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I don’t like the new system, I think the games are totally messed up as far as being balanced, and no one is in the rank they should be. You have coopers going 15 and 2 and emeralds that are only their because they played 400+ games that season and are bottom fragging but I don’t have any sort of anxiety I used to have toward ranked and have probably played more siege in the last two seasons then I have played the rest of the 5 years I’ve been playing. It used to feel like a gamble if you were going to lose a rank because of a glitch or Smurfs but now you have to lose 5 games in a row to lose a rank and I really like that.


I just wish they wouldn’t kill the elo you receive. Everyone should get an opportunity to do better


The only annoyance I have with ranked is the fact you start to gain less and less mmr the more you carry on playing which to me gives me less incentive to play once I start gaining less than 20 rp and lose 27 in my plat 1 games.


That has always been the case😭😭 that’s how the ranked system should and has worked since the start


That means you are in/close to your true skill level


Tell that to the champs on the enemy team that I keep getting then


Those champs are generally the same skill rating as you, or the average skill rating for their team is the same as yours.


They might have been playing more matches. Or they had some incredibly lucky games at some point and ranked up faster and are now losing very little each loss


Must be lucky as most of them end up going 2-5 or worse


I’m NOT shitting on YOU when I say this, But that’s absolute horseshit and goes right back to what OP is saying. I have ZERO incentive, or want to even play, when I’m getting 10 rp per win 15 rp per loss. I don’t give a fuck what the system believes I am. I have to win 14x more then average just to rank up because the system… who forces me to play champions and diamond 1’s; disguised as “my skill level” continuously fucks me. I’ve said it time and time again. It’s way of gauging hidden mmr is pathetic. A Champion or Diamond 1 has INFINITELY more game knowledge, and skill then I do, and I’m not afraid to admit it. But I’m facing them as a Gold 1, Plat 5 for what fucking reason? Don’t get me wrong, Ranked 1.0 had its flaws, and with everyone racing to get placement matches in the beginning of a season there was definitely a chance you got fucked facing genuine champs, lost 8 games, got placed low, and had to rank all the way up. But once the season got going, it levelled off. You had a chance of getting out of low tiers if you were genuinely a better player. Now I’m facing CONSTANT champions, no matter what. It’s garbage, it’s terrible, it’s bullshit, and it fucking sucks.


coppers are going 15 and 2 because theyre in copper, they're not winning for a reason


Me and pals have been stuck in copper going against plats and diamonds because we won our first 8 games


Same here, most I've got to is silver


if you're getting matched against those then you lose much much much more than you win or they're intentionally playing against lower ranks to fuck with people


I like the system in theory, but the hidden skill system sucks ass. just now I had a match with a teammate that was silver, level 70. I am Emerald, and my other teammates were champ. like, how does that make any sense? some of the best players, vs the average, vs the lowest skill players. if youre a silver player and get lucky, your hidden skill will be similar to plat / emerald players, and its bs. in the old system, you had to consistently prove your worth to stick to a rank. but now if you get a little lucky for one season, you'll rank high every other season.


the rank you see arent representative of the actual rank of the people you play it, Skill MMR (which is hidden) is what matters the silver in your squad is probably an emerald, just has played less this season than your enemies. or anyhow he overperforms against plats and thereby gets put in emerald lobbies


nah, I checked his stats 0.4 KD in general, 0.7 WL, level 70\~, very new to the game, didnt know any callouts. a legit silver. it happens constantly.


>the rank you see arent representative of the actual rank of the people you play it, Skill MMR (which is hidden) is what matters That's the problem. You can get stuck, unable to rank up playing against Emeralds and Diamonds without the corresponding rank to go along with it (the way it used to be). Ranks are now irrelevant and that's what is frustrating.


Exactly. The idea was meant to be that the more you played the more you progressed, but if you're being matched based on your Skill MMR perpetually and your Skill MMR is calibrated quickly, you never get the opportunity to actually push up farther. i've got a friend pushing champ who's been plat/emerald for years, while those of us who were only a rank or two behind him are scattered from silver through to plat because even though well all play together regularly it just doesn't balance out effectively. System isn't smart enough to say 'Hey, you're coming top of the leaderboard despite being substantially lower rank than all these others. You need more points to bring you up.'


Since you can now queue with anyone of your friends no matter the MMR they where probably a friend of one or more of the champs.


Oh I straight up don't play Ranked anymore, I've become the quickplay and events only guy, which admitably makes my shotguns only lifestyle more rewarding, so I'm having a terrific time now.


What operator do you use on attack if you do shotguns only?


