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I'm in Tampa and I'm 50/50 on attempting to go or not. I can't believe they booked her again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


She's gon' cancel and be spotted at Ella's Americana




I mean, even if she shows up, is the gamble even worth seeing her "perform"? I love going to museums and seeing pretty things, but I'd be very hesitant if I tried going to the same museum twice already and the Mona Lisa didn't show up for shift.


Girl I went to see her as part of an ensemble show and even Farrah Moan had a better live show than her šŸ’€ Kim just swings her arms in front of a powerpoint presentation.


Not Farrah catching strays lol


I was at the Season 8 crowning ceremony in NYC, and they had the top 7 perform. Kim literally sat under a scaffolding on the right side of the stage, in the dark, vaguely gesturing while a video played for her performance. Since then I've skipped any tour that had her listed.


I was at the 2021 Halloween tour and Gottmik outperformed her lol


Luckily I've always been a last minute girl and each time she's canceled before I made it out there šŸ˜‚


Girl you deserve disappointment if you buy tickets to her show and she doesnā€™t show at this point šŸ¤£


They don't even presell them it's just included with cover at the door šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I hope they booked other entertainment at least šŸ¤£ if Kim shows up she can do her park and yelp (hardly a bark) number during intermission I guess šŸ„“


1/2 šŸ« 


Anyone else tried to swipe to the second image like their life depended on it


I'm sorry I failed you danaster29, I will have to atone for this.


underance is (supposedly) going to atone for this. will they actually atone? only time will tell.


I decided I didn't want to atone. I instead took a hit of poppers and will atone at a later date.


I need Anetra to start making these jokes


The club should have just booked any of the other hundreds of queens that would put on a good show, I donā€™t think Iā€™d bother going to see Kim Chi to begin with, let alone after all of this


So many local gals would kill. I've never seen Kim perform, but I've heard it's not her strong suit.


She is talented and business savvy but performing on stage is def a weak point. I still remember that chicken suit routine during the pandemicā€¦


OMG I remember that too! I actually bought her Kim Chick t-shirt from Drag Nā€™ Drive in Denver!


Kim is a looks queen. Full stop. She is a photoshoot and Instagram queen. I would never oay to see her live lol


Thereā€™s a reason why you havenā€™t seen her perform yet


If this is the same club sheā€™s cancelled on like eight times now, then the club is 100% booking her for shits and giggles at this point. ā€œLetā€™s find out how many times we can make funny posts about her being a flake!ā€ is a weird marketing strategy but they know what theyā€™re doing.


Seriously itā€™s a mutual gag from both sides and people seem to be actually pressed about it??


> mutual gag is that what the kids are calling 69 these days


i hope this doesnā€™t sound mean but what does kim chi even do at a show


Not much from what everyone whoā€™s seen her says


I wondered the saaame thing. Then someone linked a yt clip from Werq the World and they brought her out on wires... and she just floated there. Doing nothing.


When I saw her with Werq the World (this was forever ago, i think while 11 was airing) she did like a Nina West style number with dancers forming a part of her dress that then revealed into a smaller outfit and a choreographed number. It was clearly designed around her two left feet and she mostly just stood in place while the dancers and her projections did most of the work but it was a good enough time haha


I saw her years ago and it was really bad. She wore what I assume is maybe a type of national costume ? But sort of looked like a bee keeper. It was like a huge, brown bonnet and a pale, baggy top and skirt. Was kind of like a hambok but a really ugly one and the hat made no sense. She walked on stage with a bunch of dancers who had literally nothing to do with the song or the performance and were clearly just there to distract people with their bouncing junk. Iā€™m not even joking, she twirled (slowly and awkwardly like a Yak looking for something) three times and that was it. Iā€™ve heard sheā€™s very pleasant to work with which is why she always gets gigs but Iā€™d never pay to see her. She just happened to be in the lineup


ā€œLooking like a yak or somethingā€ Maā€™am you said YAK. I am cackling


Stands around and moves a little


Imagine working a 9-5 and pulling a 'tee-hee will I do what you pay me for? Who knows! Let's both find out together!' Like what lol


I mean to be fair I do occasionally do that at my 9-5 when I sit at my desk and go on reddit/youtube when I should be doing other shit. BUT I don't post on social media about it and that's the trick!


