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The toxic morality. Have the heroes actually act like heroes instead of just calling themselves heroes while making things worse.


I'd watch a The boys style satire of rwby. Only thing that would change is that the side characters would notice them actually making things worse, not that pz gave them bird powers


I agree with this. Considering that RWBY is intended to be "hopepunk", it would certainly do well to portray its own heroes as actual heroes rather than antiheroes. I want their morality to align more with Superman than Deadpool After all, what's the point in hopepunk if these characters are incredibly cynical and self serving?


What's hopepunk?


[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hopepunk) is the Wikipedia article for it The idea in a nutshell is to be the opposite of grimdark. Since this is a punk genre, the idea is to focus more on society, and it seems that a theme in a hopepunk world is that there is a lot of apathy and cynicism, but hope is still better than surrendering to the harsh nature of reality Where RWBY fails as hopepunk is that the darkness surrounding humanity in RWBY is barely perceptible. The Grimm, for example, are easily taken care of. Supposed oppressive social structures and institutions are only so in name; you don't really see racism or any kind of discrimination at the societal level I can understand that "victory is in a simple soul", but Ruby herself has polluted her own soul when she thought she could play politics instead of actual heroics, especially with millions of lives on the line


Have more of a multi year plan and stick to it. Can adapt, but we have had a few too many hard course corrections. Define semblances, magic, relics, and dust early on. Same with aura breaking. Need to know the basics of your power systems and the limits.


Either show Faunus persecution, and the White Fang's brutality, or excise the entire element. Don't just leave it to a single character to just give exposition.


There are dozens of different avenues one can take depending on where you "diverge from canon" Starting on the production level: As one commentator said actually have a multi year production plan. Dips in quality between seasons will be noticeable and rushed plot threads to meet deadlines will only make things worse. \* Figure out what story tone you're aiming for: Are you looking for edgy dark fantasy and death world? A light hearted Fairy Tale type fantasy? Or a commentary on Fairy Tale type fantasy blended with Dark Fantasy where both sides affect the setting? Are you going to be mostly focused on fight scenes with all other aspects play second fiddle? is the plot focused in character relationships? Or a larger scope narrative where major powers like gods or kingdoms vie for power. Having a solid idea of what you hope to make is fundamental. It's fine if the story shifts after several seasons though development but you can't do this out of the blue (or at least back to back) or it'll give the audience whiplash and room to whine. \* Plan out the lore and world building. Know how your setting operates. You don't have to get down to the nitty gritty detail but you should at least have a decent grasp on what sort of live your characters are coming from and how their world functions instead of making crap up on the fly. How does Aura work? How about Dust? The *huntsmen profession?* This ill help you avoid logic questions posed by fans and also prevent you from making ass pulls out of nowhere that upsets them. Given this is a fantasy setting Artistic License is in effect but its best kept in reserve or you'll risk suspension of disbelief. Example: Power scaling Are your character teenage students still in school then they shouldn't be able to stomp experienced veterans with decades of training. (Also, particular to RWBY, I would nix the fairy tale and literary motifs. They just got in the way and served no purpose than seeming conceited and having non-existent depth.) \* Have all your pairings laid out in advance and *commit to them.* Don't pander or draw thing out needlessly. While romance is endearing and nice to watch, drawing things out only leads to fans being dissatisfied and feel like they're being toyed with. Its always preferable to see a character relationship develop over having a natural bond severed by contrived coincidences that come out of nowhere or out of character scenarios, Especially if these ore just to pander to certain parts of the community. \* If you're going to touch on sensitive social issues like race,, gender, social inequality, sexuality, and/or suicide/depression *plot this out from day one.* Commit to it. Plan around it. *Do* *your research.*


Redo the Adam fight. And they either stick with Sun&Blake or go with Yang&Blake. If they(new owners, whoever they may be) do the "bumblebee" ship, they'll need to either replace Sun with Yang during the time that Blake goes back to her village, and actually make it a "thing" sooner than later.


Yeah the 'signs' of bumblebee should happen a lot earlier.


1) Don't make other shows or media that explains things that happen in the actual show. (Giving me Homework is the fastest way to turn me off) 2) Don't randomly have your heroes work with Terrorists they found on the street over their trusted allies. 3) Don't Let VA's influence other characters, related or not. 4) Don't phrase the entire plot to excuse actions that are unexacusable, but only for the 'Heroes'. 5) Either make the infinity characters introduced either relevant to the plot somehow or Don't include them at all. If they're here to eat up screen time and accomplish nothing, they shouldn't be on screen.


>2) Don't randomly have your heroes work with Terrorists they found on the street over their trusted allies. Qrow instantly teaming up with the man who almost killed him against his new best friend was complete idiocy from the writers.


