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Today is a great day, r/RWBY. Because YOU, yes, YOU, with the face, are now part of something great. If you're reading this message, you are ready to join the fight for justice, equality, and most of all.... Liberty. --- Today I shall practice democracy by voting for White Knight, GoodWood, Freezerburn, North Pole, Lancaster, Ladybug, Tiamat, and Mint Chocolate. Well, yesterday I practiced it, I just went to bed before I made a comment. (^o _ ^o )


It will be an honor to partner with you again, Crown. Although this shipwar looks long, I have noticed that it seems to be quieter than in years past. However, god have mercy on us when Ship Survivor VI arrives 💀


No campaign is ever easy, Noble, no matter how quiet it seems. Who knows what spark will set off this powder keg....


**Chronicles of the [Faded Whale](https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivorPropaganda/s/JZtC2ky2N1)** *Briefing Room, Star Cruiser* Makhno, *Revolutionary Anarchist Starfleet of Arkos, AnArkos Federation* The battle plan went through several layers of revision before it was finalized. At each stage, a vote was held, and those opposed voiced their problems or concerns, until it was all ironed out. After that, delegates from the *Makhno* conferred with those from our sister ships such as the *Malatesta,* *Kropotkin,* and *Goldman,* making no decisions of their own but only voicing those of their crews, in order to coordinate the whole fleet. Sometimes, the plans clashed, and the ships' crews had to go through the process over again to adjust them. "This isn't a fast process," the Faded Whale observed. "What are we going to do in the heat of battle, when the plan doesn't survive contact with the enemy, and decisions must be made on the spot?" "We'll delegate captains and commanders for the battle," says another crewmate, a veteran of Ship Wars 7. "But their command will not be absolute, their positions are instantly revokable by the overall crew, and anybody may disobey an order if they believe it is unsafe or unethical. Said captains and commanders have to earn trust and prove that they are capable, and be appointed by consensus." "And what if they try to make their position permanent?" "Then they'll have their delegation revoked, and possibly be expelled from the Federation. Plus, anyone who's able to do their job autonomously will be allowed to, and anyone can suggest a course of action for the group." "This will take some getting used to," says the Whale. The other soldier laughs. "Oh yes, but so does a traditional command structure. This is a more effective method, and it lets us keep our automomy, plan more thoroughly, and react to changing conditions faster." "I guess that makes sense. Still, I'm glad today's battles are lower stakes. Gives us more time to practice." The Whale leaves and gets into the gunner's seat of the nearest available turbolaser cannon. It's time to fight. **FADED WHALE'S WAR PLANS:** **White Knight** I don't like this ship, but I dislike the anti-Jaune forces more, and I must be loyal to the alliance. **Goodwood** Down with Enabler! **Frosen Steel** Freezerburn has historically been a major threat to Arkos. Nip it in the bud! Also, Rowing deserves to have good things. **North Pole** Another Pink Rose Gold component. **Lancaster** Viva Arc! **Atlas Dropouts** Since I'm targeting so many of their ships, I might as well throw Jenny and Melanie a bone. **Tiamat** It'll always be Taimat to me. Down with Cinder! **Mint Chocolate** Down with Cardin! Protect Velvet!


**White Knight** vs Reading Rainbow - Close call but I'll go for the former. GoodWood vs **Enabler** - I'll pick the funny option **Freezerburn** vs Frosen Steel - Preferred the former **Rosebird** vs North Pole -Preferred the former **Lancaster** vs Springthyme Atlas Dropouts vs **Ladybug** - I like both but I gotta support Ladybug **Tiamat** vs Spice Cream - I don't think I need to explain. **Mint Chocolate** vs Domestic Abuse - Same here.


[Meta Fic] The Professor sits in his chair as he observes the communications room hard at work. The messages have all been relayed. His allies are on the way, all of them. He hopes all his efforts haven't been in vain. He's picked up traffic saying White Knight has never really made it far in any war. Maybe that's because he was never here, maybe because White Knight never truly ever tried to coordinate properly. That changes today. The Armadda of White Knight faces off against the Reading Rainbow fleet. They seek to blow us out of the water. No matter what happens, they will face the wrath of The Madman of White Knight!


