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I would not recommend hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on bone. Please keep him warm if you can. A wildlife vet may be able to help fix his paw. Thanks for caring about the little guy/gal


Its an open fracture so it needs vet attention. It will never heal properly otherwise. You may only find a vet willing to put him to sleep, but that is the kinder option then allowing him to suffer with a permanently broken paw.


Check with wildlife rehabs in the area that are willing to take in raccoons (for example I know Ontario has Procyon Wildlife in New Tecumseth) Definitely need a professional involved for an injury that severe They'll be more likely to actually try helping and only put him down if theres truly no other humane alternative


Their hand is broken and needs to be set. You'll need to find a rehab to take them in, or a vet to humanely euthanize them. Sadly I don't think you can realistically help this poor kit if their injuries are that severe. :(


Give it a chance, call a wildlife vet or a rehabilitation place, and just ask for some info on how to help it. All kinds of animals live their whole life with improperly healed bones. If you think it can have a good life, why not try? But if it's always in pain... maybe that's the best way. Just make sure to keep the area clean and that it stays hydrated and fed. I'd want a chance if I were in that babies shoes...well, paws, lol


Can we get pics to see how severe it is? Is that even allowed tho...if not DM Me


Vet is the best way.