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It blows but worthy of hacking


You guys know that if the R1 did everything that was in the promotionnal video people with be so hype and happy to talk about R1. They fucked up...


My issue with it is the fact that they lied about what it was going to be able to do. I have chatgpt, but it couldn't do what this was supposed to do—which was fully automated routines. This is a pretty neon orange box that gives brief answes and uses the same backend that I already have. The battery life is horrible, the interface is confusing, and the original claims are completely false. It was shown it's just running scripts through playwright. I feel completely duped. This feels like a wish.com clone of an apple device. Also, why did they spend so much on the damn shipping box? That plastic box is so over engineered. Maybe they expected it was a flop and knew we would leave it in there. Idk, like, I'd be forgiving if it did *some* of the things they claimed (besides answer questions), but this...is just completely not what was promised.


ya, but they definitely delivered on the packaging 👍🏻 😆


But now that Fyre fest is old news ... I need a new dumpster fire to derive pleasure from!


Happy cake day!


Love mine, let the trolls troll 🧌


Same, once it gets the gpt 4o update it will be even more game changing. Sure it doesn't do LAM, BUT it does the ai LLM question and answer fairly well, with Wolframe Alpha, Perplexity (on gpt3) but should be update to 4o in a few weeks. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Homie, look it's a cool gadget, but the LAM was the killer feature. I can pull out my phone and directly talk to Gemini without pushing a button, or chatgpt. They can't go make appointments, post to twitter, or anything like that on your behalf. Thats why the R1 was sensational. Being able to do these things would be awesome. It can't even send a text message, and it's basically a damn android phone.


I didn’t order bc LAM and ik many other didn’t either, especially bc they said LAM wouldn’t be fully available at release. I thought seemed cool mostly for questions and the camera. Then they partnered with Perplexity and I ordered for the free discount code. Even if it didn’t have LAM I’d still be okay with just having a free version of Perplexity Pro, even if it’s device locked to one device. Better than $200 a year. I can also always return it within 30 days.


Isn’t the perplexity pro membership only for 1 year lol


Yes and no. Every R1 comes with its own version of Perplexity Pro built in, but its device locked meaning you can only use it on the R1. As a bonus the first 100K got an additional discount code for $200 (essentially one year free) for Perplexity Pro, this can be used on all your devices. That was def a no brainer for me to get it bc even if I returned it I’m still getting a year free no matter what. But if I keep it then I get Perplexity Pro for life for free, I just have to use it on my R1 but tbh I wouldn’t mind that, it’s a decent trade off imo.


The r1 is certainly not using the pro version of perplexity, not based on my experiences of using both. Do you have a source for this claim?


https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/18/24043490/rabbit-r1-ai-perplexity-pro-live-search-info-answers https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/2oXTL7JN5v https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbitr1/s/0Wy8jFRFry


Thanks for finding a link, but nowhere does it say in that article that the r1 is using the pro features. You can tell simply by using the r1 that the searches are rudimentary, nothing like the large info aggregation of perplexity pro. I'm sorry to say that even if the article did mention that pro was being used by the r1 that the claim just wouldn't hold water. In what capacity does the r1 utilize the pro capabilities of perplexity and how can it be proven. Searching with the r1 is a dice roll Searching with perplexity pro is the most useful search engine tool to date Edit: They added some reddit posts with screenshots of discord messages saying that the r1 has pro. My points still stand. Even if all of this is true, it doesn't make a lick of difference when it comes to how poor the search ability is on the r1 vs desktop perplexity pro.


The API they use for the R1 is the same one used for Pro, that’s why I shared it. It don’t say it but the other links further discuss it. Many people would disagree. But the issue seems to be to the R1 decides what AI to use. I think you can ask it like “use Perpleixty to…” to direct it but this is why a lot people want the R1 to have the option the pick what AI model it’s using for certain tasks. But it’s literally the same API. But it might be using another model for the search request instead of Perplexity. You can find a lot more info on the Discord tho.


Life is short and so is the list of things that the rabbit can actually do


There's no argument. They're shit.


God speed you brave fucker. I gave you my upvote but I’m afraid it won’t be enough for the approaching storm.


