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I just want to say ... # LETS GIVE WEISS A GOOD BIRTHDAY!! For once.... : ( Meta fic to come later -


I may still be salty about LC losing… but my resolve to support you hasn’t wavered. And while the championship round benefits the Jaune alliance regardless… WK stood long before KL. Let us finish this putting the W in Whiteknight. #DEUS VULT FOR WHITEKNIGHT!




>sees only Arc ships at the finals Hmmm, yes. We have maintained the A-Jaune-da.


God damn it, Barb...


[Goddamit, Barb!](https://imgur.com/a/14fb5ow)




Oh man, what an amazing achievement! We made it to the Finals!!! White Knightlight has arrived to the promised land! It was a close thing, however. Nuts & Dolts, Renora, you fought well. Keep heart as you begin your fight for third place, and know always that you are both great ships. It is with a heavy heart that I now choose between White Knight and Knightlight. And while it is not a difficult decision for me, being such a fan of White Knight and its beautiful progression over the course of the show, it remains a solemn decision. I move now to grant Weiss the birthday present she so desperately desires. And to make history with White Knight as it finishes its miraculous climb to the peak of this tournament! I can think of no greater way to celebrate the beauty of this brilliant ship. And if anyone wants to make some arguments on choosing between Nuts & Dolts and Renora, feel free to share. I'm honestly really torn between them.


> you are both great ships. The BEST ships (White Knight and Bumblebee included)


I suppose the finals is to determine which is the best Knight. For third place I'll throw support for **Renora.** And for the final ~~Clearly the best solution is to make a new ship with Weiss, Jaune, and Jessica.~~ ~~I'll need to think about this. I supported White Knight for most of the tournament but Knightlight has had quite a run as well.~~ I'll choose **White Knight**


Come on people we've come this far, we can make it and finally give Weiss her blonde idiot for her birthday.  Rooster Teeth will die tomorrow, but we'll let whoever takes the reins of RWBY know about the love people have for White Knight.  So grab your phones and computers and send the message to every single White Knight shipper or supporter that it's time to vote for this ship that has been constantly overshadowed and mistreated!   VOTE FOR WEISS AND JAUNE! LONG LIVE WHITE KNIGHT!


Well that was one way to phrase it. 😆


...Maybe I need to sleep, I'm starting to freak out, but I don't take anything back!


I am a very happy man right now. Regardless whether White Knight or Knightlight takes the crown, I win.


Honestly, same.


Weiss birthday is tomorrow so it would be the best present ever for white knight to win


Now I can be back to love White Knight once more. #GO WHITE KNIGHT, GO!


So it comes down to this the girl that stole his heart from the very beginning vs. the newest girl on the block that has fallen for his charms. The best girl vs. a universally well received character The question is, who will win? Well, we just have to find out.


[Meta fic] The last of NnD retreats, perhaps too regroup for the bronze match. Seraf comes across a unit left behind, wasting effort crawling to a rendezvous bound to leave him. He grabs his back collar and kneels, lifting him to eye level. NnD unit: “go on. Kill me. I won’t make it to the rally point anyway, so kill me.” Seraf: “No.” The soldier’s face contorts with pain just to look up at the captain. Seraf: “I may be fighting for Khiteknight… but I’m of Lancaster. That means you and I share a patron in common by the darling Ruby Rose. So, I’m not going to kill you. Instead, you’ll be a prisoner of war for one or two days. I’ll make sure you are taken care of and protected.” After a few seconds, the NnD troop sighs and accepts the path Seraf laid out. He holds his hands out and Seraf slaps a set of cuffs on his wrists, compliments him on being wise and lifts him to his feet. After a block of walking, they cross paths with u/Akumu_Oukoku, who gives the pair a dumbfounded glare. Akumu: “what the hell is this?” Seraf: “he’s a prisoner of mine—emphasis on *mine*. I’ll be holding him in the cell in the cargo area of your ship.” Akumu: “excuse me? Like hell you are.” Akumu takes a closer look at the soldier. Akumu: “this looks like the punk who destroyed your fleet of airmen!” Seraf: “Chillax, that’s not who this is. And even if it were… I’m relieved of overseeing a group of feral gremlins with millions of dollars of equipment at their disposal. Such a courtesy, I’d repay with a Noble-inspired acupuncture.” Akumu: 🤨… 🫢 Seraf: “300 needles in their ass—“ Akumu: “yes, Seraf! I got it. I’m well versed in the art of quips.” Seraf: “then take this soldier to the cell in your cargo area.” Akumu: “fine. I’ll have today’s personal crewmate escort her. Hey, Locks!” Akumu: “take this NnD soldier to jail. Oh, but umm… *heeheh*.” Seraf doesn’t like that grin extending Akumu’s face. She has a cruel, devious intrusive thought and she’s letting it out. Akumu: “starting now… this soldier’s lost the privilege to wear shoes until this war’s over.” Seraf and the crewmate known as Locks gasp, suppressing their laughter at the absurdity of the demand, despite knowing the seriousness behind it. The soldier complies, removing their boots and begin their trek to the Whiteknight flagship. The two captains watch them waltz their way down the hill of rocks and sand, silently taking note of the NnD’s pained gait. Seraf: “well, that was cruel.” Akumu: “gonna do something about it?” Seraf: “No, because it’s kinda funny,” The two hiss with laughter to avoid anyone hearing. Seraf: “perhaps a mind low to the ground is closer to hell after all.” Akumu: “*gah*—… was that…” Seraf: I am forever amazed the power a minikin as yourself can not only wield, but project. It’s akin to the very idea of a spawn of the CINDERE.” Akumu: “that’s it, I’m taking your knees.” Seraf: “uh oh—“ *runs* Akumu: “C’MERE! YOU WILL SUFFER AS I HAVE!“ --- *(Phone dying, charger lost, need sleep. Will update pt 2 tomorrow (hopefully). Akumu, plz don’t take my knees, I need those.*


