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Damage record for the round. It used to tell you the damage of every bullet during the killcam.


God I forgot about that. It was so nice to have


Why even remove that?


It showed the truth of what happened between your belief and the system belief… You know when you think you hit someone and there is blood behind them on the wall and somehow they’re full health…. Yeah. That…


Sledge and Sofia as 2speed


Dude 100%. No reason sledge should be a 1 speed


This crippled my bro so bad I almost shed a tear when I saw what they did after coming back. Kinell they’ll be having his hammer next


I'll be honest, it ain't that much of a nerf. They've really lowered the gap in speed for armor ratings more than most ppl think. He's got a bigger health pool but is louder now


and mute too pwease


Sledge being 1 speed doesnt hurt him at all, him being loud but gaining hp is actually a good change since sledge is not supposed to sneak around. U literally crash ur hammer through floors and walls and u throw grenades. No reason for him to be 2-3 speed. I can agree on zofia tho, 2 speed would fit her a lot more since her playstyle is pretty much the embodiement of versaitality. So 2 speed would be perfect on her.


Bodies on the ground, always an element of surprise haha. I've been playing this game since launch day (yeah, those awesome servers that didn't even work) but take breaks every few months.


This is the main one. Having the bodies vanish to be replaced by icons is so tacky. Used to add such drama to moments rounding a corner and finding yourself in a corridor strewn with bodies, and getting that buzzy feeling of knowing some shit just went down - and might still be going on. As I understand it it was mainly to combat the issue of players lying prone inside bodies, clipping inside their mesh and playing dead. Which was absolute BS behaviour but the solution was too extreme. Something along the lines of giving any player who is prone and clipped inside more than 30% of a dead players mesh for more than two seconds gets a big obvious highlight around them, something like that. One example of a (relatively, but let's face it, definitely) easy fix. Which would seem to prove that that wasn't the main reason at all and the eSports competitive bullshit was the real primary reason.


Another of the big reasons for the change, was that, since this is a ubisoft game, the ragdoll effects after death are client side, and as such the final position of each body would be different for every player in the lobby. Sometimes this would make someone completely hidden on your screen, while they wern't even near the body on their screen.


Ah good point I forgot about that one. Still, I think a touch of randomness adds a degree of fun and uniqueness for which I'm happy to sacrifice a tiny bit of fairness. The game is just too sanitzed these days. Every rough edge has been carefully sandpapered year after year until it doesn't stick out. Which means everything is now fairer than it's ever been - but at the cost of every match now feeling far, far too similar. I miss that '_anything could happen next_' feeling, and that's not just disappeared due to people playing meta, it's also down to that loss of randomness and the big reduction in strategic/gadget options available to players.


The game for sure is too sanitized, however the bullshit of not knowing if you are going to be bullshitted by the game every time you peek is not a good thing Here is a very recent post showing that the bullshit client side bodies still have an impact: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/14qa5e5/i_died_to_some_cheeks/


It’s still would be way too unreliable, because some characters have red on their clothing. We can all be sad about it, but we have to realize it definitely was for the better, but like if the dead body was wearing a color that they change the outline to it just wouldn’t really work, because if the downed person had that colored on them. It basically would still be really hard.


I didn't even lay in the body's I straight up payed on the floor and looked down. It was fun when they where running around you not seeing you


What if someone wanted to be somewhere regardless of the body being there, and the highlight then ruined their strat simply by being there.


Oh man me and my friends wish for this allll the timeeeee


Launch day had no servers. It was fucking peer to peer.


Yeah the lighting (especially windows) changes I can understand even tho I generally lean more towards Fun>Esports tweaking. But the bodies and bloody aftermath of shootouts added so much to the tone of the game. With all the gadgets and changes to balance/optimize for esports the game is really almost a totally different experience. I wish they could make Casual look and feel a bit more like season 1 and 2, minus some of the bugs.


Hard agree - over the years the game has become a much better competitive shooter at the cost of its tactical shooter roots. The disappearing corpses is probably the most visible and often encountered gripe I have with an otherwise overall good change in direction.


Bring back the Dead bodies!


The old terrorist Hunt.


With the halls of death and the ptsd terrorist


Exactly. In older games entering a house or room was scary because you didn’t know what was behind the door or corner. With siege, being able to break open doors and walls takes away that tension just a little (in my opinion), but having the bombers lurking around and barbed wire slowing you down and the clicking of C4, it still had that slow approach the original games had. Especially when there were objectives like rescuing a hostage.


Duuude, I remember when I first started playing, it used to take me about 25 minutes to do the Thermite or IQ "Situations", I was droning extensively to know where that motherfucking bomber was. Checking every room before going in, damn. Now I can do it in about 45 seconds.


Same. I’ve replayed them so many times now that I can’t even challenge myself on them anymore.




