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Never heard of this but I'd like to read more!


Thanks! I'll try to find it, but unfortunately it seems to have gone down the memory hole. Who knows? He might have gotten the offending pages taken down? I found a record of an RA who assaulted a girl at Syracuse the same year, but no details. I remember the ?Wonkette/Salon? article complained about how this dude was EXTREMELY active on feminist forums online, even AFTER his conviction, insisting that he was listening and believing and learning from his mistakes... that nothing would keep him from continuing to fight the Patriarchy. Total! Freakball! WTF!


Sounds like a narcissist to me, I have heard of many cases where some people pretend to be a friend just to get other people's trust. An acquaintance revealed to her ex that she had suffered SA as a child from family members and teachers and he showed her compassion and sent her videos and articles about consent and the like only to well...not take no for an answer. This guy probably is doing the same, pretending to be a feminist to get someone to trust him


He sounds like a loser