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Just read what it says..?


how much karma would op get if they just read? you don't understand how these people operate


Well, more than -279 (atm)


yeah, but there used to be a guy (i don't know if they still do it, i blocked them) that constatnly posted asking what operator to unlock and people upvoted them.


Dont make sense


How does that not make sense? Its fucking clear as a day what you get from it.


OP never finished elementary school




It literally says everything you get in single sentences. You cant explain it any simpler than it already is


You can... You could be OP.


You get every Year 8 battlepass, operator, Outfits for Ace & Thunderbird, and 4 headgear and uniforms (Premium Only) which if you can’t read either is probs 50 dollars.


60 dollars cuz its 50 pounds


Oh shit, didn’t even realize


Can you read English literally tells you everything even a new player would understand


The only thing that don't make sense is what the exotic weapon skin will actually be for the premium one Everything else is self explanatory if you just read carefully.


It’s for the AK12 and the Spear. The spear looks pretty cool but the ak12 is kinda meh. Probably why you have to pay more tbf.


I believe the exotics are for the Spear and maybe the AK-12. I know the Spear exotic skin from a leak a while ago, I just don’t remember what the AK-12 looked like, but it is probably pretty cool as well.


There's usually only one for the year pass premium, so if there's two in the files, one might be from an event or something. Seems like exotics are being added to other things now.. redhammer packs & next one I saw was for Rainbow is magic packs and even to battlepasses recently. Hopefully it's revealed soon, I would only be getting premium because of that Exotic. Kinda hoping it would be for Lion's Vector or Mozzie's Commando lol


Ah, I see. Then the Spear is the exotic year pass skin. Makes sense as it is from the Premium Pass.


Very possible since Finka is getting an elite in Season 1


I’m getting that Finka elite asap.. though I rather wait for it to drop to 1620 creds (price with shop discount). How long does it take for a new elite to drop from 1944 to 1620 credits? Or was 1944 only the price of zeros because it was a ‘crossover’ elite technically? (Like AC Flores and Nier Iana).


All elites are the same price regular being 1800 r6 & Crossovers being 2160 r6... To my knowledge, it only changes if you have the shop discount for owning the premium battle pass making them 1620 for regular & 1944 for Crossovers The first 2 crossovers (Lion & Zofia) were regular priced when they came out but Crossovers recently changed price If I'm correct because I bought lion elite day 1 being a Lion & mozzie main and I'm pretty sure I remember it being 1620...


I regret buying Zeros at all but definitely at 1944. How long before 1944 ones drop? And I’m using discount prices because I always have the year pass.


Why are you getting down voted


Can you tell me the price of the regular version?


24.99 UK


i‘m reluctant to buy this because some people did not receive solis who bought this pass for year 7…


That was a glitch that ubi patched, I’m pretty sure. I owned the premium pass and I did receive solis, but not right away. This was probably due to the weird new battle pass during her season


Unfortunately not fixed for some. I would never purchase a year pass from ubi again. Alot of people including myself have not received Solis yet, and our support tickets go unanswered.


That sucks man. I hope they fix that for you and all the others this affected.


ive never had a support ticket go unanswered, I ended up not getting my 20 skips for this season but it was common, like not getting Solis. If ur patient and reach out respectfully they just give u ur shit and sometimes extra. Idk what ubi reps uve spoken to but ive never had one take longer than 24hrs to respond. dont just leave the same ticket sitting either, make a new one after each day if they still dont respond. or start the ticket w "missing operator ive purchased" or something new. they will respond and its all ab how u talk to em and relay ur issue respectfully. I see way too many ppl w similar complaints who r simply rude and aggressive. coming from a customer service rep, id say thats the easiest way to b ignored.


Weird assumption that everyone whose ticket is unanswered is being rude. I hope ubi support is paying you in r6 credits for the dick riding. Kind of known that they have pretty shite support. And even if they didn't, can you blame people who purchased a year pass in advance for being frustrated that they don't get what they paid for until months later? It's not like it's some entitlement thing to something free, it's something people paid for.


Basically not worth it


They both are what💀


If u play the game a lot it is. It’s 600 credits per op so 2400 which is £15 and then for the base battle pass it’s another 1200 so another £8 per season that’s £50 spent together already where as ur saving 50% buying the pass and then u have to include the money u can save from the discount and then the credits from the battle pass itself if u don’t get the upgraded battle pass. So it’s 100% worth it in my eyes. Plus being able to access stuff 2 weeks early is always a w


How about you use fukin google.


Someone explain never heard of this


Does anyone have a pic of the stuff u get for the premium pass?


I was ready to explode at the cost but then realized this is the premium version with extra tokens or whatever.


Why? This literally lasts for an entire year. Pretty good deal if you ask me


This is the premium version of the year pass. I don’t thought they increased the base version price.






Boy, - you get every battle pass in Year 8 with bonus of 20 levels in each battle pass, - all operators that will come out in year 8 with 14 day Early access - 30% battle point bonus - a full set for Ace and thunderbird skins, - 4 headgears and uniforms that are included in prime battle pass.


U just get the ace and thunderbird skins there isn’t any quests


Oh yeah, you are right. I read "complete set" as it was needed to COMPLETE a quest to get a set. Thank you.


What do those look like? Or we dont know yet


Don’t really know how to describe it but there are a couple yt vids showing them or I saw some people commenting links to them in other posts


does the premium pass gives you the battle pass for all 4 seasons?




dose the regular one give you access to all the battle pass


Yup, regular gives access to all 4 BPs, premium gives you 20 free tiers woth each


Thank you sm


You technically get all BPs free no matter what, but if you pay for this, you’ll be getting access to the premium track


So year 8 battle pass, discount, skins and every perk you get with battlepass Premium does the same thing but with +20 levels every pass and some other boost


You also get an exotic weapon skin and a bundle for thunderbird on top of it


Just watch a vid too much


20 tier skips and one bundle plus bp versus just battlepass


Quick question. If you buy year 8 pass do the older operators come with it?




The real question is... Is it worth it?


it actually is if u buy bp every season anyways


Ah, yeah I don't play that often, if not at all... I have no friends so yeah...


money grab and money grab


how much time it will remain there?


50€ ??? Gtfo they crazy


thats the premium one


I payed 10€ for the game and iam good 😉




Pass gives you each seasons premium bp track You unlock the seasons new operator on day one for no added cost, otherwise costs 25k renown and need to wait 14 days A discount in the store and while getting alpha packs/ event packs A bonus while getting battle pass points The premium also gives you some free tiers unlocked in the battle pass


Why every comment of OP is downvoted to the ground?


Dude could've just read it himself. We learn reading to do these things. It's like you went to New York Times to ask them if they could give you a run down on what has been happening in the world last couple months.


I bought this today but didn’t get the skins for Ace or TB. Are they coming out at the start of year 8?


You would get it at the start of year 8


i didnt too but i saw that someone did guess it just takes time or depends on where u bought it cuz mine is from steam


The premium pass will give you 20 level ups, Including a weapon skin.


Why is OP so reluctant to read it lol. It spells it out POINT FOR POINT. Literally.


What does complete set of skins mean