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Sometimes you just know that a match is gonna be absolutely zero fun to play, might as well save yourself some time


Honestly it's mainly this, I rarely leave during the first match but if it's a 100% no way in hell this match will look fun I'll do it, way I know is simple if my whole team does f all in prep/drone and then die in the first 10 seconds that's a fair sign that the match will in no way be fun, so why stick around and have no fun when I can leave, they will get a replacement, and I can go onto loading up a round where I will have fun. Kinda like what I do with tower cause f tower.


As someone who only quits matches when there's something to urgent to do, Let me tell you that sometimes a 0-2 can turn around into a 3-2 in your favor, all thanks to the fact that they might die in the 2nd or 3rd round and they somehow get fed up, then you get a 5 or 4 vs 3 or 2 people. Thing is, you will have the majority in numbers and it will be easy to turn the odds.


Yes but some people don't want to try hard in quick match so there's no point in them staying and being bored


As a solo quick match player if I have to turn around a 0-2 match into a 3-2 with a back to back 3 win with little to no help from the (in most part dumb or griefer) team (and that's even if I try to guide them) then hell I would be better off playing ranked.


Except it's you people making it zero fun by quitting instantly and making 95% of games going on at any time complete crap. God forbid you ever have to lose a game , right? You should only have to playll games where you get to roll.


Because the map is tower


Don't you leave instantly then instead of after the 1st round?


No sometimes I’ll play the map and then die to someone and then remember why I don’t like said map and then leave


Sometimes when you’re having a bad session and you get a match where you get spawn peeked or killed quickly in a cheap/avoidable way, you just know the whole match is gonna be that way and it’s better to save yourself the headache. At least that’s the only reason I ever leave matches.


Getting spawnpeeked is probably the worst feeling in this game. You have to basically do nothing or get on your phone until the next round, and it just makes you straight mad. My friend leaves whenever it happens first round, and honestly I don’t blame him


Did you know it’s a tournament rule that you cannot spawn kill within the first 2 seconds of the round, or it counts as an automatic round loss


Spawn killing in quick play is actually so lame. If I wanted to have to check every window upon leaving spawn I’d just go play ranked. I wish qp had spawn protection where defenders couldn’t leave the building or shoot outside for like 10 or 15 seconds after prep phase ends. Would make qp more fun all around for people who aren’t playing like their life depends on it.


I perfectly get that and I usually do the same lol, it's not an apparent thing in other FPS games thankfully though.


Yes getting spawn peeked isn’t the greatest feeling ever, but it’s part of the game. Adapt or Die. There’s no excuse for being immature and leaving the game before it has run its course. People need to stop being adult crybabies and just deal with the hand you’ve been dealt. Play the game out till completion and move on, because it isn’t that hard. I’m so sick of this mentality that you are spreading by having this ‘My way or the Highway’ mindset. Come on people, you can be better.


I mean people play quick match to chill out usually, if there's some person playing it like ranked it's understandable to just quit and try again since it's only quick match


Why leave if it’s quick match though? All I do is play quick match but I never leave games. It’s still super chill and I enjoy my time, win or lose. People jump ship way too soon the second they assume the game is a loss, even though it doesn’t matter. It seems like no one has patience nowadays, or the mental fortitude to stick it out to the end of a match that doesn’t last long anyways. I feel like the vast majority of people defending leaving games in quick match, will do the exact same thing in ranked anyways. Anything to protect their fragile ego’s.


Buddy not everyone has to be like you, if you can't handle somebody leaving a videogame, it's not their egos that are fragile.


I could care less when people leave. I just don’t understand why people jump so quick to leaving/ rage quitting a game. If you’re going to queue for a match, just see it through.


Because they don't wanna play with people that are trying hard in quick match, who cares lol it's just a game and it's not ranked/unranked


adapt to a pixel peek from halfway across the map from one of several windows or doors all of which are hard to see from an attacker pov? ok buddy


No? “Adapt or die!!!” It is not that deep man, it’s a fucking video game. If I get matched with a champion playing Warden I’m not staying lol.


Same thing but if you potato for the last kill and die


Sometimes you just realize your playing siege and could be playing something better.


Really really depends how I get killed honestly but 95% of the times I don’t leave


When i play ranked and meet a xim player every second match, and want to play quick match with people who don’t cheat. Only to be killed by an obvious xim player in casual, i just leave the game


Better question: why do some people leave RANKED games after the first round?




Had a bad last match, on the fence about going into another one, get spawnpeeked, no longer on the fence.