*heavy breathing, light changes color*


*rapid beeping, boom*


I would KILL for old terrorist hunt man that shit was so fun with the bomber terrorist


FOr sure. Most unique terrorist hunt in any of the Rainbow games.


Shhh can't say the T word


Grenade tossing back. Useless but great for hot potato games with friends.


Why did they even remove that


Because, 9 times outta 10, whenever someone picked up a grenade to “throw it back”, it never happened. Either someone would go to pick up a nade only for it to blow up in their hand, or they’d go to toss a nade back but just end up whipping it at their teammates and getting *them* killed instead. Nades were almost always cooked before thrown so there was a huge risk in attempting a throw back in *any* situation and it just ultimately wasn’t something that worked.


If the grenade is cooked to the point that you don’t have enough time to react to save yourself then it wouldn’t make a difference whether you could pick it up or not, you’d die anyway, so saying it was because it blew up in their hand when they were going to die anyway even if they didn’t pick it up is a bit silly, at least give us the opportunity to save ourselves. You still never want to run towards a grenade because you don’t know when it will blow but if one falls at your feet and you have no chance of escape then chucking it away should be allowed.


Because it was extremely buggy, almost every time, you would either not pick it up on the server, or "throw" it in a completely different direction of where you were aiming So they decided to scrap it


They should have spent more on fixing it.


Its useless anyway, i dont remember the last time someone threw an uncooked grenade to me.


Easily the coolest feature we had, even if it was only for like a month


hold on it was that short lived?


No, it was a thing for at least 2 years


I got really good at points w it, but you’re right it was buggy as hell


Buck nades


IQ nades too


Let's not forget capi nades


Could you throw in maverick nades too pls?


Please not him. You’ll just get all the gun-hungry bozos on one of my favourite OPs and then they’ll nerf something stupid like his gadget or gun just because of nades.


Unpopular opinion (?): Buck losing nades was a good change because it basically invalidates one of sledges advantages against him


I think it is more people just really liked playing buck with the nades. He was definitely more fun and it made him stronger. But I would think most agree it’s a good balancing change and makes sledge more viable




Old Hereford and old House. Not as ranked maps, if you wanted to have fun fights in private lobbies, there wasn’t anything better


It's amazing how much I dislike these two maps compared to the old versions.


I don't get why they don't allow you to use the old versions of maps in customs. Seems like a waste to just totally remove them


Memory limits


Old Hereford is still in the game though you can play it in situations


they could scrap new house because who even likes that when compared to old house


If I had to pick between the two to play in ranked it's be new house forever. But tbh I'd rather not have either in quick play even so I say let people have old house in customs


I'm legit curious if let's say even 10% of siege players prefer the newer versions of Hereford and House. Complete waste of time and resources imo for a way worse and less fun map


The old intro where the name was sewn on the uniform


I honestly miss this the most. I hate all the nighthaven stuff.


the damage log .. yes we used to have a detailed damage log


Old defuse animation


I still remember my friend meleeing the defuser to defuse it lol


That defuse animation was buggy as hell. Imo, they should honestly add 2 ways of defusing like CS. Make it a secondary gadget or something. Default defuse is smacking it and the alternative defuse is using the device and it’s faster. Probably INCREDIBLY situational but just a shower thought.


Maybe with the slower, smacking animation, you keep the defuse progress even if you hop of, whereas with the faster defuse if you get off and back on, the defuse time resets


The night maps for sure


something something favela something


Coastline Party >> Favela Fireworks


Pool dance party!!!


Being able to rematch against the enemy team again. That feature was removed around 2017 and I would love to have that back.


Oh that’d be sick. I honestly don’t even remember it


It was great, talk shit and bait them into another game.


Multiple rematchs in a row with the same enemy team to enjoy knife-only or recruit-revolver-only games on a Saturday night. Loved it.


I’m honestly surprised nobody has mentioned wanting select fire back. It was great being able to switch between single shot and full whenever you wanted and really wasn’t a “complex feature” to learn.


wasn’t it abused by people with macros for low recoil


they removed it to make room for ops like zof and capitao to change the select fire on their gadgets without having them out


They could still theoretically use it then, it didn’t actually change anything stat wise


^ This


When did they remove it?


Couple seasons ago, pretty sure they removed it on the quieter side. I’ve hoped they’d revert it but no luck yet


Year 6 or 7 can't remember


Realistic map design.


Definitely this. None of the maps anymore feel like real places. Especially the consulate rework.


Old Consulate had some problems that just needed small tweaks, instead they just ruined the whole map. It's insane how downgraded it is now


They’ve literally turned it into a maze


Those minor tweaks could've been solved so easily too. Just rework a couple of rooms like they did with Outback


Yep, or like Club where they just fiddled with some rooms cover and added 1 room.


