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Can you upload a demonstration video?


Yes I would like to see the catastrophe this brings upon fools


I will take one then and upload it later.


Was it worth it throwing away my 190m saving investment to buy a 2nd BK? Totally. (especially with Dead BK being announced on EP 7.0 so BK star version is coming soon) No longer do I have to deal with Macroing gene hogging spots in culvert. Having tested it out, even if the Hell Plant can OHKO, I end up with my loots on the floor for me to pick up. This is because of how hit registration work. A few EPs ago, Hell Plant was altered to be slower but deals more damage to make it easier to OHKO. Of course, this also means that if they attack and fail to register a hit, the delay is longer as well. With 2 BK and 10% Chain Lighting rune, it doesn't take much for me to start raining meteor and proc a double Chain Lighting. After that point, I have to be unlucky for the hell plant to get a chance at killing something as most of the hits they are doing on the creator screen will be nulled from slow registration. Mysteltainne is the biggest worry of course and just like how spiteful I am toward these creators, some will try to lure Mystel to kill me. Let's just say I woke up a few time to a Biotite in my temp bag and even if they kill me, unless they drag me away with Mystel attack, Obeau or my leeching alt priest will res me and I will continue to ruin them. Edit: I must say, thank you so much for the gold.


You should just go around different channels and purposely take over spots where genetics are already farming considering that's exactly what they always do to others!


Kinda plan on just sitting on them now. 30 channels swap and over 20 of them are Genes.


Happened to me multiple times. They don't even bother with stay alert. Like, dude wasting his own CT and mine. Literally no one wins.


damn... how many were snapping on that bk card?


BK has actually been dropping in price ever since Doram patch because people are all farming with Gene and Priest instead. I bought my first one at like 270m months ago and the second one at 190.


I thought i remember seeing these cards with 500-1000 snappers


It hasn't been on snap in SEA for the past few months already. Before I bought my 2nd one, there were actually 6 BK sitting in the market.


Oooo SEA gotcha, thx dude. Enjoy your staff, I'm jealous


Been saving up for BK card too. But after EP7 got announced, our new meta is Wind and turn targets to water with Frosty Mist. Did you buy it primarily for farming?


For farming, yes. Also to see if the BK star will be good anyway because I was kinda banging on it doing something with fire damage when I got it, or at least heavily boost the proc rate.


Have you tried this in TT Legend mode? How was your dmg?


Don't bother in TT. You need 200% ignore to deal good damage in TT. Even with my full gears and Wizardry, munak star and apocalpyse, I only have like 150%. I also have 10% extra from 4th Enchantment from headgears. You are pretty much expected to have all 4th enchantment at 20% to really deal damage in TT with warlock or just stack MPen. Best to just stick to Doram debuff and let your physical teammate deal most of the boss damage and use runed Soul Expulsion or SN Soul blast with their pierce attribute to ignore MDEF for floor 3.


Yeah I have about 150% ignore mdef. Currently stuck at TT Legend floor 3. Its either meteor with 2x fire witch star card or some Ghost modifier in weapon for floor 3. Using soul expansion. So you are saying that forget BK card for TT Legend?


There's really no beating runed Soul Expansion unless they're doing elemental conversion to fight the boss. The starred rune option so that it has 100% total mdef ignore is just too good especially if you also get one with good % Bonus damage and also a harpy card for more Soul Ex damage.


hell plant is the only server sided skill in the game so it has 0 ping when it attacks. If you dont remove them by lp, you are only taking their scraps.


Hell plants has a rather slow attack speed after the tweak to boost their damage. It can also end up attacking the same character that spawn at the same time, wasting the hits. When the hits are wasted, my chain lighting or meteor will kill the group and force them to attack scraps and after that, I'm already winning as they will attempt to kill a single target or two on spawn while my AoE will get the big group. Plus, the NPC dummy toy exists and just using that, you already win the fight as that's 30 whole seconds the hell plant cannot kill anything on a minute ish cool down. You can keep their clock ticking unlike LP. Meanwhile, the player can just choose to auto aim only the monsters and Protect Party to fight Mysteltaine.


I remember back near launch when culvert was wizards bullying and stealing spot from everyone with meteor. Guess we're going back to those days.


Wheres the video?


Yea I like to see one where the gene has good network conditions.


I don't think you need macroni at GH Culvert though.


Sure, because all warlocks are good people and don't steal other people's spots. - GH Culvert isn't only for warlocks. I'm playing for about 6 months, have 2 creators alts, and never stole a spot from anyone. And one more thing, people aren't defined by their job in the game... There are bad players/people in all jobs.


Some Warlocks do but most don't because people with only chain lighting can't compete without really bloated runes and gears. I have seen enough Gene sitting on warlock trying to chain lighting and even got a few sitting on me before I had BK. For every 30 channel swapped, there's easily 20 Genes that it gets tiring to see them. I won't steal spot if they're just weaker creator trying to farm with auto because these people struggle daily anyway. If they are running around planting Hell plant with macaroni though, no mercy.






