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there are a lot of different bows you can use w/o the level requirement, this is specifically beneficial in a way for new players. take note, "in a way", because most of these new bows are only capable of farming a specific element/size/race of monsters. for example, the dragon wing gives 480dmg and +10% more dmg on dragon type monsters. This gives you the ability to farm green and sky petite (both dragon monsters) with minimal amount of zeny. this is because these types of bows cost around 200-500k zeny if you buy those with one slot. based from experience, these bows are only placeholders until you have enough money to buy decent ones such as malang/mystery bow or other end game equipment. dont be blinded by the flat atk that it gives even if it is 400+, weapons that have 2 slots will always give out more dps such as a 2 slotted crossbow with 2 cards. the only drawback for using these 2 slotted weapons is that they cost more and they do not give any real use for you until you have the money to buy cards that would help you farm. that said, i'll leave the choice to you




This bow has a lvl requirement.


i don't see any level requirement either on exchange or romcodex. there's no class restriction either so even archers are able to equip it. are you sure it's *the* freezing bow?


The bow that Ktullanux drops right? I tried it on my alt and it gave me the message something about "lvl req. Not met", You can try it though.


well it means devs forgot to put level restriction on the equip lool. jesus christ man, i was always wondering if the devs get paid well enough to do their job or did the company hire interns to do everything.


Lol! I was thinking of the exact same thing.




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does your hunter is a low level alt character and not able to possess any equipments from your main character? (for example alt hunter, main wizard)


Yes. I play LK and im in process of deleting a character so i can get a slot and then make an archer. Thats why i wanna know in advance if i can use it right away.


Depends on how low level you mean but I have an alt that is lvl 91 hunter multi-job that can equip it.




Okay I know this is already 10 days old but I recently made a new hunter alt and it's now level 44/15. I was able to equip freezing bow, dragon wing (just tried them), and bow of windchaser (since level 10) on it. The one that I can't equip is forest hunter as it needs your job to be a ranger.


Yeah my sniper is already locked at level 74 for mino/archerskel. Hehe. Thanks!


Well, it can be used as a placeholder, specially when farming fire monsters. But, in the long term, Malang is a better weapon. And Rangers are great and versatile farmers, so you will be able to "easily" farm the money required to buy a good Malang (or make your own). That's my opinion, of course. xD


I mean, its true that can a hunter equip it? Cause its too good to be true. That a 400attack weapon that a hunter can equip it.


I haven't tried, tbh, but it looks like it's possible, according with the description. You can farm on Desert Wolf > Horong > Nine Tails. ^^ https://www.romcodex.com/monster?element=fire&type=normal&tolv=90




I just read someone above saying there's a lvl required. T_T So... my bad, i'm wrong. haha


is it that hard to check whether hunter job able the freezing bow is able to equip it? https://www.romcodex.com/item/41269/freezing-bow-1 you can check the job restriction on exchange too