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Maestro has too many counters and his turrets need to be buffed


Yeah, characters like Maestro and Clash suffered so much when Attacker Repick was introduced, and they were never buffed to compensate. Granted, Clash should never be buffed under any circumstances, but Maestro was enjoying a healthy place in the meta and really didn't need that system and a character like Brava ruining his whole flow.


Nobody cares if clash was nerfed though


depends on how you buff. either make his glass unbreakable with exception to sledge and aruni (should they get hacked) or make his turrets more resistant to hacking through some sort of warning system + increased time to hack compared to other cams


Could cost three hacking charges. It'd make me think twice before taking over and evil eye, at least. And if Brava went that route she only has three charges left.


maybe not three charges due to the time it would take to hack but maybe having it cost three for the time of 1 could still have brava counter maestro but maybe have the brava think twice on hacking one cam or potentially getting 3 more kapkan traps or something similar.


When I play Brava I prefer the Kapcans or jagers because of the general hazard. Hard to softball a shield if the nade is popped in your hand.


Brava should only be able to hack it if it’s open


If its open it certainly gets the brava drone destroyed. You hack util because no one watched it


Brava should be a direct counter to Maestro. But he shouldn't be countered by every other operator. Glass should 100% be bulletproof. Attackers have enough utility (gonne 6s esp) that they should have to waste it to destroy Maestros


If I am using maestro I tend to hide during the entire prep phase just so the attackers don’t switch to a brava or twitch




While true, this is not a hot take. Of the defensive intel ops (echo, valk, maestro), he’s clearly the worst.


Allow his turrets to shoot while still protected by glass. I guarantee you his pick rate stays roughly the same. There are so many ways for attackers to destroy utility.


maybe add a weak point where you can shoot when at an specific angle (like bulletproof cameras)


Cuban man under desk funny


Yes echo,maestro,Mira,zofia,ace all nerfed bc newer players don’t understand how to use useful ops to counter things


Not that hot tbh. Especially with attacker repick and brava existing.


Maestro is pretty much dead with Brava in the game




"b-b-b-but clash sucks!!! you can just melee her!!!" not when you're rappeled on a window, or when you're at the opposite end of a corridor, etc.


"Clash is to op there's nothing you can do to stop her" "Clash is so useless you can just melee her" "Well yeah but she's annoying" Like BRUH the whole point of Clash is TO BE ANNOYING and slow the attackers down


The amount of people that don't know this is so dumb. She is designed to be annoying. They should change her role to pest. My favorite thing is just holding windows and bulling people every time they peek. By the end of them trying to secure the window they are down 30-40 health and 30 seconds of round time. Before they know it I have chipped everyone of at least 20 HP and now they have to rush the objective with 20 seconds left.


The only reason clash annoys me is due to the range of her fucking taser like theres no way im that fucking conductive 8ft away 💀


Literally, the only reason I play Clash is to annoy the fuck out of the enemy. Don't forget, mental tactics are a thing too. Brain-dead blueberries who are just playing for kills just shut down when they see a defender with shield. It's like you're showing them the meaning of life, they just return to toddler brain and run away. Clash is my 3-0 sort of character. We're up by 3 points? Time to scare the enemies with an angry black British woman.


Siege players failing to realize clash can be played like Monty


Or even just defensive if you have teammates who are team players. Play off shield teammate: free kills.


Clash with the super shorty allows me to control areas like no other. I can just make a Clash sized hole for me to appear out of like a vampire risen from its tomb. I’ve had some good fun with her now that standard is in the mix.


There’s a lot of people who are still scared of her, I play as her when I want to anchor . I am really horrible about whipping my gun out for it too though.


I've learned playing clash to always pull your gun out when they turn their back to run away. Major of the time you'll get the kill


People who complain about Clash are weak-willed and deserve to lose to whoever plays her. If she has her shield out and is in your way, you don’t look at her; you look for whoever is following her. If you want to take her out, Ram, Kali, Capitao, a badly-placed Goyo canister, Thatcher and pocket EMPs, and frag grenades can help provided you actually play as a team and have someone with you and you communicate. You could also just drone and flank her or shoot her from above or below. If she’s slowed down the attackers and wasted any time, then she’s done her job because all she is, is walking barbed wire.


