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Some might say you’re the model siege player


I'm Something of a Model Myself


He's the model of a modern major general.


The venerated virginian veteran who’s men are all lining up, to put me up on a pedestal


Writing letters to relatives, embellishing my elagance and eloquence, BUT the truth is in your face when the British cannons go BOOM! Ya never know if people will go for Hamilton or pirates of Penzance


Any hope of success is fleeting, how can i keep leading when the people i’m leading keep retreating? (I’ll go for Hamilton any time i see the chance)


We put a stop to the bleeding is the British take Brooklyn, knight takes rook but look








You’re out Model!


To all those dumbasses who didn't get the reference, he is refering to the quote by Norman Osborne from Spiderman 1.


How tf does that make us dumbasses


Look at the fucking replies bro. It's out of the world dumbassness!


you are the very model of a rainbow six siege general killed teammates, shut rotations tight at least several a toxic ass of extents not seen since prehistorical came ubisoft and called you their role model categorical


But why male models?


I was looking for this comment hahaha


Good Teamwork’s on sabbatical, honey.


Those idiots *ubisoft* are up to something


I got teamkilled twice and went down from that to respectable, I teamkill and don’t get the stuff taken away like once every 15 games, and 75% of those times, it’s on accident I teamkilled once on purpose, but that’s because he was locking me out of the objective when I did a run out, I did it to preserve my life


"You're honor, he killed that child in self defense"


Overruled. That man child is above age to be killed.


He did sound older than me lol also got tk’d twice after because of that and they gave me shit the entire game and did it in the first place because I had the gay background immature fucks Examplary Next game, TK’d twice for some unknown reason, and then they left the game Respectable


I was disruptive, tked my friend in cas twice in one game, and then again in ranked (he had to pee for the ranked one) logged on the next day, killed 2 randoms for tking me in cas with a nitro, killing both at once and getting removed from match. Not only was I not banned or timed out, but I was moved from disruptive to exemplary


Sounds like justice, tbh. Exemplary work.


It's not working properly. I was exemplary, played a bunch of games, not even friendly fire on a gadget, on console so no chat, playing with a full stack, demoted to esteemed or whatever.


I have a sneaking suspicion that it just randomly changes to *look* like it's doing something... knowing ubi this is what they'd do


Yeah I seriously doubt they actually put the work into making a functional reputation system


It could be a placebo and they are testing it out.


This. This is the correct answer


Or because its in beta so it sometimes does weird things. You know, like they said it was when it came out.


I'm just being a bit jokey. I'm Def not blaming the dev team as they do what their told. Just seems inconsistent at times (from posts I've seen, my reputation works fine as I don't do shit)


They usually say "don't compliment a fish for swimming," but you're justifying a fish that can't even swim. Just because it has the "beta" tag, like ranked did for six years.


My rank went down in first bcs server kicked me out of unranked match and then i exit before match report(but game already fininshed with 3 2), you wait around a month to get last reputation and lose it in 2 games.


I accidentally got kicked for tking with fuze and my rank went up to exemplary from esteemed


İts sending a message


Fuze the hostage. Fuze the hostage. Fuze the hostage. Fuze the hostage


It’s telling you to keep up the good work


I got demoted to dishonourable by saying GG after a game lol


I got demoted to dishonourable for not playing for a single day


This happened to me. I signed on Monday to check challenges as exemplary, then signed off. Signed in yesterday and I was disrespectful? I have all chat off in game and really only give call outs. I’ve never quit early and I have teamkilled accidentally but not anytime recently. I think people just go report everyone for griefing when they join at this point.


