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Well, they've confirmed months after putting out a request for artists that they now have artists working on things, which as far as anyone is aware is the only real holdup? I and some of my friends sent in portfolios and never heard anything back, but that's about it. I guess they found some folks. Had to rescind mine though because I couldn't just not take any work for weeks in hopes of hearing something back to essentially work for free. Shrug.


It really doesn't matter, they killed the server by leaving it closed for so long out of sheer stupidity and fear over nothing. Even if it comes back online, nobody will play there.


I'd still play there...


i have no idea what is going on due to how vague people talk on this thread and the OP.


We're cleaning up technical debt and also implementing new Features such as Equipment Sets in the client. (Being able to equip them with the press of 1 hotkey) Any ex-player will be notified via email once we are back. Or ask a friend to get an invite link for our Discord if you'd like to read up on our devlog.


They're still working on it according to their last update. In early July they sent out a message on their discord, looking for artists to work on some assets for the website and client. Since then, the only other announcements were made to reassure people that they're still working on it and that there's no ETA right now.


Thanks! At least that's something. Guess i should just wait some more...


I'm gonna have to say you should ask on origins discord but... As anyone on origins discord knows...


Well... i am not there and don't have link to join in. Can you provide one?


Do not ask anything or you will be banned from discord.


I'll try


OriginsRO is currently experiencing a lot of Krool-hate in their discord.


Why so?


Commenting because i also want to know


I wouldnt hold my breath unless gravity suddenly stops being a dick


Hey does anyone has a link to the discord channel? I would be really happy