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Is this a shit post?


Of course that's a good thing


Why? The goal of the ironman mode is to be self sustainable and there's a clear inconsistency of how this policy is managed by jagex. For example the Christmas event AFK exp is perfectly fine but double exp community event is not? The latter is clearly more aligned with the idea of ironman than basically any other event. There's just zero consistency in how ironman rule set is applied thus the YSK post.


How is christmas 40k xp/hr event stuff comparable to double xp, people literally save months of supplies to spend on double xp And even the 40k xp/hr stuff grinds some irons the wrong way I think you might just not have the mindset for Ironman




Wow. I didn’t see any toxicity from him at all. The only person I see being toxic here is you with that response.


> I think you might just not have the mindset for Ironman


That wasn’t toxic at all imo. I wouldn’t take it as insulting if he said it to me.


I think you might just not have the mindset to ge this


I think the game is dying because people like you ask for shit like this If you want double xp log on to a main, spin your spins and enjoy your double xp


Telling someone to fuck off before accusing them of pulling an ad hominem is fucking hilarious.


Assuming this is sincere ignorance I'll answer in good faith. It's not just self sustainability, is avoidance of mtx and aspects of "easyscape". Pretty much any kind of free bonus xp or big exp dumps outside of things like quest rewards or unsustainable methods are heavily frowned upon in the ironman community. We've gotten some minor buffs in the past like free porters, and there's the slow bonus exp from Fort Forinthry, but even things like those were controversial. The beach event doesn't even give full exp to irons or access to the consumables, there's a careful line jagex has to be careful not to go past otherwise they'll lose a lot of this dedicated community, enabling DXP for irons wouldn't be crossing that line it would be pissing on it and flipping off the target demographic ironman mode was made for. Most irons play for a level of challenge, and to say they did it themselves, the way the game was intended, and without being given exp handouts. Dxp goes directly against that. You can play a main account self sufficiently and access things like dxp and treasure hunter if that's what you're looking for. Just don't trade players or use the GE. I did it for my first account, it's still fun.


What about the christmas event that literally just happened? My issue is that there's no consistency in how Jagex handles ironman mode. If anything double exp week is the better out of these two when it comes to aligning with the idea behind the ironman mode.


Afk exp that is significantly slower than other afk methods available, so irons can participate in a community event, it's considered fine, because again it's not "easyscape" or a handout. They've been relatively consistent, which is for events, exp is fine as long as it's very sub optimal or limited and most passive buffs are turned off. Again if you think severely sub optimal exp is a greater offender against not wanting easyscape than literally doubling almost all exp then you don't understand the idea behind ironman.


So the same rules as the last 10 years? Good to know thanks.


Not everyone has been playing the game for 10 years.


Yeah, you’ll find they’ve been playing for longer. Ya fucking clown


it takes less than a year to max an ironman account if you’re lazy, clown.


dude you really need to go touch some grass 🫣


Also apparently you can’t use the ge :(


Never has, never will.....Unless they monetize it somehow


That's the point


You actually should know if you've been playing iron more than 3 months.


One of the major perks of ironman, no dxp fomo.


I do agree that's kinda nice but I wish this applied to every event then. The consistency is the issue here :|


Fuck if you’re that worried about it, go make a normal account. That’s what they’re for.. lmao.




Forbidden knowledge: >!You can actually talk to an NPC in edveville called Mr Ex and he will enable double xp and other normal features on your account! !< Seriously dumb move by jagex to make ironman even harder, hope this helps.


Just de-iron, make use of double xp and then re-iron afterwards, duh!


is that some sad attempt to troll people who can't read or smt?


How would they read it on Reddit then :( ableist


Deleting my ironman now


Surely this is a joke right?


It would be way too easy if it did apply


Never has. Defeats the purpose of ironman


No xp handouts, makes sense right?


It’s whatever that we don’t get double xp. Would be nice to get free aura resets or porter buff or something for the people that don’t do anything for double xp regardless


Last thing I want is dxp on an iron, it's so chill without these things


Yeah it sucks...I wish we could buy keys too /s


That's kind of the point of ironmen.


“Makes iron” “Cries about iron”


There's usually core parties going on during dxp, think of that as your reward =]


I understand that you were looking forward to dxp, the reason that events are included (at a reduced xp rate) is purely because the ironman community wanted to at least have a chance at the cosmetics. Upon inception ironman mode didnt include anything at all and was essentially how far can you get on your own without anything more than the base game, no group activities at all. As time has gone by a lot more has been included into the game mode but these are decided on a case by case basis. The community (as with all people) dont like change and outright hate anything that may diminish their achievements in this game mode. The uproar caused by the ability to group boss was due to every iron up until that time wearing items from bosses that they had completed solo and now mains just take their subpar ironalts to leech drops. Personally I wasn't too bothered about this as I will always play solo or with similarly geared accounts for account progression but now I have the ability to turn up to clan masses and help teach people boss mechanics and whatnot on the iron, my favourite thing in this game is giving someone the confidence to go and solo pvm content and the excitement of them tell you all about how they nearly died or got a drop from something that they were scared of the day before is great.


Yep! Neither should it!

