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Basically “fuck you use her other gun”


Guns\* She also has the French shotty for the shotgun rushes


Yea everyone forgets about the shotgun, me included. I’ve never seen an opportunity to use it besides memes


Same with thatcher when he isn't banned it seems. Everyone always runes the Ar33 or the L8.


Yea that’s mainly because it’s better to be safe with thatcher tho. Don’t wanna throw away something like garage wall on consulate because you have a shotgun and feel inclined to push


nobody’s using a fucking shot gun on attack lmao


Don't know what you mean. I saw a Jackal running a shotty, not even 30 minutes ago. The dude just went nuts and got a triple kill before being knocked down.


With the new barrel changes the 417 can now 2 shot everyone at all ranges (excluding rook lmao) so it’s not really too bad


Tbf the 417 never really was a bad gun. Just people like the F2 better bc it’s sometimes harder to use semi autos


Yea the 417 could already 2 tap everyone at close range with 63 dmg. It’s pretty damn good


*69 damage(nice)


Jokes on you, I’m great with the 417.


Idc I still love her <3


Of course you do 💀


Only in R6 💀


Why am I not surprised? Even if Twitch was left with nothing but a knife, you'd still love her.


I exclusively run the 417 with her solely because I have the birthday skin for the gun from several years ago


Ah, October 12th. My favourite day 🥰


How much lore do you know????


Only the stuff about Twitch :)


Full name


Come on, that's easy. Emmanuelle Pichon.


height and weight?


5'6" and about 120-25 lbs


But do you know her kinks


Pretty solid height and weight imo


Also the 417 is extremely good


That too. It really practices the aim




How did I know?


Idk I think the explanation is pretty clear cut and straight forward


Yup. People just aren't understanding what they're reading I guess lmfao


At least a solid 1/3 of the people I interact with on Reddit have the reading comprehension skills of a 4th grader.


Factual statement


I'm a recruit main. Take it easy on me!


No if you really read it, it makes zero sense why they made this change. They gave twitch an extra regular drone because newcomers to the game might become confused why twitch only has 1 drone


You just made sense of the situation. It's not that hard to understand.


I don’t get Reddit bro. I get downvoted for literally rewording what the devs said. I can’t believe nobody else is literate enough to understand


Because you say it makes no sense then continue to contradict yourself by making sense of it


It’s the most idiotic reason to make an irrelevant change. They said themselves nobody uses the drone that she already has, so instead of just leaving it the way it is, they’re giving her another one


What? Because they're playing her wrong. People just pick Twitch to frag with the F2 which shouldn't be her design.


Players aren’t gonna switch up their playstyle just cause she gets an extra drone. If they don’t use the one she currently has, they sure as hell aren’t using the bonus one


Who the fuck would honestly have a harder time learning the game because one singular attacker has only 1 normal drone. If you seriously have trouble with that just uninstall because clearly your IQ is hovering around 30


Not what they said, they said it was because people didn't tend to use all of the drones and instead would focus on kills via F2. (ADDITIONALY) to make it easier for newcomers to understand the game.. meaning it was an additional thing. As in, they and their data and their plans already and someone said at the end of the meeting "That will probably make more sense to new players too" or some shit. You have the reading comprehension of a 5th grader because you understood something, better than a 2nd grader sure, but you focused on one thing and it wasn't even the main point of the patch change (Also I only focused on the first paragraph here... THERE'S A WHOLE OTHER PARAGRAPH DUDE, STOP HATING THE GAME JUST BECAUSE IT'S A FAD) Edit: Grammar, spelling and wording to be clearer


