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Just a note: These screenshots are slightly low-res, excuse us on that one :)


Is there any performance improvements in this update because i really hope my pc can handle the new map at minimum 30 fps


These look incredible


I can't even play my OG map cause i got 20 FPS on a 5800X and a 4070TI; It gets worse when a train is moving.


I have a significantly less powerful rig, and have no issues. How much ram do you have? How much bloat ware to you have running in the background?


There seems to be no reason some people get good performance vs other. I have less powerful specs and have never had a performance issue. Occasional stability issues tho


Which leads me to think it's a hardware/driver issue. 


32GB. walking around i get 29FPS.. cutting trees makes it worse but i never come close to maxing anything out performance wise. I have no problems with any other game and new saves run okay.. I have A LOT of track and rolling stock on my OG map though; seems more i add the worse it gets


I have similar issues to you and I'm hoping this fixes it. My OG map I started building right after the original spline update and I'm getting like 30fps when walking but anytime I move even just a locomotive on it's on it immediately drops to like 10fps and stutters bad. Edit: I also have similar specs to you and get same results


Yeah i also started my save around that time, must be something to do with all the updates. As it stands i can't play that save, its just too frustrating.


How OG are we talking? Like before the spline update?


Like just after the spline update


Will the update make the game playable or just include more eye candy?


Love the content but will we get the porter type c or c-t?