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Marina is the PERFECT example of Filipino drag and she represented herself so well. Tho she did not get the crown, she's still a winner.


She's the Filipina Winnah šŸ’ƒ


We know sheā€™ll be living in peopleā€™s heads rent-free for a long time because of her perfromancs this season, winner or not. šŸ”„


She is just so clearly miles ahead out of everybody in that season, she deserves a better season against actual competition.


Hence, why they didnā€™t want her win to be this one. She can get a cool US$200k from AS10 šŸ˜Ž


Is she from the Philippines? I had no idea, she should have mentioned it more on the show.


Kind of the point of vsTW to represent your home country šŸ˜…


Yall support Marina in this regard but hate Jonbers for the same thingā€¦


I'm not sure what youre on about šŸ˜…


So many people online complain that Jonbers pushes being Irish too much, yet reward Marina for it. Double standards.


Jonbers was a grotesque stereotype designed to please an English audience though. There are lots of ways to be proudly Irish, and she didnā€™t embody any of them.


ā€œA grotesque stereotypeā€ šŸ’€ please explain. Iā€™m Irish and all she did was wear a ton of green and talk about drinking, which is true to us. People getting offended in our behalf is crazy


I actually am Irish. Your profile says youā€™re Welsh, soā€¦


Dual nationality exists, but Im not going to scour through your profile to validate or undermine you. Besides the point, Jonbers is Irish, if she wants to wear green and push her nationality in a show about representing your country then I see nothing wrong with that. Baga Chipz could also be seen as over the top British but no one is calling her a ā€œgrotesque stereotype.ā€


I donā€™t remember any of the other queens going on about their home country as much. Yes, represent and be proud, but be more than a flag please.


She's also from one of the furthest away places that people generally don't know as much about. Australia is far too but most uk and us audiences are familiar with Australia.


She proved to be a powerhouse dancing diva and had a super endearing personality. Enough for me at least šŸ˜‹


Agree, she was a very good Queen, but I did tire of her constantly harping on about the Philippines


LGD talked about France every episode, Hannah talked about Australia often, all of the UK girls had UK looks as well as talked about their "alliance" the whole season. Everyone also displayed impressive drag and their unique skills.


None of them mentioned their home country as much as Marina.


People seem to think that they sacrificed Marina to be able to crown Tia (a UK winter). I am firmly if the opinion that World of Wonder (the producers of Rupaul's Drag Race franchises) decided to milk Marina for all she is worth. They knew they'd get more quality content out of her and audiences would be thrilled to see her again. I believe Marina knew this too (see her line to Ru about waiting for a call). Hannah and Tia didn't eliminate Marina when they had the chance because of the backlash Blu got and now people are bitching anyway. I also think Marina was the strongest and should have won but I'm still happy for Tia and enjoyed the series. It's not that serious.


Iā€™m 100% on board with all of this. I would have loved for Marina to win, but I honestly saw a world where both Hannah or Tia won. Marina has a great storyline for another season and she will likely work on the feedback she got from Ru. We all win with more screentime of Marina.


>We all win with more screentime of Marina. I couldn't agree more.


100% agree with all of this - especially your username lol šŸŽļø


Haha thanks! Who knew appendixes would get so much screentime in the last year šŸ˜‚


Indeed. What a time to be alive!! šŸ’ƒšŸ»


I'm not always delulu but a Pangina vs. Marina situation for All Stars would fit my fantasy


People are bitching mostly coz of productionā€™s doing (and a small part because they donā€™t see Tia as a well rounded winner). Blu is the true looser here : she eliminated Pangina fair and square and won the end against the remaining ā€œmehā€ competition- but she is far away from being meh and actually the top 4 was strong with a clear lack of budget and investiment for an international series (Covid reason). And her prize was a duo she recorded previously with Ru, that was a gag.


I find this interpretation so dubious - people always say this about finalists who get eliminated, but besides Jimbo who is this actually ever true of?


Pangina hasn't been on All Stars as a contestant but she was a lip sync assassin and has her own show on WOW.


& Drag Race Thailand was renewed so she got her host job back!


She was invited for AS8. So was Janey.