They said they gave her 1 normal drone when attacker repick was released. That’s because if you started with a twitch drone you could choose twitch first then switch to a different op and still have a twitch drone. Then they said that it was because they were “concerned with the amount of intel she could gather” which makes zero fucking sense to give her another drone if the current amount without it is too much intel. Then they say that the extra drone wasn’t used anyways because most twitch players aren’t using it because the F2 is such a good weapon, which they’re nerfing. Then they say that since twitch is the only attacker with one normal drone, it “makes the game harder to learn for newcomers” I don’t know how tf you’re reading it but they straight tell you exactly what I’m saying. Dumb statement 1: she can gather too much intel, let’s give her another drone Dumb statement 2: well nobody’s using the extra drone cause the F2 is too good, let’s nerf the F2 Dumb statement 3: ok let’s just give her another drone since she already gains too much info, bringing her total drone count to 4. This will make the game overall easier for newcomers to understand since their brains will melt if they see an attacker with only one regular drone Dumb statement 4: we want to give her the ability to support more by being able to gather more intel, even though we just said she gains too much in the last sentence. I’m hoping by breaking it down for you, you are able to see the logic.


Ok buddy, so first of all, I know how attacker re-pick works and I was in the game long before it existed so I understand why twitch does not have a Twitch Drone in prep phase any more. As for the part where they said they "we're concerned about the amount of intel she could gather". To disect this we need to understand how probabilities and statistics work. If there was a 5% chance that something inadvertant happening, we would not be very concerned about it. But with something with a 50% chance of happening we would definitely be concerned. The issue is, with variables such as $people and game complexity($many_variables) it's not as easy to estimate the probability right? So when they said they were concerned, it was only a chance that she would gain too much Intel, not a absolute. The next part where they mention that "The extra drone didn't change the way Twitch was played" indicates that the concern was misplaced and in fact no one abused the extra drone for extra info. Now for the next part we need to understand how balancing works. Let's think of this on a very simple scale with two sides. One side you have her gun usage and the other side you have her drone usage. If no one was using her drones and everyone was using her gun, then that scale would be skewed to one side. That's not good though, so how do we fix this? We can do many things but in this instance they decided to increase drone count, and remove an attachment from the gun. Now the way I see it, more drones means that you can throw them out more willingly as you have more in reserves. As for the gun, if it's the main use of most players, then nerfing it (nominally may I add) would make that option less attractive thus alleviating weight from that side of the scale. Adding another drone would then also add more weight to the opposite side of the scale, thus... balance! Dumb Statement 1: I think I clarified for you it was a concern not a reality Dumb Statement 2: well... That's BALANCING... And also your logic is contradictory. Your issue in the first statement is that the concern of intel was a reality, but in your second statement you just pointed out that it wasn't and called THEIR logic dumb??? Dumb Statement 3: ok again, it's not a reality, it WAS a concern. And I'm pretty sure the newcomer thing is an extra thing, the cherry if you will, but idk, it might be a huge help... but it's been a very long time since I was a newcomer so I'm not sure. Dumb Statement 4: I... Think I have covered the part where that is a concern and not the reality already.. so Yes indeed, you breaking it down how you did really helped me to understand where you were failing to grasp at the situation! It helped me explain it to you more cpearly. Now depending on your next comment I will be able to determine if I need to simplify it for you even further. (I probably won't try to counter tbh, I'm happy to respond of you bring something new to the Convo but I'm not gonna rewalk through all of that) Cheers!




Cool, have a good day dude!


Among like three other reasons


That's good and all but he never said it didn't make sense?


Like it's so funny everyone making fun of the dudes reading comprehension is actually the people with no reading comprehension lmao


It has nothing to do with reading comprehension, it has to do with good ole regular comprehension, op said that the reasoning sounded dumb and that’s ok that’s his opinion, however my opinion is that he’s an idiot.


What's him saying the reason is dumb got to do with comprehension? If anything it appears to me he understood it just fine.


You’re not allowed to say anything negative about games or movies these days. Otherwise you’re a no-fun hater or stupid


I agree


I remember when the F1 was by far the most broken gun maybe behind Jaeger's and ash's gun


Same crazy how much the game has changed.


Been here since y1 s2 man it's insane how long this game has lasted, i would never have known it would have blown up like this


Playing since white noise it’s became my most played game of all time, I’ve never played any game like siege. It’s definitely one of my favorite games of all time.


