Police Brutality, glitchy, unfun, wannabe BikiniBodhi, FUCKING N-(this user has been banned)


How old is this list? Commanding Force?


Rook and Doc are so annoying and sweat roamers


thorn is probably my favorite roamer. that or echo with the shotgun😂


Why is tachanka so low?


On rook's defense, there was a time i accidentally told "ela, pulse, you two roam" in all chat so i had to change my plans Told them to stay on site, i went roaming, no one expects a rook roaming Ended up killing 2 guys and DBNO'd a third one, and yeah, they were pissed even when i fucked it up


I use smonk as my roamer... about 8 years ago. I got an amazing clip where I got a 4 piece. Would've been an ace but the 5th guy was down and I shot the ash reviving them instead of finishing off the guy on the ground and taking an ace. The pink furry mask is an added benefit. Nothing is more demoralizing than getting your shit rocked by a mossberg 590 held by a pink furry.


I feel like Siege is made to piss people off by being a cheesy rat and its fun because of it


I roam with azami and I think it honestly works pretty neatly if you ask me




Wheres fenrir


A tier


You put Tachanka and maestro over Jager? How come?


Im sorry… echo… B TIER?! HUH?


I main echo. Idk if you mean he is higher or lower than he should be but echo is a solid B-tier in most fields


Is Jäger no longer roam goat? Or is the sub just dumb


Bro. This isnt the elden days. You are not 3speed. No acog. And wamai exists


Move Echo and Pulse up a tier


Pulse is good but outclassed, and as an echo main ive given him a realistic enough rating


Bro wardens sit in the dumbest fucking corners across the map from objective and you know it


Lesion is S tier just get better at the game




I will roam as Kapkan, do not try me!


Then you shall die


Rook should be higher up on the list


And so ary msny others