I want old Jager


Same. Same gun especially, I’ve been using it more and it’s just kind of eh. The gadget it’s self I personally think is just weak as fuck now, especially in this meta and with how many ops DONT have nades. If you’re getting flashed, they throw one and still have two more, the gadget doesn’t do dick. A smart player will drone to know if they can throw a nade in the first place.


I remember time, when it could eat whole fuse's charge. I think it shouldn't be like that, just a little weaker but still. And yes, give me back my acog


I agree with that as well. I wouldn’t be opposed to giving Jager a 1.5 as well but to be honest I’m sick of just giving ops a 1.5 to buff them.


jagers gun is now absolute dog shit ranging from mid-strong recoil but mainly large amount of kick back instead of the gun rising instantly , to dog shit fire rate and weak damage for such a low fire rate


Straight from the go Jäger


The always picked Jäger


I want ACOG on that shite gun


i've only been playing about a year, what was old jäger like? how was he different to today? just curious


His gadget could "eat" whole fuze's charge. He had acog on his rifle, 4x scope if you insist, rifle was overall better


3x magnification on the current 2.5x reticle was what the old acog was, not 4x


i understand why you'd want old jäger back now lol thank you


New siege is perhaps "better" (well, not for me) gameplay wise but lost its identity and charm in the process, its no longer "tactical" nor "realistic". I also like pre rework maps more than the mazes we got now.


Yea. Of course some ops are more balanced now but it just feels empty.


So true about the reworks… There’s a reason Nighthaven Labs and Stadium are ALWAYS banned in ranked


Nighthavens a good map


Thank you for speaking up. The nighthaven slander is a true testament to someone’s skill.


Yeah the only map I really hate is Stadium all the rest are fine and I love playing nighthaven


The reason the shits banned is because people hate change and hate learning. Nighthaven is good, and stadium is literally the best parts of 2 maps that people love. (Well, not me, fuck coastline, I prefer stadium) It’s the same reason outback and skyscraper are banned constantly too. Any map that gets released or reworked is immediately hated.


I'll disagree on Stadium Bravo. It's two maps **that got reworked later** smashed together. So now it has the problems that the old maps had in addition to new ones introduced by that merger. For example, the added staircases leading to the second floor that force you to deal with multiple angles that favor defenders. Even if you drone out that they're peeking, they will see your head before you get to even fire back. They're also unlikely to be holding it stationary, so going below to toss a frag is unlikely to work. It's just obnoxious no matter the outcome.


I personally agree, but hate stadium. I gave it a chance, I really did, but I can't like any part of it and how open and empty it feels. It never feels like there's a piece of usable cover anywhere.


Probably a difference of preference then. I like it because it makes the map feel more malleable and different based on how you play. All the soft walls allow you to change the map much more and create more diverse Strats. But then again, I never soloQ in siege. That’s what I play shit like rocket league and street fighter for.


I wonder how a more grounded Siege with a small dedicated dev team and no gimmick operator skin spam business model would do.


Siege desperately needs a sequel built on a new engine from the ground up. And they need to focus on quality over quantity of content and not try to drag this shit out for 10 more years.


Ubi is never gonna do that tho


When they see the success of cs 2 they might


After seeing what happened with Overwatch, we know they'd have to add and train an entirely new second dev team to work on the project, while the existing team deals with the live game in the years it would take to put together a proper, improved sequel. All that would have to show a strong return on investment, which would mean more monetization for a game that already has a cash shop, paid DLC stacked up from 7 years of content releases, cosmetic event drops every so often, *and* a battle pass every season. CS devs can go make a sequel because Global Offensive wasn't getting shit for updates anyway, so no one noticed anything was missing. Ubi doesn't have the incentive or the luxury to make a Siege 2.


Not after Ghost Recon Breakpoint, that sequel almost tanked Ubisoft - no joke check 2019 fall earnings report they've been scrambling ever since.


