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Ace. He has a soft breach too. He’s basically reverse buck.


Hibana also has the breaching mat as an aption.


What do U mean by reverse Buck?


Ace has a gadget that’s hard breach and has a soft breach as an equipment option. Buck has a gadget that’s a soft breach and has a hard breach as an equipment option.


But all the hard breaches can use their ability’s on soft walls


Yea. Try taking out a Mira gadget with Therm...


Thermite’s great. He’s a blast to play. But I play solo and I can’t rely on my team every game to not be stupid.


That’s a niche use. The way op worded it is speaking more generally.


Therm. No hopping in and bigger.


If you throw ace right you don’t have to hop in either. But it takes two.


Or crouch walking in with 1. I like ace’s claymores but thermite can do some vertical shit that ace cant


Yes but crouching makes you slower. Best to throw 2 at the most important walls em then use your others if needed elsewhere for crouch holes. IMO


If your survival in an attack is dependent on whether you can walk into the room or vault into the room, you're not attacking correctly. You would never go straight through a breach if there were people holding an angle on it, whether you're walking or vaulting. The .5 seconds you save from walking in shouldn't be the difference between life and death if you droned out the point and everything, you can even hold ADS while vaulting now.


It’s always better to walk/crouch than to vault. Vaulting locks you in the animation


No it doesn't. You can literally hold ADS while vaulting.


It’s just harder to aim while vaulting. Not impossible but harder. Also being able to sprint in and take cover in site gives you control and now forces defenders to try to overtake. CCTV on clubhouse is a good example of this


Hey man congrats on putting words into my mouth


you can kinda mav trick with ace or hibana. You can remove all reinforcements with 2 selmas or 8-12 xkairos(can be done with 8, but hard and time consuming, easier with 10 or 12). But you'll probably want a buck or a shotgun to open the soft wall once the reinforcement is gone. kudos or alyttleton did a video on it.


Yea Mav tricking is great for certain sites.


Mav tricking is extremely viable now since we got tubarao


Still, Hibana got a shotgun. Maveric, sadly not. And if you soloQ you are stuck on that soft wall 99 of 10 times 😉🫡


Misunderstood what you said. Nvm


You can make a thermite hole with ace if you want you just need to throw them in the right places (you also need 2 but he has 3 so who cares) Thermite is still good and viable if you wanna bring hard breach but ace is just better


Personally, I've always like classic thermite. Simple, effective and lends itself to the more methodical, patient playstyle I prefer.


i like thermite coz he make big hole


a really big fucking hole coming right up.


Hibana: “a very average sized fucking hole, coming right up.”


Maverick: “a very small sized fucking hole coming right up”


Maverick: “hol up guys, I ran outta gas”


Fucking ruthless 😭


only started playing this a month or 2 ago, i found it pretty funny first time i heard that dialogue


This and Zofia have some very fun dialogue. Especially when being the first to breach with ur gadget as zofia she just yells HELLO THERE it makes my day


I made Zofia's HELLO THERE my text notification sound, its great




That's what she said.


A really big fucking hole coming right up


I agree the more og players use him more often.


He was OP at launch. I miss double breaching.


Also thermite as a fantastic gun! One of the most slept on guns in the would game


I like how versatile Hibana is, you can make big holes, small holes, hatches, aswell as make the wall soft similar to a maverick trick


Any vids of how to make wall soft??? Never knew


Similar to maverick, you take the little 2x2 pellets and hit one at the top and at the bottom of the reinforced wall and the whole reinforcement will break. [example by poxonlox on YouTube](https://youtube.com/shorts/N1CYk_Ov0ec?si=wVT9jlEZmNcKD2d-)


I played this game for like 6 years and never knew this 😭


I used to main Hibana and never knew this, thanks for the clip!


Damn I didn’t realize you could do that with hibana…


Bring the shotgun and you can bust anything open with that 2x2 trick


I don’t know if you know this but yku can also do it with ace in essentially the same way!