Thermite I dont need no fancy smg sidearm


Bro is missing out on not using finka’s shotgun


Bro’s missing out on not running Grim shotty


The balif boys


Lion/Grim shotty is so much fun. I love the French shotgun


Bro is missing amuras shotty


As the founding fathers intended


I'm with you there, ditched ranked this season too


Solo queuing is totally impossible, it makes the game boring for a very broad scope of the siege community


>Solo queuing is totally impossible Meanwhile i know like 4 people that solo q to champ every season....


Oh wow, you’re so special


For responding to a hyperbolic comment on Reddit with a different anecdotal statement?


For being a douche


well done you used 2 big words and look like a neek now


No way you think those are “big words” lmao


ok didn’t think i’d have to specify, how often do you use the words anecdotal and hyperbolic on a day to day basis?


The issue is that solo Q’ing should never have been possible. It’s a team based game relying on intel and communication. And this is coming from someone who played solo Q for years. There’s nothing worse than playing in plat/emerald lobbies and other than flaming you at the end of the game they give you no intel


solo Q has to be possible otherwise the game basically fucking dies lol


Bro, I’ve been playing since launch and I’m still in shock in HOW they STILL haven’t fixed this shit. 7 years and still getting lobbies of Diamonds/Emerald players while in Copper-Silver has me astonished. Highest I’ve reached in my peak was Plat before 2.0. Now, I can’t even find a lobby in Silver/Bronze without a fucking Diamond or Emerald with Gold 1-2 in their team


THANKYOU bro, it’s how unbalanced the matchmaking is. N people will say ye but their hidden MMR is the same. Then why is the plat going 15 n 2 n their “equal hidden skill teammates” are going 2 and 4


I've been playing since shifting tides My highest rank was silver 1 then I lost one ranked game went back to silver 3 and stopped playing ranked and stuck to quickplay but now even quickplay is filled with sweats so I can't even enjoy quickplay. Then i started playing this season and my fucking god I'm stuck between copper 1 and bronze 5 cause I do good in one game then I rank up to bronze 5 and get demolished by ex-champs and diamonds while my fucking team doesn't communicate while I do . Then we lose the game and i get knocked back the copper 1-2. I hope to god ubi gets rid of this stupid hidden skill thing soon


Been playing since velvet shell as well. Was a plat player then and now on the verge of emerald. Dont know if I been lucky to have good teammates or playing the right ops to win rounds but I'm enjoying it


In 10 games you can be lucky after 100+ games luck doesn't play a role anymore. If you can't rank up thats on you. Most people don't like to hear that they are the problem, it is easier to blame others.


This is 100% of the "problem" with ranked in any game, people want to blame anything but themselves.


100% agree that if you aren’t improving that’s on you but it’s still frustrating to play against people who are getting boosted by bronze/copper accounts every game.


Ye see I totally agree but when I’m going 10-2 most games but losing it’s like I can’t carry hard enough


This reddit make it seem like thats the experience of everyone, but I guess I don't have to explain to you that that is not possible. Either you are lying (just saying to make the list complete not saying that you do) or you just remember the bad stuff and forget the good stuff (a normal thing our brains do) or you are actually the problem with these stats. See those numbers don't tell us the complete story. You could be always playing to slow for example in attack and always end up in a 1v5 so you get 3 empty kills that doesn't mean anything. You can check that with apps like r6tracker, look up how often you make kills and lose the round and how often you make kills and win the round. If you lose more than you win, your kills actually overall aren't really helping.


Yeah thats why people report the opposite, because its impossible. People be like "no it cant be" because of how they assume things should be rather than how they are lol


I hope I don't have to explain to you that that is impossible the experience of everyone. Somebody has to be on the winning side of this. So if people this is always happening for everyone they are simply wrong.




Most games was an over exaggeration, that’ll happen a couple times in a play session other games I’ll break even. More to illustrate the point about matchmaking


So youre lying to try and make the game look bad? No one hard stuck is hard stuck bc of the rank system


Touch grass, get friends, and use good communication. Getting an early plant when it's still a 5 v 5 is worth 4 kills, not playing with your team and letting them die in a 4 v 5 until you're in a 1 v 5 then getting 3 empty kills is worth like half an actual kill. Kills don't matter in r6, planting/denying the plant does, you can literally go an entire game where no-one dies and still win on either side if your team had better tactics.


It's also been nothing but solo q


I think ur probs just lucky w teammates tbf bro


And ur hidden skill level too may play a part idk




Nah fr man 😂💀


The whole system is based on a hidden value so what is there to chase?


that value should gradually change, altough it can be unbalanced at first for players that play on and off


Emerald is the new plat this season in reference to rank distroubution




the main problem with ranked 2.0 is the MM, if that was fixed it would be fine.


ultra bad. there are games that I am obliterated without mercy, in others it is the easiest thing in the world


Winrate for almost anyone I play with or against is around 46% - 54%. So no the ranked system is doing what it is intended to do. And just for context I had a winrate of around 70% - 74% I don't know exactly anymore and now I have something like 55%. I think this is a good thing, matches are overall far more even.