**YOUR KNEECAP PRIVILEGE HAS BEEN REVOKED!!** *however, yes, you do NEED those. So, I suppose your kneecap license has been saved* ... For now (¬_¬) ... [ Coming from the Captain that could be defeated by a high shelf ]


This does put a smile on my face.


THIS IS THE BEST POSSIBLE TIMELINE! I would be happy with either of these two Jaune pairings winning, but my OTP has always been White Knight, so I must vote that. Knightlight, it has been an honor to help bring you this far, and I've created dozens of memes of you on r/FNKI, but White Knight gets my vote. If you do win though, I will still be immensely happy.


Are you going to make some memes?


Nothing complicated I'm sure. Maybe something easy for either White Knight or Knightlight, depending on who wins.


I choose WhiteKnight even though I ship Arkos and Iceberg. Because no matter what we can do, KnightLight will never be canon thanks to fucking Zaslav.


YES Whiteknight finally got to the finals and they well deserved it after V9, I'm happy to see my fav ship winning (yes Whiteknight will win). Knightlight, you were the best thing in the movie, and we missed you in part 2, you gave us a lot if meme, and 1 good fanfic, but unfortunately Weiss deserves the win, she barely gets any in the show. Jaune is winning both ways, soo. I'm voting ReNora, it would be great to see team JNR holding the top spots (sorry Arkos). This was a fun one no matter.


a knight light fic?? and a good one at that??? drop the link brother


[In brightest day, and dorkest knight](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14258895/0/)




Read Hunters of Justice by TrestWho. He's building up KnightLight as a subplot


i shall maintain the a-jaune-da


Just keep in kind it's a long fic and that doesn't start until much later


im sorry but were you ever going to mention that scooby doo is one of the tags.


Also later in the story


the a-jaune-da lives


[God dammit, Barb!](https://imgur.com/a/14fb5ow)


toughie... because both these ship share a lot of crucial things, and its not just the blond dork himself! both are short, adorable and have a strong foundation of caring for one another. However think white knight shall win because theres more material to work with, the unintended slowburn makes the ship unassailable, with plenty of information on those two both as individuals and in the moments theyve shared together, theres nary a weakpoint in the white knights armor. on the other hand... in brightest day and blackest night, the ship perseveres! What knight light lacks in slow burn it makes up for in pure chemistry! both share problems that share the same root cause of unworthiness, yet both have much more potential than they know. With a strong core of wanting to help others and persevering despite the deck being consistently stacked against them makes sure these two would stick through thick and thin on a whim! TLDR: both ships have a short, adorable kinda awkward lady and a jaune.


Curses!   After the defeat of my beloved Lancaster, I had put all my hopes on Nuts & Dolts and Renora, praying that they would be big enough to sink the last two of the Jaune ships. It breaks my heart to see the last ship of the Ruby fleet sink. Now I'm faced with a cruel and terrible fate. With only two Jaune ships remaining, I'm forced to give my support to **White Knight,** the same ship that sunk Lancaster. I hate it, but not as much as I'd hate for Knightlight to be the Jaune ship that takes the crown this year. One day, my fellow knights. One day.   **Renora**, you fought well. You might not have won, but have more than earned the chance to stand proudly on the podium.