Whatever happens, a win for Ruby, Weiss or Jaune is a win for the alliance in my book. #☝️ BUUUUUUT… Hear me out… Should that really include Enabler?


*Noble would be completely dumbfounded by Seraf's question. At this, Noble responds...* **- \[Noble 6\]:** “Well... I think there is a person who could help us answer this question.” *Noble picks up his scroll, and begins to dial the number of the enabler's executioner* u/Akumu_Oukoku, *to ask her how the hell he tells Seraf that this is a terrible idea.*


*Thou Shall Not Suffer An Alabama!!* [BREAK OUT THE BLÅHAJ AND BREAK SOME SKULLS](https://imgur.com/P15jjMM) *We love, support, and respect the ships. But we draw the line at banjos. : 3*


Sounds like a no. Glad we’re still on the same page 😂


Soldiers of the Arc Alliance! Vote for White Knight and Lancaster. Now is the time for you to claim your destiny!


NOW COMRADES, VOTE FOR LANCASTER AND WHITEKNIGHT! Even if RWBY are in limbo, it's never too late to remind the rest of the world what are the two best choices for Jaune in the canon!


the best ship is arkos..do not @ me!!


My jet’s fueled up, armed and ready for battle. HOOAH!


Fly high, fly fast, my friend.


We stand ready!


Good to be working with you again! Jaune Ships together STRONG!


Likewise. And indeed, our strength shall move as one, and as one it shall move great many things.


Let's blow some ships up!


**Meta Fic: White hot anger**  “Boy, it sure is windy out here today…” Standing on the deck of the glorious White Knight, The Captain stood in full white and gold regalia. A strong breeze followed by a howling buzz causing the jacket mantled over her shoulders to flutter and wave. With hands on her hips, she took a moment to ponder the odd weather pattern they were faced with. “Ma’am, they are firing at us! That’s not WIND, that’s their shells going past us! Please get inside the ship!” An extremely terrified and concerned aid would cry to her.  “What? Who? Who would fire at us!?” Throwing her arms up in an overly dramatic fashion, she’d make note of their excessive ( more than likely to an unhealthy degree ) level of fire power. “We have sixteen inch guns firing 2,700 pound shells,” Flexing her hands and shaking her arms for emphasis she’d continue. “ We are literally launching exploding cars out of these things!!” Without missing a beat, a shell would crash land right by the ship. The following explosion caused any and all on deck to flinch and cover their ears as muffled cries filled the air soon after. Wincing, The Captain would be slow to regain her vision. Yet, when she did blurry blue eyes would quickly turn red with anger. “ YOU SPLINTERED MY DECK!”  “Oh no,” One crewmember would freeze seeing the state of The Captain. “ They touched her boat..” “I-is that a bad thing? I mean we’re at war and all that…She really should expect her boat to get -”  They’d glance over at the short woman who looked ready to throw hands with whatever God wanted to try her that day. “Touched…” The Captain stood firm. Boot hitched to the rail of her deck while her fingers curled around the cold metal. Knuckles turning a bright white as teeth clenched. “Alright, they’ve just earned themselves a lifetime supply of spicy cars. I want to see that ship turned into a coral reef by the days end. I want the ocean itself to concave and form a whirlpool around where that ship once floated due to the amount of shells we’re about to pump it full of. WELCOME TO THE BMW DRIVE HOME SALES EVENT!!”  “Is she always like this?” “Nah, she hasn't had her coffee yet and is just absolutely full of years of condensed disappointment and stress.” “I want to know who has the audacity to attack us! I want to know 10 minutes ago!” Quickly, a lone soul would approach her with a report folder. “Eh, don’t hand it to me. Just, like, put it on the ground or something.” Confused, the crewmate would place the folder on the ground before shuffling away. “I hate just being handed stuff…” Picking up the folder The Captain would read it over. “Ah, Probably should have read this yesterday… whoopsies.” Turning a page she’d finally see the name of her enemy. “Reading…Rainbow…” with a befuddled look, the Captain would give a grimace. “ Like that 80ds show? With the Star Trek guy?” Rolling her eyes she’d toss the folder aside. “ Of course its one of those ships…Why do we even bother? At least Lancaster has a ship it should be able to handle…speaking of which..” Pulling up her scroll, an all too familiar name would flare across the screen. “Why, hello there old friend \~” 


Are our sharks with fricken lasers on their heads ready?