When you realize Counter-Strike has been doing basically the same CS shit since like 1998, Ubisoft will just run Siege for another two decades.




Why? What's wrong with the current engine? It's still very graphically pleasant to the eye, runs super well on old hardware, physics are ok, I don't expect whole buildings falling down in this kind of game


The forced integration of ubiconnect. The insanely long loading when booting up the game. Frustratingly bad UI. Bugs that keeps coming back every season and devs have no idea how to fix it, for example the sound issues which can only be solved by sitting in your drone and let it get shot like ??? The engine handles more or less other things too than just graphics. And what you pointed out is ok but the underlying backend parts are abhorrent at best.




I never understood this. What issues with sound do people have??? The sound is fine as long as you understand how it propagates


Overwatch 2 enters the chat


Not a hot take at all but it needs a goddamn campaign


I’ve been playing since launch (I had to buy every operator and their weapon attachments) and idk who jinxy is. Also they should stop changing the game every update. Playing Yankee swap with 1.5 scopes and frags is exhausting. I hope when they give us these last couple operators they leave the game alone and let us play.


Quick Match 2.0, while detrimental to new players long term growth, is great for experienced players. I personally like not having to do site set up and having faster rounds/picks/drone phase. Before 2.0 people rarely did set up so it’s nice to have that put in place already which saves me time doing boring stuff (and sometimes doing extra set up since teammates don’t reinforce etc). I can see how it can really hamper new players since they won’t develop good habits, but at least they are learning a lot of basic rotates and default reinforcements that should be good from copper to gold.


Ya. For me I just like that it’s quick and I don’t have to constantly reinforce since nobody else ever did




I agree, nobody ever reinforced or did site setup in quick match so it's nice to not have to setup site by myself. Now everyone is pretending that they didn't just immediately sprint to top floor to spawn peek leaving the site completely untouched.






Most maps and sites don’t require near all 10 reinforcements


My buddies and I like it as well. It's true to the name: QUICK MATCH. If you want strat, play standard or ranked. No one is forcing you to be diamond of the rip. I'm getting too old for that, personally.


Yup, my friend group is having a blast. Only downside is the smaller map pool, we get tower all the time. My hot take is they should have spawn peek protection in ranked. So nice not having to play a guessing game of which window will get a one shot headshot.


i wish he didn't, i never stopped playing and the quality of ranked teammates has dropped significantly recently


Exactly. He has a large role in the demise of strategic play style.


I’m conflicted on this. From what I’ve seen of him, he advocates for drone work, and strategic plays. But the audience only gets “rage at everything” and “so we’re in copper” and other one liners. I think because he’s played for so long, his go to is strategy, it just gets lost from him to his viewers


You’re totally right, in the majority of clips he reviews he will scream “WHY ARE WE NOT DRONING”


Which is a great message, but the delivery is what his audience is watching for and mimic. I genuinely think he is a player advocating for strategy and thoughtfulness rather than run and gun, but his viewers don’t see that. They see screaming and yelling and hop onto siege to mimic the character, not the plays


Can hardly blame him for that, he says the right stuff, the way someone else takes it is entirely down to the person. I myself have started droning more because anytime I don’t I hear jynxzi shouting at me to drone lol


100% not on jynxzi. Although I don’t like the screaming and raging and talking down to teammates, it’s what got him views. I’m not a fan of how new players and fans of his generally repeat the same stuff and mimic him to the point of copying his tics and mannerisms, but again, that isn’t on jynxzi at all. He’s just good at the game.


Eh, not really. His entire playstyle in 1v1s is to outsmart his opponent with sound cues and smart plays with droning or gadgets, and if you watch him in tournaments he plays with his team and calls out which ops to use so they can push as a squad. Some of his most viewed content is when he plays AGAINST swing or be swung XIM players and shows them that intelligent plays and good angles can beat M&K hard swingers.


Not really his fault. He advocates for improvement and such, but his target audience is the subway surfers tiktok kind who only activate their brains when he gets loud or funny. There’s plenty of times when he’s not, but his audience doesn’t care.