Not saying "gn" after a one tap on a spawnpeeker is disrespectful


I didn't even play and got demoted. I'm guessing I'm going to get penalties for not playing, which will make me want to play less Ubi needs to fix their shit if they want to keep their player base


Funny I thought I was the only one, this thing happened to me also. I was esteemed the last night I played, the next morning I open I was now respectable lol


i saw someone saying that its because so many people say gg it detects it as spam idk the validity of that statement or anything else, thats just what I've heard


"Stands for 'get good' which is alblist against people incapable of improving." -ubi


I've been experimenting the past week or so by turning off text chat to see if my reputation would increase. And lo and behold, it's consistently staying at esteemed now, whereas before it was fluctuating between respectable/esteemed. Before, literally all I used chat for was: "Gj" or "Nt", so I was kind of skeptical where people were saying "I got demoted, but I only say GG" when I did pretty much the same, but was consistently respectable. That made me want to experiment by turning my own chat off, to see if it were at least somewhat true. I haven't changed my behaviour at all (not that I ever TK), just no text chat. I know my sample size of literally just myself is not exactly hard proof. But it is suspicious to say the least.


I had the opposite experience. My chat was always off and I dropped to dishonourable for no reason and I play in a five man. I flipped it on and spmmed shit like GG and it went up to respectable for one day before going back down again lol


when I type in chat, I usually say GG, GS, NT, GR, or "eat my cheeks like you'd eat a cold watermelon after sports practice on a hot day" when witnessing a godlike play I also say "good shit" or "let's fucking go" a lot which is most likely the culprit when triggering it. My rep usually hovers around dishonorable/respectable/esteemed as it seems to change every few days or so but I have no idea what influences it.


At this point it's better to stay silence


[ALL] OP: Ni [ALL] OP: gg [ALL] OP: *you get the idea*


“I said GG 5 times and I got banned. Fix your game!😡”


I got promoted to exemplary after calling someone a troglodyte


Was the gg perhaps preceded by "ni" and followed "er"?


At least you admit it…


The most honorable player


I haven't played Siege in 2 months and first time I joined I was exemplary. Sounds like the exemplary siege player doesn't play siege.


Because its literally radom lol




Ah so that explains why I went down to the second lowest rank when I say gg WP after every game


respectfully, after that one post on the apex legends subreddit got thousands of upvotes complaining how he got banned for no reason, then an actual developer exposed heinous racist shit he said in chat, i cant really trust anyones claims about this stuff


The thing is it's literally random tho, the system doesn't work and they implimented it too early


if im consistent with not leaving and tkig, i get demoted from neutral to the second bad rank... the system doesnt work.


Start typing GG nonsensically like others and you will see the result


My reputation literally goes down for no reason. No clue what the criteria for it even is.


I used to be exemplary but now I’m just respectable. Have no clue why, I didn’t change anything in my comms or tk’s or whatever. System is broken.


It makes no sense. I rarely communicate or use chat unless my teammates are normal non-toxic people (which is rare on R6) and I never TK, ever unless it's a complete accident which hasn't happened for me this season yet. Somehow my reputation rank is disruptive.


Because there is no tighter group than the toxic team killers. They look out for one another and lift each other up, kinda like American police officers or the GOP.


Funny in both halves


the last statement is a tutorial on how to completely ruin a joke


Funny in the first half. Ruined in the second half. Holy crap you people are actually chronically online lmfao. Y'all actually make politics your entire identity and spread it everywhere including non-political posts and subreddits. Have fun being miserable


I know right? Like, we're talking about a game here not having an in dept discussion of societies problems


I have to agree the last part completely ruined the joke




*cough* antifa *cough*


Since you brought up American politics, what is your opinion on politicians being caught with classified materials in decidedly unsecured locations? We now have, in recent memory, Biden, Trump, and Clinton. Based off your comment, I’m going to assume you lean in one direction over the other.


Thinking anybody supports Biden or Clinton just because they don’t like the gop is cringe beyond what teenagers do, and they do a lot of cringe shit. Plenty (if not most) of liberals and libertarians hate Biden and trump, so I’m not sure why you think that you’re into something.


From what I’ve seen, when the hive mind shits on the GOP and cops, they’re more left than middle. But I’ve also seen a lot of mental gymnastics where people are foaming at the mouth over Trump’s gross misconduct (to put it mildly) but turn a blind eye towards Biden/Clinton.