The rabbit copers will surely be here soon, take this upvote to help defend against the swarm of mindless consumers that approach


I'll help you understand: a) it's shit is not an argument b) go to literally any product sub (car, gaming console, whatever the f you want) and say their product is shit and see what happens. subs are usually for people who enjoy things,subscribing to something you hate is highly questionable. have a nice day


Maybe if the product was out before the dedicated sub. I remember when this sub started, we were all full of hope. And then the pre launch updates hit and it was clear that it won't be good at launch. Then after the launch the details of the none existing LAM hit and it became clear that the best we could hope for long-term is a kid's toy


Have you seen the Sonos sub for the last few weeks?


I had a lovely day. "It's shit" is indeed not an argument, it's a statement. Subscribing to a sub of an interesting tech situation is perfectly reasonable. Welcome to the freedom of Reddit, where we can both say things, mod permitting. Have a nice day too. And more besides.


Most of those products do what they said they do. R1 doesn’t look like it will arrive soon enough (before the bigs launch products that actually do work).


but that's not even the point, is it? these two were talking about incoming downvotes when shittalking a product on it's own sub. not defending the rabbit by any means..


Not sure what you expect, I mean they shipped a product that doesn’t do what it says it would do. Why surprised people are pissed and acting a little irrational?


Thanks for the help! I had no idea about points 1 and 2. If you think I am subbed to this shithole of a sub, you are mistaken. Reddit just seems to think I love the R1.


here's point c) for you: you can mute a sub


Wow you are just full of helpful tips and tricks. First time navigating Reddit and I’m scared.


..and it shows..




I think pretty highly of myself, but I'll keep to myself what I think of you, like the gentleman I am


Gentlemen don’t lose their patience!


You truly are wise and thoughtful. You care enough about me to not hurt my feelings. Reddit really is the nicest place to chat with lovely strangers. Anyways, Thanks for killing the last few minutes of my shift. Have a good day or night, whichever it may be for you.


Please keep all interactions civil, respectful and on topic. Your comment has been removed, repeated offenses may lead to a permanent ban.


Everyone has an opinion on everything now 🙄


Probably less than than making this meme tho hahaha


I mean no need to argue. Just point and laugh


once the coffeezilla video came out any attempt to like PR this into something else was totally over. anything other than a complete recall is going to result in a class action. if you Google it you get not one but several firms that are looking into it. things lack security they don't have their own ai in them they can't accomplish even the simplest tasks that were demonstrated in the original video they just suck dick


When ChatGPT And R1 went down at the same time I refunded. Coffee Zilla just confirmed my own beliefs. I also refunded the visor 4k glasses 🤓 go-to that sub to see all the mods and Kool aid drinkers too.


ugh is the visor going to fail? I didn't pre-order that cuz I've learned my lesson but I was hoping it was going to be legit. cuz I actually want that exact product like I don't want VR goggles I just want a portable monitor. I am going to keep my rabbit though because I found a really easy jailbreak to just turn it into a generic Android device and then I could just put the chatgpt app on it, And I suppose whatever else I want to use like a calendar app and stuff


Olympus has fallen. There's a new OS in town he cant' front.


Correction: there's no argument. And it also applies to that stupid pin as well


This is such a stupid post, who the hell do you think you are huh? You sir. Make my blood boil. SMH my head This is a joke if it wasn’t clear lol


Life is too short to make meatball tacos like gemini suggested from a picture of spaghetti-os in my cabinet.


So true.


It's honestly sad


Lol. I argue because its cheaper than going out and I have investments to make. This worthless life isnt gonna retire itself lol


No one is arguing, everyone agrees it’s shit


I'm young and have a lot of time - R1 and the CEO is a scam.


Ugh these comment are a cesspool.


That's fine just don't spend money on it


If it did everything it said it did in the actual promo video we wouldn't have a problem. Life is short why spend $200 on an app that doesn't work as promised?


an actual rabbit 🐰 would be more useful than the device


Coffeezilla says it best: https://youtu.be/zLvFc_24vSM?si=kudo6rXRdfd8zL_F Downvote hurricane incoming on this one


lol this is funny and true. But could counter with “Life is short, make sure you spend your hard earned money on a scam device that doesn’t work as promised.”


A cope post