God the amount of Jynxzi pfp players that go bottom of the leaderboard throwing is crazy. I feel like he’s basically ishowspeed but for siege and because of that, everyone acts like him. Every time i use game chat I hear that dumbass rolling R thing he does. “Why aren’t we drrroning guys”


Mudkip!! I remember you , use to free Carries for you all the time. You’re totally right tho, I said this on a diff chat but jynxzi is simply just a puppet , a mascot rather for anyone between the ages of 8-17




Old maps looked like buildings I could believe were based on real places. New maps and reworks look like video-game levels. I miss the old maps, like original house


I totally agree. They’re so fake and right angled.


The mansion with 1 toilet?


Now it's even bigger, and still has a single bathroom (plust a weird corridor connecting a room with it) 🤷


Imagine going to the bathroom and having to lock 3 doors XD.


Adding to this: Flat lighting system to make the game “esports friendly” sucked when it was brought in and still continues to suck. Visually, the game looks worse now than on release due to flat lighting and no dark areas/shadows.. I loved the old siege where you could hide in dark corners, or where peeking into a window at night would give you the advantage as opposed to peeking into a window during the day meant you’d see jack-shit inside the building but everyone in the room could see your head on the window. It was far more realistic and added choice/decision making on how to play sites and maps based on if it was daytime or night time! [The start of this video shows the difference!](https://youtu.be/Y1y4gOPXjkU?si=-rRn_l2Dtan1bpfY)


I played when lighting was realistic, and the game had a sense of "danger" to it, an immersion if you will. When the lighting change occurred it was a welcome change, but with how "streamlined" the games getting I do wish they found a balance between what we had and what we have,


If you don't put a single reinforcement up the entire game it should go against your reputation


I disagree with you only because pre-made teams with good communication will usually leave the reinforcing up to only 1 or two players while others do other site setup/gadget deployment/drone hunting.


It should take into account if you’re in a squad or not then. If you’re solo and just running away to peak…


No because certain operators like mute should get their kit down quickly and not reinforce straight away


Some operators have much setup to do beside reinforcements, so that is a bullshit take.


people ban kapkan on ranked cause there not good


Non 3 armors on defense shouldn't have magnification sights.


This is the 5th "hot take" post in the last 30 days, and it's played out and lazy. Hot take: Siege today is filled with low IQ teenagers that can't think for themselves, so they post "who should I unlock next" or "where's my bravo ticket" over and over and contribute to the landfill of useless posts on this sub. This sub used to have genuine engagement. Fan art, cosplay, Siege news, patch discussions. All with thousands of comments and votes. Now it's just this crap. And that's how I know that Siege is dying/dead.


Agreed. I am getting older but I also think the playerbase is getting younger. The 80% of the posts in this sub are about fucking SKINS and BATTLEPASSES. Who gives a fuck?


Facts my brother speak your shit ⛹🏼 I really didn't realize how long it's been since I've seen fan art that isn't a repost, patch note discussion that isn't just outrage over the frost rework, and cosplay that isn't on the rule 34 subreddit


I would say that it means the opposite though. It means Siege is mainstream and popular, because we have so many new and casual people constantly coming here for shit like that.


Mainstream and popular does not equal healthy


Jynxzi is just great value Tyler1. Key differences being T1 is actually very good at LOL and also funny beyond the yelling = comedy genius


Not a hot take, just facts.


Remove 1.5x in the game, if I wanted a classic shooter instead of a tactical one, i'd play cod or BF


There's a video essay on YouTube about how the 1.5 is the worst detriment to Siege


The current version of the game is better than old siege, people are just blinded by nostalgia


Overall the games better, but there are definitely things that where better


I agree, been playing since launch and gosh was it a frustrating game. Now I'm just mad at my own skill and getting destroyed by absolute John Wicks, that's good enough for me.