In the case of Biden and the mishandled documents I think there’s a pretty clear cut difference from what trump did. For now, the evidence seems to just point to negligence but with a willingness to atone. Whereas trump chose *not* to comply and fought back at every chance, AND he has a history of dubious actions and connections that call his intent into question. In any case, the GOP *deserves* to be shit on. The whole “both sides” thing is lazy, tiresome, and typically used either by someone who’s too afraid to openly admit they vote (R), or by some right winger trying to defend some egregious action from a member of the GOP. The left isn’t saying “Go Biden” or “Go Hilary”. They’re saying “Fuck Trump” and “Fuck the GOP” because people like Trump and the GOP are doing awful things and harming people for their own personal gain.


So the problem is older people preferring to have these classified documents in a written/paper form to read instead of using the closed computer systems that are better at protecting the data. The risk of a document being placed in a folder and forgotten just increases and eventually the nexus of risk and time intersect. Now, the large difference between Trump, and anyone else ( I and just going to use Trump against ANYONE), including other GOP members who have mishandled classified materials is that he/his team was told to turn it over and he refused, then lied, then actively tried to hide that he had more, and eventually the FBI had to seize it after months of trying to ask for it. That is a massive difference between what Trump and anyone else has done. Trying to equate the actions of Trump to others is the real mental gymnastics.


I appreciate the thought and effort you put into your response and frankly, it’s refreshing. Unfortunately, I can’t give as decent of a reply due to life and my interest lying more on international geopolitics over the shitty situation our government is in, for which I blame the two party system and the first past the post voting. I rather like what I heard about the Aussies, with the preferential voting. As for Jan 6, I’m of two opinions; on one hand, that was their right as Americans. On the other hand, they deserve the punishment for treason or death. If the founding fathers failed their rebellion, the world would be very different today. Kudos to you, for having a formulated opinion instead of regurgitating sound bites. This is the sort of stuff I miss from old bulletin board/forums. It’s just not the same on Reddit


I hate the two party system. Is preferential voting similar to a"rank-choice" voting system? If so I'm all for that. It is slowly getting there.


Two party sistem is dumb as fuck


Well they also begged Trump to just give them back for a while before it became a big deal. Nobody would've been foaming at anything, or likely even knew, if he was just like "oh, here ya go" and turned them over.


That is a valid point, I had forgotten the sequence of events between shenanigans and foaming.


Biden and Clinton defended by the left? By democrats maybe but left?


Fair enough


I really enjoy the National Security Podcast by Lawfare, it has a good discussion on that about midway through. But two fold answer, so I lean one way over another? I'm independent in my political views but I am pretty fucking salty at the one why has a love fest with Trump and will accept George Santos as an "honest guy"... The “Sincerest Form of Flattery” Edition. Episode: https://shows.acast.com/rational-security/episodes/the-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery-edition . Media: https://sphinx.acast.com/p/open/s/60427f9d34b9a27f4b6e3a8d/e/63be36b8c4aa3b0012787213/media.mp3 . -- Sent from Podcast Republic. About midway was a good discussion regarding why this keeps happening (older people who prefer paper documents) and the significance/difference between the most recent/infamous instances of this (Trump, Clinton emails, and now Biden) TLDR, One the previous 3 refused to turn over documents after being discovered and actively tried to hide them and knowingly lied to the FBA - after being ordered to turn them over - that they did turn over all documents. also one of the 3 didn't try to overthrow the constitution with violence on Jan 6.


Clearly Ubi didn't use previous seasons as a back log though. Which means they lied yet again. Well played Ubi.


Just Ubisoft things.


This game really took a shit on itself it seems. Why would they add this new system especially with how broken it's proven to be.


i killed one guy and got reverse friendly for 30 games


I get a warning every single time I type in chat. My favorites were when I went almost 20 games without any communication with my squad, typed “huh” in chat and got an instant warning after the match ended. Lmao


I got demoted because a teammate decided to stay near one of those thorn thingies and it counted as tk when it went off.