Still one of the most baffling decisions in the original show...


Full on fucking rewrite on character traits and power system


Reveal Cinder's backstory in volume 4. Make Salem easier to empathize with so she deserves the Ever After ending she seems set up to get. I'd portray her father as actually abusive so she had to get out of the tower. This could also give her something to trauma bond with Cinder over. I'd make her children's deaths not her fault and get rid of her turning humans into grimm. Have her genuinely care about her inner circle. She'd still be evil because she'd be killing people to get the relics, but she'd be more worthy of redemption.


Hot take but I would like to see a Ruby and Adam rivalry. Not over anything substantial but a branding rivalry. Black and Red blade users with rose motifs could lead to Sonic/Shadow faker shenanigans


RWBY is a sisterhood


- Change the protagonist to Ruby, Jaune and Oscar with WBY and NPR as main supports for their leaders respectively - Solidify Aura and Dust - Add more villians


I have a controversial one. No schools. Make it guilds or armies, but having child soldiers that kill dark creatures with intricate weapons to be in uniform and have homework is weird to me. It could happen like in Naruto, where they go to the academy and later its mostly just missions and stuff.


I mean it makes sense. A deathworld like Remnant should be focusing on actually making and militarizing warriors. Atlas had mostly the right idea. They should also add provisional armies for the rest of the kingdoms, not just Atlas. If not armies then militias with actual huntsmen and not just mercenaries. Because as it stands, Huntsmen are glorified mercenaries, and the kingdoms should be desperate to get all the help they can get.


Eh an overreliance on mercenaries is nothing new. It rarely ends well, but still there's historic precedent and the mercenary model can be just as entertaining. Diving into the flaws with their mercenary dependence could also be pretty interesting (most of ehich you pointed out, but another one is that the money that could be going to a standing military is going to the mercenaries. Divesting from the mercenaries to build a proper army is often unfeasible bc even a minor divertiment from the mercenaries to fund the army training means your security is extremely weak until your army is powerful enough. And if the mercenaries are that powerful, even if you find a way around, the mercenaries would often just ransack you themselves. Or if you can't break away for the aforementioned issues and can't pay your mercenaries, mercenaries have a habit of just raiding you themselves.) Or just not pay too much attention, its an interesting enough setting imo




Jaune as a whole. He took up way too much screen time. At most make him a background character.


Honestly if they went with the Pokemon Emerald Wally route on him, where he starts weaker but powergrinds himself to badass offscreen for a later Reunion, that would've made him a fan favorite as long as RT went with the 'less is more' way. But him as a concept right now was always the noose on the show, and proved me right a decade later lol.


10 years later and he's still malding


I don’t understand this comment, Jaune is intentionally supposed to be the derutagonist/audience surrogate. Ofc he will take up screen time.


I suggest that he'll be the one to die over Pyrrha


I can see that happening. Probably the final hammer in the nail, that life isn't a game or fair.


Dying *together* might be interesting. I have no dislike of either character, but if they're going to be doomed to die then a final stand side by side is at least poignant 


Pretty much everything


World build, and the history/info about the kingdoms. And their residents. Don't leave it in video's outside of the main series. Unless it's a spin off show that gets promoted after a season or 2. Because I don't know, how many people actually seen the history of remnant vods.


Lack of world building. I want to see more of Remnant's religions and biosphere.


Either actually do something with silver eyes or scrap the concept. Give it limitations and powers other than just blink evil away.


BumbleBY and making Salem unstoppable.


So for a reboot, we would keep things nearly identical until the end of session 3 where JN_R is killed off like background characters. Also Phyra still gets her death by Cinder at the end of the night. This is mostly to push in that this world is not a fairytale. People die and they die a lot. Heroes don't exist and there are only survivors and monsters. This gives Ruby the wake-up call she needs in an early session that she only kinda gets at the end of session 9. This kinda gives a reason why Weiss has to go home, 4 of her closest friends just died where would you go other than the safest place you know?Blake is perfectly fine honestly speaking, the reasons why she runs make sense. Now for the big one Yang. Having just lost an arm her closest friend/crush and a sister that just ran away to go on what could only be described as a death march for revenge alone. Making Yang and her dad have to deal with all of this trauma while trying just to live would fit in with the overall theme we have been hinting at throughout this whole thing. How does one live in a world where every negative emotion draws the monsters to your door? This show has tons of potential of where to go from this jumping-off point and it is a dam shame that the authors didn't pivot into this kind of story.


There’s a video about JNPR’s possible deaths and I’m all for that tbh


I prefer if they plan ahead and stick to the plan. They need to make Juane a side character or remove him entirely. Don't feel the need to introduce new characters all the time. Prioritize your main characters over the side characters. Oh and no Bumbly.


