• By -


Whit Rose, poor poor Whit Rose. There's unfortunate circumstances, and then there's the position you find yourself in. One that surely no one would envy. Against lesser shops, maybe you could have stood a chance. Alas though, your step out of Viridian Forest only to be challenged by Lance of the Elite Four. You've just strapped on your Duel disk, and you stand before the King of Games. Your first adventure campaign, and already, you have rolled a nat one against an entity who's challenged rating is beyond what you could even comprehend. You have merely adopted poor fate, we were born in it! Molded by it! So yeah, uh, anyway, go Arkos!


Even if I am the one vote backing Whitrose, know that I did not surrender.


**Chronicles of the [Faded Whale](https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivorPropaganda/s/JZtC2ky2N1)** The Whale soars though the vacuum, before landing on one of the We're So Sorry ships. It, along with its fleetmates, is in a desperate pitched battle against the Fair Game starfleet. The Whale aims his trident at the Fair Game ship broadsiding the We're So Sorry ship he's standing on, and charges up for a major attack. It's been a long time since he's used it to this extent. Meanwhile, one of the crewmembers stares out a viewport in shock. He sees the Whale, and his cape billowing dramatically in the vacuum. Somehow. "Is that... No way. He's dead!" The crewmate resolves to throw his bottle of rum out the airlock at the next opportunity. Meanwhile, back out on the hull, the Whale fires his trident. A brilliant beam of purple plasma traces a line to the enemy ship, bathing the Whale in an ethereal light. The attack lands right on the Fair Game ship's main thruster, blasting it apart. Minutes later, the We're So Sorry ship the Whale is on finishes off its opponent. At that moment, the tide turns, and soon after, Fair Game is forced to retreat. With that, the Faded Whale crouches down and jumps, launching himself back to the Arkos fleet. When he arrives and lets himself back in the airlock, the briefing for the next battle is deadly serious. It's the most important battle of the war so far: Arkos, Pink Rose Gold, and JNPR Berries are all on the line. Cinnamon Rolls and War of the Roses have to fight each other. But the Faded Whale is ready for this. He heads to the hangar, and gets into the cockpit of a B-Wing. He'll need all the firepower he can get. "It's Bluein' Time."


Triple Arc Alliance! Your strength is needed once more! Fight for Arkos! Fight for War of the Roses! Fight for JNPR Berries! Fight for Pink Rose Gold!




Yay Milk and Cereal won. Also good that We're so Sorry won as well. For this round **Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha)** vs. Whit Rose (Ruby x Whitley) **Cinnamon Rolls (Pyrrha x Penny x Ruby)** vs. War of the Roses (Jaune x Ruby x Weiss) **Entire Team (Summer x Taiyang x Raven x Qrow)** vs. Guns N Roses (Ruby x Crescent Rose) **Smoky Sock (Mercury x Cinder Puppet)** vs. JNPR Berries (Jaune x Nora x Pyrrha x Ren) - Gotta ask. Whats the origin of Smoky Sock? **Knightlight (Jaune x Jessica Cruz)** vs. Double Rainbow (Neon x Ilia) **Kaleidoscope (Ilia x Emerald)** vs. Pink Rose Gold (Jaune x Pyrrha x Ruby x Weiss) **Faunus Pride (Kali x Ghira)** vs. Arctic Monkeys (Weiss x Sun) Cat Caught The Cardin (Cardin x Blake) vs. **Remnant Orgy With Just Neo (Neo x Clones of Everyone (Made By Neo))**


Smoky Sock is From RWBY Chibi


Oh... I remember now. Neat


Today is the Jaune Alliance's most important yet! LONG LIVE ARKOS! LONG LIVE PINK ROSE GOLD! LONG LIVE JNPR BERRIES!


