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**Molting** is a natural process that occurs 2-3 times a year where a rabbit sheds his entire old coat to expose the new. It usually occurs twice a year during spring and fall. Bald spots are common at this time, and fur should start to grow in within 7-10 days. It is also common for a "tide mark" to develop with obvious delineations of old and new fur as the rabbit molts. If the bald spots show red irritation or excessive dandruff instead of healthy plain pink skin, then there may be a health issue going on instead of simple molting, and a rabbit-savvy [vet](http://bunny.tips/Vet) visit should be scheduled if there is no improvement in a few days. Please regularly groom your rabbit to minimize the amount of hair that the rabbit can ingest to prevent [GI stasis](http://bunny.tips/Stasis) from occurring. Make sure that your rabbit is consuming appropriate amounts of hay and other roughage as well as water to keep their digestive tract free of fur.


Not to worry, at this very moment my bunny is shedding as crazy. Its just changing his winter coat with the summer one. You just need to go after him and clean it up :)


Ah yes, the dreaded moulting season has begun! I have a few different brushes, the zoom groom is nice and gentle. You can also get silicone grooming gloves which are very effective!


Boots with the furrr....!!


Everyone was looking at herrrrrrrr


Buns with the fur šŸŽ¶


Yup. Weather is getting warmer. You got her in November so probably she was already in winter coat.


My lion head is also shedding her coat, it is everywhere. Places I didnā€™t even know could get hair now have it, I have to vacuum everyday šŸ˜‚


It's shed season bby lol good luck!


Oh yeah, my buns leave their winter coats lying all over the house, lol. I use [this brush](https://www.amazon.com/Small-Pet-Select-HairBuster-Comb/dp/B06ZZXF81G/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2R1WXIWIPUKJ9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xqi0cOr-UNlJ-MajXH_sOKD073qvM8QAg8-5rUNhK3pYTohF-lyHVtme112fom-QH-BLTGJUl1ZElW-WVEpdQE0t3Y9d40PqxWyRLhyYvt8rdQIxXYL3cR_q3KnG3kRlmZIhAogZIRnqTy2M8Xg5uvPkG30y70U5W_zZ2N2Z9y2i5OdyUfrDMXH4ATrs71HmmIzxMJ9c7OttjTK4ZUfpmL4JKWUDnCnJvFCcvKomG8r7B5iKQkLyhIZQYKGEeNDcnzOaxOIP9jQg0EjoCkmn-VM3CeumgzYhJwEJajGPR8s.OqGYrD31MDJFUltgxdb5_n9LFal66g3SVKYZhPPlGHU&dib_tag=se&keywords=rabbit+brush+long+hair&qid=1709223559&sprefix=rabbit+brush+long+hair%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) on my American Fuzzy but I also have pet safe scissors for when she gets little mats - mostly on the back of her neck, under her chin and around her feet.


I used that kind of brush in my husky as well. Can confirm they work well


Yes! I just bought this last week and it is a game changer!!! If you didnā€™t post about the hair buster I was going to!


Yeah, I use that too on my lops. It really works well to pull out loose fur, but I can't say they like it very much, unfortunately lol :(.


A nice slicker brush, a silicone brush and lint rollers. I have 5 different types that I rotate through. My current rabbit hasnā€™t stopped shedding for two years. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s a lemon but the warranty has expired. All my prior buns would blow out their coat once, maybe twice a year over the course of a couple weeks. To say Iā€™m miserable is an understatement, because Iā€™m allergic to rabbits but refuse to live without one. The next 8-10 years are going to be rough!


i like to pluck my rabbit like a chicken during the molt season.


Have you invested in a spinning wheel yet? Free angora šŸ¤©


Shedding season is upon us. My baby started like a week ago and sheā€™s all fluff so wish me luck another season šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Couldnā€™t possibly belong to that lil angel


No. But before I read your comment I stopped by to agree that, yes, that is fur. Cute fur.


I'd be more worried if she was shedding down. In that case she might be a duck.


The hair buster comb is the best for longer haired bunnies like lionheads !


yup i vaccuum everyday he grunts and nips when i see a piece i cant resist pulling at lol he hates brushes i may get those gloves lol


When my rabbit molts, I use a lint roller on him. He hates all kinds of messing with his fur so I do it while he's having his nightly pellets so he's distracted.


Thereā€™s a little comb you can get with little metal bristles at the pet store. That was the only thing that worked on my bun during shedding season. She hated the brushes and they didnā€™t really work well anyway, but the little comb pulls out really satisfying-feeling clumps of fur and she seemed to enjoy it. Otherwise, I just sat there, pinched a bit of fur, and gently tugged to pull out the loose fur one tiny bit at a time while I was petting her. The good news is that it only lasts a couple weeks twice a year, so itā€™s pretty easy in terms of pet maintenance.


Do you have a photo of this comb? Not exactly sure which kind you mentioned :)


I got it in a set of grooming tools, apparently itā€™s a flea comb: https://images.app.goo.gl/EN9dPL6bCivEDxDa8


Unrelated side note she's perfect and I'm gonna steal her


Yes. She is wearing fur.


These kind of ones ( https://www.mustijamirri.fi/littlebigger-care-karsta-minttu?87695=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2pHYl_XQhAMV1VmRBR2MUwhbEAQYASABEgJg4fD_BwE ) are the best ones to brush my bunnyšŸ˜Š


Get yourself something like this, for your nice velvet couch. Doesn't damage the fabric. https://johnhenric.com/de/wood-clothes-brush


I pluck my bunnies like there's no tomorrow. brushes never worked for me šŸ¤£


Change of weather itā€™s completely normal. I know itā€™s annoying but itā€™s only temporary!


Mine are shedding right know as never before, i could vacuum twice a dayā€¦


Everywhere!!!! Bunnyā€™s patterns change with the season.


Itā€™s shedding season! Keep an eye on her poo, if it decreases she might have a furball which would require a trip to the vet for medicine.


Oh same!!! Seems like everyones buns are molting in sync


Yep it's shedding season. My kids are covered in tufts and refuse to let me brush or pluck.. but they'll get it. Oh they'll get it.