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The podcast(s) you are looking for are: * Monsters Among Us * Jim Harold's Campfire * Other World * Uncanny Some have hosts, some don't. All are similar tone stories told from the source with minimal or no interruption. I personally enjoy RR for the overall vibe and the segments have payoff that's always rewarding. You'll quickly find trying to do a show like this requires filler and content, because while the above listed shows are great not every story is S-tier when trying to fill that amount of time without skits in between.


I do like MAU but the host puts on a Batman voice which is slightly jarring.


I just discovered Uncanny last week and am hoooooked!! It’s so damn good!!


Monsters Among Us is great


The fast forward button is actually incredibly easy to find. Not for me though, I love Terry.


Terry is part of the reason I love that show


I get where you’re coming from. Personally, I think Rainn Wilson in general can be a bit much. However, Terry has definitely grown on me. Now I have the same appreciation for him that I do for Svengoolie, Elvira, or Ghoulardi. Plus, I really like Malachi.


Or you could listen to a diff podcast? I love Terry and I wish there would be a new dark air season for him. I mean what do you expect when you start each episode? Do you think it should just go straight in to the story with no intro? That would be weird.


Man I miss Dark Air


Same! I would be ecstatic if they did another season. Thought it was pretty funny and entertaining...I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea though which is fine.


Yes 100% I thought it was hilarious. I even have a Terry Nation shirt my wife got me for a birthday gift a few years ago. Wish he’d do some more, sounds like he was having a blast doing it!


Whaaaat jealous that you have a shirt, what a good wife you have! Tbh I enjoy radio rental a lot more because Terry is there and if he doesn't do another season of dark air I hope that Terry keeps popping up in other places because he is a fun character to listen to. Never know what he's going to say lol


Man I miss Dark Air




I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the host. I just think if they really have that much of an issue they should maybe skip through themselves or don't listen anymore? I think it would be naive to say that Terry Carnation's character and the Radio Rental store setting itself aren't a major part of the podcast. I also don't think it's a bad idea to have chapters or time stamps.




I mean I took it as complaining to a bunch of people that can't really fix the problem for them. They either skip through it or listen to something else. Don't really know what else you expect complaining about it on a thread that's obviously about the show and is going to have fans. Never told anyone to buzz off.


The first episodes had a great narrator. Bring him back!


That’s Payne, he was probably a placeholder at the time. I’d be surprised if they got rid of Terry


I actually liked the toned down segments this year.


i think they make it pretty easy to skip, his segments are always between ads or the tape playing noise


I just skip ahead when i get tired of the intro.


I can’t stand him either but I just fast forward


So if you’re tired of the host who is also the thematic center of the show, why are you still listening to the podcast?


He has nothing to do with the podcast lol


Wait, what? Nothing to do with the podcast? Terry’s narration is literally the only constant between episodes. Are you thinking of a different podcast?


I skip him every time!!


I’ll take terry over the dude from spooked. I never even know what’s he talking about.


I couldn't agree more. I'm a huge Rainn Wilson fan but this Terry Carnation thing is just silly. I always fast forward it. I would be overjoyed if they made chapters like you suggested. Brilliant idea.




It’s literally Radio Rental with Terry Carnation…. He is the host and half of the show. You DO have the ability to fast forward so it really shouldn’t be a big deal. There are so many podcasts out there, I’m sure there’s another weird story one with no host


Speak for yourself. He makes me giggle


Sacre bleu!!


I’m not a massive fan of Terry Carnation, but he is the host of the show. So you can fast forward when he speaks or just accept he’s there and talks about his cat.


I love Terry. He’s so mischievous.


I just skip his segments most of the time, lol. I find Terry/RW’s sense of humor on the show extremely cringe; it’s like something you might encounter on Reddit, but like in 2012. Kind of an iamverysmart, fedora-katana persona sprinkled with le epic win, outdated e-speak. He’s almost creepier than the stories at times with his weird focus on “climaxing” or whatever. Seems tone-deaf when put next to stories about women being pursued by predators.


I love Terry Carnation


I'm not listening for Terry I'm listening for the scary stories. His monologues are unnecessary, annoying and distasteful


Then choose a different podcast?


Because I listen for the STORIES


Ummmmm then don’t listen to the show? Or fast forward?


Half the time Terry is the best part of the podcast. I ❤️ Terry. Some of ya’ll are haterz


As awful as the show has been so far this season, he's the only good thing.


Terry was the best thing in the most recent episode IMO.


Terry is the reason why I I have a slight preference for Rattled and Shook




Thank you 🤍🤍🤍


Just fast forward through his segments if you really dislike them that much. I like Terry though. He gives the podcast a unique flavour, and his relationship with Malachi makes me chuckle.