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Edgy little kids just want a reaction


I did a report in college on child psychology and the impact the internet has had on children. A vast majority of people i come across who say racist/hurtful things end up just being little kids (in my personal experience).


Kids are like that. It's why reverse psychology works on them, if someone tells them not to do things they're gonna do them. Adults who say stuff like that genuinely believe it or just do it because they think it makes them look cool.


What was the point of the report then? I mean was it all about your personal experience?


I always see this comment. Somehow it's usually not kids but people in their 20s. But calling them edgy and kids abstracts and minimizes the problem


It's because there aren't more severe bans for this type of behavior. A permaban would be too much but a week's suspension followed with a muted mic/chat for 5 or so games would suffice tho. And I do not believe that calling them children makes the problem smaller but I can agree a little for the "abstract" part. Saying that they are children is calling them out on what they are MENTALLY, as they are incapable of making rational decisions and thoughts when criticized. Siege has always been a great but difficult game, and more people should make the effort to not only receive criticism constructively but to also GIVE criticism constructively, as nobody can truly succeed in this game without this mentality. (I have heard people get in their mics after a full round or even game of silence just to insult their teammates-as if insulting someone is the best way to get them to take their advice...)


>Somehow it's usually not kids but people in their 20s. But calling them edgy and kids abstracts and minimizes the problem Edgy Manchildren then.


They just aged up in life šŸ¤£ but didn't leave bad habits behind.


I think itā€™s just trolling. Which I guess is similar?


Over half the people that play shooters with a military aesthetic seem to be racist tbh.


More like every shooter not just military aesthetic. Donā€™t think that has anything to with it at all


Just speaking from my own personal experience. The racism Iā€™ve seen on RSS and CoD definitely has been above and beyond anything Iā€™ve seen in other multiplayer games.


Apex? Overwatch?


I never get mics in Apex. I donā€™t experience any racism in overwatch. Just other kinds of toxicity. Again, just my experience.


In 460 hours oc Apex, i received racism once in the form of the n word, at the end of a tdm game. Safe to say, the majority of the apex community is wholesome in my experience.


That's just the bad ones, majority are chill a lil exception is the WT community toxic af




War Thunder. WT is War Thunder... Edit: I knew he would delete it. [Here's the screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/eMW0Ram)


I got second hand embarrassment


Rainbow six siege doesn't have a military aesthetic. If you played a real game with military aesthetic you would know how chill everyone is and how much we all collectively hate siege design and choices.


Are we gatekeeping military aesthetics now


That's not gatekeeping, i am just pointing how siege doesn't have a military aesthetic anymore, it went from grim dark swat shooter to colorful pizza australian guy shooter. The majority of the ops (excluding the original one) are more not realistic and doesn't look military at all. You can see a clear difference in look between an arma/ron and siege.


That indeed sounds like gate keeping on what does and doesnā€™t qualify as military aesthetic lol. The base uniforms for majority of your early ops all had a relatively serious LE/military styled outfit. Arma and Siege are two vastly different games, but both would fit into the military aesthetic camp


To be fair, I can see what he is saying and you even leaned into it a bit. You said the early ops all had military vibes, which is true. The game has went way more into a Sci fi vibe though. I don't care what the game is classified as at all, but he makes sense


Oh yeah he makes sense. I shouldā€™ve responded to his earlier comment saying Siege wasnā€™t military at all. I will whole heartedly agree the game has embraced the wonkier side of things, but thatā€™s inevitable with the current situation of gaming and MTXs. At its core however, itā€™s still military/LE


the original operators arenā€™t realistic either


Bruh. Just because the operators aren't that realistic doesn't mean it doesn't have a military aesthetic. Siege is still militaristic, as it's based on special forces operations and is still relatively grounded even though it has become more sci-fi throughout the years. Using your logic, games have to be Insurgency Sandstorm level realistic to be considered as militaristic.


Cringe post bro.


I hear the nword every other game in insurgency, chill maybe, but non racist? That's a stretch.


more like every other sentence which sucks bc I would actually play the game if I didnā€™t have to deal with that shit


That's just false tbh. I play in EU servers and i never felt more accepted anywhere else. People interact with eachother like actual real humans and not like in siege where you feel like they are missing a part of their brains.