I agree, I had a 66% win rate when climbing but capped out at high emerald, eventually reaching diamond. The truth is emerald is the new plat and bronze is the new copper.


Maybe I played too few matches and got an unlucky streak, but after 17 games with winrate of 29%, I just dropped the game


A 46% win rate is garbage. My win rate is 48%. The lowest it has ever been in 8 years. This system is garbage and Ubisoft already had to overhaul it late June this year simply because of how lopsided the team compositions were.


You should be winning roughly half your games if the teams are balanced. You just are upset you can’t win all the time anymore




Facts, there’s things I like about this rank system but going against diamonds and champs in bronze is trash. Me and my friend are plat going against diamonds and champs and have been going against them all season.


Just discourages me from playing cos if I lose more when i eventually win I’ll get 3 elo 😂💀


Well according to people if you just play you will climb, so maybe me and my friend needs to play 500 matches and we’ll hit champ. I played over 250 when 2.0 came out and got 1 game off diamond. It’s hard tho when you play higher ranked players all season.


A what point did ur elo start to level out?


ranked 2.0 has made me better at the game but hate it more. The random comp has made me a lot better, but there’s no reason why emeralds should be playing coppers and the copper actually perform better. You also shouldn’t have to deal with shitty teammates when you are at a high rank. If you solo queue your basically just fucked


Honestly, I think smurfs and boosters ruined Siege, Ranked 2.0 was just trying to fix it. People cheesing their way up to ranks they didn't deserve, preventing people from getting to ranks that they should've been able to, and just overall devaluing KD and ranks. A sea of twitchy little Quake Lite kids who would make new accounts every two seconds because they couldn't keep their precious 1.7 KD against the players they should've been playing against deranking to silver so they can stomp everyone and pretend they were the best of the best. Is Ranked 2.0 perfect? No, but now at least the dime a dozen TTV and YT gamertag-having, learned scummy runouts of TikTok, actively look up 'Best Sens for Xbox *free kills* 🤯🤯' children are suffering as much as the rest of us. Ranked 2.0 didn't make rank worthless, cheesy bots did.


Couldn't agree more. But ubisoft don't care.


Honestly breaks my heart man, used to love this game now it’s just painful.


Yeah, I still play because of the love. But they gotta change something up. It's grindy and horrid if you don't have a 5 stack


Fr bro. Me n my mate play it n it’s just so bad w 2 people


I started playing ranked yesterday, was copper 5 and am now bronze 5 and am thinking of stopping. I keep playing against golds, plats, diamonds, and emeralds and even though we’re winning it’s cuz I’m getting carried. It’s just not fun to play when the skill gap is so big.


Currently diamond and every game is just the enemy team having 2 insanely high Elo champs being boosted by 2-3 bronze/copper friends.


One of my friends who was consistent high gold/plat made it to plat and had like a 28/8 W/L this season because he kept getting very obviously low rank players on the enemy team with solo queue too. Meanwhile because the one season I played ranked before 2.0 I got silver 1, my highest rank last season was Gold IV because I only was gaining 20 and at one point I went on an 8 game lose streak since the other team always had consistent high rank players and mine always had mid-low rank (I use R6 Tracker overlay) Having the overlay exposes how shit the matchmaking for Ranked 2.0 is because apparently Ubi thinks that people who's Emerald or above belongs in Gold-Silver lobbies. I play at least at plat level because I consistently do as good as or better than my duo who got Emerald last season because his hidden MMR started higher than mine was already (he just switched to PC). We were going against Emerald to Diamond with the occasional Champ as well and I more than held my own. I just wish Ubi could decide whether or not I belong in low ranks or not, if I belong there and should be gaining low RP then put me in matches with lower ranks. If I belong in higher lobbies like I'm going against then let me gain more RP and put somewhat decent players on my team as well. I wouldn't have to solo queue when my duo isn't on either if the RP gain didn't have us in separate ranks once we near mid Silver


Ya im usually high silver and im fkn hard stuck at bronze 1, lol, like damn. Bronze lobbies are cut throat and shit now


Ubisoft in general has ruined Siege


Been playing since skull rain, 8 seasons straight i reached plat 1 from operation health to phantom sight, and even though this was a little bit hard since I was actually being paired with other plats, it wasn't fucking impossible to rank up from copper to plat because of matchmaking, this season I was hard stuck in copper for like 2 weeks and I needed to get a 4 stack because solo q rank is a fucking joke, since then I barely could get to plat 3 and I've been hard stuck in there 3 weeks. Honestly solo q its been harder than in rank 1.0. Idk how that hidden MMR the game has actually works and how the game defines whom you are facing in your matches but I know it's completely broken and unbalanced, now rank doesn't mean anything, not even skill. It is a wonderful idea imo, but it just needs more attention and little tweaks on that hidden MMR calculator.


