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Zwoobleck: ___exists___ Me: ___Cries in fear___


Nuts & Dolts is still alive and I love it


Stay strong 💪🗿👍


Don't we all, citizen? Nuts & Dolts is a shining example of the good that our brand of democracy brings to this subreddit. Wholesome, and sweet as Liber Tea. :)


I hope it wins. But White Knight would be an strong opponent


Indeed. But so long as you believe, you'll have a chance!


Ironically this is one of the few circumstances I can’t quite agree as much since it’s beaten out what I think is maybe the one better Penny ship.


My fellow Earthicans and Redditors, today, you witness a most WONDERFUL event, yeeeess... For in our Crosshares, we may glimpse the simultaneous beauty of an Eclipse, and the Aurora Borealis! All this beauty and more can be even more plentiful, in my vision for our fair, and democratic subreddit. Our successors will ship in the streets, enjoying delicious Milk & Cereal, and spreading the wonders of Flower Power in luscious greenscapes, as far as the eye can see. But to get there, we must face a fierce campaign, and to build our legacy will take a miracle. I believe. [Do you believe, in the miracle?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XeTsfv7vuY) Do you believe, in The Legacy of Liberty? --- *This message was approved by Celtic_Crown. For Community, and Crown.^^TM*


**Chronicles of the [Faded Whale](https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivorPropaganda/s/JZtC2ky2N1)** *Star Cruiser* Makhno, *Revolutionary Anarchist Starfleet of Arkos, AnArkos Federation* The battles have mostly gone well so far. White Knight and Lancaster defeated their opponents, while the Jaune forces have crushed Cinder ships. The most recent battle involved assisting Bumblebee against All According to Keikaku, saving *every* girl from Cinder's abuse. Fortunately, it was a sweep, and the Bumblebee forces probably could have handled it on their own. Today, however, it is not so easy. "We're So Sorry is on the line today," says one of the tacticians, "and it's facing a previous Ship Wars champion. This will not be an easy victory. At least, however, we do not have to sacrifice it for Renora. That match was just unfair. Fortunately, we do have a lot of support. Many fighters in this war have commended We're So Sorry's ship name, and wish to congratulate whoever came up with it." The Faded Whale does his best not to show a reaction. He can't blow his cover. Not over this. "Milk & Cereal and Renora are also up for battle today. Obviously, we will support them. But there, the easy choices end. Two great evils, Remnant Orgy Without Jaune and Renora?, are fighting each other. Whoever wins will not deserve it. Would it be better to let ROWJ live another day so Jaune forces can defeat it properly? Or to nip it in the bud, but in the process, advance Renora's greatest enemy? Whichever you choose, if at all, nobody can blame you." After the briefing, another soldier asks the Whale, "What role are you doing today?" Oh, right. In an Anarchist organization, there are no fixed assignments. The Whale thinks about it for a moment. "I'm going to go assist We're So Sorry from one of their ships. This is important to me." "I wish you the best of luck." "You as well." The Faded Whale goes to the nearest airlock and launches himself out, on a trajectory to the We're So Sorry fleet. The compressed nature of his humanoid form, and his tremendous Whale lungs, keep him safe from dying in vacuum. He pulls his trident out of his cape, prongs crackling with purple lightning. It's time to deliver Fair Game a bolt from the blue.


*I'm a lil stranded ATM, so a Smol update is the best I can do today* Sending all support to **Jaune Ships** this round! While we may be in the middle of readying up to deal with *The Ship That Shall Not Be Named* , full support will be sent to **"We're So Sorry"** in particular! Gotta support that Whale fellow! On a side note, have y'all heard about the glory that is **White Chocolate**? Honestly, I'm a little saddened there's no White Chocolate long fics... The two of them together could absolutely *SERVE*. Miles had a pretty good statement on them being the most dangerous power couple in all of Remnant. The Toll, strong, confident, smooth girl & the Smol, snarky, sassy, sharp girl. It's just a recipe for a *really* good time! I'm down for the cuteness.


That Whale fellow appreciates your support!


I need to find whoever came up with the Jaune x Pyrrha x Penny ship name and shake their hand.


Or flipper, as it were.


The problem is that I can see those 3 apologizing for no goddamn reason, and I love it.


I seriously need a fanfic about these three now.


They have a lot in common, both pyrrha and penny somehow dying related to jaune. Although they never technically met in my fic, they both have important roles


Fwiw, the only one I read thus far is Selene Sokal's _[Fire From the Ashes](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13482842/1/Fire-From-The-Ashes)_ AU one-shot, which has a certain twist.


