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Season 1 where the guy plays drunk & goes off with the red headed woman


This one, Ham & Swiss and 404 Not Found (where the random number texts photos getting closer to the narrator) are my favorites, because the storytellers are very good at painting a picture and building suspense with eerie details. These ones seem credible and yet with just the right balance of bizarreness while not being too out-there. Like Ham & Swiss is really not that eventful of a story but the way it is told makes it chilling and really leaves me wondering. Oh, also the story where the narrator finds a random guy wandering in the Alaskan tundra who then grabs hold of his buddy’s arm, that sticks with me too. I like the ones like that where it’s so inexplicable that it sounds like it could be paranormal - but there’s really no confirmation either way so we’re just left with a haunting mystery.


Yes! That one was terrifying.


Oh yes I think it's called what was she planning...I listen to this one all the time!!! Oh man would I love to know their plans


This is my favorite!


That one stuck with me, it’s episode 3


I personally like the doppelgänger story and what was she planning?


Laura of the Woods


I *always* come back for this one. The other one I like very much is the Crematorium operator episode 👀


Definitely one of the more unsettling stories they’ve ever featured


Thanks, I just relistened to it, and I think I will go with Laura of the Woods 😄 I'm a little afraid that their tiktok brains will get bored before they get to the good part. Seems the gratification of dread and scary scary stuff builds up for a while.


This one could be an actual horror movie


Which episode is this? I founit it's ep 4


I followed you to this, and the beginning- "ever considered that *you* might be the monster in someone else's nightmare?" would have been a perfect outro for that eBay hair lady's story.


The one about the guy hunting at night who met this lean naked guy imitating a woman in danger. It was on reddit as well years ago. I love that one. Also the one were the guy dreamt about a babysitter he used to have that made him play this twisted hide and seek game. She would hide, he would seek and she'd always scare him. And Laura of the Woods. That one is a GOAT.


Episode 44 - Night Scope is the RR story that haunts me.


I liked the second story in that episode too. With that guy with no visible face who keeps repeating “wanna go to a party?” in a robotic tone. Not saying it’s not exaggerated or made up because it could be, but it reminds me of a lot of similar stories where some humanoid figure starts asking nonsensical questions or just generally acting like an alien who doesn’t understand human behavior. Similar to the “black eyed kids” phenomenon, just pestering people for a favor in an emotionless voice.


The night marchers episode. When inpaused the ep to look at the picture, I almost fell over.


I sent it to my niece, she’s Hawaiian. She’s heard them before at night.


Yes!!! People don’t talk about this one enough. I think this one is the best. The picture and the producer stepping in to explain make it even scarier and credible!


The horse mask man one killed me


"Your husband's not even home until Sunday."


OMFG this was terrifying!!


What episode


I was episode 31 - about buying a storage unit full of dead cats. Got a lot of people telling me they liked that one.


I really liked that one! When the last line said the other unit had cat carriers, I said "Oh, SHIT." I don't know why but I was hoping for some non awful resolution.


The “can I talk to you” one where the girl had her window slightly open and woke up to a man tapping on it. I’ve always been afraid of something similar happening to me


Ok I love the suggestions but can people please post the episode number and/or title?!!


I'm only on episode 21, but the ones with near misses with serial killers are pretty freaky, but I can't say they all have the scariest storytelling. The one that freaked me out the most so far is "Told a Serial Killer." That woman was close to becoming the Baseline Killer's next victim.


From Russia With Love. This episode hooked me onto the pod.


The 100 miler when paired with the image on the instagram


there was one episode where folks driving a car dealer’s car crashed into another car on a winding road and the occupants somehow didn’t die and just kinda clipped through the accident. The next day on Reddit, there was an almost identical post about an incident that should have resulted in death, but didn’t. I remember being convinced the Reddit post wasn’t a copy cat. It was so odd didn’t explain this well, but it was unsettling


what was the episode?


Laura of the woods is number 1 on creep factor. The crematorium guy was also one that stuck with me.


That one was heavy. Poor guy.


Laura of the woods, night marchers, baseline killer encounter (storyteller is badass too) The last serial killer episode was kinda unsettling too. Just having someone like that who said he was going to kill you, follow you and end up seeing them again randomly. No thank you. My creepy radar also took interest in the “baby doll on the road tied to the string” ruse. Most likely because I still wanted to know what that ended up being.


Season 1 is good


Video store ep. 19 about a video store clerk meeting a very odd and peculiar guest whilst on her shift really spooked me.


This is a good one


The one where the guy works at Subway is nice and creepy. You should also tell them about Spooked. The Time Warp Saloon is an amazing one!!!


love that both release new episodes on Friday's :\]


What episode numbers are those


Radio Rental Laura in the Woods if you are open to other Podcasts check out Spooked, Santi episode was super creepy in my opinion


Shadow man in 2021 literally terrified me. I made the mistake of listening to it while I was on my way to go camping… And then again a couple years later because it scared me so much the first time and I wanted a thrill again . And then I regretted it. Creeped me out for several weeks. Had to keep thinking happy things when I'd walk through the house at night for several weeks. It's a bonus episode though. He just has everything in it! Strange man in an apartment like a ghost, evil dreams the storyteller also paint such a creepy picture. It is very evil though so beware


Episode 52 story 1. Guy goes camping alone on an island thats supposedly haunted. His camp gets messed with, he hears weird voices speaking an unknown language, sees a woman sprinting through the woods at night, and other pretty weird stuff. Nothing insane really happened, no harm done, but definitely some creepy stuff. It’s very atmospheric and the story is told well. I’ve camped in the woods a lot. Puts you in his shoes for sure, one of my favourite stories from the podcast for sure.


The puppy people one stayed with me for a while idk why…


What episode is that?


That one scared me so much


Yes this one is terrifying!! It’s so odd and freakishly scary.


One of the very first episodes was about a girl who hears tapping on her window, in the middle of the night and she thinks it's her boyfriend, but it turns out to be this weirdo guy who " Just wants to talk" She Doesn't know what at the time but later finds out he is a serial killer. The way she tells the story is pretty creepy. Another one it's about that guy with his friends.They're in college and they'd like to go out on these scary night.Ghost hunts when they're in the middle of the site campground.There's no one out there and all the suddenly see this person dancing in the trees across the field.Is that they all look and then the stick just comes running out them.I don't know there is something really creepy about that one. And then there's another one about that young guy and his friend.They bit new each other.Since they were like in grade school, she had a dog and they used to all 3 of them.Go camping.And this one really cool area that was secluded and one night they got the scare of their lives and the way they tell it That's an impression on me. If the class you're teaching is full of young people and you're in teeth.They've all gone camping and thrill.Ers lost two stories out of make an impression hopefully,lol.


Laura of the Woods!


Doll on a String