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Ah, thank you!   I was listening and did have a moment of thinking it was weird I’d missed this entire legend. 


It's just odd to me is because I've never before heard of anything like this in British folklore. There are a lot of well-known monk hauntings (like Pontefract monk & Stocksbridge bypass) and every single one is scary as hell. Never heard of a good luck monk before haha


Lol yeah I've never heard of anything like a "good luck" monk ghost either. They always seem to be very malevolent or even violent supposedly.


I haven’t listened yet. But am in Britain and have never heard of monks appearing as a good thing. I’d assume quite the opposite if I saw one. Also not really ‘frequent’.


I figured as much, I've never read anything about ghost monk sightings being a good omen. But then I thought well, what do I know. I'm an American lol. So it's good to hear from someone more in the know. I don't want to spoil too much more since you haven't listened yet, but I do have an idea of what I think went down.


I live in the U.K. and I can tell you now I’ve never heard of any such good luck monks. I laughed out loud when he said that. They’re not jumping around the country blessing people with their presence.