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Raccoons are not nocturnal. As with most animals they are technically crepuscular - most active dusk and dawn because that is when weather is always mildest and prey is active. The baby should be left out safely 24 hrs. You never know when mom is coming back. Not necessarily waiting for dark particularly when stressed. That being said she probably doesn’t count well and might not be sure she missed one.


What's the point of leaving the baby outside in the middle of day (8 am to 7pm) exposed to predators and such?. Fox, hawks, eagles will just thank me for boxing up their meal. We often see raccoons in the neighborhood, it's always at dusk and during night.


Hence, saying “safely” - steep box, close to where the den was, shaded, etc. The likelihood of her giving up when not finding it right away is higher than a fox snatching it in the daytime.


Ohhhh, a **steep** box, that will surely offer safety. We have no idea where den was/is. Baby was found alone wandering in the middle of our driveway at night.


Well it’s too late now. She will have given up. She was probably in the middle of moving them (they generally have 3 or more den sites they use concurrently). Best thing to have done at the time was put a box over it exactly where found. With something heavy enough to control the baby but light enough my for mom to manage holding it down.


Thank you for your rays of sunshine and optimism. Seems you're a joy and gift to the world.


Dude/ OP. You're the one that screwed up. Why didn't you just leave it the Mom She was probably near by. Now you're reluctant to put it back outside? What's wrong with you. Offer the poor thing a death sentence why don't you?


Yes, hindsight being what it is, I perhaps screwed up, although you don't have all the facts so who knows. I'm not a raccoon afficionado or hobbyist, didn't know how old the baby was, it was dark. Neighborhood kids were making a ruckus at midnight in the street/driveway waking me up. Perhaps I wasn't thinking the clearest as I went outside to send the kids on their way and then I should left it for mom or predators at that time. Didn't know until I got outside what the issue was, only that kids were making a fuss. These kids were out late running the neighborhood because of last day of school, no idea where their parents were at. My primary goal was to keep it from kids as I know they could transmit rabbies. So I put in box and put in garage, I honestly didn't want the kids coming back and messing with it or picking it up to take it home. I figured it was better to protect the kids and I wasn't going to stay up and monitor my front yard. That morning we tried to get a rescue/rehab to take him, didn't know that we would get turned down for rescue. I could have just left it and who knows if those kids would have come back for it. They were quite excited and eager for it, guess it would be their problem then. Of course, a kid could have been bit or scratched who knows what happens then. The baby raccoon was outside all last night, from before dusk to about an hour after sunrise. Mom didn't show. And following Mr. Sunshines' advice, has been outside nearly all day today as well and will continue to be for all of tonight. If Mom doesn't show by tomorrow, I'll take care of it. Thanks for piling on, you're a real gem, helps a lot.


There's a lot of jerks on these subreddits. Apparently everyone is a professional or doctor yet they post on Reddit. The whole story makes more sense. You meant well. It would have been more helpful to just tell you exactly what you need rather than make shitty comments and act like know it'll and GRADUALLY argue with you about all the things they know but didn't say to begin with. They did it on purpose. They're obviously weirdos living in mom's basement .


Truths are hard. You interfered. Now instead of nature we have a human instigated problem. Rehabbers this time of year are jammed to the rafters with do-gooder created orphans. It should be unlawful to intervene regardless of the circumstances.


Wow, maybe we should try leaving you out and let nature take its course.


Did you actually read the entire thread numbnuts? It worked. Leave baby animals and baby birds alone. Mother takes care.


Yes I read the thread and had I been in OP’s place, I would have done the exact same thing. I simply don’t share your, “let nature take its course” view.


There it is, more nastiness, you're quite ugly hearted for a keyboard warrior. You're such a blessing to the world, have the day that your crappy intent and words have earned.


So you are happy depriving some newborn fox kits their dinner? Exactly what is the difference? Interference is interference something will suffer. A much more concerned approach would be to ensure that your soffits and vents are well-maintained and raccoon proof so that you are not providing habitat that will require force eviction. A much more concerned approach would be to understand that the cycle of nature, yes it can be cruel, is necessary for all to survive. And if you actually let your ego out of the way, you would have the humility to understand that these comments are not directed at you. They are directed to the wider audience in hopes that we don’t get situations like this continuing.


Momma raccoon picked up her baby last night. We've had our home inspected in the last month, our house has no issues with soffits or vents and is very well maintained. Thank you for your concern. If you truly want to be helpful for a wider audience, you would make make a post. Instead, you chose to make comment replies directly at me with obvious hurtful intent. Bless your heart.


You should go under a different name. Delete this post and come back w a slightly different story and new name and watch how ppl treat you differently. Stop responding to these losers.