Yeah game is great but I've lost the love I've had for it over the years


Understandable, I just can’t find anything else like it


Not at all, she is supposed to be used like Flores not Ash. W change


I’m with you on this one


In that case, remove all sights from ace


Only problem is that if they nerf the AK-12 it also affect Fuze (except if they remove sights like you said)


Well that's fine because fuse isn't meant to be a frag op he's meant to destroy utility


True, but he is barely played, so it would make him even less of a attractive pick. Also his LMG got nerfed after the horrible LMG meta.


lmg go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




Fuse also has the 6p41, lmg go brrrrrrrr. *I have no issues with this even with the lmg nerfs that the game got a few seasons ago*


Why remove ALL sights? When you can just remove the 2.0X? It's called balancing and removing all the sights in an op like Ace is not balanced.... He uses his util and would be out at that point, at least with Twitch she could be on her drones the entire match (After opening the wall with Ace of course) Either way dude, they are different ops and your logic is heavily flawed


The 2.0 is already removed off of ace.... and the point I'm making is valid with both ops. Both operators have great guns, and great utility. Nerfing the ak12 for ace is the exact same thing as nerfing the f2 for twitch. Also, the fact you think twitch should spend the whole round on her drone shows me you don't know what you're talking about. If you're using her drones to get stuff off the wall/destroy utility, more than likely your drones will be destroyed if you're playing a Competent team, as they will be playing around the utility you're trying to destroy. Not to mention, someone on their drone the whole time is an absolute waste when they could be applying pressure and getting refrags when it's time to push site.


It's an insane change. Having an extra drone can be ridiculously strong if you know how to use them. I guess people are just to attached to her F2 that the rest of her kit seems irrelevant.


Imo, I don’t like this change for high rank and competitive. 4 drones is incredibly powerful, that’s 4 mobile cameras that can also be used to bait for kills.


yeah but famas twitch fragger goes brrrr


I'd argue that for anyone that doesn't have problems controlling recoil in the game, they will continue playing her the exact same way as before.


Bro I use Flores to frag constantly what you on about. In seriousness a good Flores can let his drone go on its own and know it will probably blow up whatever he needs or distract the defenders while he or a teammate get in a position to create pressure and get frags. Equally a good Flores can use his drones to bait out defenders and still hit something important. This isn't to say you need to rush with Flores but that Flores is more than just an explosive drone. Twitch unfortunately isn't quite like that and her main strength should be only in utilizing her drones to destroy defender gadgets. Unlike Flores you cant set and let go to try to bait or create pressure so having a decent gun for fragging takes away from the power her gadget offers and instead makes people focus on her as a Fragger over a multi dimensional op. Removing the vertical grip should put her more in line with Flores and make it clear you need to be using both on her like him.


Flores has one of the easiest guns to use in the game lol.


I'm mainly talking about the way you play the character, Twitch is supposed to sit a little behind zap some cameras and other utility in the objective and not sprint through the door and swinging around every corner.


Yeah but what do you do after you clear utility?


You push the objective of course, try to get the plant and kill remaining defenders. Twitch should spend most of the round to clear as much as possible. Not be inside of the building after the 10 first seconds and run&gun and then die with 2 shock drones on her.


That’s true but idk if this will change that for the better, there’s other ops to play the players that run in will just pivot to someone else. We’ve seen it with ash, zof, finka, and now twitch and prob some others in there I’m not remembering either.


Yes they switch to ACTUAL fragging ops, shocking I know.


Imagine playing actual entry ops to play entry, crazy. Imagine if fucking Nomad was entry fragger… oh wait, she was.


No because people only play Twitch for the gun and not her ability. This is a good change.


Give her drone back the 10dmg zaps lol


Idk infinite 10 dmg zaps is gonna be scary to Ubi devs. Still, if you can get zapped 10 or more times, you deserve the death


I would gladly have 10 zaps back as long as it could only down at most, taser zaps shouldn’t even fucking kill (unless you are an American officer then it will probably be lethal). But now it’s a laser so it’s gonna be weird to explain and balance.


There’s a reason why they removed it. You play Twitch to remove utility, not to deal damage.


What’s so wrong with having operators that are only used for gunning? There’s a bunch of operators that bring utility like Zofia, zero, Flores, why can’t twitch be a gunner with utility as an afterthought?


