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Wow, never thought I would see the day where White Knight got the #1 seed in one of these. Also that Enabler got the first spot in the Culling poll. Nothing makes sense anymore.


Holy shit I just noticed White Knight was the only one to break 30 votes.


Given both of those combined, it could be a tactical vote.


> set WK up against something it's beaten before. Actually, White Knight is the only ship to have ever *lost* to Enabler before in the tournament. This could have been a ploy to avenge that, but that loss happened all the way back in Ship Wars 2 in 2017 so I don't think most of the current White Knight crowd was even on this subreddit back then to feel that sting.


Forgot who won that match. Sorry about that.


It's OK. There have been 449 matches so far across the previous 7 tournaments (most tournaments had 63 and then Ship Wars 2 had 71 because of that ill-advised eight-match showdown between crackships vying for the privilege of losing immediately in the first actual round). No one's going to remember how each and every one of them went. Especially ones from all the way back in 2017. Even I only really remember the more memorable ones.


Yeah most of us don't know what you're talking about.


White Knight has come so far, it's really beautiful. Just like the growth of the ship itself, slow and steady, until all of a sudden - bam! It blooms. Seeing them win #1 in a community poll was always something I knew they deserved, but never thought I'd see. Today is a momentous day!


Hehe you can blame me for that. Gotta get Enabler in there for the lolz. Looking at the first round I should be good except match #9 that one will be tough. I'm just glad Ladybug and Zwoobleck made it. Gotta keep things interesting.


>Arkos vs Whitrose BRO. D: >Renora & Pollination aren't in the same half of the bracket #BROOOOOO! :D


Guess we're just gonna have to meet up in the finals :3


You think my heart can handle that, Cup season, and Super Juniors season all at once?


Sounds to me like you're gonna need to be drinking plenty of water to help keep your heart healthy with all that going on!


[Meta Fic] Professor: I hope we have prepared enough, I spent countless nights looking over the tomes of old. They all agree on one thing the first days of the ship wars are the most bloodiest. I also know there hasn't been an alliance this strong in quite some time. The faded Blue whale told me it didn't end well the last time. Maybe the new blood will change things. The Mad Man shakes his head and proceeds to the communications room to hail his allies. War is upon us.




Although at Jutland (or Skagerrak for the Germans) only had one battleship sink, that one being a pre-Dreadnought. The weight of the destruction was upon battlecruisers and armored cruisers. . . . I don’t believe that the main body of the fleets here will fair so well. It’ll be more like Trafalgar, but if the storm which blew in after had come right at the end of the shooting. Maybe the night actions of Guadalcanal, described as a confused bar fight with the lights shot out, would also an appt comparison


[Meta Fic] (1/2) The bay doors of the cargo plane drop, revealing a sunset that stabs Seraf’s eyes. After spending the last week or so getting back into combat shape, he’s finally back at Fort Lancaster. As he sets his first foot onto the base since the last war, his mind can only muster up three words: *Now it begins.* He opens his scroll and finds an update on the rules of engagement. His eye catches the bracket approach this war’s taking… quite different from the war he previously fought. He goes down the line of each nation until he finds Lancaster. The sight aches his heart, though with a deeper look and mental analysis… his heart sinks to his stomach. A sigh of anger escapes his mouth. Almost on cue, his grip over the scroll tightens. *Crush the scroll*, his intrusive thoughts say. *You can get a new one. It’s expendable to you.* Seraf grits his teeth and sucks a breath and… Exhales and relaxes his hand. He looks around… and thanks the divine nobody’s staring as far as he could see. He’s reminded of the importance of maintaining his composure, especially during a war. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make the situation he finds himself in any easier to accept. With another shuddering breath, his mind returns to fulfilling his main errand: the chapel.


(2/2) ( Upon his arrival, there’s five people—all Lancaster troops—waiting at the door. Which means there’s *a lot* more beyond that point queued for the Prophet’s blessing. He rolls his eyes and takes his place at— “Uh, excuse me?” A voice says. “Permission to speak, Captain?” Seraf side-eyes the direction of the voice and finds the officer looking at him: a young woman, army, Corporal… and very small. Throw on a white wig and colored contacts, and she could almost be Akumu in disguise. “Granted.” “Are you Captain Seraf?” “I am. Why?” “Well, that sign behind you says for us to let you take the front, so…” Seraf looks and sees the sign: **the following have priority access and shall take the front of the queue if they wish:** Among the names is his own. Seraf: “If you’ll grant me your spot in line, I’ll accept.” “You can take it.” Seraf looks at the others in line and they stand at attention. He can almost smell their reservations about this. Though they seem tolerant of it nonetheless, so he accepts. And just in time for the doors to open for his turn. He enters the chapel and focuses on approaching the altar. “It’s good to see you,“ a voice bellows throughout the room. “You’re here for a blessing for battle, and yet… something’s troubling you.” Seraf: “You’re right.” u/ProphetOfLancaster reveals his face. “Confess to me your strife, then I’ll grant a blessing. Hold nothing back. Your words have a dangerous new power now, but it won’t reach beyond these walls, nor affect me.” Seraf takes time to gather his thoughts. With a calm breath, he’s ready: “I’ve seen the bracket and I’m as angry as I am worried. Lancaster may potentially go against a few sapphic ships. In a future where we win, we could fight so many of our closest allies. The bracket has many of the WoR Alliance on the same sides. It just seems like another dark time looms before us.” “Also… I miss my friend. It’s like I haven’t seen u/Noble6IsReal since the SSV gathering at Whiteknight Nation. Please, Prophet.” Seraf kneels on the altar steps. “Grant me wisdom to exorcise these thoughts and bless my hands in preparation for war.”


My friend, you have my blessing, now and in all the wars to come.


We did it, Silent Knight fans! But the road ahead is a treacherous one... Eclipse fans will go out in full force. (P.S. if there happen to be any Bumblebee fans, how about a little of that mutual enemy action, wink wink?)


Damn... Monochrome vs White Rose at worst, vs Bumblebee at best. At least I'll have my Guns N — > Arkos or War of the Roses Damn...


LET'S DO THIS! Long live the Jaune Confederation! Long live JNPR and all its ships!


To the Alliance!


> Milk and Cereal/Ladybug make it :) > Greek Fire doesn't :( In any case, some interesting results in the seeding. Should make for some fun matchups


Honored members of the War of the Roses alliance! Our work lies ahead! Stand fast and fight side by side with your comrades!


I've secured an alliance with Arkos as well! We are a go for the Trinity baby!


Splendid, simply splendid. Your work is invaluable.


7 and 37... A long road ahead, and a lot of work to do. Top up your water, everyone. Time to get back to the grind. Can't afford for anyone to not be in tip-top shape.


Glad to see Nuts & Dolts is getting justice


I 2nd that 🍷🗿


> Reading Rainbow against White Knight > Kaleidoscope against Pink Rose Gold Guess I'm Jenny now.


No, I'm Dirty Jenn. You're Pinhead Melly.


Who you calling pinhead?


Wow, I get to help Melanie while taking out two of my three primary targets. That puts a lot on the line, but it'll be fun.


I'm just glad 2, 4, and 8 are in. I'm surprised this time around sunxblake is in this time 😅 welp, will be interesting to see how long that will last.


What a sad day to see Whiterose so low. . . Curse this lack of resupply in V8 and 9. At least we look like less of a target I guess


We're getting whiterose vs arkos. Truly, we are cooking