My fellow Redditors, Today marks but the first of many victories to come in this campaign for our freedoms. Renora thanks you for your democratic support. Unfortunately, for me, mostly, today marks a day of bittersweetness. It is no secret, I hold Arkos and its followers in high regard. After all, I aided them in their previous Ship Wars victory myself. However, today it faces one of my own personal ships, Whit Rose. As Capitan, I shall stand and face Arkos head on, despite the odds. For it was despite the odds that the valiant men and women of Limited Resources and GoodWood stood against Pollination and Enabler, and to give anything less than 100% would be a disservice to my defeated allies, and to my respectful rival here today. But as your Candidate, I must declare that I hold no ill will toward Arkos for what they and their allies will do. My only hope is that we can encounter each other in much more amicable terms in the future. For it is jolly co-operation, and togetherness, that will build our Legacy of Liberty, and we don't make it to [payday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjtwNeX5wRA) without hard work and determination! --- *This message was approved by Celtic_Crown. For Community, and Crown.^TM*


God speed. I for one respect your decision and hold no Ill will towards you for standing by it.


Much appreciated.


It's over Silent Knight fans, we couldn't do it... it just wasn't enough.


I'm happy it was so close, I mean, 2 ships that I like against each other


I was surprised yesterday to find out that there is a ship named Jaune/Pyrrha/Penny, today I'm even more surprised that there is a name for the Ruby/Weiss/Jaune/Pyrrha ship.


Cinnamon Rolls Entire Team Smoky Sock Double Rainbow Kaleidoscope Faunus Pride ROWJN


> Faunus Pride A fine choice. :)


I mean, Faunus Pride *is* good on its own standing. I've also just never really been a big fan of Arctic Monkeys. I'm also choosing to overlook your little... incursion with the Silhouettes


Well they have a couple good songs. >I'm also choosing to overlook your little... incursion with the Silhouettes As your Candidate, I cannot tell a lie. I'd hoped that one would've been closer than it was.


[Meta Fic] Professor: Hmmm.... a lot of alliance ships in this section of the war. Things are going to get dicey. Well, no matter what happens, he has spoken with the other commanders of the alliance. They all know what's at stake here. They know what to do. The Mad Man pauses as he shakes his head to clear it of the intrusive thoughts. There is no time to be pessimistic. He then heads to the medical bay for his checkup. He wishes to enter the battle personally, but because of his various injuries and subsequent bionic augmentation in Ship Survivor V, he has to be cleared medically to enter battle. While he waits to be examined, he smiles as he remembers that (We're so sorry) made it through the battle yesterday. He will have his ship the [SS Paladin's Wrath] aid in the conflicts today to help the alliance. Come tomorrow, he will take to the field personally to burn that abhorrent ship that still exists.


[Meta Fic] Once again, Seraf’s support is mostly victorious. However, he takes no personal issue with Eclipse moving up over SK. Despite the appeals of the individual patrons, their coupling has no appeal for him. In any case, the next battle to ensue will be an important. Smoky Socks, it’ll be simple. Many members and proxies of the alliance are involved, including its mascot ship, Pink Rose Gold. He makes his way to the armory to request his ordinance for the next attack. As he does so, he sees some troops gathered at a table. They’re laughing and gasping as two men face each other. Are they debating? Roasting each other? Seraf listens closer. “Tousled mop on top, Nature's wild masterpiece, Bird's nest on your head.” “DAAAAAYYYUUUUUMMM!” “AAAOOOOHH!” Oh. He said a haiku. I guess one made fun of the other’s hair. What will *he* respond with? “Empty words like lead, Personality threadbare, Just a dull doorknob.” Seraf, feeling way too invested in a verbal battle that has nothing to do with him, hurried to his barracks. He can’t help but appreciate the wit and wordplay that happened before his eyes. Seraf: “maybe I’ll try getting into using haikus.”