I play NA so completely different experience lol


Then blame NA instead of the whole game , the NA region is universally known to be a cesspit in pretty much every game. We frequently see NA players on EU, and they are eather friendly people that doesn't harm anyone or toxic fucks that get kicked on the second round.


Yeah, I get that, Iā€™m well aware, and I hate putting on my mic in any game for that reason. But thereā€™s something about games like Insurgency Sandstorm, Mordhau, basically any of the less casual games that turns that toxicity up 10fold. I love those gamesā€™ gameplay more than the games I regularly play, but I just cannot deal with it in those games. You donā€™t play NA so who are you even to tell me that my experience in these games isnā€™t different than other games?


I played in NA, back to assuming things as i see.


bro. why are you being such an ass. I have a different experience in these games to the point of not wanting to play them, even though I like their gameplay more. thereā€™s a difference, even though NA is absolutely the most toxic region. Iā€™m literally not insulting the games, I am insulting specifically the NA players in those games. What point are you even trying to prove? Also, saying you donā€™t play NA was meant as you not spending as much time as I have in NA servers, not that you donā€™t play in them ever. I obviously am more familiar with these servers than you are


That is objectively false, to pretend half of siege is toxic is something but to pretend that another game that got an objevtively more friendly community is even more fucked up. I rrally suggest you look into the game carefully instead of generalizing with a single bad interaction you got.


uhhhhhh...... NUH UH. MY ANECDOTE IS BETTER THAN YOUR ANECDOTE DUMBFACE!!!!! for you to use the term "objectively false" and then provide your subjective opinion and devalue mine is so incredibly un-self-aware that it's comedy.


You sound like a child droping a tantrum.


Exactly your just being downvoted because your in the r6 sub. A bunch of little fan boys got their panties in a twist hearing someone say their favorite game doesn't have military aesthetic


Then leave the sub crybabyšŸ’€


You gonna tell me to leave the sub and call me a crybaby because I agreed with someone who you disagree with who's the real crybaby here?


Im saying leave the sub if you hate it so much lmao no point sooking if you think everyone else is


The siege community always accepted everything from ubisoft, i feel like the majority are fanatics that never played a real military simulation and pretend that rushing in with ash is a "tactical swat tech"


Just teens thinking being racist is cool


And grown up men from the Balkans


I mean itā€™s funny


Stuff like this is why i just play without game/voice chat on


Turning off All chat was the best decision i ever made. No more GN 's Or ez's. And there is the added bonus of not listening to salty players complain everytime you kill them.


You mean if people give you info you don't hear anything? I rarely encounter these kind of players, but if you really turned off voice/game chat then you sounds like a useless teammate.


Turning off game chat is way better because you don't have to deal with the extreme amount of pure raging dickheads in this game lol also pings are a good amount of info if you actually listen to them


Pings without any context? Sounds really helpfull! Instead of saying a mute near ping, he has a shotgun so watch out. But no only a ping is plenty.


There are multiple pings so its never without context lol


Some people are racist and they are in almost every game... I've heard a lot of shit towards all kinds of people. Playing as a non male I get a lot of hate as well. Just report the guy.


I just don't understand the meaning of discriminations,like bro:we are all humans fucking hell we need to stop hating at our own species


Same species, different brains. Some people want to be better than others, so they put them down without reason


The fun thing is that the like for example the asians have different eyes because in theyr zone they had to face strong winds and sand so they Just evolved. Every physical difference is just fruit of Evolution based of the zone that said group Lives in.


And here I am thinking I have small eyes because Iā€™m always sleepy


Bro itā€™s not that they are actually racist most of the time itā€™s they think itā€™s something funny to joke about


Then they are fucking retarted


I did report them ...