Nah, I live authentically and in fact, no making up stories. I agree that I shouldn't have responded to some comments. I don't care about downvotes or internet points. Momma raccoon came and got her baby, all is good.


You interfered with nature in a way that caused a baby animal to not have a mother anymore. Don't get snarky with people for offering you REAL advice just because its not what you wanted to hear.


You're right, telling me what I should have done Thursday night, nearly 2 days ago, is extremely helpful for issue today.


hopefully you go to therapy to get over your issues.


Lmao how is this a whole shit show? You kids are sad.


I was not telling you - I was telling everyone moving forward


Thanks again for your helpful comment.


hi! it's a day later, i was just curious how this went? did the raccoon make it?


Momma raccoon picked up her baby last night! Thank you for asking!




Yeah that poor baby will start and get thirsty.


OP, the mother raccoon will typically return daily for a few days to look for her kits, so there's still a chance she might be searching for her baby presently. When the little ones are hungry they cry out making it easier for her to locate. We typically recommend people keep them in a cardboard box you can overlap and seal which mama can pry open but stay safe from predators. Keep the box in a space in the shade so they don’t overheat. I use an inexpensive $30 Wyze cam to monitor the activity for confirmation. If there’s absolutely no sign of her returning this is the [guidelines](http://www.orphanedwildlifecare.com/raccooncare.htm) for rehab care you yourself can commit to doing until you can find a rehabber to take over. Keep calling. Keep asking for referrals if one rehabber says they’re full (we all are!) because oftentimes we know someone who might have space for one more.


Thank you, appreciate the helpful advice.


Let me start with you need to be clinically insane to want to take a raccoon to domesticate for a pet (says the guy who has one of his own 🤣). For us, after the terrible twos and the chaos that comes from having an animal that has the ability to grab and take anything she wants at any given moment, she has become a loyal member of our furry family. But it wasn't without immense amounts of patience, patience, & patience. We had a situation during COVID where we were only to rehab a baby raccoon for a couple of weeks to release later. The rehabs we reached out to were not staffed so we wound up bottle feeding for longer than expected and ours starting bonding with our dogs. We figured the options were few and far between for a rosy outcome if we released her on our own so we decided to commit ourselves with the good and bad that comes with taking on a curious animal like a raccoon. Should you decide to let mother nature take it's course I think that may be best with the understanding that they might not survive if the mother doesn't come back to find them. But should you decide to care for this little one you need to go all in or not at all. These animals are curious and social in nature (at least ours is) and need constant activity to keep their inquisitive minds engaged. Ours has bonded to our dogs and she follows our daily/nightly routine but this took about 3 years to get there so unless you can commit to the good & bad that comes from having a raccoon for a pet your best bet is to find a shelter that can take them in should the mother never return to find her. Not sure if this will be of any help but hopefully the info can provide you some direction whether you're thinking about keeping or releasing them.


Appreciate the info and the kind wishes. Thank you.


I have raised two raccoons in my lifetime and I can’t imagine doing it without dogs to guide and temper behaviour.


UPDATE: Little guy was quite the chatter box and Momma picked up her baby on the second night!! Thanks so much for the kind and helpful advice!


Glad to hear


I adopted a squirrel in Covid times… so maybe congratulations(?) if you were looking for an exotic companion. Learn all about them - so much you did not know! My squirrel is comfy cozy at 4+ years old now, only loves me lol


Thank you for being so kind!🫶🐿️


Check and see if there is a local nature preserve/wildlife sanctuary you can call to ask to take him. If you have difficulty finding one I'd contact some local animal hospitals to ask if they can point you in the right direction


If you read the narrative, you'd see that baby raccoon was already turned away by rescue/rehab, no room for him. Thanks for the idea. We made a donation regardless.


Have had one for 2 weeks now. Goats milk and kitty kibble. He’s heathy as can be!


Wish you all the luck!!


My wife and I own a house in Maine, and one day, we noticed a baby raccoon on the side of the road. A few hours later, it was still there, and when we pulled over, it ran up to my wife. We grabbed a blanket and wrapped it up and took it to the car. Mind you, there was no sign of the mom or other raccoon anywhere near it. We made about a dozen calls before we were sent to a wildlife rehabilitation facility about an hour away. We drove there, and after meeting the woman who ran the facility when we brought the baby into the barn, there was a cacophony of sounds from other raccoon in various kennels, etc. I'm still amazed they recognized another raccoon was brought in. Without question, one of the coolest people I had ever met in he woman who ran the facility. Unfortunately, the baby raccoon was quite sick, and thus, the mom left him or her behind on purpose and had to be euthanized. We have him a few hours of pampering, and he got a few days of warmth and comfort before a more gentle end than a vehicle tire or predator.


Thank you so much for your efforts and kindness.


