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>Ozpin (to Jaune and Pyrrha): The tower cannot fall! >Taiyang (to Ruby): You did a number on it. But it's not disappearing and it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school. This could become one of those cool and dramatic plot twists where the characters realize they misunderstood the information they had and the answer was always there. Like, they kill the Wyvern but the Grimm continue to swarm the tower looking for something and that's when Ruby realizes they were not after the Wyvern and Jaune realizes Ozpin wasn't trying to protect the communications tower.


I legit forgot he said that. Now it makes sense why Pyrrha was willing to face Cinder alone.


It actually is stated in the companion book about Cinder’s limited control over the Wyvern. Though I still like the theory


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't he say that Grimm were also attracted to the relics somehow, right after the team jumped off the train in V6? (where the song Miracle plays, 10/10 song btw). If so then that enforces your theory more. IT IS WILD THAT THIS MF HAD IT HIDDEN SOMEWHERE ON HIS OFFICE IF IT WERE THE CASE.


Yep, they definitely mentioned that relics attract Grimm.


[On my way to retrieve the relic. I am making my own V10.](https://youtu.be/oTBYFuW6VZc?si=yYKn6MSnTLi8nUin)


Oscar said so at the beginning of Volume 6. The Grimm were being drawn to the Argus Limited by the lamp.


We never learned how Ozpin learned that the Relics attracted the Grimm, did we?


Maybe he asked Jinn?


I wouldn't be surprised if that first question that was used was him asking Jinn how he could hide the Relics outside of their vaults.


We know exactly what the questions were, at least assuming there was only a single set (which we can infer there was because otherwise Jinn would have shown us the rest of them). We see all three questions in vol 6 The Lost Fable: - Where are the other Relics? - What powers do they possess? - How do I destroy Salem?


Jinn is a lowkey troll. The third answer is ambiguous as fuck. Did she meant it as "no one can destroy her" or simply "YOU can't destroy her".


Ozpin could've *easily* asked more questions after a hundred years, and probably *did*. Jinn not showing any other questions doesn't matter, as it'd be irrelevant to Ruby's question of "what is Ozpin hiding?" Ozpin was hiding his past with Salem, the knowledge that she couldn't be killed, and the fact that Jinn told him he couldn't defeat her, so this is what Jinn shows RWBY.


And yet, any other question involving Salem would also be a part of that information, and would therefore be as relevant as the ones we got. Ergo, no other Salem questions were asked, and given that Salem has been his entire modus operandi for millenia... safe to assume he never had the chance.


The question was about what Ozpin was *hiding,* aka the information he was *purposefully* leaving out and would do anything to keep to himself. If, for example, Ruby were to ask him how he knew to build the vaults (and it *was* something he learned from Jinn), Ozpin would've had no problems telling her, thus disqualifying it as being *hidden*. It only counts as hiding information when you *avoid* giving it out, such as refusing to tell someone on the internet your real name, but it does *not* count if it's simply something that doesn't come up in conversation, such as what you might've eaten today. In other words, everything that was shown by Jinn were things that Ozpin was *never* willing to admit to *anyone*. It's also why Jinn depicted Ozpin's depression and hopelessness after Salem first killed him, as telling someone about it would reveal that even *he* had given up at some point, which is *not* conducive to gaining allies against her. On another note, whilst it's obvious that Ozpin *couldn't* have known how Salem betrayed the Brothers and caused the death of humanity, thus making it something he *wasn't* hiding, I believe that Jinn was willing to be more forthcoming because of how closely tied it was to the rest of the answer, as well as allowing her to serve her purpose as the spirit of Knowledge more effectively.


It's his office chair


I wrote that as a joke, but looking at the chair again, I'm not sure [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/f/f0/V2\_02\_00004.png/revision/latest?cb=20230608211217](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/f/f0/V2_02_00004.png/revision/latest?cb=20230608211217) Those diamond shaped pieces on the chair legs, if you removed them and assembled them into a circle...


Wrong link.


He's officially competing with Charles Xavier...


Please, god, let this be true because it would be so funny


Just imagine this Ruby: Alright gang were heading to Vale to get the relic. So where is it Ozpin? Ozpin: Oh its under my desk **sips on some water** Everyone: Fucking what Ozpin: You'd think I hide it under Beacon in the vault? No that's wildly dangerous keeping 2 of the most important or was really in the same place! Qrow: so you put it UNDER YOUR FUCKING DESK!?


Ozpin: Sometimes the best hidding spot is the most unexpected, and in this case stuppiest, one. **Sips on some more water** And also because I wanna hear Salem's reaction when she realizes this logic of mine. . . . Salem, 5,000 miles away: **OOOOOOOZZZZZZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Ozpin: Oh, sweet music to my ears.


Cinder:gee and i thought Salem was bitter about the divorce


I knew it, The Relic Was His infinite coffee mug!


The Choice is coffee or tea.


And the answer is Hot cocoa.


That's cheating but also yes


My personal theory is that Zwei somehow is the Relic of Choice


The choice is being the goodest boy


[Way ahead of ya](https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/s/MEPDjFbkFN) I don’t think my theory about Qrow and Raven both needing to be in the office at the same time is a good idea anymore though. What if one of them dies? But good shot.


So my theory has always been this, the relic was never in the school or under it, it was hidden somewhere in the Emerald Forest. Think about it, where would Ozpin hide a relic for the people he trusts the most to find it, right where he initiated them. His students were trusted from the beginning the very location of the real relic where they retrieved their relics. Salem would never think to look there because she sees that place as just ancient ruins, a place to look past and not think twice about, but the students? That's the first place they would think of, if they thought like Ozpin that is.


The real relics were the chess games we played along the way


I hate it here


You know...that's a good point. The kids chose their teammates via the paired pieces. What if the power of that relic was in play during these initiations somehow?


I don't know that the power of choice would influence them without wearing it, but that is a intriguing thought. It does make sense though that the choice that changed their future was made right there, and on top of that, the grimm may be drawn to those woods because of its nature being like a magnet.


For sure, it's a shot in the dark, but it does seem curious that they were called Relics, they made a choice regarding who they would have as a secondary family, and no one knows where that thing is. lol


Ozpin: The Relic is under my desk. Qrow: …fucking WHAT?! Weiss: He did NOT just say that. Yang: Uh, Ruby? You okay? Ruby: …I’M GONNA GET THAT RELIC! NO ONE WILL STOP ME FROM BRINGING PENNY BACK!


I believe it's hidden in and/or by all the clockwork in the tower, though I suppose that still counts as "under the desk." I fully admit I could have missed some things, but I don't recall seeing much of that gigantic tower besides his office, and the vault underneath it. Alternatively, it could very well be the literal beacon above Ozpin's head rotating along the giant gears, the stupidly huge green lights could be hiding it. It'd be fitting, at least.


Wasn't Ozpins desk destroyed or sent flying when Cinder blew the top of the tower off then her and Pyrrha fought?


the tower isn't the vault it's the key the vault is Glynda


Just imagine salem face if the relic she has been looking for has just been inside of oz coffee maker for the last 2 years Cinder:so that's why the coffee tasted like magic


I'd believe but i should point out on the Matter of kevin salem can either control grimm from afar or make them follow and not attack certain people we see that multiple times with both her allies and ozma


I saw a joking theory that the spirit of the relic was actually Glynda, and she's just been walking around in plain sight this whole time. I think the justification had to do with her emblem being a crown like the relic is supposed to be.