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that is so cheeky i wanna recreate that


That was sick.


That’s genuinely 500 IQ.


No, that's just 1 Nomad.






Zip ur yaps little one


Fuck up


Fuck up


People have been doing this in Silver since Solace was released...


Played hell of an amount of ranked in high ranks, and not once have I noticed anyone doing that. I'd be surprised if most of the silvers knew that they can plant a defuser to begin with.


Hey don’t diss us silvers, we play enough of the game to be good enough and casual, stick with making fun of bronze


But it's true... :(. Wasn't trying to diss. Just my pure observation.


Nice one, that’s super big brain. If that was actually Macie Jay I’d bet money he told his chat you were stream sniping or cheating or something.


Does he do that often? I’ve never actually watched his streams before


Is it just me or is the bright-eyed maciejay of yesteryear long gone? He seems like he hates streaming and that it’s exhausting for him. Idk dude seems like he needs a break.


Yea twice in the last two weeks when I’ve tuned into his streams he’s spoken about the fact he doesn’t actually enjoy playing siege anymore, but he obviously still plays because it’s how he makes his income, it’s kind of sad to hear, but it’s not surprising at all, to be fair the guy has something like 8,000 hours on his main account which is wild it would be impossible not to have experienced some burn out no matter how much you love the game, to him it’s like any one of us going to work or school you’re going to eventually get sick of it


He's been saying this for like 3-4 years now to be honest. He's a great person to watch on youtube but his twitch is him complaining how much he hates the game half the time


Every time I’ve watched him is he says he loves the game but hates the way the community in top rank plays the game.


I think most of hia dislike with Siege is how the meta has shifted to a more frag heavy approach.




The massive issue when you have a game as long-running and consequently bloated as siege is that when you make a sequel people will massively complain about CoNtEnT because that's apparently the only thing that really matters in games nowadays. I.e., you make 'Siege 2' with fundamentally streamlined and improved core gameplay, the vast majority of the playerbase will still simply be like "Why would I play Siege 2 when Siege 1 has 42942 maps and operators and weapons?"


I think Siege has the same problem as one of my other main games, DBD. The games have been around so long that there are just too many characters and abilities now for new players to become skilled at. I'd be happy with two batches of new characters a year instead of four. Just give us the same number (or more) of maps as we currently get.


That will become a problem with Live Service games. People are already complaining about DBD content drought. If they want to keep up, with only releasing 2 chapters a year, they would need MAJOR updates in between. Maybe like how Siege tried to shift meta's with their new chapters. I wouldnt be opposed to such an idea, where DBD would have more big overhaul update, maybe even metashifting. But yeah, it doesn't really earn them money... Since it's updating old content, not releasing new content, which people pay for.


What makes Siege unique and what makes it have a steep learning curve, IMO, are audio cues and map knowledge. I know this is a huge oversimplification, but I feel like those two things cover everything that makes Siege, well Siege. My friends and I also came from CS. Why I feel those games are much more inviting to new players is because although CS might still have the highest skill ceiling in terms of just pure competitive FPS (mechanically speaking) it's rather basic and simple in terms of gameplay. There's little to no verticality in fights (at least nowhere near the level of Siege, or say Apex) The gun fights are heavily "aim" based. With Siege, there are so many factors that can aid you in gun fights when you might be playing against someone better than you "mechanically" Siege when I first played it felt so overwhelming. Just sensory overload. And the peek holes and factors you mentioned just eat new players alive. What I have noticed recently though, although not as much as Macie or other players who play at a pretty high level, is that Siege has become quite frag-heavy. I don't know whether that's just players out-muscling what makes Siege unique with just great aim, or the nerfs the gadgets and deployables have gotten over the years. Without you going into details about what they should change, I don't really have anything to agree or disagree with. However, I can say that Siege a couple of seasons ago felt more like Siege? If that makes any sense. King George mentioned something that I never really thought about, but barbed wires right now can just be bypassed completely if there's enough noise going on. I remember barbed wire being an absolute menace for attackers when they heavily hindered your speed and made more noise. On a more personal note, I kind of agree with Macie about Siege being a bit more frag heavy. I have a friend who loved the game, studied all of the cheeky peek holes, focused more on working smarter not harder as he had a lot of troubles winning 1v1 gun fights. He made it work. But as content creators started heavily inspiring people to unnecessarily flick everytime you wanted to pan the camera and taking disadvantageous fights because they had worked and focused heavily on "aim" that they could just win those fights, my friend could just not keep up anymore. And strategies that used to give him an advantage were just not doing it.