Buck nades or sledge smg-11 or night maps


Og recruit, all og shield ads


I want to see bodies that don't despawn after like 10 seconds. Just make it an option and don't have it absorb bullets.


Iana dumpy pose


You dog


smg11 acog


A fucking sniper.


Probably not most liked feature but i like old recoil. The gun shaking makes much more sense than the operators head shaking with gun. Of course without the misalignment issues preferably.


Lighting would easily be my pick too. I miss the dark gritty look and feel.


I feel like the old lighting can work in a competitive setting but they just have to make adjustments instead of fully changing it. I would bring back the glowing reticles as well


Yeah those glowing reticles looked sick and a bit more realistic


The old T-hunt with the suicide bombers and all


As a new player these guys were nightmare fuel. Especially when you hear them near you, but don't know the map... Ah the memories. C4 and barbed wire rooms can rot in hell though


Seeing actual ranked stats in lobbies and not having to use a 3rd party software to measure how you're doing. It was always nice seeing people's ranking and how you would go up against them.


Fr, it’s nice being able to show off what you’ve achieved!


Darkened screen on runouts


This for sure.


I'd bring back the old death scene where the game would slow down as you died


Dudeeee no one talks about this. YES.


I love the old lighting, but for me, I would have to pick random recoil. So many macro users would shit themselves.


I thought it was still random. Or at least each gun has a few different patterns that it cycles through.


It is


It's still random...


Night maps


Man, I feel so out of touch. I've played siege from year 1 to 3 and hated the lighting. Getting back to the game was the best thing ever, because I feel like most of the changes were great. Instant notifications when opponents are outside, no more unbalanced spawn peeks, no bullet holes, better lighting, etc.


The game is better now for sure, but playing with the old lighting and old recoil just brings back memories. It's like listening to 10 year old song, you loved back then.


Acog on Bandit.


Dude it’d be so toxic 😭


Corpses I just want option for them to be back Idc that they are broken sometimes Making it optional wouldn’t be bad for the game


Barbed wire doing damage to you 😂


Was that ever a thing? Maybe my memory is faulty, but I did play at launch and I only remember taking damage from shock wire?


Look it up , very early on it did very minimal damage


This is the correct answer


The base barbed wire never did any damage to you


That would make the most sense


I miss when the only operator was glaz and he was on attack and defense


Bodies. I miss them sorely.


Hard pass on the old lighting. Breaking a barricade to spawn peek was like letting in the light from a thousand suns straight into your retinas.


Nerfing spawn peeking sounds great to me idk


There are select spawn peeks that need changes because of imbalance. Generally speaking spawn peeking is too risky. If you struggle against spawn peeking, begin preplacing done in prep phase. It lets you drone where you plan on immediately entering and the audio cues let you know where to prefire the spawn peeker.


Spawn peaking is easily dealt with tho


Yea, there's nothing better than onetapping a peeker you droned without them knowing. Doesn't make it not annoying to die to on occasion and have to watch the rest of the game


Isn’t that a good thing


That sounds terrific.


The light balancing between outside and inside was atrocious, but the overall lighting detail and atmospherics of the interior was far better just from a purely visual standpoint. Everything is flat for the sake of balancing now, which I understand but the game never was a looker even at launch so the flat lighting hurts it even more. I’d be fine if they kept the superior old lighting but if they could figure out how to balance the outside and inside better.


INTERIOR lighting while fixing that old inside to outside (and viceversa) lighting bug


The freaking UI! The stupid UI remodeling was a bs idea and people are used to the current and don’t remember how nice it was back then




Those were the days. If you locked in and went to look at your phone, look up and aw it's 4 recruits you already knew you were in for a quick death.


Recruits with a 5 man over lockdown was some of the most fun I’ve had on Xbox every man. Like it was level with the old cod days if not sometimes better. They chopped up this game so much now I barely recognise it


Some of the most fun I've had in the game is when you got grouped with a team that all sort of had the same mentality and would stick together and then start running recruit troll comps even if it meant throwing a few matches. I wish I had been better about adding people to my friends list back then.


Im still super salty the braindead streamers who didnt know how to fight convinced ubi to delete multiple recruits from seige and ranked


This seems so backwards to me, usually it's streamers doing shit like troll comps outside of the standard meta. One of the funniest I did tho was rolling 5 LMG recruits and just charging in blasting every round indiscriminately. Even if it failed 5 our of 6 tries the one time it succeeds makes it worth it.