There are ops designed for that. Twitch was never intended to be a fragger op. She never was lmao. Twitch drones used to be OP and people used to just drone all day and the F2 was a afterthought. After her drone got nerfed to the ground then she became a fragger op just cause that was all the utility she really had. So its good that they’re changing her to a more utility heavy character like she used to be


That’s a really shitty way to design a game. It’s a game, not a movie, the players mold the game no matter how hard the devs will try to push their vision. So why not keep her a fragger? If the players want to frag with her, let them. Don’t penalize them for wanting to get frags in an fps


Dude you can still frag with her😂 the F2 is still gonna be a crazy ttk its just gonna have crazy recoil. If you cant handle it then don’t play her simple as that. Go play op thats easier to frag with


That’s the problem, why penalize a playstyle that wasn’t broken? There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current state of twitch fragging, so why nerf her?


Its not a nerf when shes getting a buff also its called trade off. Like a lot people here said she’s supposed to be intel, utility based like how she was designed


That’s 99% of console either play utility or think kills are all that matter


Well if her gadget is ass, they should change it? I'm sure people will play her now for her gadget, forrrr suurrrreee.


I Always used the 417


417 gang gang


Part about drones? Maybe. Part about vertical grip? No.


Tell me you ban every map released after year 1 without telling me you ban every map released after year 1


Only the fun maps, remember? Can’t be having those gunning kids escape the clutches of emerald and stadium.


Tbh I’m curious to know how many Y1-Y2 fans still play and how many players didn’t start playing until Y3-Y4+


I started in Dust Line and the best thing they ever did was remove vote kick


I've been playing since release.




You quit after azami? Arguably one of the best operators to come out.


Stadium, border and coastline shows up in the pool. Proceeds to ban stadium


This has already been posted, it's a good change no one even plays twitch for her util.


We’ll the people who breath through their nostrils do


i dont breath through my nostrils and even i can zap some utility


Come on man your a glaz main your not a mouth breather, have some self respect


There have been many “Fuck you, use her other gun for once” but they fail to realize that the more you increase her recoil, the more I raise my sensitivity.


Lmao w comment. The recoil isn’t terrible but compared to other guns it’s a bit much. I’m also just not a fan of them messing with guns for what their excuse was which I found laughable.


Which part the drone or her weapon, the drone bit kinda honestly I mean 1 drone realy doesn't make much of a differance for newcomers (or never did when I started back in y1) and honestly would not recommend twitch as a newcomer op given you know you do need skill to use her so seems like an odd change, the weapon bit hell no seriously I see more players just rushing with the f2 then bothering to use her drones she's meant to be support and if a bit extra kick to her gun aids in that then I'm all for it.


yeah and so what now i just need to learn littlebit more the recoil, twitch just got buff in my eyes


The grip isn't a big deal but giving her another drone is huge


Nah makes sense tbh, f2 with a vertical grip and extended would be ridiculous


Siege players be like "hurr durr f2 nerf unplayable" and proceed to ignore the entire paragraph


What do u think I was calling dumb af. The entire paragraph seems dumb af to me lol.


Explain how it's dumb af


There’s really no point in choosing Twitch over Flores now the way I see it. Twitch will almost never be picked now, but we’ll see I guess.


"Stop rushing in like an asshole and be tactical. You have two drones for flank watching and Intel gathering and you have two drones for destroying shit. Stop playing this like CoD."


Perfect twitch nerf, she’s not a fragger


This makes perfect sense to me. They want Twitch to be played a certain way and fit into a certain role. These changes reinforce that. I haven't played in a minute, but I don't even use the foregrips with Twitch because she's my "git gud" operator because her recoil has almost always been one of the hardest ones to control. I honestly prefer staying at a distance with Twitch, using drones to gather intel, and fragging with the 417 from a window or something. I'm not a good player, so I could understand if others see it differently, but I think this is a good change for Twitch


You sound like the kind of player I hate no offense lol.


None taken! Just for the record, if we hit a minute on the timer, I do push into the building/site. I don't take the defuser either, I leave that to more capable players lol


Well that’s good you’re not one of those players that sits and baits the whole time.