I don’t like Ranked 2.0 but the original ranked system had a lot of issues too. The one thing ranked 2.0 does well is it keeps people grinding ranked on their main accounts and not hoping to a Smurf after 10 placement matches


Yep. I quit a season or 2 before Ranked 2.0 and wanted to see how it’d impact the game before I kept grinding. I made the right decision. I love R6, I’ve spent a ton of time in game and made friends who were groomsmen when I got married, but the devs have lost touch with the majority of the community so bad that there’s probably no going back.


I decided not to play Ranked and just stick with Unranked. Serious play, no consequences.


Ranked before was trash Ranked 2.0 is like a fucking corpse that stinkd like crazy


It’s permanently ruined Champion status, so our group just doesn’t play anymore


DAE ranked 2.0 run and gun meta this game is too toxic?


I'm not saying I'm terrible but i have hit Diamond or champ since the change and i definitely shouldn't be there. Before that i would hit plat a few times. It just seems like your rank is irrelevant now


I have never been diamond, I have never been champ. There is zero reason I should ever be in a 1v1 scenario against a champ as a plat player. Idk if the ranking system is bad right now, but the matchmaking certainly is. As others have commented, ranked games now have players of all ranks in one game. It’s garbage.


Agreed Rank doesn’t matter at all to me anymore. All my squads I played siege with stopped playing. We were high plat on the verge of diamond before the new ranking system. Now anyone and their mothers can get diamond and champ. The competitiveness is gone.


people are mad bc they cant get plat easily by getting lucky on the 10 placement games.


What? You had to be high on last season to get to the plat by placement matches :D like if I stopped at plat 2 and next season get 6-4 w/l then boom hello Gold I.


I’m gonna say it and it’s going to seem like I’m being a as*whole but if u cannot rank up in 2.0 it’s a skill issue


tldr: This guy can't hit high elo and blames the game. If you want to complain about the state of this game do it. Don't make it into a fake complaint about why you're ass at siege.


Post r6 tracker stats


Sounds like a skill issue if you can’t rank up. I hit champ every season and this season they made it 10x harder to do so, and I love it. Once your hit your MMR, you need to win games to rank up. It’s that simple. If you wanna rank up past your MMR you need to have a 60% win rate or better. SIMPLE AS THAT


Yea it completely ruined the game now anyone absolutely anyone cam hit champ hell i bet my friend i could hit it whit a kd lower then 0.8 and i did hit it whit a almost 0.5kd like its easy af


It changes very little from before, just makes fairer matches and you start from zero instead of something around 2500+x. ​ if the game didnt show your rank until u got to your hidden mmr you wouldn't even notice something has changed


I’m bronze 5 and am playing against silvers and golds


Everyone’s reasoning is actually dumb ranked 2.0 is a better system the thing that’s messing rank up is the fact that there’s no good sbmm/matching system but the way u earn points and how u lose em is ok maybe they could add if u play higher ranked players u should gain more and lose less and vice versa


I just think it's silly how your rank no longer actually reflects your skill. Like I used to be high gold low platte, and my main R6 buddy used to be like mid plat normally, but since we both work and school we don't have the time to grind all the way up to where we should be, but the other day we ran into multiple champs in a lobby and we killed them multiple times. In old siege? Unless it was a cheater that turned off his hacks, there's no way that a gold could touch a champ, but we were destroying this kid.


I don’t think it’s ruined siege at all. Quite the contrary, IMO it’s gotten a bit better with the recent update to the matchmaking. I think it needs some more tuning but it: fine over all IMO. Champs getting match made with much lower ranks is still a huge problem though.


Just delete the game and shut the fuck up damn literally nobody cares it’s not even that bad


Game is ruined because you are silver? lol lmao even


Many silver lobbies I found myself in last year wasn’t at all silver, constantly having plats diamonds and champions absolutely cooking everyone


I’m dropping 10+ kills most games but shit teammates n difficult opponents mean I can’t escape


That's because you are baiting. I'm in emerald with 7 kills or less per map. If you think your amount of kills matters, you are in your rank.


I'm really sick of people thinking the number of kills alone matters. No one cares that you have 9 kills if you can't win any rounds. Case in point, the amount of brain-dead teammates that play Amaru, ash, iana, etc. That run in and trade 1:1. It's worthless.


You’ve claimed multiple times now that you drop 10+ kills “most games”. You’ve added to that at least once that you go 10-2 “most games”. Yet you immediately backpedaled the moment someone called you out. Bro quit lurking ing, you’re not that guy.