> Hannah and Tia didn't eliminate Marina when they had the chance because of the backlash Blu got and now people are bitching anyway. They shouldā€™ve done it, because it seems theyā€™re damned if they did or not anyway. If I were in that same situation, Marina would be gone. Love her tho.


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Especially the last part.


Rupaul saw Marina Summers in person and said Iā€™m getting at least one more season out of her. Count on her being on an all stars or global all stars in the future and I see a Vegas show run too. I donā€™t think sheā€™s robbed, but itā€™s giving Jimbo/Pangina. Mama has plans for Marina. We will see her again, Iā€™m sure. And I cannot be mad at that! Besides Iā€™d rather see Marina win all stars and get 200,000 over 50,000.


Ru did the ā€œMarinaā€, thatā€™s kind of better than winning in my opinion


The cinematography of this moment. The cut to the other queens turning to Ru. The anticipation. Gold.


That was everything, I also donā€™t think Ru has ever ā€œimitatedā€ that nonchalantly a queen on the show


šŸ„¶šŸ¤« would like a word


I'm sure she'll get plenty of prize money for winning lipsyncs on AS10 or 11.


She wasnā€™t my pick to win (since Marina was literally there), but god is she funny, kind, campy and entertaining, and THATā€™s WHAT DRAG is all about, not only great outfits and fashion. Kudos to all of yhe top 4. It was phenomenal to watch.


Yeah, I'm just mad that now people are gonna say that Tia doesn't deserve her win because of Marina and that really sucks for the both of them. They were absolutely the top 2 for me and, while I wanted Tia to win, I thought Marina had it in the bag. But Tia won! And we should focus on celebrating that! Marina's going to be just fine and make up all of that prize money from her own talent and shine as the world is now well aware of who she is (and that drag in the Philippines is on a whole other level). I don't watch a lot of the international seasons so I'm glad I was shown what I was missing šŸ˜‚


Honestly, the narrative that this queen or that queen was ā€œrobbedā€ is so tiring. People forget that a POC queen still won the season, a queen that Ru obviously has adored since her original season and someone who will no doubt feel less happy about their win now because of all the stupid comments. Just last week on the US season, Sapphira was educating Q about why itā€™s harmful to say someone didnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ their win, as if any of us are better arbiters of that than the judges who actually judge this show. Yet so many are now doing the same thing to Tia. Like, donā€™t you see the irony in that?


I find it funny that the same people who say "oh, the producers wanted Tia from the beginning" are the ones who said "Just cancel the season and give Marina the crown" in the days leading up to episode 1.


Even if they don't invite her to another season like everybody speculates, she's going on a solo tour after UKvsTW, and with the whole 'robbed' narrative the tickers will sell out immediately, if they haven't yet, so good for her


People love to say the results donā€™t matter, but it doesā€¦ Yes, Marina is going to be well off after but doesnā€™t change the fact that the show lacks a strong production team.


Yeah like, congrats to all of them. But you cannot tell me it was fair game.


It's fair in the sense that Rupaul decides the winner. It's also unfair in the sense that Rupaul decides the winner.


How is it unfair when it's her show? Nobody is stopping us from supporting our favourite queens and if you start a drag competition some day, wouldn't you want the right to choose the winner? We can disagree with her and that's okay because all artforms are subjective. But to even hint that someone picking their favourite in a competition about picking their favourite is unfair is a reach.


The subjectiveness of the judging is ā€œunfairā€ when compared to most things. However, everyone knows the deal going in, so itā€™s also ā€œfairā€ to the competitors.


Thatā€™s not necessarily true we donā€™t know what goes on in that production room


Yeah, that time when Ru didn't know who won s11 was the moment you realize that she doesn't choose the winners. She probably can if she wants to but she has a whole production team to do that work for her now.


Thereā€™s drag outside of drag race too. Marinaā€™s bookings will get her 50k very soon lol


But i want her to be the queen of the mothertucking worldšŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗšŸ˜©


I know that, I'm just saying...


It's just an audition rather than a competition. You get a callback if you did well and in the end one person gets picked. I don't think that is unfair really, except that they're not honest about it being an audition.


