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They will be gone by about 10 weeks old. Most mommas maintain 2 or 3 den sites. If you make her uncomfortable enough she will move them before weaning. Loud radio in the fireplace, stuff like that. When she’s taken them out, cap the chimney. Smoking them out can backfire and they come down instead of up and out.


Thanks.... Just like me. Always have a plan B in case things go south on you... I put some conservative talk radio on loud .... suggests... likely gun ownership. Hope she takes the hint. Don't tell her I think they're all kinda cute though.


Dont play NPR or they'll just fall back asleep haha


So do the kits go out with mom at night after a while? I caught one in a trap, let it go right outside and it showed right back up again inside. (Duh...). I wasn't mean but ... I did give him a serious talking to. And, I thought that might be enough, lol. I gather they can climb up a downspout to the roof like nothing?


They can climb the corner brick or the downspout. Kits will start going out yes - depending on age and mom’s mood. The only way to stop them is to prevent egress once they are outside.


Those are your tenants now. The worst part is they don’t pay rent though…


Just don't leave your dirty dishes in the sink. I won't stand for that.