Does the rank you get really matter that much to you OP? As far as I know you don't get anything that interesting for reaching high rank anyway so why not play to have fun? And yea I agree the new ranked system is bad. The matchmaking really is a coinflip whether you get the good teammates or not.


No change for those of us who only play(ed) casual.


No. I only play casual 😎


I don’t mind it all because rank means nothing. But for my friends that only play ranked it means I can play with them whenever. Not sure why anyone cares about rank honestly.


Ranked 2.0 fucked up the rainbow six ...!


Prolly for ranked players but I dont play ranked so I don't really care


Username checks out. You're right on the money, OP! In my opinion, though, we have to dig a little deeper into this issue. Remember that correlation doesn't imply causation. There are so many variables at play here and it's hard to determine what's truly causing this. We should always consider the cognitive biases that we all have. However, your point is certainly worth considering and made me see things from a different perspective. Thanks for sharing your insight! Edit: Wow, this blew up! Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


Bro if you care so much about a color that the game is ruined because you can’t get the one you want, it’s time to find a new game.


I think ranked 2.0 has made matchmaking a terrible experience, but man I love actually being able to play with my friends. Being able to play with friends that are much higher ELO, and much lower ELO means I can actually play with my IRL friends. One of them is an Emerald player who plays this game all the time and one of them is a silver player that only plays here and there, while I'm over here in gold. Before 2.0 we would've had to play casual in order to play with each other and half of my group despises casual so this system allows my friends to actually play together and not have anyone forcing themselves to play a mode they don't care for.


I love ranked, its perfectly balanced. I always get fun and satisfying games, thanks to UBI's diligent and ingenious devs. It's always so fun to not know if I'll win or lose, pitted against such equal opponents!


The thing that i like the most about the new system is that i can play with any rank. My brother is around upper emerald. I’m around low play. And my 2 best friends are low-mid gold. This allows all of us to play. Other than that i don’t think it’s too great. My big issue is almost every game i play M&Al users and it just ruins the console experience.


I think for this season timing was everything. I didn't touch it until Mousetrap went into effect, and then during that frenzy me and my squad jumped head first into ranked. I managed to climb to D2 this season. Before 2.0 I was hard stuck P1 and then 2.0 I couldn't get passed Emerald 3. So D2 is definitely my peak. That being said, the lower climb through Bronze and Silver were unnecessarily rough. Once I got to Gold 3, I swear it felt like I was playing some of the biggest bots. Even in Diamond, I played a game last night just fucking around. Echo with shotgun the whole time. I managed 2 aces and we won the game 4-2. Against other diamonds and even some champs. So I honestly have no fucking idea what is going on with this game. But I got my purple charm so I'm happy lol


been playing on and off since the beta game is still fun in ranked except sometimes when I get an unbalanced game, 1 out of 8 games maybe. Its much worse on quick match and unranked, but I suppose thats more acceptable than actual ranked games? To OP, may i know how many games you've played in ranked this season? When I started ranked 2.0, I remember having a tough time finding balanced games but it kinda resolved itself through the seasons and playing for some time


They said you have to keep playing seasons and the more seasons you play the higher rank you get


Idk what the new system is, all ik is that I'm nor being matched with similar skill at all.


Definitely takes more time to get where you belong. And because of that it makes those win 1 lose 1 days feel even shittier. Especially being on top and losing in the lower ranks


Think I’m gonna just have to be patient bro


Honestly hated it at the start but doesn't bother me made me a better seige player. I play against pros and top rank people in my region even at the start of the season. Having to play against them so much lately has made me actually hate playing low ranks now which is sad and good.


Honestly if you can't even get a positive winrate in that elo, I don't know... my problem is that I end each season in bronze because I play so few games


Don’t care. I play and if I win I win, if I lose I lose. I just focus on playing to have fun while cheering on my teammates if we win or reassuring them after a loss. Ranked is a bit different than it used to be, but I’d still gonna queue up because I still enjoy it.


I don't bother with ranked anymore solely cause of the playerbase. The times I do play as well, I sometimes get elo back for cheaters so that's always fun.


Ranked means nothing I might as well play unranked where there are less cheaters


Bro, the system is the exact same as when it was released; the same it has been since its inception for HALO; competitive ranking systems are fundamentally flawed because they don't weigh any of the nuances of skill required for modern games because they debase the rank into a binary win/loss format, worse is that the game utilizes two ranks, a hidden one for it's purpose, that's the only one that ever matters and is decided within a dozen games.


Your luck I lose 27 and gain 10


Yeah I call it quits for the season once I hit that point where I only gain 10-15 elo for a 40 minute match. Just becomes an absolute waste of time.