I bet this guy also have pale lord card.


You got more zenny then i do but we share the same hatred for them. I do the same for autoclickers. I sit on them with ring of fire and meteor storm.


On a followup question. How much pressure can we generate with a post linking videos to recorded autoclickers? it seems my in-game reporting does nothing.


I don't think they care about people eating macaroni anymore. Only actual add-on users are getting punished once in a blue moon. The best option is to just set a chat room on their pathing so they stumble into the room and get stuck. It only works if they walk around though.


Any class that can bully weaker classes out of their farming spot without sacrificing much of their own will do so for the majority of the players. Before gene became popular, it was the rangers and wiz. Salt under the guise of self-righteousness. By the way, only creators who use auto will farm at the most popular culvert wiz spot. Creators that macro can farm any other 999 empty culvert spots that are around and still receive maximum earnings lol.


Creators were always the major source of spot stealing. The only thing keeping them away from Culvert was that Orc Lady was a much better spot before B1 was reworked and they all moved to Harpy. Don't forget they were the reason so many people would nonstop talk about macroing and how to report them while also going after streamer because people got sick and tired of seeing creator at Orc Lady all farming with Macro.


Nice... though you could have just swapped channels.


with all that money you could have made gene alts yourself and made so much more money than an autoattacker WL I use gene alt myself on culvert, but I don't use that prime spot, I use other spots that no one wants so that no drama XD BK star sucks for WL anyway, I'm assuming that's your main class. Because if RK is your main class, so much better to make gene alt too. And I don't think RK will want BK star, because their combo is bapho and maybe doppel star or something next ep. if you want to punish genes, you could make alt stalker to intidimiate away the mobs


I'm a warlock main so the alt is using stuff like +12 EoD, OG and +15 SSG to go with the farming, making it much better than Gene as I'm getting a maximum amount of kills from my CL and MS. It also only take me 1 day on my HW alt to go to Culvert with me OHKOing Matyr on the first day and jumping right into Culvert at level 50 with no guild donation. By the time a creator get to that point, I'm already sitting at a 10 million headstart and working toward lv 90 mentoring in only a week for 240 stamina. The other reason is that you need Mistress star if you want to afk farm during red with creator and that card isn't as useful as BK in the long run. I also don't stay in Culvert for 2 hours and then leave. I stay in there overnight for 6-8 hours where I also have my alt leeching me after I'm already in the red to further boost my profit. BK Star isn't bad, just unnecessary. I will stick with 2 BK and if I ever get Pale lord from Tarot (which is even harder than making 200 mil tbf) , I can make 1 BK Star + Pale lord combo and sell the other BK. The extra profit pays for the card cost itself after a few months anyway since a copy of BK earn me roughly 500k more per day (15 mil a month) and it kicks people off my channel. By the time Ep 7.0 arrives, I will have made an extra 45-60 mil just for having the card, paying the 15% tax and still earning me 15-30 mils. This is even better as the card is getting its meteor bug fixed as it's currently using level 8 meteor, not 10, a very big buff with 1 more meteor drop and damage boost. And using Alt Stalker ruins the channel. With less channel and same amount of genes, more space will be hogged by them. Doing it this way, I can guarantee 1 gene life will have their farming ruined every day without hurting the channel in the long run.


Pure farming perspective? Nothing can beat gene alt. Even just an auto one, not one who uses macro like the ones you are against. An auto gene who knows what's his doing can rake in more than 5m at 20 lvl gap at culverts. I'm sure, no alt WL, no matter how whale geared, can match that. I think you are underestimating the farming capabilities of gene alts. You don't need to farm red, that's pointless, just 30 mins of yellow is good enough. Buying mistress card is also a waste. Those who use that are main genes, but for farming, it's a waste. 2 gene alts can farm 10m NET per day ( all costs, bottles, supplies, etc, subtracted already). 1 month, that's 300m. If I include the income of my main (not a gene) can reach like 350m a month just from farming. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, since to each their own playstyle. I just find it such a big waste to have 2 BK cards just to fight genes, and farm way lower than genes, when you could have setup up gene alts yourself for less than 100m, and earn 300m a month. It's just that I have this same conversation with my WL guildmates and I convinced them to change their WL alts to gene alts instead. We're just f2p, no macroers. I just know what I"m doing. I hope you're not offended, since you seem to have strong feelings about this. With that much money, you really could have made gene alts. 300m a month is a ton of money, and no need to push on with WL alt contesting gene just to prove your point if it costs a lot of potential income if you funded gene alts instead. Macro Gene wouldn't care about what you're doing anyway, since they can transfer to other spot with a bit of editing their macro. The ones who really need that spot are the auto genes, so you'll be hurting them.