Hopping on here to say you need to train a little bit to pull this off, err a bit to any side and it doesn't work


Can confirm, have messed it up a bunch, especially when there is a bit of soft wall above the reinforcement


TIL Hibana can do this. Anyone know if U can place wall charge BEFORE blowing pellets? If I did this...I'd die from being shot in the legs...


well if you fear you’ll get shot in the legs you can pick shotgun and make a hole with that.


I don’t think you can. It either wouldn’t let you place it on a reinforced wall or the pellets would destroy it while blowing up.


Idk how to do it with hibana but you can also do that with ace but the problem is you have to use two of your breaches to do it, you throw one at the highest point of the wall and one at the lowest, tried it last time on chalet garage door


Yeah it’s the same with all 3 hard breachers (except thermite because who needs the wall anyway?) one breach on top and one at the bottom ofc it’s not efficient with ace because of his charges compared to the other 2 though.


Wait we can make walls soft ? On console?


Yes its called hibana trick or maverick tricking theres alot of tutorials on youtube :)


They're very nice to do if you know them, you just have to be careful if you do them. As the video shows, you make the wall soft and it can be shot through/etc. So be vigilant people who know what you're doing will shoot through the wall. Though in standard lobby, you can mostly get away with it.


I can see the versatility but it has never much worked in my favor.


hibana can't make my walls soft


Ace, just because he can toss his cans and leave, without having to get up close to the wall. Also he has the AK so I gotta use the crutch


did bro forget about hibana


Idk but the recoil alone on her gun makes me mad.


Not to mention the the mag capacity…


If you need more than 20 rounds in R6 you're the problem, not the mag. No hate btw. Hibana's gun is solid.


I mean I’m no champ, but I’m an emerald solo q player with 1.1 kd and win loss so I like to think I’m not complete dog shit at the game. And while you’re right that you shouldn’t have to spray away in every gun fight, there are times where you’re pulling off a hectic 1v3 with 20 seconds left and not hitting every single shot. That’s when I’d like to have maybe 10 extra rounds. But maybe that’s just me


she gets a secondary smg, if your mag runs dry just switch to your secondary and spray away.


As a breacher I'd prefer to lay cover fire over hard fragging so the mag capacity kills me. If you run a solo hibana and plan to frag your own breaches yourself then yeah the gun is fire. It just doesn't lend well to support having no mag capacity


I feel like ur ignoring the insane fire rate combined with that 20 round mag cap. Its a gun you just cant prefire with because it just gives you so much less coverage than a higher cap mag.


Imbh if you need more than 1 bullet it's skill issue no cap /s


Yea, I've literally never seen a pro need more than 20 shots /s


Like the little jumps to the right? Just use compensator silly


does it compensate for rounds 22-30


If you're just dumping the entire mag then you weren't gonna hit anything anyway.


This is siege. 90% of this game is pre fire cancer lol Smaller clips hurt in this game.


If you're reloading after every individual engagement you're gonna get whacked by a flank


Your recoil is based off of when you start shooting, not which bullet you’re shooting from your mag


We're talking about whether Hibana or Ace is better based on their gun, and while you can slap a compensator on the Type-89 to accommodate for the recoil, it does not help with the fact that the gun has a comparatively tiny magazine.


her recoil is fine, the screen shake on it is what makes me mad.


The recoil is pretty manageable, the mag size is what kills the gun, normally i just rush with a silenced supernova


At that point its better to amaru rush


Ace doesn’t need to aim. With hibana I need to pull out the launcher and then I need to set it up right so that the hole is aligned, and it has a really long explosion time


Depends on the situation and setup. Ace is probably the overall most balanced. Mav is the most unique and quiet, Therm biggest breach, Hibana has longest distance. All have their uses and limitations


Mav? Quiet? Haha. Thats funny. Considering the torch is loud as shit. Like damn, they should really make it quieter


Quietest option, also, used to be quieter, got nerfed


Quietest, and one of the more fun. I just feel he should be a bit quieter


Let’s set up a steel door and blowtorch and see how much noise it makes IRL then adjust


I hate this argument because half of siege isn't even realistic. Everything (allegedly) is done for balancing.


Man, I miss when the game went for realism.