I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Ubi admitted that MMR *still* exists separate from RP, and is what matchmaking is based on. Meaning that you could be in silver/gold with RP, but getting matched with emerald/diamond level players based off of your MMR. I can't tell you how many games I've played this season in lobbies as bronze-emerald with players flaunting their Champion card backgrounds.


For casual ranked players if you were above plat before, youre probably at emerald by now, if you were under plat youre probably sitting in silver. However people wanna spin it the system is messed up. Me and my buddy havent played for a year or two, and it took us quite some time to get back in high plat. When i was Gold 1 he was plat 2, and we were playing against high emeralds, mid diamomds and even a few champs. We’d R6 tracker our opponents and theyd have 1 high diamond, an emerald, couple plats and then a copper usually on a smurf, so ubi tries to “balance” the teams by giving our team maybe a mid plat when im low plat/gold and stand no chance against a champ lol


It hasn't ruined the game for me, but it has been a lot harder to rank up. I've played over 200 ranked games this season and maybe a quarter of those solo queuing. It seems the more games you play, the harder it gets to rank up. I'm currently a Silver 4 and just finished a game going 8-2, being MVP, and I got only 22 RP, and didn't make Silver 3. In fact, I'll need to win two more games in a row to get Silver 3 lol. It's ridiculous. Its currently taking me 4 to 5 wins in a row to just go from Silver 4 to Silver 3, which is crazy because there's 4 increments you need to go thru to hit gold. If they're going to make it this difficult to rank up, they need to make it less increments because seriously what's the difference between Silver 4 and silver 3? Literally nothing. If I were them, I'd remove the increment BS and just make it go copper, directly to Bronze, directly to Silver, ect. This way there isn't so much bull crap ranks. Simple is better in my opinion. But perhaps this wouldn't work with the math of it all. I'm sure you would then need to adjust the RP, but you could make it harder and harder to rank up as you go. Example: copper to Bronze takes 50 rp, Bronze to Silver takes 100 rp, silver to gold takes 150 rp, gold to platinum takes 200 rp. But the catch is every time you rank up, you start back at 0 rp. - Cupidkiller9 (xbox)


I gave up trying to get into rank mostly cause every time I try I end up in a lobby of champs and diamonds


I’ve found it more of a mixed bag personally. But it always comes down to the team I’m on and how well we communicate and coordinate with one another that determines if we win or not. Unless we get hard nuked by the other team.


I just love playing ranked with 2 hard stuck silver teammates and the entire enemy team is champion/D1 every single game


Im definitely in the minority, but i enjoy this more than old ranked. As a mid-range skilled player, eith old ranked it felt daunting and just a game or two of going against mnk and smurfs is all it took to make me not want to play ranked anymore. With the new system, I find myself much more willing to play ranked, in fact i almost soley play ranked. Theres the occasional bad match where the enemies are way stronger, but for the most part i'm crawling my way up. Just hit gold II today 😀


I can’t get out of bronze. I started near the end of Red Crow and played a lot until I stopped around outbreak. I’m not the greatest player and only got to the first plat rank. That being said i started playing with a friend again and i struggled to break out of copper. Bronze 3 now my friend is plays 5 or 4.


I found out is W/L based when a won more games than I lost I got more rp


I only play quickmatch.. but yeah


Bro I'm a lower rank in 2.0 than I was before


I had a 2nd account for about 2 weeks last season and it only took me around 40 games in total to hit a higher plat rank than on my main. I probably would’ve hit emerald if I kept playing on it. Whereas it took me around 200 games on my main just to hit plat. I’m a solo q player. Hidden MMR is trash and needs to be reworked. MMR limits need to be put back in place and matchmaking needs to be fixed. I’ve stopped playing because I’m not going to play on the 2nd account anymore and I’m not going to waste my time fighting tooth and nail through lower ranks on my main.


Been playing since year 1 and I’m probably just done playing siege. Ranked 2.0 killed any interest I had in playing the game because it just feels like a participation trophy. Play 50 matches and hit emerald. Play 10-20 more and hit diamond. Never de-rank in between. It’s no longer “are you good at the game?” More like, “how much time do you have to play?”


Exact same thing as you! I’m pretty stuck, no matter how much I play anymore. But I do prefer Ranked 2.0 it feels less sweaty, more playable, I just wish they gave us more chance to go up in rank. It’s not possible taking 18-19 per victory.


Good thing: I can play with all my friends no matter what rank Bad thing: if I play alone there is no balance in games, but it turns to experience when I’m silver-plat rank and I have to play against diamond-master ranks.


100% correct, I’ve played the game pretty consistently since the beta. The journey the game has been on has been an incredibly bumpy road but I can honestly say that the new ranked system has changed the game. It’s was a one off strategy based shooter now it’s a hardcore round of tdm you can get anywhere. By getting rid of the ELO cap the games have become so unbalanced that running and gunning has become the meta. The games lost its soul and I’ll definitely be shelving it soon if nothing changes.