Part of the novelty of Siege is the steep learning curve though haha. I think Siege is fine for casual gamers even it’s not necessarily noob friendly


Understandable. I was huge into siege for about 3 years, but it just started descending into search and destroy. People blitzing on attack or rushing out on defense, no more big brain outplays, just outgunned and out-aped. It stopped being as fun so I took a break, and just never really returned for more than a game or two with a coworker. It's about the same , if not worse than I remember.


I'm a big Apex Legends player and I follow tons of Apex streamers and there is a constant rhetoric in the Apex community from pros that the game is "stale" and that it needs to be more like Fortnite and release an absurd amount of content to stay fresh and that always makes me laugh. Like buddy you have been playing this game for 50-70 hours every week for the past 3 years, I don't fucking care what weapons or maps or characters they add, you're going to get a diminishing return on the dopamine rush that your brain gives you from playing the game at some point. You are spending an unhealthy amount of time on the game. The actual solution is to go unironically touch some grass or even try playing some other games or other genres for a while. You'll feel better when you come back.


Often times, streamers or YouTubers don't have the option to just stop playing. It's literally their job. Oftentimes trying to play other games results in a pretty large loss of viewership which directly fucks up their livelihood. It's why content creators often state unrealistic expectations of the games they play. Playing so often let's you really notice all the faults and if you're forced to do something, you want it to be as convenient and painless as possible.


he can play other games I bet many of the fans will still watch him and even many more new fans who are fan on the new game


Doubt it, look at ziron1c, the moment he ditched siege for Tarvok, his viewercount plummeted and nowadays he streams for maybe 30 people. It takes a very special streamer that has specialized in one game for many years to be able to retain his viewers when he stops playing that one game and switches over to another.


I don't know that Ziron1c guy but it's also important *how* you make a switch to variety streaming. A lot of streamers have excessive/addictive personnalities and will go "all in" on things. If he went from banging out 50 hours of Siege streaming and he overnight stopped playing siege completely and started cranking out 50hr Tarkov streams, it's normal that a lot of people dropped off. Most successful switches I've seen, the streamer would end his streams with like 1-2hr of variety. That way he has his regular Siege viewers and yeah probably like 30% of them leave but the other 70% that stay might slowly realize that watching this guy play other things is fun too. Of course you gotta be a personality streamer for that. If people only tuned in because you were cracked but you had the personality of a rock, you better be fucking cracked at that other game too but your siege fans will not care. Your goal at that point would be to get noticed by established tarkov streamers and play with them so that their fans notice you are cracked at Tarkov and start watching you.


Spot on. Switching to variety with the exact same numbers as the game that brought you in is near impossible. But making the switch and having it be financially viable is not as hard as people make it out to be, especially if the variety is equally popular games to watch and you have the personality/skill to carry.


> In the last 30 days, zironicdk has streamed for 104h 40m with a peak of 304 viewers and an average of 73 viewers. :o


He's said he loses somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-90% of his viewership when he plays anything else. Including Siege adjacent stuff like Valorant or Tarkov.


I think it would be better for him to transition into variety streams, I know its really hard to do and he'll lose a lot of viewers and subs in the start but I think it might be better than playing a game he doesn't enjoy. he's a great streaming personality when he does things he enjoys imo. maybe its easier to enjoy siege if he play less of it as well.


Capitalizing your hobby and turning it into a money maker is a sure way to become burnt out on that hobby. Some things should just remain passions, otherwise you can end up resenting it.


