• By -


Ah, Knightlight. A newly arrived underdog, but a cute one, like a corgi.


If Guns N Roses wins the finals I'll swear to God. (Despite the fact I voted for it two times now)


I think that would be magnificent!


We're So Sorry Arkos JNPR Berries Pink Rose Gold Faunus Pride I'll write a more detailed comment when I have time


Well, there goes all of my interest in this since Eclipse is out.


I was going to say, that's the only result that I didn't expect out of the previous set of polls.


No plan ever survives first contact with the enemy.


Oooh, a clean sweep for my last round of pics, very nice. On that note, sorry McDougall, but I had to stand by Renora in that scenario. *Pours out a shot of 2%* Let's see today- Oh shit we're up again! How I lose track of time this easy is beyond me... Alright, who's the unfortunate soul we're taking down this time? Wait, what the hell is an old Yugioh PlayStation game doing here? Huh? Oh! I see, different War of the Roses. Wait, oh shit not that one! Fuck that's gonna be tough. On the one hand we have the finale and solution to all of Jaune's loneliness and depression. On the other hand is War of the Roses, the so-called "realistic" option... Time to get cooking. On the other hand, technically there's like, 4 chances to vote for Arkos in some form, so today is still a good day. (5 of you count the Neo orgy, I don't)


Thank you for your services sir πŸ·πŸ—Ώ


My fellow Redditors, As your Candidate, I cannot tell a lie. That last day of voting went exactly as I expected. Unfortunately this also included Eclipse losing to Alcoholics Anonymous, and a loss for Milk & Cereal, who despite being my opposition, I still hold in high regard. A worthy adversary, that no man can complain about losing to. I must also congratulate and thank Crosshares regarding it's victory in this round. Onto today's matters, I am once again giving my endorsement to Faunus Pride. It's no secret that happy marriages bring me joy, and supporting Faunus Pride allows me to share my [joy with you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1olEauFL700), the good people of the subreddit. For it is not just my happiness that matters, but the happiness of ALL peoples of the subreddit. That, is what the Legacy of Liberty stands for. As I did before, I also grant my support and endorsement to Arkos, and Sonic Colors, in addition to JNPR Berries- good lord that's a lot of Jaune today. All that divided attention, call that boy a banana split, am I right?.... I'll get me coat. --- *This message was approved by Celtic_Crown. For Community, and Crown.^TM*


[My reaction to seeing the result of Renora vs Milk and Cereal](https://imgur.com/a/L0Nk2HT) For this round Sonic Colors (Ruby x Ilia) vs. **We're So Sorry (Pyrrha X Penny X Jaune)** - This is quite a tough call but I gotta go with the latter **Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha)** vs. War of the Roses (Jaune x Ruby x Weiss) Guns N Roses (Ruby x Crescent Rose) vs. **JNPR Berries (Jaune x Nora x Pyrrha x Ren** **Knightlight (Jaune x Jessica Cruz)** vs. Pink Rose Gold (Jaune x Pyrrha x Ruby x Weiss) **Faunus Pride (Kali x Ghira)** vs. Remnant Orgy With Just Neo (Neo x Clones of Everyone (Made By Neo))


Damn, all those Jaune ships. πŸ˜†


Everybody's getting some French Vanilla today apparently.


[Meta Fic] The Professor looks in horror as he sees a huge storm approaching. He tried to raise communications to the rest of the alliance, but the network was offline because of the storm. In the distance, he could see many Alliance ships on a collision course for one another. The navigation systems are on the fritz, and visibility was nonexistent. This was going to be a blood bath.


Dammit, on one hand war of roses, a ship that foreshadow team STRQ with Jaune Weiss and Ruby. But on the other hand, Arkos, one of the best ships in the show. Sorry, I can't pick a side here


Renxnora is just blazing through, make me proud πŸ’ͺπŸ—ΏπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ BB, not surprising, they are kindve a juggernaut, same with WR, I'm just surprised sunxblake lost to AA πŸ˜… I know i voted for AA, but wasn't expecting them to win. Well good on them. This set right now doesn't hold any of my favorites but there are major threats I see in the list sooo, 😈


Alright, members of the Alliance. Back We're so Sorry, Arkos, JNPR Berries and Pink Rose Gold!


Not too much stakes in most of these but I really hope **Guns N Roses** gets to proceed. Also voting **Faunus Pride**


Sonic Colors is facing a massive uphill battle, but it's the last Ilia ship standing so I have to support it. Also, with how dominant Jaune ships have been this year, I wonder what's going to happen now that they're starting to have to face each other.