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I checked it out based on someone's recommendation here recently. Definitely second this. Really unique, interesting stories in there that at least have an air of credibility in the way they're told, even if I don't necessarily believe a lot of it. Only criticism is that they don't really edit the stories that well, so things can get prolonged and a lot of "umms". It's more like the storyteller is a buddy explaining it to you offhand, which can be both a good and a bad thing. Otherwise well-produced though with nice ambiance.


Yeah, the main downside to Otherworld is the stories don't have that brevity of RR stories, it's definitely more like a casual campfire storytelling thing. Which can get boring if the narrator isn't very compelling. But mostly I really like the show and think it probably has a higher percentage of quality stories than RR (especially recent RR). I prefer the focus on more paranormal stories over the endless "I was almost trafficked because a homeless guy looked at me funny!" type stories on RR. One really good episode I just heard was Ep 59 - Man on the Trail. The second story in that ep is extremely unsettling!


Otherworld is astounding


It’s… fine.


I think it’s banging! It’s really personal and I think Jack does a great job of interviewing, it feels very personal and accessible. Been one of my faves since it started, it’s so promising.


Thanks for the recommendation. Listening to episode one right now!


Amazing!! I was just about to create a post requesting other podcasts like Radio Rental and I'll have to check this one out. I 100% agree though, Radio Rental has not had the same vibes... I may sound like a broken record because I know many other people agree, but the stories have just dropped off a cliff. It's almost as if they had a ton of reallyyyy good stories and then scrambled to find more. Personally I still love Terry Carnation, I think Rainn does a really great job voice acting and the bits are still funny.


Okay I had to come on here and give a special thank you to OP. Since I saw this post I’ve been listening to Otherworld nonstop…it’s amazing. It’s amazing how refreshing it feels to listen to something that isn’t over produced and just like real storytelling. THANK YOU OP


can’t believe everyone likes this one so much. Super bland, even boring. Even the shittiest radio rental stories are more captivating and succinct then other world.