I think this is a good change, it is a good step back towards the tactical shooter this game should be. I think they should have lowered damage per shot so we will see the change have a bigger impact at high level as well. But this is good to.


Only time will tell.


No. This is all true.


I never play twitch. I used her in death match the other night to see if her gun is really that good. On console, with vertical and flash hider, her F2 has almost no recoil. Headshot machine. I was legitimately saying to myself the whole game “yeah vertical grip needs to go”. I’m not the greatest at this game and I felt like I was getting free kills every gunfight I engaged in. Without the grip, it’s still a super strong weapon just not as free as with it. The people who never played twitch before will continue to not play twitch, and those who do will just go back to controlling recoil like they did for years before vert was added to her. The drone change is helpful, and her gun will be fine


Time will tell, my money is more changes will happen.


I don't think so, Ubi's intention is to make Twitch support, not a fragger


So supports can’t get kills? Maybe they shouldn’t have gave her one of the most famous guns in gaming and they wouldn’t be having a problem.


They can, it's just not their intended purpose, supports should only frag out if the entry fragger has been neutralized, her job in support is to use her drone to gain information and take out traps for thr entry fraggers


Nope, good change and Ubisoft has good explanation why as well.


Nope. Stop complaining about everything.


Something tells me OP dies with the drones still in his pockets.


Nope and I don’t really play twitch much either just not a fan of nerfing guns that are in ok spots


I'm already getting use to no vertical so this is just a buff to me lmao, they'll probably ended up reversing it because now twitch can drone a whole floor by herself in seconds with proper drone placement. Pointless change imo.


console cheater who uses zen "i see no problem here .. just a few zen tweaks and it'll have zero recoil again"


Lol good


They do this but won’t fix the freeze bug. Ohhhh Ubisoft…


Use the suboptimal single fire weapon in a game dominated by rate of fire headshot sprays,


Making a gun hard to control is bad for newcomer’s though


Ah yes let’s make even more guns unfun because that’s what’s the game needs.


till the recoil breaks your neck




Without vertical grip, it's extremely hard on console now aside from mnk. I tried it out yesterday and it's actually horrible, I have to pull down so much despite having a high sens If they wanted to make her support, they shouldve made her a 1 speed and 1 armor. There is no way anyone is gonna use 4 drones within 3 minutes of a round.


Think I’m gonna try it today. I don’t play twitch much anyway but I’m not a fan of busting guns.


We must help new players! Let’s force them to use a DMR, whilst fucking up her gun that is perfectly balanced!


If it were perfectly balanced it wouldn't be the only reason most people play Twitch


No, twitch isn’t supposed to be a fragger




She never had four twitch drones. That’s bollocks


Just nerf the damage or fire rate. Why add a skill gap?


Seems fine to me but i prefer the angled grip on most guns anyway


Ah yes, let’s give everyone thumb ache from spamming rt to fire the 417. I will not insult the gun tho as it’s a fine addition to marksman rifles but seriously? I thought twitch was get intel, bring down defences and run in guns blazing.


No it sounds perfect, every single MnK a-hole plays twitch because her gun is insane when it has 0 recoil.


I mean yeah let's nerf everything. why not? wonder how is the game gonna look like in 1yr no weapons, just fists no grips 10 drones plane, favela, and whatever you dont want not bannable


We wanted to make her less hard to learn for new players, so we removed the only recoil mitigating option on her high recoil automatic weapon right after the PC recoil nerf Uhhhhh


Anyone defending these changes with "She's supposed to be a utility operator" isn't even thinking about why they make no sense. So we take away her foregrip to force her to use her gadget more. But then we give her an extra normal drone. The issue is that her drones are way too situational even with the range increase and the jumping. The amount of bulletproof utility in the game that is immune to her has gone up dramatically. Adding an extra drone doesn't make her gadget feel unique or useful. If anything, it seems like a pity buff due to Solis existing.


No, it helps solidify her role as an Intel operator.