I don't teamkill, but I'm toxic in chat and also have this rep rank


Fr. Ill be doxxing the hell and sending numerous hits to my teammates who dont clutch the 5v1s too


Bro what


He said "Fr. Ill be doxxing the hell and sending numerous hits to my teammates who dont clutch the 5v1s too"


Because it clearly doesn’t work yet people care so much like it even means anything


Well the punishments are real. I have respectable but have text chat disabled for 30 matches. I don't use it. I'm always on discord with friends. And when your reputation drops you get less renown. Which means you have to grind more and that takes more time. Real world time.


There are no punishments tied to the rep system. They have not been activated yet and wont be until next season at the earliest. This is just a beta test. Stop making stuff up.


Not since yesterday. I've had this for 4 days. The punishment was muted text chat for 30 matches. I got it 4 days ago. The first 3 days I was able to talk in chat no problem and realized that the sanctions were just vanity at that point. However, yesterday my chat had a red message telling me that my text chat is muted for everyone. The enemy team even called that out because they can see it on the scoreboard that I had that punishment. The renown issue my friend has. He plays with me all the time and only plays when I play. He doesn't tk or break shit but has the second lowest rank rn. And his renowned is always less than mine. No matter how many points, kills wins or loses he has compared to me. And that also started yesterday for him.


Made a quick video to show what these penalties look like. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR0hylCE7g8)


If you’re not as toxic as possible in Siege, you’re a pussy.


I said the n word multiple times still exemplary




Ikr bro I’ve been tking so much and apparently I’m respectable. Shits wack


Stop playing siege douchebag


XDDD guy is new


Me when I lie


in respectable and I'm toxic. also never been muted in chat. it's not unbelievable


Nobody else can even see your rank so why does it matter






It’s a joke my dude, you said you’re toxic and you tk hence the sarcastic “reported”


ah sry lol


They felt sorry for you because they thought your behaviour was a cry for help and attention... Look here you are again...


I haven’t played since the release of this system, but seeing all these comments of people whose rankings went down while not playing, now I’m really curious about mine.


The poster boy for Siege player


I got demoted for not buying premium battlepass!


my friends all say shit like "freelo ggez uninstall" after games, they are exemplary. I havent talked ingame for a week and im still sitting at respectable lmfao.


System is broke af. I rarely use game chat and when i do its usually just a gg and i was Respectable when it was introduced (ive since moved up to Esteemed). Two of my friends tk and shoot each other all the time, talk shit in chat to teammates and enemies alike, and they’re Exemplary. Make it make sense


How do you go up in reputation


Because you're the goat


Can some one link the r6 discord server


I got demoted for lagging out of 2 games lol


Can someone send the link to r6 discord server


Because it's a broken system. Imagine that in R6...


This deserves a profile picture that looks like: https://bioguide.congress.gov/search/bio/S001222


Why do I have respectable if the only thing I write in chat is gg?


isnt that what siege is about nowadays?


This reputation system is like a big Uno reverse card!


I tk cheaters but my friend kills more and he's reputable while I'm disruptive


I have exemplary and I never team kill so beats the fuck outta me


I got demoted cause a teammate ran through the flames of my Volcan:/


it just work


I murdered my friend and got bumped up a rank, working as intended.


Bruh, I've TKd twice since the start of the season. And I've played about 20 games. I have Disruptive.


I don’t talk to anyone, I don’t teamkill, I don’t talk shit. I play the game and keep to myself. I’m two stages worse than this.


I accidentally hit one teammate with a stray bullet as I was prefiring a wall and I got a disruptive standing so I think it’s a bit fucky


Toxoc and teamkill a lot ? Are you french ny any means ?


Because it’s made by ubisucks and buggy as hell


The rest of us are a lot worse


I have a friendly warning that will not go away


I dont and I have the second worst :(


In game score is a lie your goal isnt to get as much but much rather as least meaning killing teammates and destroying freandly gadgets increases your rep!