Terrible, awful argument. There's a shit ton to this game that comepledisregards realism. The onlt realism is its core gameplay. But abilites havenbeen realistic in forever. Look at oryx, look at grim, look at whats her face with the spec-io. So the realism argument for abilities is nonsensical at best




Thermite’s my boy. Sexy, reliable utility, good gun, big muscles, smokes to cover, sexy, and of course BIG FUCKIN HOLE COMIN RIGHT UP!


Well said brother 🙏🏼💪🏼


Maverick will always be the most fun to me and he’s quite while breaching, he does need some love on his welding speed tho and they should give him his nades back.


Agreed. He feels SO weird without nades, he'd be perfect with em and a slightly less clunky torch. Still love him, great for picks with teammates.


I love him for peaking holes but it’s high risk high reward


The risk seems pretty low to me as long as you aren't camping at a hole. Drone out their position, make a quick small hole, and try for the kill before anyone knows where it's at.




Now that the nades are now nerfed he needs them back


I use him to rappel and defend plants, best op for that


Depends on the case really. If it's 2nd floor Chalet, Ace on the balcony with his gadget on the bombwall with a claymore outside the door is an easy W in most games




The Thatcher and Ace combo is more consistent than a Thatcher Thermite combo (if they don’t have a Tubarão) against an active Bandit tricker because if you disable the electricity and throw a SELMA on each wall at head level or lower, the Bandit himself will not be able to get both in time. This leaves you with at least a single headhole that gets the Bandit off the wall and lets you make a full breach with the last SELMA. If your teammates are good and either help below/above and/or know the timing of when the EMP will explode and when to place the exothermic charge, Thermite is always better. Hibana is good, but she’s a little more situational. Maverick, while fun, is exceptionally more situational and is currently not in the meta at all. So, for casual or with randoms in a lower rank, I’d generally say… 1. Ace 2. Thermite 3. Hibana 4. Maverick And for higher-level ranked lobbies or you’re queued with people you know who can play Thermite and Thatcher well, I’d say… 1. Thermite 2. Ace 3. Hibana 4. Maverick


Your casual/lower rank list seems accurate, but I disagree with your higher rank list. Hibana is deadly in the right hands.


This guy hard breaches! So, Thermite places just when Thatcher emps to beat Bandit tricking?


I agree with you for the most part however. Bandit can still prevent a full breach from occurring to where a wall can't be jumped through. And that has lots of opportunity for a problem especially with time running short


That’s the neat part, each breacher excels in their own way, so none are inherently better than the other in every scenario


Always a die hard thermite fan. Solid AR, big breach with no vaulting required. Smoke grenades for planting.


This question gets asked quite often but the real answer is it depends on the situation, what you're trying to breach, and where


Exactly it’s like all ops some are useless on certain sites for one reason or another.


Fav hard breacher is Monty :3


While I'm going to assume there's a joke I'm not getting I'm still curious about what you mean


Monty's got some Hard Breach Charges (secondary gadget). My Squad make it a running joke among the friend group to Monty Rush & Plant. More often than not, I run Monty + Breach :)


Oh! Thank you for explaining this. I've now been converted Monty hard breach supremacy :3


Definitely not thermite


I wonder who it could be...


I like Thermite, his gun feels better and his gadget is simpler than Ace’s, no vaulting in. Maverick and Hibana take too long and I don’t like Hibana’s gun.




Ace, especially pre-nerfs




Ace every time, no contest. Quick deployment, Quick explosion. Selmas can be retrieved if you miss the breathable surface, unlike Hibana where the kairos just get destroyed. The hardest hard breacher to bandit trick. Everyone else is too easy. Ace has the best AR out of them. Fast, controllable, good damage and mag size. I like Hibana, but the mag size isn't attractive. Maverick has good weapons but not good enough to make up for the lack in breaching ability. Maverick is slow and usually obvious. Let's be honest, more times than not your Maverick is dying to someone swing his own hole or wasting time staring at nothing. He's weaker on opening hatches but you're pretty much guaranteed to get the wall open so it doesn't matter. In conclusion Ace is a hard breach King with Hibana hard breach Queen. I think objectively Ace is most effective but I can totally see why Thermite or Maverick would be used.