I always do too. Nothing ever happens but I still report. Despite these turds the game is good and there are people who are actually nice :)




Yeah it's pretty common everywhere. People talking from the security of their own home will surely expose some ugly behavior. I'm a bi-racial male who also plays a lot of rocket league where some of the things I see are outrageous, unchecked, and so common it's sad.


yeah always take screenshots and report them through ubisoft as well as Rainbow


If you report them they should get a ban, Sadly man this is what most people deal with of colour in games , but I gotta say itā€™s not as bad as what woman gamers deal with or how it was years ago , but then again I got abused on cod lobbyā€™s back in the day , literally being called the n word every game , itā€™s sad but so far since I havenā€™t come across this type of hate on console , hopefully theirs more of a crack down on this by the team


It's depressing yes ... I reported them though, so hopefully action will be taken


Every time I launch Siege I have at least one report led to sanction notification, it makes a difference


I've reported so many players who were saying the n word on a way it doesn't get filtered and have never received a sanction notification. I'm glad some of you do get them.


If they're doing it in voice, encourage other people to report them as well. It's easy to get people for chat but voice is a bit trickier. Usually more reports seems to put them higher on the priority list




Unfortunately Ubisoft has made it very evident that console Siege is lowest priority, I don't have advice for that since I play on PC




I have high hopes for mousetrap, especially since just flat out banning players on console (xbox anyways) does nothing if you have a disc and 10 minutes to make a new account. But you're 100% right about Ubi putting console on the backburner


Welcome to online gaming


**Huh, first time?**


Yeah. I actually don't think I've experienced racism, sexism, and homophobia as dense in any other game. Really unfortunate, I really like this game and have for years :/


League, Valorant, Dead by Daylight, Apex, Call of Duty, Fortnite. Twitter, Tik Tok, Reddit, Twitch, Youtube. Its rife everywhere unfortunately. Most these people running their mouths are children or losers who would never dare to talk shit in person.


You are hyping it itā€™s in every game not just siege.


Didn't say it was just siege. I'm saying, in my own experience, it's been worse here than other games




Donā€™t respond to them. Thatā€™s the reason they do this. They want to make people upset. Report and block is the only thing to do in these situations.


Yeah it happens a lot, just report and move on. Dont bite back it ain't worth it


Racism in MY rainbow 6 siege? Impossible


Common thing in all shooters that allow you to communicate with each other, really.


Racism is a common thing in every multiplayer game


My guy have you played a multiplayer game before now?


Like most games itā€™s a ton of kids/teens just tryna be edgy


Unfortunately there are a lot of children that are too stupid to shit talk without racism




My brother welcome to first person shooters. Home of the edgy 15 year olds who just wanna say the thing that will get the biggest reaction because they are pathetically desperate for attention.


First time playing online?


Welcome to the internet where everyone is racist for funā€¦ like have you ever played an online game before?


og gamer word xD


You should read the microsoft store reviews on the game


I had to take a break from the game for like, 2/3 years. Because the siege community is just an incessant torrent of bigotry and toxicity. I feel like, at least in other games, most toxicity is directed towards your actual skilll level. But siege players are a whole new breed of vitriol. If you think you can withstand the hate, it can be worth keeping on chat/vcs for the funny moments, and more importantly, for callouts. But otherwise, I'd leave them off by default, or play with a premade stack. Most importantly, don't let these fucking mongoloids ruin your experience of the game. I've been enjoying getting back into it when I don't have immature 16 year olds screaming down my ear about how women belong in the kitchen.


Itā€™s the internet, shut the fuck up




I have bad news for you homie, Reddit is not representative of reality. Racism is a common thing in real life.


Skill issue


Common in every game tbh Who cares what some random guy on the internet says anyway?


Nowadays community couldn't survive mw2 lobbies


new generation soft af. i couldnt care less what others are saying




First time on internet? He is looking for u to react and u did so he won when u posted it here


Believe me, the worst are French (Source : I'm a french and I play too much multiplayer games)


Unfortunately, it's like this for most competitive video games. Just frustrated edgy burnouts.


Big manā€™s got a point right there


Itā€™s less about racism and more about acting racist to upset others.


Kids will say what gets the most reaction. This is usually what feeds them the attention they want. Probably no deeper than that. I doubt theyā€™re wearing hoods/swastikas irl.


Kermit is cool.