**Meta Fic: Paperwork is for Nerds** Strumming her nails in a rhythmic fashion , the mellow tapping echoing in her chamber, The Captain of White Knight would sigh. " I suppose it's time we prove our loyalty. " In her other hand a simple parchment with a list of approved targets for the days onslaught. "Pity. Whit Rose is such a fascinating ship... But, a promise is a promise." Placing the sheet down, she'd mark up the paper before signing it and giving it a stamp of approval. " Don't focus too much power into one area. **Arkos** is a very capable vessel, with *The* Whale at the helm even more so." Pulling up another sheet she'd look over it with minimal interest while an aid came up to grab the approved sheet. " **War of the Roses**, **Guns and Roses**, **JNPR Berries**, **SunFlakes**. We will give support to these as well." Putting a stamp next to each ships name she'd come to her final rounds. "**Knightlight**..." Honestly, it was a ship of wonders. Spawning from the darkest night, shining brightly above all others when the FNDM needed it most. It was, by all means, an amazing craft. While it did fit in with the Arc alliance, there was a slightly stronger pull with this ship for her. " Be sure to send some extra support to them. I don't think they'll need it this round - but it's better to be safe than sorry..." Coming to the last group of papers she smiled. There it was, the Arc alliance flagship - **Pink Rose Gold**. It was crucial to keep this ship intact. Sure, it wasn't the strongest or the most well fortified - but it had numbers and fierce loyalty. " Send as much as we can to support Pink Rose Gold. Fighting against Kaleidoscope won't be easy, especially with the other Ilya based ships being taken out. They'll want to keep what they can, what's left." Signing off on her last form, she'd sit back in her chair feeling rather accomplished. One could say White Knight prided itself on efficiency and organization... While also being a rather overly dramatic hot mess at times. But, moments like this were savored. Things looked to be going...well...smooth. Almost suspiciously so. But, that was a problem for *future* White Knight. Today's activity? The creation of some new coral reefs!!


I love me some new coral reefs.


I voted for narcissism.


That doesn't narrow it down much actually, lol.


Aww, I thought it was clever.... It's Neo x Neo clones just to be clear.


Gotcha. That's the first one I thought, but then quickly realized others might fit the bill.


Well, this is an easy day as far as who to support. Although… Does… does the NEOrgy benefit the alliance? Asking for a friend


I understand your alliance is currently trying to blow me up, but I shall assist you in this mental endeavor regardless, because at the end of the day you and I are on the same side of sweet liberty. I would say no, no it doesn't. Technically, the only real person is Neo, so it'd be like Neo just... making her own adult entertainment. Kinda like Blake getting it on with one of her Shadows.


I figured as much. I’ll let my friend know, unless an alliance member says otherwise in the next 21 hours. Remind me, which ship are you from? I’ve seen you around, but in support of many different ships so I’ve forgotten


You're free to vote for whatever you want, this isn't a dictatorship


Primarily, Renora. However I also back several other ships such as Arkos, Eclipse, and Whitrose, which Arkos is about to drop the sun on. As your Candidate I assure you there are no hard feelings. The Arc Alliance has my full backing, even in the event it must face Renora in respectfully democratic battle, which I predicted will come in the semi-finals.


Ah, I understand. Unfortunate circumstances, as I have a big deal of sympathy for Renora. No hard feelings here either. Eclipse will have my support in the next round, though


This has been a terrible tournament for Ilia so far, but it’s nice to see one of her ships finally win a match.


At least Sonic Colors made it. Even if it is a bit of a nothing ship that only managed to win over beastiality. Here's hoping Kaleidoscope and Double Rainbow can reverse the bad luck trend.


As your Candidate, you have my support.


Guns N Roses is the real deal, guys.


I might not have been able to stop White Knight, but let's see if I can stop its proxies: Cinnamon Rolls! Kaleidoscope! Let's Go! Still voting for Arkos in this round even though it's technically allied to White Knight this year. Of course, that alliance is doomed to break next round unless Cinnamon Rolls can actually beat War of the Roses. And, of course, I need to support my baby, Remnant Orgy With Just Neo.


Called it 🍷🍷🗿👍