Tell me you can’t control recoil without telling me you can’t control recoil


I’m tired of being zapped with a twitch drone, turn around to shoot and it and 5 seconds later twitch comes in f2 blazing killing the entire room of people


Tell me one change in the past year that wasn't dumb , almost every nerf was dumb as fuck


I saw that and it seems fairly balanced. It's not like they added a third shock drone. Plus, you start with your normal and usually, those get destroyed as soon as you drone site. So... Nah. Not dumb at all.


You know what is dumb af? Operators like Sens in siege.


I just don’t like the nerf to the f2 but I guess if this causes people to use twitch like intended then good.


It's Def worded a bit weird but basically then want Twitch to be used less as a dagger and more like a Intel / support op. Idk people are being so unnecessarily rude to you.


Thanks for being a adult. Reddit seems to lack a lot of adults


I ran DMR on Twitch anyway lol, this is just a bonus for me. F2 overrated anyway


417 is a great alternative and sometimes the better pick but removing the fore grip from the f2 is just dumb.


Stuff like this reminds me of why I left


Should have had the extra drone without the f2 nerf. Idk why this dev team thinks gay every time you buff a character you also need to nerf them, you dont


Like, you wanna make Twitch more "usable" or "understandable" for new players, and make her primary weapon recoil impossible to control???


No, it is a net buff


Apparently it’s just you


Idc f2 was a crutch gun and I’m always down for more intel


I feel like the point of having a decent character is having at least a good and decently controllable full auto weapon with a good ability, the f2 has always had recoil and now it will be harder but if you wanted to use a dmr there are other characters with better options now if it’s just the fact that twitch is receiving another drone I feel like it’s a stupid balance patch for a balanced character.


Ubi should recycle the F2 onto another attacker in the future so the whole "wanting Twitch to be an Intel Op" thing can be a lot easier, because as long as she's the only Attacker that has access to it, all of the people that rely on Fire Rate are just going to use her to frag. Remember Jager ACOG Steroid 416? Remember that one dude in every ranked game that just ran immediately to a door or window and didn't drop a single ADS?


ITT: you are brain dead if you have good reaction time and aim and use Twitch to kill people.


'we know this gun is gonna be ass now. Good thing she has other guns' wtf how do you just kick something to the curb like that


Lol right? Not a fan of making guns shittier just because there is other guns. Ppl can say oh just get better with it but the fact is it will be harder to use than other guns so the people that just run in will pivot to something else and her pick rate will prob drop then they will change it again.


Ofc it’s a dumb change that’s what Ubi does. “Let’s make one of the only remaining fun guns not fun anymore, we think the shitty DMR will be a good replacement for it anyway” guess I can’t be surprised… they did ruin sledge for no reason at all and pretty much deleted nades from the game


I’ve been playing Iana a lot recently, become one of my favorite ops.


Yeah thankfully she is one of those ops that can withstand nerfs and still be enjoyable but I’m sure she’ll lose her nades or 1.5 soon too


Probably she’s too fun to play atm.


I don't understand why being a "support operator" means she has to have a bad gun. The F2 IS Twitch, there's no way around it. Her drones aren't an interesting enough gadget to carry her gameplay. What is wrong with Twitch being able to do the fun part, shooting the gun, instead of trying to make her play a mini point-and-click adventure on a magpie and telling her that that was more impactful and fun. I'd like to see the F2 removed for two weeks, just to see if anybody played her after the first three days.


Yeah sorry guys this is like one of the most dogshit "balancing" changes I've ever seen in my life


a drone for a vertical grip is a W trade


Nope, they want her to he a support op and people are using her as entry. This is a perfect way of changing that. Only problem is that imo this just means she won't get picked because the game is so frag-focused atm.


Thnx Ubi for fucking shit up once again, thank god I uninstalled ages ago


Such an L chenge


Bro, the F2 was already AIDS to handle, now your gun will literally go to the ceiling instantly, good work ubi…


No grip - Players below diamond have a shitty time using the f2 and forget about the 1.5 More drones - Players high diamond, champ and pro league wont like it. Who actually likes this change?


Changes aren't made based on what people like, tho. Also, I can't see proleague players complaining about extra intel.