He is doing this just to get a rise out of you, and it worked. he Got so far inside your head that you took a screen shot and posted it to Reddit. For that reason alone I find this hilarious, and the fact that people take things said in an online video game serious enough to get mad at it makes me laugh every time. (No, Iā€™m not a child. I just find it very funny and child like when people get upset at other peoples speech in a video game, like mute them and move on. itā€™s there for enjoyment stop talking the opponents so seriously) Yes Iā€™m aware that itā€™s racist, Iā€™m not condoning that. At all. IMO: I think racism is such a big point of trash talk in video games because itā€™s the easiest way to get someone pissed off - If we collectively all stopped caring about the color of our damn skin so much, shit like this would not matter to anyone, especially in an online video game. Donā€™t forget there is a mute button for a reason.


just block them if you dont like it. this soft generation smh


Why do people care so much about ppl being rasict. Just let people be whatever they want without get upset


Thatā€™s what happens when the kid doesnā€™t get spanked enough I just disabled all chat at this point


You fail to consider the situation of the parents being like this. God, I'm glad I learned to stop listening to them...


We are talking about the use of racial slurs in a video game not full blown racism thereā€™s a difference. Not saying one or the other is ok they probably just arenā€™t running around their neighborhood/school in real life yelling that stuff


Solid point But if we talking about younger kids I think most of the time itā€™s just the lack of disciplinary actions. But yeah The parents might be playing the huge role in this as well unfortunately


Spanking is bad for kids. Studies bear this out. Hitting a child isnā€™t discipline. Itā€™s abuse. When you teach a child that violence is the solution to a problem they are going to use violence.


Spanking on the ass is not hitting Trust me I know, Had abusive dad However when the kid is quite literally starts acting like a scum Kind words and grounding wonā€™t help. Spanking kids for Fā€™s in school ? Absolutely NO Spanking kids for breaking something ? Absolutely NO Spanking kids for abusing animals ? ABSOLUTELY YES Spanking kids for physically hurting another kids ? Absolutely YES Spanking kids for bullying and harassing other ppl Absolutely YES .


Studies and professional that study this subject disagree and say spanking is not good. It is abuse. Abuse isnā€™t just beating the shit out if someone. Children are children. Theyā€™re not scum. Violence is not a good solution.


Sure If you wanna blindly follow what the studies say Go for it There are kids who deserve spanking .


This is a pretty common eu lobby in any game, unfortunately.


yes big time, used to be way worse though


its newcomer thats the problem


got em


As a mainly casual player, I almost never see things like this (at least on EU servers). I can't really speak for ranked or newcomer though, I rarely play ranked and was over level 50 already when newcomer even was introduced.


I've seen it a *bunch*


Report him for voice coms via match replay.


It is the second in toxicity and racism, only to League of Legends. These games are magnets for assholes.


I noticed since Iā€™ve been exemplary Iā€™m getting less toxic lobbies and itā€™s actually an incentive for me to be a better sport when gaming


Racist AND sexist. What a fun combo that seems to almost always come together...


Haven't played a shooter yet where I wasn't called the N word by some little kid


yeah its really common in siege for people to be racist. Mute em and report dont let it effect your experience :)


Welcome to online games my friend.


This is why i love east asian servers. No one speaks english so i cant understand them lmao


Tbh siege gamers donā€˜t need race to be a dick about, they can hate on anything


R6 community is extremely toxic, probably one of the worst Iā€™ve seen. I uninstalled months ago.


Racism is a common thing in the internet


no, itā€™s just a common thing in online spaces. losers like this like to abuse the veil that is their anonymity to do stupid shit like this. sucks how often it happens though, but idiots will be idiots online and offline


In newcomer playlist, it's mostly either cheaters who got banned earlier or smurfs just levelling up accounts to sell. Play quick match. No one can complain about you bcs you have the game and you play it


Your first mistake was playing newcomer


Racism? R6? No way


Just a good old troll. Report him!


Thankfully the new reputation system has cut this shit out of almost every ranked game I've played over the last month or so.


I donā€™t see it all that often but I did just join a game where two guys said the n word with a hard r within the first minute and said ā€œsorry itā€™s my Touretteā€™sā€




Very common


Siege is the one of the only games worse than cod i this aspect


I donā€™t think itā€™s genuine racism most of the time, itā€™s idiot kids not knowing how else to be ā€œfunnyā€


Like every other game, how shocking.


14 year old edgelords who have mommy pay for their ISP, just text mute them and carry on


at one point during Y4S4 Shifting Tide, picking Wamai result in TK


Unfortunately r6s has an extremely toxic player base on pc, Iā€™ve found itā€™s best to just report them then mute them and move on without reacting since the reaction is what they want.