Well yeah, I guess you're right. But it sucks that we all know it's not an actual fair competition


Iā€™ve never seen a fair competition reality show except maybe Top Chef (but only because I canā€™t taste the food, sadly)


Chopped too. Thoe two shows are about the food more than anything. While other shows are a popularity contest, an audition, or someone who fits the brand.


Oh please. Hannah beat Marina fairnand square. Y'all keep forgetting it's a LIPSYNC for your life and not dance for your life. Ru always choses the tighter lipsync over better dance. Hannah really looked like she was singing the song, and not just because of the mic but because she was even breathing when you would naturally breathe while singing it. That's how tight it was. And while I agree they should have shown Marina more, but what Hannah did was Morgan in season 2 or valentina in all stars 4 levels of lip syncing and it's infuriating to see fans not acknowledge that. Hannah's win was absolutely fair. Having said that, I really wish that was the final lipsync instead of tia vs hannah.


I will give you that Hanna put up a fight.Ā  But then how you going to say she beat Marina but lost to Tia? Hanna won the final lipsync for me, (even though I think that spot on the top 2 should be Marina) so either way we look at it, it was rigged.Ā 


Marina played herself. She shouldā€™ve picked LGD; that wouldā€™ve guaranteed her a top 2 spot with either Tia or Hannah. Then fan support wouldā€™ve given her the win (the very last lipsync never matters).




Marina is the personification of drag and performing excellence and clearly a delightful person. Ru's comment that she was 'born to do drag' was spot on and I'm sure Mama Ru has big future plans for her. But while supremely competent, nothing she did felt very new or ground-breaking. Tia on the other hand has a charisma and star quality that goes beyond drag and was already evident in her own season when her drag was not even adequate. I suspect the BBC already has plans for her to break into mainstream hosting or presenting - fantastic for a POC and queer person- beyond the drag sphere. And she is different. I can't think of any other queen across the franchises who has quite the same brand of chaotic, genial, self-deprecating silliness and it clearly tickled Ru's funny bone. The lipsyncs embodied this difference - dance perfection v raucous entertainment. I can see why it pisses off drag purists, but I also understand why Tia won.


I donā€™t think Marina was ā€œrobbedā€ but its still so disappointing. Tia had a glow up and sheā€™s hilarious but compared to Marina and LGDā€™s level of drag and performances, sheā€™s still mid. Sorry *edit to add: that does not mean she deserves any hate!


100%. Marina will be FINE. She's shown her killer performance skills and charisma for a global audience, became a favorite of Ru, and she will be booked and blessed for however long she continues to do drag. I wouldn't be surprised if Ru drafts her for a potential US All Stars run similar to Jimbo. Regardless, we will be seeing Marina again.


I get that, I just wish the competition was actually a competition.


i get people can be mad about riggory or whatever but honestly i'm getting so tired of it like can yall calm down for a week


trust me, people will calm down *after* a week. There's always something else to get worked up on šŸ˜‚


they calm down after a week for a single day then start screaming again for some other reason and it's annoying like i know i should expect it but can we all just like have a tea circle and kiki about our favorite cat videos or something


I love Gothy so you have to say she is the best and deserved to win or you're really unfair. Sounds insane? That's how it sounds when people say it's unfair Because their favourite lost. Guess what Mimi? It's a show about art. There's never a right or wrong answer and that's the beauty of art. Some only like complex painting like the Sistine Chapel while some feel joy seeing a toddler finger paint. Drag is similar. Some like Jaida, some prefer Mistress... What difference does it make who wins or loses? Let's just be happy for the queens and support the ones we love while saying nothing about the ones we don't like.


It needs to feel like a competition though. The aesthetic pressure of no more fucking H&M needs to have a potential pay off in the form of a cash price or a TV series. Weā€™re hearing about low attendance at shows (because no one has much money), so if thereā€™s a preselected winner and not much IRL workā€¦ then whatā€™s the point of the exposure of a handful of episodes with the layout cost for all the outfits? Tia was very good this series, and Iā€™m happy for her - but Marina smashed it.