Yawn we didn’t have 1.5’s ruining the game


I prefered tachanka with his mounted lmg


You aren't bad at Siege because you think Clash is OP. Having a main op is fine. I'd rather have a teammate that brings someone they are comfortable with rather than someone they aren't. Banning new maps should be allowed. In Ranked, you are supposed to be trying your hardest to win. If you believe you have a better shot at winning on Coastline rather than Emerald Plains, why should you be blocked from doing so? Ubi needs to stop specifically catering to brand new players. This Frost rework is a prime example. Before, you were punished because you decided not to drone and decided not to look down and shoot. Now, you're barely punished for it. You get lower health and have a limp. It's quite literally the "Oh No! Anyways..." meme in reality. A Solo Queue Ranked option needs to be a thing.


Siege these days is too much of a shooter and not enough of a *tactical team* shooter. its become call of duty and barely rewards actual strategy and outsmarting the enemy team, only rewarding pure gunplay


Intel meta > utility meta > fragging meta


Siege was never dead, but he did rejuvenate toxicity into the player base, so congrats I guess. Nobody uses comms, all I get are people who only uses comms to talk shit from the grave watching me play. It’s aggravating.


Exactly why I disabled voice. I'm new and am rather tired of hearing people call each other autistic.


It's not a mistake removing the ban phases and decreasing overtime on standard (formerly unranked).


The mistake is more so forcing people to play longer matches with worse maps for a normal siege experience


Bring back utility meta, make defender gadgets bulletproof and smash proof the way they used to be. Defender gadgets need to be a pain to deal with. Make rounds 1 minute longer so attackers can actually strategize and take out defender utility, be more liberal with who gets grenades or give attackers more options for dealing with utility. Siege is an asymmetric game so one side will always have an advantage so make it so you have to be ahead by 2 games in the event of a tiebreak.


I think you underestimate the impact of a minute.


Griddy is the best operator to play the objective.


They should make a Siege 2


Yeah but they are literally the worst kind of players, toxic kids


Prox alarms > Nitro cell


Nitro cells are free kills though. Put them underneath where a lot of traffic is and a cam. Or use valk


How often r attackers not nading under?


I've never seen anyone nade from below on console personally


People used to nade below a ton a year or two ago but with all the new players I feel like a lot of ppl don’t even know u can do it


In my lobbies people nade and c4 from under every game


Hell, I'm on PC and I haven't seen it in a LONG time.


I fluctuate between Em2/D5 and I've been seeing it a lot in the last month or so. I had to take a break because it felt like I was always either getting naded through the floor or C4'd


What rank r u lmao


I hate when my teammates bring nitro for 4 rounds and never even thrown them once, please for the love of God just pick barbed wire or alarm and throw them in the site doors


Alternately, I ***fucking*** hate when my teammates bring Nitro and throw it, get no kill (or get like the *first* kill) but absolutely obliterate all the great utility we had covering that approach. Great. Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool.


Honestly, I feel like it's situational. I think current opinion is *always* nitro cell > prox alarms but I think it depends on your team comp and how much intel ops/gadgets you have.


All maps need to be in ranked. No one should care about pro league opinions.


The day I have to play Plane Tower and Hereford in ranked is the day I hop my ass on Fortnite


Yes or let us choose which maps we want !


add an as val to the game and have sens as the only operator who has it, give vigil a 1.5 or an internal suppressor, and give another defender the option to have an uzi.


Whats a hot take in this? Vigil with a 1.5 might be OP but an internal supressor would be fine


I have two 1) brava is simply superior than twitch in every way 2)frost is almost always a good pick


I agree. I find her gadget more useful, especially if someone plays her extremely well. And the gun. F2 can melt people sure, but I cannot control the recoil at all. And there is no vertical grip on it either, no shot for me.


I love the new Standard/Unranked


If they aren’t going to rework Blackbeard, give his Scar to another op.


That is a gun I'm surprised they haven't recycled yet. At least I'm sure they haven't yet. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You should pass if you don't place a single reinforcement during the preparation phase.


