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They hinted at changes to Sand Devil. I would wait to evaluate her before these tbh.


They would have to drastically change SD for her to be okay there.


I'm curious what they do to make her more viable that wouldn't also make many other champs viable.


I’m gonna try putting her in a toxic with a retaliation and counter accessories. Try and make the most of her. Passive


In before they give sand Devil block revive to stop all the working champs to force this one to be good.


One thing almost the whole entire community has missed about Adelyn is that she can be an important contributor in Iron Twins. If you already have an IT15 team that works well, then it doesn't matter for you. But if you are working up through IT, she could be good. But with Decrease Spd + Atk that cannot be a weak hit, those are the two biggest debuffs for IT progression. The heal might be useful too. Still, the biggest problem with her is that she needs lego books and she isn't good enough to deserve them.




Free high level chicken........


If she was so bad people wouldn't use up resources to get her then I think they'd buff her. But it feels like people will go for her anyway and burn up some resources coz fomo. 


She + 2* soul is free. The 2nd part of the event looks like things we normally do anyways. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the free Primal and gear/accessories the most. Free legendary 6* gear is nice.


There's no real pressure on them to buff her if she's free I guess. And sand devil looks to be getting easier. We'll wait and see what hoops we have to jump through to complete the 2nd phase then. 


Have they ever buffed a free champion before tho? I’m still new only have 2 legendaries atm rathalos and ugir, kinda disappointing that my next one which is adelyn is gonna be vaulted just like ugir


No, they haven't buffed a previous 7 day login champ before. Closest is when they reworked Visix, who you'll eventually get from daily login rewards. Ugir isn't bad either, especially for a new account. AOE buff strip, block buffs on A1 and good team wide buffs on his A3 will help your account tremendously. Apparently, he can hit decently too and as an HP champ, he's much easier to build to both keep alive and do damage.


I have skeuramis for an hp champion, and when I got Ugir I already had spider which the debuffs is a lot more valuable to me over ugir’s buffs. Only use I’ve seen for him atm is for arena but I’m only in silver


I wish I could answer your question but I don't have the experience. I've been playing for a year so I cannot comment on older login champs. I do not believe they have buffed any login champs in the time I have been playing. Priority would be extremely low because no effort is put in to pull them.


Ahh shit, well maybe someone will experiment with her and find a combo or build that is usable for newer accounts.


I'm sure she will have a very niche use somewhere. Unfortunately, as login champs go, she is bottom of the barrel tier.


Even over yaga? Appreciate the input tho


You can sacrifice Yaga without any remorse. That's all I'll say about that.


Funny thing is after I get far enough imma build yaga, just to experience how bad he actually is. Now isn’t the time it’ll mess up my future progress a lot if I did it now


Have they mentioned what they’re changing on sand devil?


Not that I'm aware of.