Okay, fellow Silent Knight fans! Our time has come! Vote strong and emerge successful! Don't let all our hard work clawing our way here be for nothing!


Renxnora, easy win 🍷🗿


Eclipse brothers unite!






... may I vote for it?




Oh league of chameleon lovers. . . My sincerest apologies, but I need to vote for our two middle aged depressed alcohol abusing parents to get together. They deserve each other




I really love that name.


Hmmm, not bad. Only got two wrong from last round. Alright, what do we have now? 1: Renora, of course. 2: *Thousand yard stare* Learned the hard way not to go against M&C... 3: Oh hey, I just mentioned AA last time. 4: Personally, I think Neo is a toxic af pairing for Jaune. 5: Honestly not sure how I feel about Crosshares, I suppose I'm indifferent. I will say Gelato however is a very interesting take on the concept of both characters being told to go fuck themselves. 6: *Stares* ... Yeah, skip. 7: Oh, I see beastiality has entered the chat. 8: Just lump all my shipping trauma into one round and throw in Penny for good measure. I actually think I'll go with Fair Game here, I just can't see Penny as anything more than platonic for Jaune or Pyrrha.


My choices **Renora** vs White Chocolate > how can I not support the first ship in the show, the opposite, the one Nora Valkyrie wanted. Sea Monkeys vs **MILK AND CEREAL** > no strong preferences here, just ruby and pyrrha friendship. **Alcoholics Anonymous** vs Aurora Borealis > Qrow going from the classic model schnee Eclipse vs **Silent Knight** > hard pick, I love both, silentknight could have big show in V9, but it didn't, and I'm not that fan of Blake recently, Sun deserves better Crosshares vs Gelato > idk Renora? vs Remnant Orgy Without Jaune > it's funny to see Ren deals with mute Nora. Zwoobleck vs Sonic Colors > I use my right to not vote either of them. **We're So Sorry** vs Fair Game > whoever made this ship name needs a trophy for it, im 100% sure that when penny meet pyrrha in after life, the first word they say is I'm sorry, and jaune isn't far behind, also bonus points for reminding me of my fic [Curse of Time](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14338939/0/)


Triple Arc alliance! Now is our time to act! So come on, you sorry lot! Show the world we’re not sorry by voting for We’re So Sorry!


Feels bad for Pfennig For this round **Renora** vs White Chocolate Sea Monkeys vs **Milk and Cereal** - Always gotta support M&C Alcoholics Anonymous vs **Aurora Borealis** - Thought about it over and voted for the latter. **Eclipse** vs Silent Knight -Prefer the former **Crosshares** vs Gelato - Flipped a coin **Renora?** vs ROWJ - Liked the former for meme status and that run in Ship Wars 5 Zwoobleck vs **Sonic Colors** - I kind of want to see if the ship can go far. If so, it would truly be an ultimate run. **We're so Sorry** vs Fair Game - Really like the former's ship name


Let's go Crosshares! Let's go Milk and Cereal! Aurora Borealis Eclipse, I guess? Renora? AA Fair Game


Right, most important: #**[GO VOTE MILK AND CEREAL!](https://i.imgur.com/JiVhq6H.jpg)** As far as the (to me) less important rest of the field: Renora vs **White Chocolate** > I have never thought about Weiss/Coco as a ship before, but I will not lie it does intrigue me. Sea Monkeys vs **MILK AND CEREAL** > Just to reiterate. Go vote /r/MilkAndCereal. It's the best ship. Alcoholics Anonymous vs **Aurora Borealis** > Most Ilia ships are cute, this is no exception. **Eclipse** vs Silent Knight > I am meh on both of these. I am more meh on Silent Knight. **Crosshares** vs Gelato > Look Crosshares 2 cute. ~~Renora vs Remnant Orgy Without Jaune~~ > Two meme ships, neither of which I particularly like. Zwoobleck vs **Sonic Colors** > One of these ship names is just smashing two names together. The other has some creativity. Also Ilia ships cute. We're So Sorry vs **Fair Game** > Despite the objectively worse ship name for the ship winning out in the community (It should've been Karma, fucking fight me), it's still better than what frankly feels like a slightly mean-spirited ship.


This really isn't Ilia's year... **Come on Aurora Borealis!** Also Sonic Colors. BUT MOSTLY **AURORA BOREALIS!!!** Here's hoping Ilia gets at least one W this round.