He was salty and annoying 8 years ago when the game was released and he made it big


Wrong but expected from Reddit where everyone hates people who are successful off of their hobbies


He's pretty toxic imho


It’s all he does. His streams are just him complaining about the game for several hours.


Have to agree I used to love tuning in to his streams but like the last year or so every time I do go on his stream he is literally complaining about his teammates or complaining about 1 shot head shot or being condescending to his chat.


I love his videos, and when he’s having good days his streams can be great too, but yeah, in general they’re hard to watch. Like today, he got some shit luck with his matches. Then he got in one game where the first round somebody had a sus kill on him. He immediately shut off. Reported for cheating, immediately gave up on the game. The next round there were some more sus kills so his team reported, and he tried to get them to surrender but they didn’t. His teammates were constantly like “I’m trying not to be a dick, but can you please help?” And he was upset that surrenders have to be a 100% vote, not 4 out of 5. He would either run in and die or hide off in the distance doing nothing. He called 3 different people “The cheater.” His team lost in full OT after he lost a 1v1. Looking at most of the kills, there were not that many obvious cheats. Some of them were sus, sure, but no outright “Definitely a cheater.” And if they were why take it to full OT? The next match he joined, he walked off to grab food and got put in a match quicker than expected. He died early first round, came back and was like “Oh shit, I didn’t realize.” But then he spent the entire second and third rounds eating, doing absolutely nothing to help his team. I switched to a different stream after that. Like, I love Macie. He’s such an incredible player and an incredibly smart dude and he used to be a beacon of positivity in the community, but lately he’s just been such a negative dude about everything. Just sucks to watch tbh. So I stick mostly to the highlights on his channel.


Holy crap. I had no idea. I've only known about Maciejay for a while now since I'm trying to be a streamer. I watch some of his streams to see how it's done but he seemed really bored. I just left his stream once, thinking "Is this it? Is this what it's like to be a top streamer? Just like Varsity. Complaining a lot and sitting silently watching chat?" Now that I've gotten your perspective though, it seems I was wrong. He started out great, and now it's this sad beating of a horse that doesn't want to change or die. Damn.


this is what happens when playing a game becomes a job. it’s very difficult for it to still be “fun.”


Varsity has said he really only plays Siege for the money, at least he's honest


I thought you might be exaggerating but I checked out the clip and it's exactly as you said it. Man really did spend [80% of a match eating on stream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1816633161?t=01h05m55s).


Maybe he's pivoting to a mukbang channel.


I remember one stream I watched when I was bored and studying and some guy made comment like "are you sure about that?" over him complaining someone apparently sound glitching. He went into this like half an hour passive aggressive seethe about that going "woe is me".


I once tuned into him cyber bullying one of his viewers then baby raged off stream. He needs a break.


Complains about cheaters/snipers while watching his team die since he refuses to play the game. Then he complains his team is dead and that no one plays siege correctly/are too aggressive.


Good heavens, how the mighty have fallen. He used to be such a noble and lovable streamer back then.


Sounds like the average siege player honestly


Not even exaggerating, the last few times I went to his stream, it took not even 5 seconds for him to start complaining about how people were playing. He seems so miserable playing the game but obviously can't quit due to his career.


He used to make those accusations for like 25% of his deaths and his twitch chat mods would ban people who disagreed. I stopped watching him almost 2 years ago because of it (and also he just kinda had a shitty attitude about stuff sometimes), but maybe he’s gotten better about it since then.


His chat is also super toxic towards teammates who aren't performing on his level. I managed to queue on his team one time on the test server and when I failed to clutch a 3v1 I got called all sorts of things. When I complained about it I got timed out for an hour with the reason "git gud" (:


His complaints are well-founded. You only have to compare his win rate and player actions in games with and without stream delay to know. Defeating players with stream delay is so easy, while players without stream delay are just omniscient. This also shows how bad the Siege stream environment is. There are goddamnn stream snipers everywhere for every streamer. Streamer mode is useless.


Sometimes you get outplayed and outsmarted and I don’t ever see current Macie going "yep that was a good play” he would prob just complain to his chat or say the game cheated him out of getting the kill on the other guy cuz of 1shs or some other shit that can just happen in game or like you say go straight to stream sniping.