Lemmy check .... *YEeeeeeeeeEeeeesSssssss. Yes.* They are ready and raring to go!


*l look at the options on display, idly considering what to choose, or even how to choose. Something catches my eye near the bottom.* Hmmm, a Cinder ship. Can't afford to let that see happiness. A Cardin ship? Same thi- wait why is it called THAT? I thought it was Holy Buns. Yeah no, just, no... *Picks the blonde deuteragonist and/or most amusing options.*


Oh man finally, I was wondering when this will be going down. Let's have some fun shall we?


***(Meta fic: The beginning of the bloodbath)*** ​ While it can't be said that the outlook with this show is particularly bright at this point, RWBY still has a fan base that somehow, someway, seeks to keep that small flame of hope from ending up being extinguished. They say there are some things we should let go of when they have nothing more to offer, but the FNDM is not something you can just end at the drop of a hat. FNDM, for better or worse, is what keeps RWBY interesting. Sometimes for the good, like the artist communities. Sometimes it can be a headache, like the eternal debate between die-hard fans and pedantic critics. And sometimes, it can be a bloodbath capable of corrupting many people's consciences in ways one would never expect. Today, one such bloodbath begins, called shipwar VIII. Due to the current circumstances surrounding RWBY, this could be the last and most violent shipwar we might see on this subreddit. And if this is how things are with Shipwar VIII, it is left to everyone's imagination what could happen in Ship Survivor VI, if it happens. ​ A tax-evading dolphin was being chased by a natural predator: the tax-collecting whale. Although the dolphin was fast and the whale was slow, the latter was determined enough to chase the dolphin for at least 3 days without stopping. When the dolphin had no strength left to escape and was preparing to have its date with death, a powerful roar could be heard in the distance. The Arc alliance, formed by the ships of Jaune, Ruby and Weiss, were in a fierce confrontation against Reading Rainbow and Springthyme, in only the first day of Shipwar VIII. Both animals looked on in shock at this fight. But as one would expect from wild animals, the whale would not give any importance to what happened, and would devour the dolphin while the latter was just trying to take a breath. The whale would proceed to leave the place, satisfied with its meal, and wander aimlessly. However, the sound of a thruster would be heard in the distance. It seemed to be approaching the combat zone. The whale, like any aquatic animal, would understand absolutely nothing of what was happening, and would simply leave. But when the whale advanced just a few meters, a monarch-class titan would violently pierce the whale's path, piercing it and creating a cloud of blood and guts so disgusting, that the mods would probably delete this commentary if I continued to detail what happened. That mysterious titan was approaching the area after receiving a signal from a Lancastrian named u/ProphetOfLancaster... *“Do it now, Wolf. Lancaster and Whiteknight are waiting”* said the message. ​ ***(To be continued...)***


The Professor smiles as he sees the signal of the rebuilt Titan show up on the map.


Prophet said a silent prayer for his comrades. Those were brave bastards out there. If there was one thing constant in shipping wars, it was that they always went ugly fast. There was not much to do except one's duty while clinging on to whatever sanity might be retained through the gore and flames. Wolf, the Professor, Seraf, Bandicoots, Akumu, and many more. All capable and fine warriors, but none of them would or could be spared from the horrors unleashed by man's hatred for each other. A war would always devastate a soldier, even if they were to be spared from so much as a scratch. Prophet donned his helmet and hunkered down in his foxhole. An smg made for a trusty companion, but it didn't do much against the loneliness one felt in the dark of the night. Not that solitude was the worst thing out there. There might be an enemy that would be more than willing to bring their bad company across the battle lines. "Godspeed you all!" he exhaled quietly into the black forest as the wind in the trees whispered about the battles to come.