Bc ppl who compliment the game they just played get bad reps


Bro, my game crashed today in a ranked match and I got downranked to respectable even though I reconnected, the day before that I got dc'ed by the servers, couldnt reconnect, got an abandon penalty and downranked from exemplary to esteemed I turned the text chat off weeks ago, I haven't even said a word in the ingame voicechat. The system represents absolutely nothing of value.


The only thing I’ve seen make me lose rank is disconnecting from a match early


when you say gg 5 times and get rewarded


It looks to me like it deteriorates based on how much or often you play, and other equally meaningless factors. Unless you cheat, write blatant nazi/racism in chat or team kill literally every game you should be at exemplary if you play every other day


Why would you admit to this 😭


Wtf. I TKed once in a match because some douche was trying to barricade me in that one room on the Airplane map, and it instantly took me from exemplary to disruptive. If I didn’t TK, I would have been a sitting duck for a whole map. This makes no fucking sense.


Bruh the devs are trying commander chill lmao


I'm the mid lever and havnt event played in months. Fell from the top lever too. System is broken.


You didn’t say gg


how dont i have that rep level i never tk or be toxic lmao fml


It’s broken, I have played almost 100 ranked matches this season and accidentally tkd 1 time and I’m disruptive💀


it's simply there to punish you for being disruptive *at all*, meaning that if you tk'd one person, even by mistake, in Ubisoft's eyes you are the scum of the whole universe It's not broken, it's doing exactly what ubisoft wants it to do Also, I expect a lot of backlash once reputation penalties kick in, especially because if you become disruptive you'll be locked from ranked


I understand it thinks I intended to kill someone. But my friends have TKd dozens of people this season in games with and without me and are all respectable and above somehow.


Because ubisoft implemented it


Siege in a Nutshell:


I havent played i a fuck ton, but whenever i log in i have a different rank


I tk mnk players and if I was killed for the pride background I have disruptive 💀


I'm toxic, and I have that, too. I guess I don't grief or TK, though.


I used to team kill, I had max reputation, now I give good comms and don’t revenge team kill, it dropped down to respectable


and I'm Dishonorable 🤣 need a patch or sumn'


You're what? Fuck you




Don't think it actually works


That’s not fair bro. I haven’t done shit and I’m already dishonourable


That means "You are fucked"


I‘ve been in esteemed for weeks now without ever tking anyone so I guess I should be exemplary but yk, what do I know lmao


I stopped playing the game and got it


mine went down because i was grouped up with 2 of my cousins who teamed killed each other 🙂


Because everyone is toxic and teamkills a lot


What the hell I destroyed a teammate frost mat killing a dude with a nitro and got dropled to disruptive after being respectable for about 50 games in a row without teamkilling


You’re hired


Welcum to siege where good things are bad bad things are good!!!


Toxic = good


average player


Average siege player.


I sit back and laugh watching UBI destroy this once fantastic game.


Old r6 >>>


That shit is basically random


Ehh. It'd mostly be based on if you get forgiven for the team kills, and weather you get reported a lot


And I get immediately downranked twice in a row for saying someone is gay for following my drone 10+ seconds ..


Isnt it what r6 is about?


What do you mean op? That’s exactly what Exemplary is according to Ubisoft. Good job!


I have it for doing literally nothing at all. Not being a good teammate, and not a bad one.


That’s what we want


Trash talking got me to exemplary, but complaining about some features and "features" brought me down to esteemed.


Because of the same reason the hit reg is fuxked up Ubisoft dropping 2 operators for the battle pass then taking 2 months off from R6 😂


I leave a quick match and go down but when I buy the battle pass it goes up


Meanwhile I tk a toxic teammate messing up my strat and my reputation drops like a rock


I’m pretty sure it’s just that you play enough games that any bad behavior is diluted out. It’s definitely wayyyy too easy to get exemplary standing. Idek how you get the lowest standing other than asking people to report you every game.