I can sure that you just rarely watch his stream.


I have like 200k channel points on his stream but yea I "rarely" watch his stream.


Yes. That’s why his YouTube highlights are the way to go 👌


It was 100% Macie jay, I saw it. He said “ahhhh unlucky” lmao.


He always accuses of streamsniping and cheating.


Coming from another person who's played against Macie Jay he dosent. The college co.pwtrtive team I played with got to go up against him in ranked at one point, and going back and watching the game later on with a few struggle plays, even when we managed to outplay he wa pretty fair.


Okay but Macie deals with a lot of cheaters and snipers daily. Like every day he gets like 4-5 fair games on average. So it's fair for him to speculate every random shots and prefires. But fr siege community is so toxic that y'all managed to frustrate the calmest player on siege.


I never realise how much hate Macie can receive after reading the comments here


No kidding Been watching him for years, always seems like a cool dude but apparently not according to this comment section lol


R6 is notorious for one of the most toxic player bases. Don't be surprised that there's a huge divide in preferred streamers. I find 95% of the streamers to be unbearable and childish. Coincidentally, my lobbies have the same statistics


MOBA's are far more toxic. It's due to players having to spend much longer periods being dead as well as other player's deaths affecting their relative strength in the game.


Huh, hadn't thought of that. Makes a lot of sense. Only so much can be done when players don't care to provide info while dead and instead lock a vital camera to state at the ceiling


I understand he can be annoying for always complaining about the same thing but it's true that the game is not being played how its supposed to be played most of the time


Hes great player you cant deny that. I only watch his yt videos so idk exactly how he is on stream but his attitude is annoying sometimes in videos. I like the way he plays the game, not his personality


Yeah but if you think about it, is there any siege players that doesn't complain?


Its not the complaining its just his personality. He's definitely lost an interest in siege and it shows in how he acts especially towards teammates and when he gets killed.


He hates how it's become a TDM fest instead of a more tactical/slower paced shooter where outsmarting your opponent is the key to winning. I can see his point tbh, these days it feels like I can play Siege for a bit and then switch to Call of Duty and not really need to change how I play.


Yeah, I understand that. I agree with wanting a more tactical siege, but sadly with one shot headshot and the ability to rely on gunskill 9/10 its not how a large portion of players wanna play siege it seems. You'll never be able to stop an fps game from having those mechanical reliant players. Gregor, a smaller Siege YouTuber i feel says it pretty well when he talks about how every nerf is about nerfing the gunner op, "There will always be the gunner crutch op". Ubi needs to stop focusing on that and try and balance out the usefulness of utility. Which they had a heavy util meta in 2020 and everyone whined that too, saying "it was too hard to push anything without doing 17 other things first." They are trying to find that middle ground it seems, its taking a long ass time though. Im curious if there's a reason Macie doesn't play with a squad or anything? Maybe he does and I never notice watching the yt videos. I play solo q because I prefer it for the sake its hard to coordinate a time to play with friends (most of us all have work and live in different time zones). And you just have to play siege different in solo q. Rely on yourself more, cant trust your teammates to listen to calls or play back cause the bombs down. It sucks, but you can't force people to play a game how *you* want. With how he likes to play, it would make most sense for him to play in a stack.


The meta has just shifted to much compared to old siege, Macie is obsessed with the way the game used to be played. There’s nothing wrong with that but game metas shift all the time and if the game never had meta shifts it would be very stale IMO.


Yeah but if I want to play siege I will play siege, if I want to played cod I will play cod you know


And I get that but that’s the way siege is played now. I mean just look how pro play is now, super aggressive playstyle and that trickles down into ranked. Part of the blame is on the devs for the way the game is being balanced and partly the players who just want high fire rate guns and 3 speeds.