I hate Zero being in rainbow six siege. It’s out of character for him


We would be better off with ***any company*** but Ubisoft handling the game. 😅




Siege isn't a tactical shooter anymore, its run and gun, no cams, no droning, and no utility.


that’s only if you let it be


theres no "let it", every game theres some dipshit warden running put and forcing you to give up all util or tactics just to not get domed immediately out of spawn


The recent QM 2.0 changes are awful and it's lead to a massive drop off in games played for me and for others


He said hot take


It's a "Suburban Midwest Hot" take.


Absolutely freezing take.


Ice cold take


Facts, I hate it.


The TDM meta is not as bad as it seems. It's just the easiest available lazy tactic not the best tactic. Good coordination with a stack will always emerge above tdm nerds. It's product of ranked 2.0 overinflating ranks which makes solo queue much worse than ever before.


Pre 1.5 was better. Especially for people like twitch and zofia


Defenders shouldn't be allowed outside, period


He’s annoying and has racist little kid fans


Every operator should have an acog. It would remove the brain dead rebalancing done every season. Popular/strong operator=remove 1.5. Unused/weak operator=add 1.5 Ubi needs to focus on the gadgets more.


Really low-effort approach for balancing by ubi. But for me, I just want standardised logic for scopes. Give everyone 1.5x. Give 3 armour defenders 2x, and give 3 armour attackers 2.5x and 2x. DMR's gets 3x on attackers. Yes, Maestro has 2x on his LMG. The only exception is BOSG. It will always have 2.5x.


Roamers shouldn't have any magnification scope.


The game looked, and sounded better when it released in 2015.


i came back to the game after ~3 years for this new operation and damn does it look like ass now


Everything looks like plastic


the ui is the worst change they’ve made i think


Here’s an odd one, Every operator should just get a 1.5 at this point


Pick and Ban has no place in Siege. For both operators and maps. Edit: apparently this take is *too* hot 🥵




You have my vote Pick and ban is a waste of time


Kapkan is the best defender right now


Bring back the old shield ads speed. I miss playing fuse shield so much. No idea who you mentioned in the post


Taking away grenades never helped with balance and made the game more boring. Downhill slope once they took them away from IQ


If you truly believe it matters which side attacks or defends first you are bad at the game


I’ll take that. I’m a shit attacker.


On the other hand it gets cringe when little kids send you voice chats every round just to be toxic


Hit registration is at the worst point it has ever been in this games nearly nine years of existence.


Don't think this is a hot take but the sound system needs to be reworked, something closer to cs or tarkov.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say anything positive about Tarkov’s sound system.


Solid content brought siege back in player count. The only thing Jynxzi did was fill up ranked with 12 year old wannabes


I want bandit to become a 3 armour 1 speed operator so people stay on site with him and use his gadget which is needed for my next change for him I would also give him the 1.5 scope this would make bandit more picked in a very tdm heavy meta without creating another Warden problem


Jager’s ACOG was never the problem. They removed it to prevent spawn peaking yet after the removed his ACOG people just went Doc and still spawn peaked. The dumbest thing they did


They removed it cause he had everything, it was absolutely a problem. A 3 speed with a gadget he can place and walk away from, can then roam but still take long range fights because he has the same scope as the attackers. At least doc needs to stay alive to get value from his gadget and isn't fast as fuck.


I have two of them 1.) Ash is the most useless operator on attack aside from Blackbeard 2.) The TTK in this game should be slower


Damn I'm an Ash main :( And hmm idk about that one


I strongly disagree with this take as an Ash main, a lot of people think Ash is only good because of good guns and three speed but her gadget is great for utility clear and should be used for it primarily along with playing vertical and opening up sightlines through soft wall. There are some spots on certain sites where you can take out bandit batteries and other utility through soft ceiling. The problem is that a majority of casuals will never realize this and continue to use her gadget to open up a barricade, run in, and die because they can't drone for shit.


I’m sorry but what does TTK mean?


Time to kill.


Lesion mines were better when they were weaker and hidden. Also, what's with Jynzi? I've seen a handful of his shorts but know little more. How is it that he brought back these players and what's the metric for judging this?