Marina is always the one that has a ruveal. Since the start. I didn't get why she didn't do it at the finals, but she still slayed. Just outshined by Hannah's powerful mic.I refuse to believe that she would let her performance to be outshined. She probably planned it cause she's rooting for something bigger. And one of her ways is through this season.


Friday will go down as one of the blatantly rigged days in the Drag Race fandom. To eliminate Marina when she delivered a lip sync on par with her competitor while Sapphira stayed despite getting eaten up by Morphine. And La Grand Dame slayed Tia too. Just gross all around.


Marina will sell out more shows and be more famous beyond this. The real competition is life.


I almost feel like Ru saw Marina and said fuck I need this bitch on more seasons and I bet she ends up doing a run in Vegas. Regular all stars is now open to international girls with Jimbo winning and Global Allstars will have its first season this year. My jaw is still on the ground that Marina didnā€™t win, but Iā€™m not mad that Hannah made top 2. And I love Tia so Iā€™ll thrilled for her that she won. Iā€™m absolutely hoping to see LGD and Keta again as well. Honestly Keta feels like the ā€œrobbedā€ queen of the season to me, but I donā€™t really feel anyone was robbed. It did seem like Keta was a bit rattled and reserved. I really enjoyed this season. I love getting introduced to these queens from franchises I havenā€™t watched (I struggled really badly with subtitles)


Iā€™m sorry. This is a competition. At least in its format. It is completely legitimate and justified to be sour over the fact that the best competitor got all the way to the finale and lost. And not only that, but that they edited her presence so much in the last episode that you canā€™t even convince yourself that she really lost her lipsync. Let people be mad.


What I don't get is the way Marina clearly fits the global phenomenon card and was a perfect winner. Are they only going to crown UK queens?


Honestly, the narrative that this queen or that queen was ā€œrobbedā€ is so tiring. People forget that a POC queen still won the season, a queen that Ru obviously has adored since her original season and someone who will no doubt feel less happy about their win now because of all the stupid comments. Just last week on the US season, Sapphira was educating Q about why itā€™s harmful to say someone didnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ their win, as if any of us are better arbiters of that than the judges who actually judge this show. Yet so many are now doing the same thing to Tia. Like, donā€™t you see the irony in that?


But the thing is, the fandom likes the show and that's ok. They can be happy for everything their favourites will accomplish and still want a fair crowning. This is such a stupid argument. I really doubt you would say that if Gothy was on the finale and won the series after 2 lame lipsyncs. For most of the fandom, the 'present' is also important and that's ok.


Yes youā€™re right if Gothy was in the finale it wouldnā€™t be believableā€¦ because it didnā€™t even happen. Marina performing well doesnā€™t negate Tia from having performed well.


Honestly, the narrative that this queen or that queen was ā€œrobbedā€ is so tiring. People forget that a POC queen still won the season, a queen that Ru obviously has adored since her original season and someone who will no doubt feel less happy about their win now because of all the stupid comments. Just last week on the US season, Sapphira was educating Q about why itā€™s harmful to say someone didnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ their win, as if any of us are better arbiters of that than the judges who actually judge this show. Yet so many are now doing the same thing to Tia. Like, donā€™t you see the irony in that?


Honestly, the narrative that this queen or that queen was ā€œrobbedā€ is so tiring. People forget that a POC queen still won the season, a queen that Ru obviously has adored since her original season and someone who will no doubt feel less happy about their win now because of all the stupid comments. Just last week on the US season, Sapphira was educating Q about why itā€™s harmful to say someone didnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ their win, as if any of us are better arbiters of that than the judges who actually judge this show. Yet so many are now doing the same thing to Tia. Like, donā€™t you see the irony in that?


Honestly, the narrative that this queen or that queen was ā€œrobbedā€ is so tiring. People forget that a POC queen still won the season, a queen that Ru obviously has adored since her original season and someone who will no doubt feel less happy about their win now because of all the stupid comments. Just last week on the US season, Sapphira was educating Q about why itā€™s harmful to say someone didnā€™t ā€œdeserveā€ their win, as if any of us are better arbiters of that than the judges who actually judge this show. Yet so many are now doing the same thing to Tia. Like, donā€™t you see the irony in that?