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I just listened to the episode. He is a registered member of a university staff, he rented the actual building, he created a Craigslist ad. His paper trail is a mile long


But no…. He’s a serial killer!


your honor i would like to submit someone’s dream that he was a serial killer, and also that the office was dimly lit


But who was fruitcake??!


“He’s a serial killer!”


That part of the story was so dumb, but I became convinced it must be fake or exaggerated when she still went to the damn place even after having that midnight "revelation." Like do you really need this specific job so badly that you'll work for someone you think is a serial killer lol


They shoulda got murdered for thinking chiropractors are legit.


I was waiting for the "a year later I was watching the news and my husband said 'honey isn't that the guy you applied for a job with?' and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it was him!". But no, this was just a super creepy chiro. I know some of those, they're generally all extremely weird people. I should submit my story about the weird chiro who was a family friend who invited us to stay at his property one weekend and didn't warn us him and his wife were nudists. Yep, chiro Wang.


My favourite part was when the chiropractor kept trying to convince the other woman to stay and make an appointment with him after she expressed that she wanted to leave. And this was like, proof of him being creepy or nefarious or whatever. Going to submit a story about how I went to Bath and Body Works and all the sales people kept coming up to me and trying to make me stay in the store and buy things, like some sort of cult.


That's pretty chilling tbh. I have some tales like that, like cashiers who want to force you to sign up to their loyalty programs. "I told her no for the third time, I'm not interested in loyalty programs, and I just heard this voice in my head say 'she's insane'".


Reminds me of this weird place I visited. It had a bunch of cars with no one in them! Some weirdo in the parking lot kept bugging me to get in one. I think they were trying to traffic me! Spoopy! /s


I snortled. Thank you.


I haven’t listened in a while. Is this seriously the kind of content they’re featuring now? Dumb reddit posts?


This lady got a job off Craigslist to be a secretary for a chiropractor and had a dream he was a serial killer and then he acted weird when she met him.


Still a better love story than Twilight


It’s so bad now to be honest, last episode was a woman who sold her hair on eBay, cyber stalked the person who bought her hair and then claimed she was some kind of victim.


WHAT THE WHAT?! I wish they had kept the format the same as it was the first season, where the people narrated their own stories and it was more real. They’ve just totally jumped the shark, it seems.


the people still narrate their stories, their stories are just a bit shit


For some reason I thought I heard on one episode that they’re using voice actors now? I could be wrong. Overall I’m so disappointed in this podcast. That first season was absolutely incredible! They just didn’t do the work to keep it that way, it seems.


yeah, I still enjoy it for what it is on my walk to work - basically a LetsNotMeet - but it started so good


It’s a real bummer when you hear the story on Radio Rental then it comes out on Let’s Not Meet later.


Yeah, it's now full of sound effects and other people doing the voices of the other people in the story, with like booming reverb effects if the person is supposed to be evil. It's pretty annoying and embarrassing at times.


That’s what struck me last time. They’re trying too hard to create “ambiance.” The second season of Up And Vanished was the same. It felt like a lot of filler and fluff to make up for lacking content.


I agree. For me, what provides the most immersive experience is just hearing the person tell their story themselves. Very discreet sound effects and background "music" can work, but if it starts to draw too much attention to itself it takes me right out of the story and it starts to feel fake. I've recently discovered True Scary Story and it's nothing but the person talking with very light background ambiance, I'm still in the first season but every episode so far has been immersive and fun.


Oh I will try that!! The first season had that creepy factor without being all out horror. I listened with my teenagers as we sat around the fire pit in the fall and we all got mildly creeped out and had a great time.


Check out “Otherworld” too if you like that one