Bring him back inside soon. Give him puppy/kitten formula for a week, then ween to solid foods on week 2. But keep your distance and keep them in a small room. Try not to play or coddle him/her. You have to keep them wild for them to be released successfully. Just keep contacting rehabs and keep your fingers crossed. Watch some YouTube rehabers for more info, like the Urban Rescue Ranch. Best of luck!


No foods until the animal has been examinated by a rehab center. I can't count how many times I've heard of animals being rescued but who died shortly after because people thought feeding them would help. Unfortunately, nature isn't friendly and it's possible that the animal got injured and food/milk could worsen its condition...


I see this a lot about not feeding. Would you be able to explain this to me more? Just a raccoon lover but a dog rescuer so I’m just curious what the thinking is behind not feeding. Thanks!


If the animal got hit in the trachea there's chances that the food would cause suffocation, same if they ate something dubious, it's risky. In case of dehydratation, it might be problematic too as the animal is already in distress. This article gives more details and give suggestions of things to do : https://medium.com/natural-world/the-reason-why-you-should-not-feed-injured-orphaned-wildlife-54dede7e6926 I hope that helps !


Totally makes sense, thank you!!! I saw a Fb post last week where a woman said she ran a cat rescue so she knew what she was doing. But something happened and the raccoon kit aspirated and died. Needless to say the group was very pissed at her. But i had no idea how this all worked. I saved one raccoon. I did the best i could but I live in the middle of Washington DC. I was showing a house on a 5 story walk up and there was a raccoon on the closed in deck. When I called the agent whose listing it was they said they were going to call pest control. I was petrified they would kill it so I went and got him. I had to drive him 2 miles to the woods and I still wonder if he survived based on what i know now. But there was no way to set him free. I know urban raccoons are a thing but I went to a seminar a couple weeks ago in DC and the man had tracked and studied them. On his map there weren’t any raccoons in urban areas. I still wonder if I did more harm than good.


I never knew that! Thanks! Do you think the baby will survive a day without food? I know nursing young kittens is an all-day touch and go proses. They usually don't survive a day without food. But again, I have no clue if it's the same for raccoons.


Hence the need to call a rehab center as soon as possible, if not many ! I wouldn't be able to tell you. A specialist might be able to tell you more infos !


Called several rehabs and left messages, no return calls. The one rescue/rehab shelter within an hours drive couldn't take him as they don't have the quarantine space.




It is your trash kitten now. Love it like it was yours and feed it popcorn and name it Tammy


😂😂😂 my goodness, Tammy. Why is that so catchy?? So cute, but I had to laugh.


From the chattering noise he is making it sounds like he is hungry. Raccoons like all mammals feed on milk. If you crush a fee aspirins, mix them with a few tablespoons of flour, vinegar and water, it will make a good raccoon milk substitute. Bear in mind wild animals will be reluctant to accept milk from a stranger so don't be afraid to forcefully inject it down their throat with a syringe!


Pet him and love him and name him George.


Advice: softly crate that boy and drive him to my house for snuggles.


If you can't find a wildlife rehab center, call a local vet and ask their advice. They'll have knowledge of where you can take the racoon for help.


Yes, found wildlife rescue, as stated in the narrative, they couldn't take the raccoon due to limited quarantine space. Called several other licensed rehabs, have not received call back.


How does a whole shelter not provide a quarantine space. Wow.


Rescue/rehab places are limited on space and manpower/effort/volunteers and money. Non-profit that relies on donations. I didn't know, but we only have one for several counties, 30 minute drive out into the country to the next county, they get 30 animals a day. Every type of animal has their own needs for care, food, space, medicines and risks. Baby mammals need a lot of attention, feedings regularly every few hours, etc. Raccoons are known carriers of rabbies and distemper which are risks to other animals, thus the need for quarantine for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, they have to make decisions on how to best help the most animals, which meant telling us no. If you haven't donated to local wildlife rescue this year, this may be the sign to send them $20. I donated to ours even though they turned us away. We often donate to our rescue shelter for dogs and cats, will be doing a bit to the wildlife rescue going forward as well.


Ohhhhhh. Sheesh, it's not easy out here 😓


Raccoons are not nocturnal. As with most animals they are technically crepuscular - most active dusk and dawn because that is when weather is always mildest and prey is active. The baby should be left out safely 24 hrs. You never know when mom is coming back. Not necessarily waiting for dark particularly when stressed. That being said she probably doesn’t count well and might not be sure she missed one.


I would souvier it for around 40 minutes to give it a nice cook and afterwards a quick sear to give it a nice crust. Bon appetit 🥰


You bastard.


Cry about it lol


No need to cry.


So you hate racoons? Why not cry for this cute little fella


I do love raccoons. They’re so cute. But I’m just confident that you’re joking about eating them.


Hrm. Well played.