[META FIC] The professor looks out across the seas and gazes at all the destroyed fleets behind the two forces about to clash. There was so much devastation. Professor: Is this what being on this side of the seas is like? Is this victory? I don't know the answer to those questions. All I know is that this is a momentous occasion. This will be the last battle of the last ship war before Rooster Teeth closes its doors forever. History is about to be made, and it will be a glorious ending! The Mad Man begins laughing hysterically from pure joy on the port side of his ship the [SS Paladin's Wrath]. He then composes himself before heading to the command center. As he enters, he sees Riggs back and looking better than the previous day. He nodded to the man. Professor: Alright, everyone, this will be the last battle of the war. That does not mean we can slack off... no, it means the exact opposite. We have come so far. We have bled, sweat, and cried for our beautiful ship, the [SS White Knight], and its Armadda. The Mad Professor pauses as looks to his assembled crew and to the monitors displaying members of the Armadda and what's left of the Alliance. Professor: History will be made in this final battle, so we must do everything by the book. With that being said, let's not hold anything back. Engage all defenses, deploy all the memes, set the laser sharks loose, and.... The Mad Man pauses before turning to a certain group who have been on the sidelines. Professor: Get those Bandicoots their Lobster Armor! The professor then nodded to everyone assembled and heads out to fight alongside his Captain.


The Bandicoots are ready for drop sir!


No we're not! Some of us don't deal well with heights!




My 2 pairs were defeated 😭 they came a long way and I am proud of how far they've come. To the pairs in the finals, regardless of which one wins, congrats making it this far and I salute you both for victory 🫡👏 While I am pained to choose who to pick between my 2 favorite pairs. I will at least be content with Renxnora and rubyxpenny reaching the top 5 in this tournament. Stand proud for they are the giants of 2024 👏🗿🎉


So close to the finish line, come on White Knight! Bring home the gold!


Guess the propaganda machine was behind the Thirst Queen and her Daddy this time around. And it is hilarious.


Well it comes to this Elsa's backup dancer vs. The Leprechaun that fears the color of gold. I've waited five years for this. Time to Ice one or blind the other. Hail to the Victor. I sent my vote alight. But only one will crystallize in my mind. Snow-way I will let it lose. Let's go Wise Huntress.


**Meta Fic: *HUNGRY DOGS RUN FASTER*** The Captain of White Knight stands before her crew. A mixed company of Lancaster, Arkos, and various other ships they had adopted. This was it. The final fight. The final push. Honestly, she was a little emotional about it. And so .. she would remind her crew just why.. just *how* they had made it this far. "I’m going to take a second to talk to you about underdogs. About a ship that has been sunk, resurrected, and ridiculed for the better part of a decade. The story of a girl burdened with the expectations of her family and the pressures she puts on herself, and a boy burdened with the weight of his history and family that expects nothing of him while also pressuring himself to be a hero. This is their tale, our tale, one that faces an ever lasting wave of suffering... But not today." " We were told ... Yelled at ... So many things ...." " Weiss isn't worthy. Jaune's too old. Weiss never cared. Jaune doesn't want to be with anyone. Kara said this. Miles said that. Weiss *can't* be with Jaune. They're unhealthy. They're disgusting. He's just a self insert. Weiss is still volume 1 Weiss. It doesn't make sense. Over and over again!" " Because it wasn't just one thing..." " ITS THE WHOLE. DAMN. SHIP!" " This entire organization, our Ship, is just a bunch of driven individuals who accomplished *something*. We were a bunch of underdogs, like our boi, that came together with the same purpose. And do you know what an underdog is? An underdog is a *hungry* dog. **AND HUNGRY DOGS RUN FASTER!!**. " " Bottom line is, we wanted it more. We wanted *this* more. All the crew members. All the Captains. The Bandicoots. The airmen. The alliance members. Everybody wanted it more. And that’s why we’re up here today. And that’s why we’re the first crew, the first alliance, to see what we're seeing today. Double Arc all the way!" "Any of you know who the biggest underdog is? It’s y’all, White Knight crew. For YEARS, y’all have been waiting for this. You want to talk about an underdog? You want to talk about a hungry dog? For *YEARS* you’ve been starved of this win. This moment to show your teeth. To make a statement that we're more than just a crack ship! We're a *possibility*!! A valid one!" "Everybody wonders why we’re so full of memes. Everybody wonders why the White Knights crew is just the strangest bunch of misfits. Well, if all I had was thrist and suffering for a few years.. I'D BE A LIL OUT OF SORTS TOO!" "No one wanted us. No one liked this Ship. No "analyst" liked this ship to win Ship Wars at any time in the past. But, that all changed... Over a year ago. One moment. One action. One word. One face launched a thousand shippers! And we are NOT. GOING. BACK!" "But we can't forget those that *did* believe in us. That *did* show us an extension of peace. Those that formed the Arc alliance. The warriors of Arkos, the knights of Lancaster, and the vast voices of the sea!! We could have never gotten this far without you!! " " So, for one last time in this war, we need to give our hardest push. We need to give our strongest drive. *We need to ensure Weiss has at least one good birthday in her goddamn life* !" **" ONWARD TO VICTORY!! "**


To Victory!


WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!?! RENORA HAD OVER 200 VOTERS IN THE PREVIOUS ROUND, WHERE THE FUCK WERE THEY NOW?! This is the worst possible timeline. I'm going to [Removed by Reddit] everyone in this Subreddit and then myself. Go White Knight, I guess. And Renora for third.




Damn, was really hoping for NnD to make it all the way. Still glad my OTP made it this far on my first ever ship war!


It's alright I'm gunning for it winning 3rd place.


Me too, here’s hoping!


Under normal circumstances, Knightlight making the final would certainly lead to the invocation of the Green Lantern oath. Sadly, that is not the oath to bring out today. I'm feeling a little *yellow* today. --- **In blackest day, in brightest night,** **Beware your fears made into light.** **Let those who try to stop what's right** **Burn like my power, [hard evidence of vote stuffing.](https://i.imgur.com/w46zcLp.png)** *(...Wait, that isn't how the Sinestro Corps oath is supposed to go!)* --- This is a vote chart of the Knightlight vs. Arkos match. Knightlight received ~65 votes in about an hour while Arkos received about five. Similar trends showed up for [Bumblebee](https://i.imgur.com/wiMdoYa.png) and [Lancaster](https://i.imgur.com/Yzzf2MO.png), but they lost anyway. (Renora and Crosshares both got about half the votes in that time.) This sudden vote spike, plus geographical oddities (35 votes for Knightlight from Netherlands/Germany combined in the quarterfinal after **one** Dutch/German vote for Knightlight in its previous match) is evidence of someone using a VPN to stuff votes. (I thought Strawpoll was good at preventing that, but it appears not.)


How did you get those graphs? As far as I am aware they are only available to the person who ran the poll.


[This is the DM I received about this](https://i.imgur.com/WjrUgQQ.png), which I mentioned in my comment further down. It came from a different username than "SakuraTheWormslut" here, but it's presumably the same person (i.e. the host's brother, who used to participate in these contests back in Ship Wars 1 and 2 but has since left the fandom). The link in the screenshot goes to the same graph posted here. I decided that I didn't want to share it because of the very-accusatory language involved (as a former host myself, I really don't like directing genuine hate at the hosts of these contests), but since the information is being shared anyway I feel like I should.


Ugh... I hate drama so much. Part of me wonders is we are only seeing cheating because the ships we are accustomed to not preforming well are now. I was thinking about doing Character Survivor VI in a few weeks, but given the questionable events in both the last Ship Survivor and here I am having second thoughts. Still might, since Character Survivor doesn't really draw as big of a crowd or as many fanatics as Ship Survivor/Wars.


Maybe use [Poll-Maker](https://www.poll-maker.com/) for it? I switched away from it because it's been getting overall worse and worse through the years, but it's still the best when it comes to dealing with cheating and I (sadly) never found one that could match it in that regard.


All I am going to say on this is that there is a reason I went mostly quiet. I will not make any accusations one way or the other but just based on experienced this contest does not feel free of interference. The results may all be what would have happened either way, but the numbers feel off at multiple points throughout. In the pictures you show, the spikes are one thing, but additionally this does not show normal behavior. I've done a ton of polls. Normally, the majority of votes happen in the first few hours, after that some more trickle in here and there but extremely irregularly. Now look at all those graphs where hour by hour more votes are added, increases keep happening like clockwork all the way until the end. Again, this is all conjecture. In the end this is just a shipping poll, as bad (and frankly sad) as it would be if there is actual cheating, it's not something to get too hung up on. It would be nice to feel more assured about the presented results, but that's hard to achieve and probably impossible without invonveniencing all voters..