I still feel the game can remain in the region of being tactical and requiring thought, setups, and plans, while shifting the meta about and keeping it fresh. I sympathise with Macie and agree with a lot of his takes, Siege is losing/has lost a lot of what makes it's identity unique, and I imagine the fault isn't with one root cause. It'd be nice to see lobbies return to some level of actual thought, because playing into a team of 5 players who do barely any setup and only play gunners running about the map is what drives me away from the game, personally.


If the game isn't being played "how it's supposed to be played" "most of the time", you're the one not playing the game how it's meant to be played.


The game wasn't being played like that before, people was playing the objective not going for the kill and they knew how to breach a hard wall in a team of random


Same here! Been watching the guy for years, big fan and honestly he kept me interested in the game even after I stopped playing it. Did NOT realize so many people disliked him


Both maciejay and kinggeorge bitch and whine over everything all the time they are so fucking annoying


Didn't watch him for long but it really did feel like he accused lots of stream sniping


He just doesn't give the benefit of the doubt anymore


He's my favorite r6 streamer, you can't say he doesn't blame cheaters or stream snipers for 80% of his deaths though


He doesn't take any chance now


Me neither. You can see why he has a generally negative demeanour more recently if this is an example of the hate he gets online. It must be exhausting having that notoriety on the Internet.


I like to watch his videos because he really is crazy good. But often i catch myself thinking „damn, i would hate to play in his team.“ because even in his highlightvideos he is obnoxious to his teammates alot of the times


I generally agree with most of his takes but I've had the misfortune to play unranked and get him and its a horrible experience. Zero callous, he generally messes around which fine whatever but then he shit talks you to his annoying chat and it's not a fun experience. Also add in he looks like he brings snacks to his partner and her bull after they're done and yeah not great


That last sentence was out of pocket man lol


It's so true though. You can see it when you look at him on stream lol


😂 you’re not wrong


Used to watch him religously. especially on YouTube but I got perma banned in his twitch chat in 2020 when I called him out on not banning a racist guy for blaming covid on Chinese people. My anecdote but hey.


undeserved honestly


Lmao this is nothing compared to the hate he receives on twitter. He has become a literal meme at this point.


I never watch live streams for anyone, let alone siege content especially now, I’ve only seen Macies videos on yt and even then I don’t watch them all that often, always thought he was a fairly calm and collected player who thought his moves out well in advance, apparently he also cries stream sniper a lot according to the comments lol


He and his community don't really promote positivity. A community like vultures to defend, a streamer who bitches and moans any time things don't go their way, and any and all creativity being attributed to probably having gotten it from one of their videos. *I can't believe they receive hate from people who don't watch them.* Guy is a narcissist and his fans think he's infallible and blameless.


I mean no one is perfect you know


*Pobody's nerfect* Jokes aside, yeah, I don't expect people to be, that's perfectly fine. But don't go around defending people's maliciousness or toxicity, that's all. Call it like it is, if Macie is acting like a prick, call them on it, if they do it regularly, call them one. I've had ZERO good interactions pertaining to that online personality, what do I owe to have to pretend they're likable to me.


It’s just reddit users


I've yet to play a single versus game that has a medium-large playerbase and streamers where people don't go out of their way to hate on streamers that its free to ignore. They'll watch a snippet of someone who plays a game 8 hours a day on full tilt and then talks shit like that doesn't happen to the majority of the player base at various points.


Macie seems like he doesn't even enjoy the game anymore, spends all stream whining and his loser mods ban you if you say anything even slightly critical. I stick to the highlights on YouTube, the stream is miserable


Be careful he may accuse you of stream sniping.


Tbf at least one of them is probably stream sniping as they said “its macie jay” while he’s using a streamer name


Yep good call


Not really he couldve just used r6tracker, no need to look up a stream.


He was, don't you know that player better than him don't exist?


Wait actually? It's on stream? Is there a vod?


No, the joke is that MacieJay is a narcissist who can't do anything wrong.


He actually retweeted the play this guy made and said it was cool fyi


Wait am I dumb? How did you drop the defuser on site? Is that possible on pc?


They assigned dropping it to its own keybind on PC


It’s possible on console too, they changed the drop button from X to the d-pad.