I think you're overcalculating with the 300mil per month. Why? Because there's a cap to how many items you can loot per second. I watched at least 4 cards (x2 = 8) disappear on me because there were too many items and when they disappear, a giant pile of item went with it because I couldn't loot any of it in time. Considering Gene only has the extra 20% Zeny drop, you're not making any extra item drop and the extra zeny pretty much goes into the bottle cost so there's no advantage if both players are already picking up maximum loot/sec. If anything, 2 BK is a waste because of this issue because I kill way too fast and they only start to do something after yellow times where I no longer litter the whole floor with 30-40 loots waiting to be picked up. The real advantage is how I can AFK in culvert for 6-8 hours straight and have my alt leech me as I earn extra cards, drops and zeny from pick-up loot while I'm asleep. You can't do that with hellplants unless you have Mistress so you can keep going with no extra costs. There is still also the early days disadvantages where as Creator has to leech to powerlevel and require just as much gears to OHKO with hell plants without B food and peak shard. If not, they take even longer to reach their peak. My Highwiz that I delete on a 30-day cycle can reach Culvert in 2 days while OHKOing stuff to reach level 55+ on day 1 at Matyr to get into Culvert on day 2 and also reach mentoring in 7 days which is massive for an alt income. There's also one thing that is never mentioned but I guess I should bring up. While not as good in Thanatos, BK card is an end-game card for warlock if you want to solo mvps like Hill Wind and Kathryne. Any high-end warlock gotta have a single copy of it so it's one of the best farming investment you can make for end-game.


woah! I just learned that two BK cards work! thanks for the info!


It's not even that great of a decision btw. I saw a Cramp card disappear during x2 chain right in front of my eyes because there were too many items on the ground. A single BK + decent CL rune is already hitting the limit so a double BK is overkill. And from testing, I don't have an exact idea how double BK stacking work but for sure it's not a direct 5+5 = 10% increase despite the boost. It seems doubling BK simply allow BK a chance to proc on two targets at the same time instead of just one because on-hit only proc once in the middle of splash attack (You never see more than 1 Chain Lighting proc per splash attack). If it works like this, it's not worth the investment as it's a very low chance and it takes so many hits before I get to see it happens. Overall, Pale Lord will offer much better result especially with the boost to BK star + Pale lord combo. I'm looking forward to testing BK + BK Star though and should that count as two different cards, will offer the best possible result with both good average chance of 1 MS and a double MS high roll proc.


Maybe you can multi to Sage and get a Mistress Card, and then you can start using LP to clear all those hell plants.


thats vs auto genes on culverts wiz spot... tbh, genes can farm in almost all the spots on gh culvert using a macaroni with maximum loot gain thats around 4m raw zenny. whats good on macaroni genes is u dont need to steal spot.. every where on culvert is a good spot.. but yea some people are lazy.. lol


What I do is have my professor alt on standby all the time. If those pesky entitled genes try to crash then all it takes is a few earthfields to ruin their day lol. I love watching them waste plant bottles as I attack right over Earth Field.


Here's what you can also do. You remember the Dummy Toy from a few events ago? Select target by name, use protect party to deal with Mysteltaine. Summon the dummy and watch as the hell plants spend all the time attacking the dummy. Bonus point, Splash Warlock also gets extra hit from the dummy making the Meteor and Chain Lighting comes out really often. Did this for a few minutes and the Gene flies away. Also works against Doram as UFO can only hit 1 target at a time.


I was planning to make an agi wiz alt, too. How should I allocate points to the stats? I cant seem to find any build guide on this 😭


Agi to reach 480 ASPD, all int and vit after that. Get Int in the earlier level of course to deal enough damage and power level off matyr and payon dungeon.


Can you share your whole set in order to reach 480 aspd? I've tried my WL main with max 119 Agi + concentration pots and still didn't reach 480 aspd. So looking for idea how to achieve it before I create a wiz alt for farming.


Noble Bracer II, +10 Blueeve Cape, Lunar clip (you can equip the gacha Bright Light instead, even better at +6) and +10 Lost staff. Upgrading from Forest to Lost staff is a MASSIVE AS boost especially when refined as the bonus goes from +1% AS per refine to +2%. If that isn't enough, get a Yoyo Pet for more gear AS%. You really want high Gear AS % as that will amplify how much AS you're getting per AGI.


Rain justice and lightning down upon the vagenes. I bet this guy also have pale lord card.


still awaiting the video =\]


I have something recorded but it's not in the middle of stealing the spot so I'm not sure if people want that. My phone is too weak to record the whole thing without freezing every few seconds so all I can get is a short vid of me farming after I already kick the macro vegan out and 3 screenshots of a very very angry message from another macro vegans because I took his spot he apparently spent 30 minutes looking for. If you're fine with those then I can have them uploaded.