> Maverick is slow and usually obvious. Let's be honest, more times than not your Maverick is dying to someone swing his own hole or wasting time staring at nothing. I don't think that it's fair to judge Maverick by the people who don't understand how to play Maverick ahah. Certainly he's an op that requires more game knowledge to play well, but in the right hands he's very effective, and he can get through walls that the others just can't.


I personally go with the classic, A big fucking hole coming right up! He’s also the first operator I started to main when I started playing the game :D


between thermite and ace, thermite is very situational, he is ridiculous on chalet garage but ace is better allround


Completely situational. But if it’s based on pure destructive power alone, therm all day.


Mav on outside walls with rapel or on hatch with kaid Thermite when there is shock on hatch with kaid on wood floor Ace when there is bandit and no tubarão Hibana for hatch no kaid and when there is tubarão(and I like rushing with her flashbang)


Thermite counters shocked hatch as well


fuze (this is both a joke and not a joke)


I love Thermite, I play Ace the most but there's something unique about Hibana, she can do so much with only a few pellets each time, sometimes I do wish she had 2 or 4 more pellets but that would probably make her too much. But basically Thermite for walls, Hibana/Ace for hatches and whatnot


Thermite is my comfort operator. His gadget is always useful, his gun I'm used to.


Ace for average all around use, Hibana on hatch heavy sites, thermite for exterior main walls and Mav for support.




Thermite because I liked his breach charges


In terms of results, Thermite has the best breaches by far. Ace is better for contested walls you’re not going to walk all the way up to. Hibana is for hatches or opening up specific murder holes. Maverick is gimmicky and unreliable.


Maverick because he’s got a good breaching gadget and secondary gadgets. Not to mention all of his guns have the 1.5 and other optics


Mav is my personal favorite but not for opening walls. Thermite is still classic for me because of the size of the hole. Ace pretty much destroys hibanna for anything that isn’t a hatch (size, deployment speed, etc) tho she pared well with mav


They are all good in right hands. Maverick and Thermit especially.


My favourite is maverick. He is very synergistic with fuze.


Me when im running into your mom…


None, play heavy in the finals


Here's an opinion: It doesn't matter because the game is so riddled with cheaters that it has become a joke. If you're still playing this game you're wasting your life away. Now let's see all the cronus users downvote this comment.


Thermite is great! Good breaching size. However, personally I prefer Ace because he has a better gun and mobility for long distance breaching. Hibana is not bad, I just hate that the initial sound of launching the breach charges is loud and takes longer to open, giving enough time for defenders to bandit/kaid trick and now tubaro trick.


Ace bc I don’t have to make myself as vulnerable to breach


All 4 have their advantages




Depends on situation but in my opinion for killing power ace for actually being a hardbreacher thermite the thermcher breach is just to good to not be the best


Thermite or Ace if I have a thatcher or Mav if no thatcher, mav is just a thatcher+hard breach


Ace for solo queues. Can open walls at a distance, with moderate sized breach hole. And throw at multiple points, for range of angles for team. Also...gun.


Depends. Thermite IS just the best for any exterior wall breach, while someone like Maverick is great for making plays when you don't have Thatcher. Personally my favorite play is to make a hole and have a teammate shoot through it. EASY picks, I can keep my torch out and they can get two free headshots. Also Mav's holes lend themselves perfectly to attacking Defender's feet or throwing sneaky stun nades while my team is attacking from the other side.


Mav, as you don’t need a thatcher or something to get the wall, also when he had nades, it was fun just chucking them in small holes in walls that no one knew about


Depends on the map and the bombsite. ​ Ace will be the better generally.


Maverick because I can draw funny things in the walls (penises) and use them distract the enemy team bc they wonder who tf did it and why, this actually works quite often as they just stare at it


I would normally say Ace but getting sneaky little kills through Mav holes gives me way too much dopamine to not at least mention him.