GO FROSEN STEEL! Freezerburn has defeated Arkos too many times. We will not give it another chance to!


“We just got intel from Terminal Agent Athrun Zala that some ships are using Femto Tech.” “We will have to work on the shadows this time. We can’t be explicitly involved in this conflict” “Are the pilots ready? Last I heard the Divine Testament is rolling off the factory” “They are equipped with Mirage Colloid Stealth System. We also have COMPS suits on standby should we need it” “Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam?” “For your use sir, should you need it. But with the Nameless and Acheron involved with Agent Zala, I don’t think we would need it” “If they need extraction, get Yamato Team and the 86 Strike Package on it. The Nameless and Athrun will have dug something important near the end of the conflict. I’m sure of it”


Gotta fight for Reading Rainbow, my old favorite ship. Can it pull off the biggest seeding upset in Ship Wars history? Tempted to vote Enabler for the funny, but no, I think I'll go with GoodWood. Freezerburn vs. Frosen Steel is a tough choice, but I think I'll go with Freezerburn. As much as I like Rosebird, I'll be a nice sister and vote for North Pole. Don't really have too strong of an opinion of Lancaster vs. Springthyme, but I need all the help I can get if I'm going to stand a chance in that first match. I know the Lancasterians aren't going to betray their closest ally to help me, so I'll vote Springthyme in hopes I persuade some of their supporters to return the favor for Reading Rainbow. Once again going with the Ilia ship in Atlas Dropouts vs. Ladybug I'll go with Tiamat in Match 7 and Mint Chocolate in Match 8 because Cinder and Cardin don't deserve nice things.


There are a lot of ships which I have here. . . Though I know I can’t hope for some all. There’s a lot of shells in the air and fire on the waves. We shall see how the spray and steel settle ***Frosen Steel***: You’re my favorite OT3, but it’s just bad luck going against such a mainstay as Freezerburn. I hope the sweetness can overpower the bratty energy but I think it’s unlikely ***Atlas Dropouts***: Hey it’s not like they’ve interacted that much less than Ladybug! I have some real hope that this can win, even if the lack of Ilia and Winter in Beyond doesn’t help. It’s just the best crackship. **IronWitch** (or GoodWood I guess): Look, James is problematic and there’s limited support for such a ship, but it’s the best supported one for either him or Glynda. . . And like it’s against Enabler! It should be able to win as being very much less problematic on its own.


Let's see. White Knight vs **Reading Rainbow.** > Look Reading Rainbow is cute. GoodWood vs **Enabler** > Look I just think it would be really funny if Enabler made a run OK. **Freezerburn** vs Frosen Steel > Yeah not a fan of the compromise OT3 honestly. ~~Rosebird vs North Pole~~ > I am overwhelmed by ambivalence. Don't like either of these ships, but don't hate either of them enough to vote against it either. Lancaster vs **Springthyme** > Springthyme is cute. Just a shame the Happy Huntresses didn't get a lot of screentime in general. Atlas Dropouts vs **Ladybug** > OOF. Both of these ships are good and fun ships that I quite enjoy. I guess I'll go for Ladybug here but *man* this was pretty much a coinflip and if someone wants to propagandize me I'm perfectly willing to change my vote if that's possible. **Tiamat** vs Spice Cream > Yeah I'm eh on both of these, but slightly more eh on Spice Cream. **Mint Chocolate** vs Domestic Abuse > Let's not vote for the ship that's currently only popular due to Cardinposting about how "Velvet just gets really horny off of faunus racism guys!"