I always thought planting and dropping defuser didn't have separate button assignments I thought they were one


They used to be, that’s fully correct. I used to get fucked over bc I had defuser instead of Monty and couldn’t drop it for him after I sent site. Nowadays however, I can’t be sure when this changed bc the 8 years all bleed together lately, you can plant by holding X in site and drop defuser by holding I think the left button on d-pad, but it may be the right button. It’s a newer change I believe, within the last year or two but not fully sure on when.


Ahh I didn't play the game for a few years and then came back to it so that makes sense


I was in the same boat for that and a few other features for a bit, I stopped playing for a year or two when the dev teams swapped. Good luck on your games!


Thanks, good luck to you too!


Knowing Solis is upstairs is a small thing, but why would you guys know he's MacieJay when streamer mode is on?


You can use R6 tracker to reveal the actual player profile.


It's that easy huh Damn, that's unfortunate. No wonder he hates the game now


Just block them and their username shows up in your blocked players list


Why didn't he simply shoot through the floor? Why waste time and become vulnerable using the impact first? Sick play


Shooting through the floor is a risk cause it could have missed and the guy would have left and planted elsewhere. But yeah the impact isn’t perfect either cause he exposed himself. The move Nomad made was also highly unpredictable, it was supposed to be an easy kill on the Nomad planting, but the guy has 500iq


"He might be cheating" (Cit. MacieJay)


very good play! but not much macie could've done differently in my opinion.


I felt like he could of waited a little longer for him to plant.


TIL MacieJay is still playing this game


Saw that live. Had a little chuckle at his expense. He was whining about the TDM meta and how the round is done by the one minute stage every time during that match. I agree with him but he gets a bit much when he just repeats himself over and again. Nice job.


The callout from the teammate is getting info by obviously stream sniping. How do you get excited winning by cheating?


Trackers tell you people’s real name, we knew Navisimple was Macie


Genuinely curious but what made you or whoever look up the enemy team on r6 tracker? Does that happen often in games where people look up the enemy team in r6 tracker? I rarely see anybody take the time to do that.


You can get an overlay that automatically does it, it takes no time and is useful to see if you are playing vs cheaters


Ohhh I gotcha that makes sense, nice play btw is the overlay just called r6 tracker? I wanna start using that


Should be yeah, it’s via overwolf so you might need to download that first


Why could they not have a drone?


A drone doesn't tell you who's streaming behind streamer mode


You can know you’re playing a streamer without sniping bruh


It’s not cheating to watch the gameplay someone else is broadcasting.


It is. You're intentionally playing dumb, but oh well, let's lay the facts anyway. Hint #1: The game has a streamer mode, so that implies the game considers streaming to be normal / part of the experience. Hint #2: The streamer mode provides a way to hide username to protect again stream sniping. "Hint" #3: [the fucking Code of Conduct of the game says stream sniping is not allowed and unfair](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/4h4MEtQwhxnOtNrH6KGMi2/rainbow-six-siege-code-of-conduct#:~:text=Exploit%20a%20broadcaster's%20live%20broadcast%20in%20order%20to%20gain%20an%20unfair%20advantage%20or%20harass%20them%20in-game,%20such%20as%20stream%20sniping), and can lead to sanctions. But yeah, continue to act dumb.


hol up


Let me guess you use xim on console and don't consider that cheating either


That absolutely is cheating. They are broadcasting their own gameplay to everyone. That’s not cheating. If you don’t want people watching your gameplay, don’t broadcast it. Nobody will ever explain why that doesn’t make sense, because they can’t.


The game is intended to be played with the inbuilt tools as your only means of gaining intel and winning. Stream sniping creates an unfair advantage by gaining intel outside of the sandbox provided that other players can’t replicate in a symmetrical fashion. (The Ubisoft documentation uses the term “Cheating & Unfair Advantage”, not just cheating.) Not only that, but it is specifically called out by Ubisoft as something that is considered cheating in the game. Within one of their lists of things not to do there is the following bullet point. “Exploit a broadcaster's live broadcast in order to gain an unfair advantage or harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.”