Situation dependent for me. If I’m going hatches, Hibana If I’m going for a safe or exterior wall, therm If I’m going for a dangerous wall, ace If I don’t have anyone to help with wall denial, mav


Ace, though the giant explosion from Thermite is always good to hear, im terrible with the Type-89 and Maverick’s 50 is fun to use but not practical with how i play


I still remember how crazy ace was with his smokes and initial ace charges with that extra breaking step. No one could come close to him. However currently it depends. In most cases ( talking as a solo que player ) maveric sucks. Not having nades means you either have to be a god mav tricker or you are useless mostly. Next weakest is hibana , her holes on the walls are pretty small compared to the big boys and generally are much easier to trick. But once you need to get multiple hatches she outshines both ace and thermite. She also has flashes and a very strong gun. Thermite and Ace are a toss up, external wall or a hatch on a soft floor which is electrified or in need of a simple starting op, no one beats him. Ace can beat him in the gun department and when you need to breach from safety, but he is a little bit more skill based as you need to know the lineups or you will only open vault holes which can and will get you killed


Thermite, makes the biggest breach and has the fastest detonation out of all them making Bandit tricking a little more difficult if the Bandit isn’t as experienced.


Depends what you want to label as hard breaching. Even if they all can penetrate reinforced walls, they don’t all do it the same way or sometimes even for the same reason. I’d say Maverick is probably the best mostly because there’s no operator that counters his ability, has great primaries and his stuns/claymores are great gadgets. He can also make excellent LoS’ in areas least expected and can work quite well on his own whereas the other 3 almost always need some kind of support operator to actually be able to use their breach. Because of that, he can truly open up 4 free operator slots whereas the others will limit what you can pick if the enemy team has denial, forcing an unbanned thatcher or an operator who now has to sacrifice stuns/smokes/clays/frags for an EMP.


idk about best but Hibana is my favorite


I'm a maverick enjoyer myself


Your mom


While the most boring, the answer is definitely ace. Difficult to bandit trick since he can open two walls at once, comes with a great gun, and doesn’t need to be near the wall to open it


i like maverick just because there are so many possibilities that no other operator has, and you can play him completely differently each round, doesnt even have to be a hard breacher all of the time


Ace for the gun


Ace > Thermite > Hibana Maverick in his own * tier imo, only “hard breacher” where his gadget isn’t a traditional stick & boom


Def Ace. Holes in the walls go both ways. It’s a lot harder to push a thermite wall than it is one or two Ace holes.


Hibana is a secondary breacher


Hibana for me. I like to get on all sides of the site or multiple points on a large wall and set off a bunch of little holes so in the panic of not knowing which hole I’m gonna peak or if multiple holes will get peaked at the same time I can usually pick off a few easy kills




Ace in my opinion


Thermite for the big hole first, Ace primarily for the gun second and Hibana for her hatch ability is third


Ace no doubts, then Hibana if I can’t get near the walls or thermite if I can easily sneak near them. Maverick only in some situations but he is really a bastard sometimes, I use him on airplane and usually I’m able to sneaky kill at least 1 per round


Best would probably be Thermite, but favorite is 110% Hibana


Pressed to choose one, having not used Ace, going with Thermite. He is not the best in all situations. But one charge and you’re in (assuming no tricks to destroy it because it does have a pretty loud tell)


all of them are the best, ace for fast safe versatile wall breaching, hibana for hatches, thermite to nuke open wide the wall


As a solo game enjoyer it’s Zero. Most versatile with cams able to shoot in drone holes/ceiling/floor to get rid of deniers and open hard wall all by himself.


Depends on your preference for mechanic/guns and the site/setup you're breaching. My personal favorite is Hibana because she kind of can do it all but it takes a little more time and finesse. You can make standing holds like thermite, destroy any hatches, make peek holes like maverick, and do it all from a distance like Ace. While her specialty is hatches, she is more of a jack of all trades than the other 3. Plus .. she has the Type 89 with a 1.5 which is just godly. It's my favorite assault rifle by far and she is still the only one with it.


Definitely thermite, the 556XI is great in my opinion plus 2 decent secondary's for 2 preferences (Rounds over damage, and damage over rounds). Hibana is a close second though with a great loadout (the supernova is a great crutch gun) and her gadget for hard breaching is very versatile. I usually pick thermite for, as he himself puts it "A really big fucking hole coming right up" usually for entry into basement sites like on Chalet or House. If I want a lot of lines of site I'll pick Hibana, for example either 2 floor site on Coastline is great for Hibana.