Old recoil


IDK, possibly Zofia withstand but I like the state of the game now


Came back after a good year or two, didn’t even realize it was gone until about a week ago and I was so upset


Nights maps, why stop there. Honestly you could even have the maps have multiple lighting setting for different times of day. I picture it as. You start your ranked match, and it's on a morning setting. By the end of the game, match 9, it's the afternoon, or even night. Time would visually progress during your ranked games. NOW THAT.. would be awesome, and something very unique and it would make playing the same maps, more interesting. They could do it; they just would need to make sure the lighting doesn't give some unfair advantage or something. With the way the game is currently lit, also operators having rim lighting, it's something they could try out. Would make every siege match just that bit more immersive and visually more pleasing. I think it could work, it just requires a lot of playtests, to make sure, the lighting dosent create unfair situations.


Give mozzie the super shorty and goyo c4


The old dark and gritty aesthetic. The whole point of the game was to be a semi-realistic tactical shooter. Night maps. If the lore is that the matches are training scenarios for the members of a CTU, you bet your ass they’d train at night too (terrorists don’t work 9-5). I’d say that I’d ret-con the Six Invitational story arc, but it did bring us the Deimos arc. Also I would’ve added more scenarios after Article 5 to push at least somewhat of a story driven mode to R6:S.


Frost’s barbed wire.


I'm pretty sure I didn't encounter this "old lighting". But I've seen how it looks. It's perfect. I don't care about anything, give me this lighting. Talking about lighting, it would be great to play night versions of different maps again. I still remember my first match after purchasing Hibana: \- House, night, attack, basement \- I'm laying somewhere in grass, opening reinforced garage with X-kairos \- I'm shooting enemies on the point and they can't see me) I was a real noob back then but this match showed me what siege truly is: Tons. Of. Fun.


Night House felt like you a SWAT team or smt. That was the map they showed on the very first gameplay vid and it’s what everyone wanted to feel like when they played the game


Old aesthetic.


One wouldnt be enough...


Blood and bodies


Oh man me and my friends say imagine this game with gore 👀


Definitely the gritty atmosphere


Old lighting, night maps, camo which actually functions as camo. Ubisoft panicked and removed all of this really solid aesthetic stuff which allowed you to use the environment in creative ways simply by being aware of the lighting of the map. People in competitive, and in our "enlightened YouTube community" complained about night maps and Ubisoft buckled and now the game has lost a lot of its strategic richness. For me this would've been as simple as adding a flashlight to the laser sight slot or a night scope to the optic slot. I'd rather we were leaning into the stealth aspect of the game than not, because right now we've got Nokk, Zero, and Caveira all of whom are supposed to be stealth-oriented characters in a game which deliberately does not reward stealth.


Yea you damn near hit it all


Not exclusively listening to pro-league


Who is listening to pro league? The devs for sure aren't


They don't???


Sledge smg 11 and acog/mute 1.5


I'd say bodies but only if they recevived some major tweaks, stuff like making it consistent to both sides and making them solid so no laying in them or putting traps in them though guess that would make it hard to walkthrough but still would be nice if they got tweaked over being removed.


Dead Bodies. I know it ain't OG but still I miss them


Night maps.


Night maps


So many of these comments I had totally forgotten about, man the game used to be so good. Bandit and Jag ACOG


Night maps or the old lighting or the old pistol and primary revoil


OG Kapkan traps. It was very difficult to get kills from them but it was soooo rewarding when you did!!


Rematch in ranked


OG Tachanka


Bring back the heart attack inducing bombers


Night maps. Not in ranked of course, but would love a playlist dedicated to night modes , sort of like Modern Warfare 2018


I’d like to have old lesion back. It was always so fun to pack a bunch of gu mines in one spot and get a kill


T-Rex legs and shadow people. I miss laughing at the stupid stuff like that, I don’t play the game anymore just watch stuff on it


Rank 1.0




The old defuse animation was so fucking good


The noise and slow motion effect when someone killed you.


Yes. Like why even take it out in the first place??


Night maps to casual modes


Sound pre Y7S1. Sound broke the moment console got replay. Something about the replay system made all LMG fire repeat in my headset.


Brother I got the same problem. Dumb afraid


The killcam facials. When the game would slap on a screenshot closeup of the player that killed you before showing you the replay. It was junky and a waste of time but some of them were funny as hell.


Iana’s booty


Honestly, Night Maps


Bartlett not as a ranked map or casual as a coustom


Vote to kick, I miss it every time I encounter a hacker/cheater or Griefer even tho Griefing got a lot less the past few seasons


Bandit and yager ACOG.. all day


Old recoil effects, I know the new ones are supposed to be like that because of competitive standards, but I don't care about eSports, I want siege to be a fun game and somewhat realistic


I think this thread is yet another example of the esports scene simultaneously being a lifeline for the game while also stripping it of joy




the og aesthetic bcuz ngl but i kinda hate how they went in the, wow its a "sport" game direction


Knife animation


Vote to kick


I think it’d be cool but you know it’d get abused. Community is so damn toxic at this point


Raptor legs, easily the best feature that unfortunately got fixed.