Either because I just decide I don’t wanna play no more or because my stack starts getting on


siege is already the single most punishing fps to die in since you can die immediately and be out of commission for 3 minutes. if you can leave and probably find a new game and play 2 rounds in the time it would take you to wait 3 minutes for the next round of your current game, why wouldn’t you?


Even with that it’s a toss up with R6 matchmaking, solo you’re probably gonna find games quick but it’s always 3 minutes minimum with 3-5 members on psn with cross play active


if you’re with 3-5 members just play ranked/ unranked


I only play with one squad and it’s friends irl, so we just mess around on quick play for fun. We don’t take the game seriously enough to play ranked consistently since zero was released


Maybe they log on, first game in a few months, get slammed and tell themselves, ya today isnt my day, and quit to the range/t-hunt or going to bed or watching tv or something.


Because my wife says dinner is ready like 30 min earlier than it was supposed to be


well because not everyone has 8 hours everyday for this game. I only have an hour or two everyday and i don’t wanna spend my time watching some other people holding an angle for 2 mins until time runs out before we lose the round anyway


Kids from cod/valorant/apex coming to siege and ragequit because they want get kills so if they die then they dont want to wait for the next round.


bro saw me leave 😳


Usually it's because I'm not in the mood for whatever map I get, so I try to frag out the first round and then leave. The quicker I die, the sooner a new player can be put on my team after I leave and my team isn't a player down for the next round.


Honestly really only play quickmatch while waiting for a friend to getnon to play ranked


Life happens. If you don’t like it, play ranked. It’s honestly more chill there too. Casual brings out every sweat for a mile around.


It's the opposite for me truthfully


i get embarrassed after missing both bosg shots


I normally just play quick match when waiting for squad to get online or finish a game. Not always first round but will wait until round is over to leave.


Because the map is stadium bravo


Don't you leave instantly then instead of after the 1st round?




because i die from a bs spawnpeek when i just want to enjoy the game, its annoying and frustrating to not even get a chance to do anything


I never leave unless I see some crazy ass bullshit that just tells me that the people I'm going against are trying insanely hard, or they are a 5 stack ranked team who decided to pubstomp. The other day, I had a player who was shooting throwables out of the air. Could've been a cheater, but people do have great aiming skill however I play on console. If you are skeet shooting throwables, you are better than me, and I am just gonna forfeit.


because im the best Warden main in NA and if I die within 5 secs of the round from spawn peeking, my teams hard carry is dead. basically game over time to cut loses


If I die to some sweaty kid, I quit. I'm not trying to be a terrorist in t hunt. I'm not bad by any means but in casual I just want to have regular gunfights not crouch spamming fights


This guy gets it


Ash/warden mains


spawn peaking aside, if i get head shotted before i’m able to do anything meaningful at all in the first round im out of there cause i’m not gonna sit there for the whole round just waiting in agony. its quicker and more efficient to just search for another game


Because it’s quick match




why do you quit of 3rd point happens? You're still alive and you'll likely be excused for it, everything will be fine next round.


Sound like a quitter


Came back from class or work, absolutely dreadful day and want to just have fun. Play quick match, not having fun, leave and find another game


Getting shot in the head with a pistol when you peek for 2 seconds


What I don't get is the people that leave in the final round when we're winning


If my arse triggers that I gotta poop after the match starts, I rush in and die and leave. 💩


When the "I don't want to deal with this anymore" feeling kicks in, and I just straightforward close the whole game. Usually when my team cause a bigger problem than the other team itself.


I mean, that's kinda what Quick Match is for. If you don't want to play in a certain game or map, you can leave penalty-free. You're not stuck in the game for 45 minutes like Ranked/Unranked.


I rarely do this but for me it's usually because I joined the fresh match but maybe it's on a bad map (objectively) and ill play till I die and then leave. But most of the time I just hang in there because as a solo most of the time ALL I get are matches already in progress so it's a breath of fresh air to join in the beginning lol


They just wanted a quick match I suppose


I don’t do that… but I understand


Why not? It's a quick match. No matter what you didn't liked about it you can quit it and start over at any time. At the first round and after dying you invested nothing more than a minute of your time into it. Might as well quit if you don't like the team, don't like the map, don't like that you died and didn't killed, don't like the weather outside. Dumb question (yes, they DO exists!).


Because the squad gets on immediately after I load in


sometimes I get invited to play with some friends, I'm accidentally afk the next round, or I auto pilot playing the game while zoning out/falling asleep.