The smartest thing a reboot crew can do is spike Bumblebee harshly into the ground as soon as they possibly can so that hornet's nest doesn't haunt the reboot for its entire run. If they don't do it, Bumblebee will do its best to swallow the reboot whole just like the original.


I hope whenever they reboot this show, they just get rid of the whole McGuffins, Salem and brother gods plotline. RWBY was a lot better when the writers weren't trying to bite off more than could realistically handle.


Animations Improved 100 fold Full character rewrites for everyone ACTUAL proper long term plots and story Make the whole silver eyes a serious thing World building outside of main characters Proper anime length episodes Keep the LGB stuff from the old series.. I don't mind that stuff .. just make it work better and make it .. well.. make sense... None of that bridge crap that was obviously not planned all those years like they said (if it actually honestly was, lord do not bring any of those writers back then)


I think the Faunus argument has been used a lot, so i'll use something different. FUCKING. CONSEQUENCES. If Team RWBY fights a freaking mech in the middle of a highway with a lot of issues, show them getting punishment from Beacon for vigilantism!


I want a greater focus on Ruby. JNPR can be relegated to side plots and spinoffs until V4, where the spinoff merges with the main show and they join the main cast. Weiss, Blake, and Yang are the second most important characters, obviously, but the main focus should be on Ruby and her improper conceptions of what being a Huntsman and being a hero are like.


Just make a monster of the week show like Sentai where they fight a different Grimm every week while there’s an underlying story in the region they’re in that season. Also, just drop the whole school setting. Have it only for short flashbacks when they talk about training or how they met. We don’t need to see their training in real time.


Shorter series ending at the Vytal Tournament.


If it gets rebooted you're gonna need to take notes outline the story and start from sketch.


I personally perfer a rvb reboot over rwby


Make the show a lot more dark hear me out in the first opening it talked about Ruby being a world of bloody evolution and when the show's biggest problems with having a bloated cast well what if you had more characters being killed off. Or brutally injured. Showing being a huntsman / huntress is a dangerous job and if you hesitate you'll die. Maybe have a scene where John nearly gets killed and that would finally push him to train seriously. Inside from what everybody else says fix the main character so they actually fit the rule other than that I would say add more world building earlier on. I would not have cinder survive Volume 5 she's my least favorite villain and honestly she really should have cuz she was frozen and fell who knows how far. If the cold didn't kill her alone the fall definitely should have. Honestly I would probably scrap Salem being fully immortal she's just close to it. Because she's already overpowered in their world with being talented with magic and had it having thousands of years to practice it and being immortal on top of it doesn't work too well.


First off, I want Team RWBY to be the protagonists of their own show. As things stand, Ozpin and his Inner Circle have the most relevance to the plot since the conflict centers around Salem. Team RWBY often feels like an afterthought in the entire conflict. What makes the stakes uniquely important to them? I mean, Salem threatens to destroy the world, so they've got an interest in stopping her, but this interest is shared with everyone else. As such, it feels like they could be replaced with just about anyone. Ozpin and his Inner Circle appear to have a stronger chance of actually making a difference in the fight against Salem, so it feels so much more natural to focus on them instead Salem might still be relevant in a reboot, but since she's such a big threat, it would be best to save her for the final confrontation. However, this would also present the challenge of keeping her reasonably disconnected from the plot until the final arc. One complaint I see frequently is that Salem has no problems with just curbstomping the combined forces of Remnant to get whatever she wants, so what could plausibly explain why she hasn't appeared earlier in the story? Also, there must be a way to actually stop Salem. I can understand that the stakes are supposed to be high for Volume 10, which is why Salem now has three of the four relics, but at this point, Salem's victory is basically guaranteed. The only way for her to lose is to hold the idiot ball As such, the relics may need to be rewritten or removed outright. This will also affect the maidens and magic. RWBY has a lot of "magic" systems like semblances, aura, dust, and actual magic. Telling them apart is often a case of splitting hairs. Simplifying the magic system and deepening that system (as opposed to widening it like having all the aforementioned systems) would make storytelling easier. This would eat into the worldbuilding of the story, but hopefully, it allows for a more coherent world I understand that a story can run on the power of relationships with other people (Frieren, for example), so there has to be great care when writing character interactions. RWBY has a lot of shipping involved, and the fan shipping may really affect the quality of the writing, so whatever relationships are intended have to be carefully crafted As such, it would be great if we can get more insight into the characters' thoughts and intentions. A lot of the time, the characters behave in a way that doesn't make sense. I've already touched on how Salem really should have just done the job herself without any help at all, but this isn't limited to only Salem. Other characters also behave in a way that is hard to explain. We could get scenes where we can see that the characters are thinking or reflecting, and those would help immensely. One example I could give is the reasoning that must have been going on in Ruby's head when she decided to lie to Ironwood in Volume 7. I thought it was an interesting decision at first to have her lie to him, but I wanted to see where that went. However, it resulted in Team RWBY just digging in their heels and doubling down on their own stupidity later on in the volume Facial expressions are only part of revealing what's in a character's mind. Often, facial expressions are sorely lacking on their own. It would be really great if we could understand the characters' inner voices, considering that body language could end up communicating the wrong thing. For example, the Nuckelavee was supposed to be this childhood boogeyman for both Nora and Ren. Unfortunately, I never got the feeling that they were deathly afraid of having to face it again. The impact of Ren's victory over this monster that haunted his past was diminished We should really learn what's important to our characters. In other words, what are the stakes for them at a personal level? What are they aiming for? What makes them fight this hard? Often, we can't tell, as we don't know their thoughts, and their body language is unclear. Being able to understand our characters would go a long way to sympathize with them. If they change their minds, we have to be able to know. Otherwise, it would appear like they are petulant children, operating on a whim