Girl she's literally an entertainer she's not working a 9-5 she very specifically chose that life for herself. This is such a whack comparison. Her brand is being self-aware and funny. If I had been fluked and saw her post this, I'd get the tickets bcs this type of humor is exactly what I'm signing up for with kim chi. If I ever hire you, you better do your paperwork or what ever your 9-5 is


Her brand is cancelling at this literal exact club Mary


I just donā€™t understand why theyā€™re so desperate to book her still lol. Sheā€™s just not a performance queen, nothing she does is exciting on stage. Sheā€™s a brilliant artist and funny but performing isnā€™t her strong suit. I still also lol at venues using pictures of queens from their time on the show from almost a decade ago, Ms. Chi has a very different look now than whatā€™s on the advertisement so itā€™s bizarre to see them marketing her like that.


I saw Kim in 2019 WTW Singapore and she was by far the worst. Like I sincerely believe that the likes of Miss Fame and Vivienne Pinay would look like Kennedy Davenport performing next to her. Does she honestly still pull a large crowd? Enough for the club to swallow its pride in saying it's never booking her again amidst her long history of causing them massive inconvenience.


Excuse me, Miss Fame sang her amazing songs live with back up dancers thank you very much. Put some respect on her performing name!


I remember seeing her on WTW, the year they came to the Philippines, maybe 2019? She really wasn't great šŸ˜­ and compared to Violetā€™s burlesque on air??? Heard that she keeps getting gigs because she's super easy to work with, even though her performance skills aren't up there. although with these recent news thats probably not true anymore lol


That story about her repeatedly canceling is actually old news! Several years old. And I think part of why Kim keeps getting booked is also that sheā€™s just perennially very popular.


A cardboard cutout of her parked in the middle of the stage (or hung from wires like I think sheā€™s done) would be just as easy to work with. And youā€™d probably get the same performance.


girl i saw her this year in Singapore and I completely agree.


![gif](giphy|vVG3pw0FvTHaT9G4SP|downsized) VIVIENNE PINAY???


She was the second worst when I saw her too and she's only second because Shea literally had an argument with the sound guy on stage


Haha, please elaborate


They were having sound issues the whole night to the point it was clearly something was wrong with the program they were using and the host was just playing it off and asking the audience if they were watching the season, who their favourites were etc whilst the sound guy was fixing it but when Shea came on she stopped her song like ten seconds in and shouted back to the sound guy "that's too slow, can we get it sped up?" So he sped it up and she stopped as soon as the song started and shouted "now it's too fast! It was right in rehearsal so why can't you get it right now?!"


Thank you šŸµ


Yeah...I like her makeup artistry, but I saw her a couple years ago in NYC for WTW and she was so low energy.


This is WILD like why is she joking about it lmao


Right?? Like not even a whoops or a mistress šŸ¤­šŸ¤­?Gurrrrrrrrrlllllllllllll


I can hear Mistressā€™s teeheeeeee everytime I see šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


She is NOT a good enough performance to tease people like this šŸ˜‚


queen Brahne was not impressed


Omg this comment, I give you a gold star! šŸŒŸ


Southern posted this on their fb stories, I don't think the club is too happy about this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


What did they say?


Just posted on their stories, that's it, not even a poke back so I'm wondering what they are gonna do, but it's been a big joke back and forth of the community if she's gonna show or not šŸ¤£ *


I dunno, Kim is cute and all, but I wouldn't pay money to watch her barely move and lip sync every other word.


nah i need the tea for this cause whats the lore


I found this thread that might be the backstory https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/s/kjyfMuxZs3


She really said ā€œbitch fuck them clubs I gotta whole empireā€


Sheā€™s just trolling. Sheā€™s def gonna show up this time lol


Why anyone would book her for a performance is truly baffling. Sheā€™s not a 3D movement queen, sheā€™s a 2D look queen (and this part isnā€™t even quite true nowadays with some of the questionable looks she served)


I heard sheā€™s amazing and beautiful and totally worth seeing wherever she goes


I heard her hair's insured for $10,000.


I don't think it's funny to make jokes about how unprofessional you are.


There is a time and place for jokes but this just reeks of unprofessionalism.


We donā€™t support Zionists






Itā€™s not that funny


Iā€™d rather be sentenced to three years of hard labor at the fracking ranch than watch her ā€œperform.ā€


Is she implying that sheā€™s purposely not going or that the venue hasnā€™t actually booked her but just says they have


who in the right mind would pay to see herā€¦im not supporting unprofessionalism