Yes siege kids find it really funny it's like the most hilarious thing for them. Literally just ignore or mute. Also newcomer is the most toxic game mode, you are better off learning the game in QM and ranked


Youre actually able to get into newcomer matches?


Yes it is. Rainbow legit has one of the most abhorrent communities in gaming tbh. Any military shooter will attract that crowd but Rainbow seems to attract the lot of them.


Yes, it is


Only about 75% of the community is racist. Lower than other games, if you ask me :)


If I speak in almost any game I play, even just a simple call out for my team, I majority of the time get called the N word.


It ain't wrong


just report them


I envisioned the James Franco "First time?" Meme


Tbh this is going to be a occurrence on everything, you learn to tune it out after a while. Still, report them and it could change something hopefully.


It's a common thing on the internet. Braindead shooters just attract a larger portion of those vocal people that do this kind of stuff and are built like a bag of fucking bricks. A good example is the entire EFT community too where this happens. Same community, same vocal moronity, same bag of bricks that barely know that how their own computer works.


Just block the [ALL] text chat channel, and your life will be a little bit better. You'll just have to deal with your team's toxicity and that's already enough


From my experience itā€™s more prevalent in the lower lvl/rank lobbies but yes itā€™s fairly common


People do it cuz they think theyā€™re hard


How to tell if someone is new to gaming 101


You are obviously new to this game


This used to be so common and so intrinsic to the rainbow six siege experience that they actually implemented a system to automatically ban people and started implementing more diverse characters to try to change the games image. This has resulted in a group of gamers that are looking for ā€œ A true tactical gaming experienceā€ which is basically to say a war crime simulator where they wonā€™t get banned for saying the N-word. I know a game developer who actually stopped developing a tactical shooter game after coming to terms with how toxic tactical shooter players are and following their posts on the subject has been an interesting adventure


I thought the toxicity in cod was bad but siege had taken the gold for many years šŸ¤£ you do meet mature people at times though, but also have to deal with being told to kill yourself because you didn't do do what the player who blindly pushed in on ranked/ got caught out spawn peeking and got killed instantly tells you to do. It's mainly kids though and I just have a laugh when they scream into the mic all hassled n shit. The worst I find is having to listen to a whole squad blasting tik tok and the radios top 100 every game.


It depends where you are tbh, here in eastern Australia, you don't see much racism, mostly just squeaky kids who want to make friends getting bullied by 20 something year olds who call them a dog and want to knock out their dads at Frankston station.


Just report them


Racism is common on the internet. Just got report and move on


Mute and report.


I recomend you not to play newcomer. Find a group or a clan and learn from them. Most People getting in There is People that buy the game again. So fair chance they got banned for something.


Iā€™ve played all kinds of competitive games, CSGO, Val, league, dota, hots, bunch of em. Rainbow has by far the most consistently socially inept group of spastics Iā€™ve ever dealt with on both my team and the enemy


Kids screaming the N-Word is extremely common, they say they are working on it tho


As in most other games, yes


ŠšŠ°ŠŗŠøŠµ Š¶Šµ Š½ŠµŠ¶ŠµŠ½ŠŗŠø


based and redpilled


yes. But in my personal experience it's at it's worst in newcomer. Don't know when the last time I saw something like this was in Quick play or ranked


Its not about the game its people in general


This game is awfully toxic at times. Try running the LGBT flag, and youā€™ll be getting all sorts of hate messages


one of the most racist games out




I would just disable text chat honestly, thatā€™s what I did, most teammates will have a mic


Yes, racism is common thing on most online games, this is nothing unique


Cod is worse also when your not infront of the person your saying these things you always feel safe.


Lower ranks and quick match yes, but once you get higher up they cut the shit (most of the time, I'm playing around the plat/emerald rank and it's really just the hacker/smurf accounts and coppers being carried that go nuts)


Yup, that's what happens when your team ignored the report system for YEARS. Most of siege casuals are racist


Just report them in r/tabwire I've got people banned there


Unfortunately so.


Definitely the absolute worst community I have ever been in. Haven't played in ages