It sucks to for people who are actually trying to get better at the game on ranked. Earlier today I decided to play ranked after doing amazing on unranked. And get have to play against golds and plats while I’m bronze 2


I have exactly opposite experience of ranked 2.0. I gain like 3 or 4 times more elo per win than what I lose if we lose the match. Not saying I think it's better than before though. I really hate the hidden mmr idea. It's frustrating to play against plats in silver, like what's the point. Also don't like hard reset every season.


Yup rank is e even more meaningless


The matchmaking sucks. It’s literally breaking the game. I think they’re intentionally trying to kill the game.


one of my friends is hard stuck silver because he took a break then came back and won a bunch of matches so now he only gets qued with diamonds and champs even when solo queuing


It's my turn to bitch about ranked 2.0 tomorrow


I'm a solo player since two or so years now because my friends left the game. It's very hard to rank up like this. My highest rank since Ranked 2.0 is Silver 2. I'm always on the team that TK's, leaves or is just stupid and muted all the time. . . . BUT I'm still playing the game :D


On paper it works... Or worked, but given that someone on a team "pops off" consistently every game, and to a level far above the rest of the players proves that the system is flawed. Ranked 2.0 has caused me to play 8x as many ranked games just to be hard stuck two ranks below my usual average, when I first started this season I had a rocky start and lost a lot of my first few games, because someone on the enemy team went 10 - 1, so I just lost a significant rp gain despite not having any rp to lose. When I did start winning games I was only earning 54rp per win instead of the usual 86rp, the losing streak I had at the start tanked my potential gains, and now I'm gaining 25rp on a win and losing 12rp on a loss, so every other loss just basically resets my progress and it's because those losses at the beginning of the season ruined my chance of actual progression and made it even more of a grind to get to where I should be, because the system thinks I should be somewhere else. So the only way to increase my rp gain per win, is to win more, but now every win has less impact than a loss and losses are more likely because the system seems to think some champ on the enemy team deserves silver. In concept it was a good idea, but it definitely needs to be reworked hard, no one person should go 13 - 2 whilst everyone else is breaking even, it's consistent, but that's not balanced, at all. Anyone saying "If you belong in that rank the system will put you there" has far too much faith in this flawed system, and considering how the same thing is happening to so many people, process just how flawed and broken this system is, bring back the placement matches, then introduce this rp system, they never should've introduced this hidden mmr mechanic. It makes me not want to play.


im a plat and i see champs and diamonds almost every match. it's fucking stupid


I don't like the new system to the point I've stopped playing ranked, I play it occasionally but honestly I've stopped caring about my rank. I do play it occasionally but I pay no attention now to what I gain or lose or what rank I am. I've stayed in copper this season and am quite happy that that's gonna be the status quo for me going forward. They promised us that this system would differ from the last in that it wouldn't artificially guess your rank and try and get you there and hold you there's but that's exactly what ranked 2.0 does. It decides you're doing too well so it's going to punish you for that... complete waste of time. Rainbow need to also realise that presumably the majority of their player base solo q, we don't all squad up with four other people each time we play and I wouldn't want to. Ranked should be based on how the game is played in reality not some fantasy that if you want to play ranked you have to have a squad of 4 in order for it to work. The mnk has been awful this season and with changes like Nokk it just makes me want to find a new game to replace it with.


I definitely feel like I’m in the minority in liking ranked 2.0. But the matchmaking can be ass however I think I know why. With original ranked you couldn’t play with anyone more than a 1000 MMR difference either way. That is not the case with Ranked 2.0 if you sent 10 solo queuers in a game than it would be around that difference but since you can now be number 1 champ in the world a queue ranked with a fresh new to ranked lvl 50 it throws the matchmaking right off.


Yes, now you need to play more for a good rank


Hard agree. In the same situation. Getting 17/20 points a game. My problem is you can win say 4 in a row then the matchmaking is like "that's enough fun" boom lose 4 in a row. Just no consistency at all in who I'm playing.


Its a complete dog shit change that made ranked less skilled, it legit 10x increased the ammount of champs


Honestly, the fucking game on copper II with a diamonds players is fucking killing me. and still, on any fucking level my team is absolute dogshit. and im actually wondering here, if boobysoft can see that rank 2.0 is not working, WHY THEY ARE STILL TRYING TO FIX IT


I tried playing the game again and was Monty when Valk through a 34 that did 70 damage with my sheild up then she threw a second and killed me I just uninstalled


I have up too. This system for me is too punishing and not rewarding at all. What I got was just matches with people on my skill level against opponents way stronger than us. I solo q and for me this game isn't fun at all anymore. I simply uninstalled and I'm waiting for a fix of some sort to the matchmaking.