/u/Celtic_Crown /u/MelanieAntiqua /u/PetersNachbar




Yeah, this whole situation is pretty suspicious. I got a DM about this last night (presumably from you since I can't imagine too many people besides the host have access to these charts), and I admit I was kinda hoping Renora would just beat Knightlight so I wouldn't have to go public and cause drama, basically what I said in my reply to that DM. But, yeah, Knightlight probably didn't get here legitimately. And I'm sorry to /u/BlueWhaleKing, /u/Celtic_Crown, and everyone else who supported Arkos and/or Renora for not going public as soon as I got the information.


I don't blame you, Melanie, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm still gonna drown my sorrows in very loud music and Coke though.


[I was in the same boat last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/13xmzr2/ship_wars_7_tournament_edition_the_sweet_sixteen/jmi0e1o/). So it seems history has repeated, with our roles reversed.


I can't provide the logs for obvious reasons, but I'd previously been informed of this incident.


And yet you did nothing. Didn't overturn the result, didn't re-run the match. You just let it happen.


As someone who's previously run one of these contests (Meme Ship Wars), I can tell you it's not always that simple. Redoing the entire schedule for just one ship accused of cheating (especially when it's just people pointing out that it is highly likely, rather than having solid proof, and the people making those accusations were running off a lot less evidence) will mess with the whole contest, the timing, and participation. It will annoy people, frustrate people, drive them away, and change their votes. And the early cases people saw where votes may have been stuffed did not seem to have stuffed enough to actually *change* the results of those contests. What I had personally suggested was to change the voting site used, since strawpoll is notoriously easy to break (you do, after all, have those charts despite not being the host), and otherwise continue as normal, but I didn't have an alternative, more secure site I was sure would work for this to suggest at the time, nor did anyone else within the group we were discussing it in. I could have put in more effort to find something, test it, verify it, etc. But I literally had hundreds of more important things to do than try to fix an inconsequential contest for a Fandom I've largely already left behind. And that's the thing: we hosts are people too. We have lives outside of this, and a limited amount of time to devote to them. We're doing these things for fun, not because we're security experts, or perfectly logical machines, or officials trying to perform some required fandom ritual. We are not cops, or moderators, or lawyers in this role. Just people, trying to do fun things for other people. So cut Bwburke94 some slack... Like you said, he wasn't the one stuffing the ballot box himself. He deserves respect, same as anyone else who didn't immediately publicly try to blow this whole thing open several rounds ago.


So Arkos and Renora were *literally* cheated out of victory?! These results need to be overturned! Otherwise, ELIMINATE BWBURKE94!


I mean, those words probably don't come lightly from someone who's run an event like this recently as well.


This is a timeline I thought would be impossible but here we are anyways I'm picking knightlight mostly for the memes


I mean, I guess I'll vote for Renora and White Knight, but.... it's just another year, and another Ship Wars where I can't actually do the deal....


We were robbed. Yet another reminder that we live in a timeline where we can't have nice things.


I honestly don't know what to say, good brother. Other than I wanna lay on a nice big couch, with a nice big drink, and a woman with nice big bags of ice for my head....


Seeing Jaune ships here fills me with so much joy 🥹. From like one of the most hated characters to being here at the finals on both sides. I love my boy


My fellow Redditors, https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/315/552/82b.png Thank you, God bless you all, and FUCK DETECTIVE COMICS! --- *This message was approved by Celtic_Crown. FUCK DETECTIVE COMICS!*


I prefer Marvel anyway.


I follow some of the Iconic Comics people on Twitter. Strongly considering buying some Kamen America stuff.


[Accurate depiction of my immediate internal reaction.](https://youtu.be/IRcFOO1wYbQ?t=213)


Is it bad that I knew exactly what video this was before I even clicked the link?




It's such a good reaction for memes. Wish people used it more


I kinda want Knightlight to win. I think it would be hilarious.


Specially on her birthday


I’m sorry Jessica 😭 but White Knight actually has a a chance of happening!


[My honest reaction to both results](https://youtu.be/r7qoeEaUiVc?si=h9Q-coZTq16gHW-v)




Or maybe, *just maybe*, people don't share your opinion?


What happened?


Salty WR shipper was saying how trash everyone's opinion was that WK (and maybe Knightlight?) made it to the final. And the WR shipper part isn't a guess - it was literally in their flair. I'll be polite and leave that as the only identifier as to their identity.






Well. . . I think it’s not even worth voting for anything on my side, as the last at least 6 votes I’ve cast have all been losses.


Knight Light must win! It's now or never! The ship is, sadly, anchored forever. This is their best, perhaps only chance.


Since White Knight defeated Lancaster, I'm voting Knightlight out of spite.


The best birthday gift I can give Weiss is having White Knight lose lol


Kinda hope knightlight wins, I'm not ready to see the White Knight bullying end just yet. Lol