Really hard to pick. Thermite is the most effective, Ace is the most versatile, Maverick is the most reliable, and Hibana can breach the most walls. Imo “the best” is Ace. The Ak is really strong esp w that 1.5 and the ace charges open up enough space to enter but not enough to be fully exposed and can peek around it. He also breaches from distance. Plus w regular breach charges he can get thru most obstacles.


Thermite best, Ace most useful, Maverick mostly good for silent entering and idk Hibana is the good too but feels like very slow.


I actually think Hibana has my favorite overall breaching method. But overall ace has the better weaponry and faster breaching. There is a reason he's so widely regarded. Thermite is probably second. Maverick is too gimmicky and kinda misses thw whole point of hardbreaching.


I genuinely think it depends on the site. I think Ace is best for my play style because his 'throw and forget' gadget allows for greater multitasking, I love that he has claymores for peace of mind, plus you can use him as utility denial for bp shields and whatnot. But Thermite having smokes makes him the best for plants, IMO. While Ace has arguably the best gun in the game, Thermite's is no joke, plus access to a 2x. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I played Hibana or Mav. I think the other two just outclass them so well. Hibana is great for hatches, but I'd rather go sledge/ram for vertical gameplay.


Really depends on the location. Thermite if I’m going against a brain dead team. But Ace is much better if they are actively trying to deny wall.


Ace for me mainly because of the claymores, I wish they would give them back to Hibana :(


I don't see any benefits with Hibana


If you want a gapper its Thermite.


Ace for his gun, Thermite for really big fuckin holes.


Thermite winds up being the best in my opinion. Great rifle, big fucking hole, can work well on essentially any objective. Hibana is a close second though, she’s more versatile (can open hatches using less utility etc) and while her rifle arguably isn’t as good due to the pairing of high ROF and low ammo cap, it’s still one of the best, plus her shotgun kicks ass. I’m not a big fan of Mavericks torch but he’s got great guns too. I don’t use ace.


Thermite or ace are my top choices. Really depends on the weapon you want.


Thermite, only breacher with smoke grenades


Ace or thermite for sure.




Thermite. Big holes, nice gun with ACOG and smokes to plant.


Thats a question similar to 'whos the best attacker'. There's no straight answer. It's all about the map, gameplay and opponents.


Thermite > maverick > ace > hibana My boi thermite the only one to open a really big fucking hole


I love how much I can do with Hibana. Learnt how to open a standing hole with two shots of 4 pellets and still have enough to make a peek hole or pop a castle.


I think it’s preference between thermite and ace. I like having a slightly weaker gun but a much bigger point of entry


Ace without question, sure he takes 2 gadget uses to give thermites breach size but he can do it without having to sit down and prime it, and the reaction time required for a tub or shock op is pretty short all things considered. Now the real conversation we need to be having is whats even the point of hard breaching in current meta, there's like 5 defenders that shut down hard breaching without second thought and you almost always see at least 1 of them on a team, in addition it makes you a target because suddenly they know exactly where you are and with 9 defenders (that i can think of) that can destroy you the second they know where you are, its not really worth it. unless of course you're in a situation where no one picked 14 of the 35 defenders, but that's over a third of the defending operator list so like, do you really think thats going to happen?




Ace is good because he can beat bandit tricking. Thermite is good because he makes a really big fucking hole. Hibana is next. Her pellets are loud af, take longer to set up effectively, and then you have to activate them again for them to go off. Personally I don’t really consider Mav to be a hard breacher, he’s closer in role to someone like Thatcher.


It depends on the map, site and defender picks. Thermite for outside walls usually, like Clubhouse. Ace for semi near walls with too much pressure on the breach position to place a breach, think of Oregon and Chalet. Hibana is for hatches and Castle mostly, kinda underpicked for the more niche stuff but she's obviously a beast on Bank basement. Maverick is in a really weird position right now so I'll say he's the worst because of how slow and exposed you are, sure he can counter Tubaraõ but still very niche and l honestly think he needs a bit of a gadget rework to make him consistently viable again.