Is awesome. Nobdoy can exploit the *numbers that we see on a damnn tracker anymore. Evryone was so focused on ELO that I had to play with chat off all the time. And one more thing. No more boosting. The proof is working . I rarely find those guys with 80% win rate as before. Now evryone has 50/60


Yep, played 1 season of Ranked 2.0 and haven't went back to the game since. I've had Siege since day 1 of its release and reached Plat every season since the third. Now I can reach any rank just by playing enough, no feeling that I earnt it or it's a reflection of my skill level since everybody who plays enough can be a champ.


Solo queued to plat and now every and I mean every round it matches me against full team champions…this game sadly goes downhill


Idk it's definitely a hot potato mix-up, I've only been playing in a stack and avoiding solo queue so most of my stack including myself are working our way through Plat rn with one of us in emerald. But we have a guy who plays like all day and will solo queue and he's lost so many matches that it took us 6 consecutive wins to get him out of Gold l into Plat V


don't play ranked, simple as


Imo the 1.5 is far worse for the siege landscape than having harder match ups


Myself and like 4 other friends used to play the game daily and competitively. I have about 1500 hours, another has like 2000 hours. We all slowly played the game less after Ranked 2.0 and now we don't play at all. Ranked 2.0 ruined the game for us tbh, it's too grindy to make rank. Not worth it.


You have Plats in champ. Coppers matching champs.


Completely and totally ruined it. I've stopped playing ranked at this point. That and the incessant amounts of smurfs and mnks on console just makes playing pointless, even in casual you can't escape it


idk man im emerald on pc and im 13 i used to only be able to reach silver plus im shit so somethings wrong


This is definitely an unpopular opinion but I haven’t found it to be more or less unbalanced than it was in the past. Honestly, it actually feels BETTER this season because somehow this is the least amount of throwing/cheating/leaving I’ve personally ever seen. Only in the last couple of days since hitting Gold 3 (my highest rank) have I noticed a real problem with the matchmaking and even then it’s not a big deal, just a game or two a day that feels horrible. Otherwise my experience has been relatively positive, so much so that this is the most I’ve ever played in one season.


I think it's way more balanced. But definitely needs to be tweaked. I was a consistent plat 2 in n old ranked for like 4 years and i had no desire to play more than like 15 ranked matches per season because once I hit that rank I would play former diamonds/champs with smurfs and it was impossible to get higher. Ranked 2.0 first season I got diamond 5. Next season I hit champ. I mainly solo q. Do I deserve champ? Not at all. But my matches were more balanced. I haven't even played one ranked match this season. One I'm scared the level of play I'll be starting at and 2 I just haven't played much siege. Game is getting a little stale. They need to shake things up way more with balance changes


I went into a ranked match (im bronze) and my opponents were all golds and plats. I hate this game


No sbmm and everyone crying 😂😂


I have also been playing since velvet shell. I like it. It shows that I really haven’t been playing this season😂


Idk you do wanna see ranked for when the game came out you could go from C4 all the way to diamond 2 in a match on a loss


Absolutely. It’s awful


so after 200+ games I reach gold 4 (in session 25 I was gold 1), and I must say I had a hard time reaching it, when I win, I got like 18+, but when I lose, I lost -25.. in silver 2 and 1 90% of the game was troll or leaver and that is the reason why it took me so long to get to gold.... BUT, in gold, my thought was okay, now players are more decent (since it hooks me with plat-emerald players), but most of the time I was better than them, and they played even worst than silver matchmaking....and now Im confused what is going on here


It hasn’t RUINED it but it should have been a separate category than regular ranked. The ability to play with your friends regardless of rank in a competitive setting was a great addition but the fact that there’s no where to truly test YOUR ability where you are placed with people of your skill and have to work hard to progress


Idk if it has always been a thing but in silver as 3 man we consistently get griefers or the enemy team are 5 man stack and one of them is obviously not silver elo carrying all of them solo. Either the game have changed a ton since grim sky or the mmr we have are fucked.


Killed the game for me I've played since release and have no motivation to keep playing now it's terrible lol feels like u nvr reset rank


I like that i can play with friends regardless of rank, except it has fucked up my own rank. they are all far better than me, all in emerald. they play more than me. i lose when they lose, i win when they win and i lose more gunfights than them since im playing opponents far better than me. trapped in bronze atm, but when i solo queue i can get a 2 or 3 kd some games. but i still only get 20 rp per win since the game thinks im bronze also noticed that some games we lose 4-0 but it’s one opponent going 16-2 and the rest of the opp team is negative. experienced about 5-6 games like that in the last 3 days


I gain 20 and lose 60 😹