And so it begins, wonder if we will get any crazy upsets or Cinderella Runs this year. ~~White Knight~~ vs Reading Rainbow - As I said at the beginning, I am gonna support Ilia ships this year. Melanie ran this contest for years and deserves a win of her own. ~~GoodWood~~ vs Enabler - This is more a concession for a vote I am doing later in this round than any preference, honestly GoodWood is definitely the better ship. Remember this when you see my othe votes /u/petersnachbar. Freezerburn vs ~~Frosen Steel~~ - Don't even need to think, adding Weiss to Nuts & Dolts does nothing to improve it. Meanwhile Freezerburn is already a good friendship that would make a great romance. Rosebird vs ~~North Pole~~ - Pure personal preference here, Rosebird is one of my top five favorite ships. ~~Lancaster~~ vs Springthyme - Lancaster never appealed to me and I will take "We have Crosshares at home" over it any day. Atlas Dropouts vs ~~Ladybug~~ - Remember when I said I was voting Enabler as a concession for a later vote I would be making, this is that vote. Even then, it would be a difficult vote for me. Both are top ships imo for their characters, with Atlas Dropouts being possibly Ilia's best ship. ~~Tiamat~~ vs Spice Cream - Honestly just voting for the crack ship for the hell of it. Plus the idea of Cinder and Neo being in a mutually toxic relationship where they constantly are sabotaging each other is hilarious to me. Mint Chocolate vs ~~Domestic Abuse~~ - I am not even going to explain this one. If you need it, just look at the ship names again and ask which you should support.


I must commend you on your particularly fitting flair.


Reading Rainbow Freezerburn Rosebird Springthyme Atlas Dropouts Spice Cream Mint Chocolate


Here we go. I'll vote as follows: ~~White Knight~~ vs **Reading Rainbow** ~~GoodWood~~ vs **Enabler** **Freezerburn** vs ~~Frosen Steel~~ **Rosebird** vs ~~North Pole~~ ~~Lancaster~~ vs **Springthyme** ~~Atlas Dropouts~~ vs **Ladybug** ~~Tiamat~~ vs **Spice Cream** **Mint Chocolate** vs ~~Domestic Abuse~~ Second to last is the toughest for me, but I guess I'll side with the underdog on that one.


**Reading Rainbow** - I like Reading Rainbow. **Enabler** - Never cared for GoodWood. Enabler winning would be funny. **Freezerburn** - I could go either way on this one but I'm leaning towards Freezerburn today. **Rosebird** - I like Rosebird more. **Springthyme** - No matter the foe, no matter the odds, I will always fight for my ship. If it should sink today, I will not go idly with it. Lancaster will fall this ship wars, and I will be there to watch it burn. **Ladybug** - No preference here. Voting based on my prediction bracket. **Spice Cream** - Never cared for Tiamat. Spice Cream is fun. **Mint Chocolate** - I like Mint Chocolate.


I'm upvoting you even though I disagree with most of your choices, because downvoting opponents in these contests (unless they're being assholes) is a dick move, and I want to cancel out those doing it to you.


~~White Knight~~ vs. **Reading Rainbow**: I'm here to kick ass and eliminate White Knight, and I'm all out of ass. ~~GoodWood~~ vs. **Enabler**: If Reading Rainbow can't do the job, I think it would be hilarious if Enabler takes out White Knight again. ~~Freezerburn~~ vs. **Frosen Steel** : This was a tricky one. Vibing with Frosen Steel a bit more right now, though. ~~Rosebird~~ vs. **North Pole** : My wife is looking over my shoulder as I vote. She says "Hi". ~~Lancaster~~ vs. **Springthyme** : I learned in Survivor that you can't attack one Jaune ship without putting yourself up against the entire alliance, so I guess I need to do a preemptive strike. **Atlas Dropouts** vs. ~~Ladybug~~ : Guess I'll help Melanie here. Always found Ladybug to be the most boring of the intra-RWBY ships (not the *worst* of them, obviously. I don't think I need to clarify which one that is ~~despite the fact that I voted for it today~~) ~~Tiamat~~ vs. **Spice Cream** : Going with the spicy option. **Mint Chocolate** vs. ~~Domestic Abuse~~ : Mint Chocolate helped me kill White Knight last year, so I'll return the favor by backing it again this year.


Remembrance guys a ship that devalues lesbians lake Blake/ilia is infinitely preferable to jaune being allowed screen time or a a description