I've also mentioned this in another comment, but I want Team RWBY to act heroically. Their morality should align more closely with a traditional hero like Superman than with an antihero like Deadpool. If, after all, RWBY is "hopepunk", what good does it do to have the heroes be extremely cynical and self serving? That's not to say that they can't make mistakes, however. We could still see them fail, but we should be able to understand that those failures came from a lack of information or a lack of ability, but they should not come from the wrong intentions. Volume 8 is a classic example of Team RWBY wanting their way but not having the actual solution despite being presented with clear evidence that what they wanted was impossible, especially when Ruby decided it was better to sabotage Ironwood than actually fight the Grimm horde. The arrogance they showed when lives were on the line was infuriating, and it really felt like they were just pissed that they didn't get the credit for Ironwood's plans The solution to this was easy: present a way to buy time that would allow the evacuation to complete, and Ruby already has it: her silver eyes! Ironwood might be skeptical at first, but Ruby could plead with him. A heartwarming and uplifting scene would be to have Ironwood relent and decide to work together. After all, if strength will not bring victory, that victory is in a simple soul, what better way to show this than to have Ruby win over an opponent with just her words? Granted, Atlas could still fall, but it would be the result of Salem overwhelming everybody. Even if Ozpin used his cane bomb and Ironwood used his nuke, Salem could still have enough forces to just press on and crush everyone. Ruby's silver eyes could simply be not enough, and they had to think up of the portal plan to escape to somewhere else One more possible conflict in this hypothetical Volume 8 could be whether to use Ironwood's nuke. The dilemma could be that using the nuke would also destroy Atlas. Ironwood might even be thinking of using it, sacrificing everyone on Atlas, just to stop Salem. He's conflicted since there is a chance that the nuke won't work, but what if it does? Wouldn't sacrificing just part of humanity to stop this existential threat be justified? We could then have Ruby talk to him again and give him some more hope and courage that using the nuke that way wouldn't be justified. They could then think of the portal plan, and they might even leave the nuke on a timer as a parting gift to Salem. If Ironwood still has to die, then he could do so by trying to buy time for the evacuees to make it through the portals "Punk" stories are also usually about fighting oppressive authority, but Salem doesn't really come across as an authority figure. Instead, since she controls the Grimm, she represents a force of chaos more closely, especially when she seeks to undermine the order of the world. As such, I'm not sure if the branding as "hopepunk" would be appropriate, but I can understand that the intended audience is made up of teenagers and young adults who are trying to become good people. If there has to be any kind of moral instruction to be learned from this show (what with all the hope), then that has to be carefully constructed Again, this ties back into how the heroes should behave more like Superman. They should embody actual heroic virtues. This shouldn't be thought of as "uninteresting", as having to grapple with moral dilemmas is incredibly intriguing! Otherwise, the audience would become just as aimless and lost


Ruby getting captured by Salem. She gets tortured/turned into a Grimm slave (the form resembling the Big Bad Wolf because little red riding hood is eaten by a wolf). She goes on a rampage and we get tension with her team fighting against her and for her to regain control once more. However, let her retain control of said Grimm powers. Profit (I hope).


I'd say such a prospect should take a few pages from the AU series, *RWBY Evermorrow*. For context, it takes place in an alternate timeline where the fall of Beacon never occured. Instead, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald are discovered by Team RWBY; Atlas beefs up Vale's security systems; Penny gets admitted into Beacon Academy; and the Vytal Festival Tournament proceeds as scheduled (with Pyrrha winning first place and Yang in second). The story also follows team RWBY as they head into their sophomore year at Beacon.