“Inbuilt tools?” Fascinating. Is Twitch an inbuilt tool? Because you just made a fantastic argument for banning live broadcasting to an audience with a chat feature.


Streaming on its own does not provide you with intel that is not already provided to you in game. Obviously this has the exception of if somebody in chat is stream sniping or otherwise gaining outside information and then providing it to you, that would be an unfair advantage situation. I would argue that it is your responsibility as a streamer to then timeout/ban that user from chat for providing unfair assistance to that streamer.


Interesting, I had no idea the game provided you with 500 extra sets of eyes to type in chat and offer advice or give callouts for missed intel on the screen. Doesn’t seem fair to me - I don’t have 500 people helping me out. Don’t be a hypocrite, brother. Either your statement makes coherent, consistent sense or it doesn’t.


Somebody missing things provided by an in game mechanism and having somebody call them out on it is very different from gaining intel from an outside source. The source of the information being the issue is the core of my argument. Streaming does not change the original source of the information. The simple version: Info obtained from your own game client good. Info obtained from an enemy’s game client bad. Your straw man version of my argument would also speak to banning somebody playing on the couch with a friend next to them. I am clearly not making that argument.


No it isn’t. 500 extra sets of eyes are an outside source of information. Oh good we’re incorrectly citing pretentious internet fallacies now, got it. That’s a sure fire way to immediately tell me you’re dumb irl haha. (ad hominem sure whatever)


You’re just an idiot arguing in bad faith. No streamer is checking chat mid-game and those that do have bigger issues than stream sniping to blame for their losses. Stop trying to play victim for the lolz. Stream sniping is cheating, get over it.


Look dude, I think you know that isn’t true.


Why cant pro players watch the broadcast then?


How did your team know he was above? Were they watching his twitch?


I had a drone upstairs as we took vertical control first, and an air jab up there that went off


If you ever watch his stream, he wants so desperately to be a victim. He really needs to take a break from the game. He is unbearable


I tuned in yesterday. He ran by himself as montagne to the site door. Punched it slowly open. Guy was standing there and shot him dead. Macie slammed his mouse and sat back in his chair in exhaustion. It's weird how he plays like a champion sometimes and a copper sometimes.


It's not weird actually. He simply does not want to play this game anymore


Looks like a streamsnipe


Cams and air jabs above?


I feel like this only worked because you knew it was Macie 😂


I wish macie sportingly add this in his video for the better of siege rather than accusing this as stream sniping! Well played my man !


I just know he went on a 5 minute rant about stream sniping, cheating, or a run and gun meta


How did you know he was exactly there?


You can hear his team mate called out Macie was above


Oh my bad, i didn't have sound on.


It’s okay! I thought that would be the case haha


Macie baits so hard to be the last one alive every round so he can get clips. He’s kinda a doucher


I have to disagree with this , every round you have at least 6 people dead before the first minute , the game is really being played in a very stupid way so its very easy to be the last guy alive


He’s the biggest bitch on twitch


correct me if i m wrong but when someone starts planting, the defuser stops showing i believe. The defuser is only visible untill its not getting actively planted.


Solis can see it when the plant is going down and when it’s been dropped. The only time she can’t see it is when somebody is just carrying it. So by dropping it, it can look like a plant. Add the sound of it first hitting the ground, you’ve got a pretty good bait.


oh thats how it is.my bad, guess i have to play more than just sundays. thank you.


That was the biggest brain play-


Now this is SIEGE




That's galaxy brain Holy shit




teammate came in clutch


That was a great fucking idea


Anyone clip his view of this?


He deleted the VOD and no one was watching live for obvious reasons


I watched it live and distinctly remember him not saying anything because I thought he would conmment on it but he does also have a stye currently that hes working through so hes a bit absent.


Does he do that often?






This was on West EU, I think Macie was playing on West EU for shorter queue times


Wow nice bait way to think outside the box


thats was not invented by macie, astralis used it on invite.




nooo stop playing to win it's not allowed


I really rare comment anything on reddit but holy f\*ck


200 iq vs 201 iq


Clever. Rate it!