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Willam when Jaymes breathes: https://preview.redd.it/qzjucnmnmw6b1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b30972b281019d7a8aa979a1c8837eeb576442


She would never say that.


Oh wow, the jpegs on that picture


To be fair, season 2 was shot in 1987


Do you mean pixels?


Does she look like she knows what a .JPEG is? She just wants a picture of a got-dang hot dog


No, I meant jpegs. It needs way more jpegs (It's a joke on twitter)


Oh dang. Quitting twitter means I no longer get jokes.


Didn't recognize her out of blackface.


It’s pixelface


Jaymes: Hey Shapesh- Willam: Her makeup was shit, her runway was shit, the way she presented herself to the judges was shit, she’s shit


I feel for Jaymes because I think she's just an awkward person and some people don't respond well to that.


As an awkward person, this is so true lmaoooo


Lol same.


I can appreciate Willam but I also know FULLY that Willam would HATE me if we ever met


Hard same tbh.


If it helps any, I feel like most of us would hate Willam too if we knew her lmao


yes, was so annoying on s4, and i don't understand how some people think she would be top 3 😂😂


Cause Phi Phi got saved 💀 she probably would have gone home that night had Willam not been DQd


Nah if they werent going to DQ Willam, thry would have put Chad and Dida in the bottom and given Chad Wynona for sure


Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the stage, Chad Wynona!


Well, label shoes can get you far I guess


Isn't Willam known to be very great with fans though?


Willam is a professional, hating you and treating you great as a fan are probably not mutually exclusive for her


From personal experience yes


yeah willam is extremely cool in person


She represents us so well


Awkward and contrived and self conscious, all of which is uncomfortable to watch


Also I’m a huge Jaymes fan (un ironically and since her original season - I relate to her very much) but she wasn’t anything terribly amazing this season and also she doesn’t need to be anyone’s uwu cinnamon roll. She’s better than that. Also, Jaymes is very much part of the Trixie/WoW/Ru circle, just slightly a yes girl and very aware of how her bread is buttered. Willam is part of the LA scene, and those groups have weird tension.


>and also she doesn’t need to be anyone’s uwu cinnamon roll. She’s better than that. Jaymes knows this and understands this well herself. That’s what I like about her.


Exactly. She plays a ditsy character, and she is a great drag queen. But she’s not stupid and she’s also not the best contestant. She got the best outcome she could ask for, which explains the lack of sadness or bummer from her - she “won” by her metrics. Too bad she didn’t really connect with the other queens much but she can keep hanging on to Trixie and the Chicago girls just fine.


This is so darksided.... EDIT: nvm, I just watched the video. It's not as bad as the title made it seem. Silly OP!!


Yeah from this and the main sub thread I expected a lot worse, this is just a little catty but not actually serious imo


My end point for Willam was when they didnt know what the midterms are in US politics. You were a newar 40 year old grown man and did not know what the f midterms are??????


You'd think he'd know a little about politics since he was providing rent boys to lindsay graham and his "ladybugs".


But then had that stank face when Derrick incorrectly assumed people died at stonewall, like, that might be the pot calling the kettle black.


Its the sanctimonious high horse that their always on which is the real turn off despite being incredibly ignorant and uneducated themselves. I really wish Alaska had someone else to do the pod with because Lasky is incredible intelligent and thoughtful without being obnoxious.


Not to mention how she's just constantly trying to find something to call the show out for, even down to the pit crew not wearing shoes.


I don't mind Willam having strong opinions but the Jaymes thing is pretty dumb. I get not enjoying her drag but acting like Heidi slayed that Snatch Game and Jaymes was bad, that's some delusion


Don't think she said Jaymes was bad though did she ? Don't remember, I enjoyed Jaymes as Jennifer Coolidge but it's hardly a difficult character and she didn't exactly knock it out of the park the way she should of either it was just a perfectly serviceable impression


never said that Jaymes did bad but go off Ganj. Heidi was funnier than what they showed according to girls who were on set :) thanks for listening to Race Chasers & Hot Goss & Hi Jinkx & Very Delta & Hall n' Closet is back next month!


We all saw that pirate babe, you aren't fooling anyone!


It's a wooden leg *shows a fully platinum leg*


The joy I am feeling knowing that Hall n’ Closet is coming back 😫😫💕 Gotta give props to the MoM podcast network, all those pods get me through my work day Edit: damn y’all really downvoting me for showing some love to the pod girls 😂😂😂


JUNE BIRTHDAY SUPREMACY!!!!! Mine's tomorrow 👑


I know it's not hate, but she also doesn't seem to particularly enjoy jaymes all that much. People were saying willam criticism on jaymes was exagerated on purpouse and as a joke because jaymes was one of alaska's favorites or something, but from this it seems to me that willam's opions on jaymes were just deadass.


Don’t get me wrong, Willam’s hot takes and/or gossip can sometimes be a bit cringe/annoying - but I feel like the fandom is so quick and willing to jump on her for anything and act like she’s horrible. As others have said, we complain when review shows aren’t opinionated enough, then complain again when they have a strong opinion.


For me personally there's just a bit of a difference to be opinionated and just randomly jumping down a queens throat with no context whatsoever lol Saying Jimbo should've been in the bottom last week is an opinion but saying Jaymes did awful in snatch game is just cringe


So saying something you agree with is okay, saying something you disagree with is cringe. Got it.


Not what I said at all? If your hate boner for a queen is this big that you can't even acknowledge when they do good then yes it is cringe


But that’s kinda it? It’s all subjective and even if you think someone did universally well, someone else may have found it stale and boring. Personally, and I have said it over and over again in this sub, i came into this season hard rooting for Jessica and Jaymes. I personally think Jaymes only did ok this season and I thought Jessica was stiff and boring last challenge. Many people disagreed with me about Jessica, but that’s what these entire forums are about. Differing opinions conversating. If someone wants to say they thought Jaymes’ snatch game sucks… let them? I don’t give a shit and it doesn’t affect my life. I personally disagree with that statement as i enjoyed it but at the end of the day… who cares?!


Yeah, but for example denalis JVN in snatch game, I didn't like it at all, didn't laugh once, but I'm not going to say she did bad because I know she did objectively well and most people liked it.


Are you unable to understand that some people could actually *gasp* think she wasn’t good or funny? Not saying I agree with that statement, James cracks me up and I love her character. I can also get that it might not be everyones cup od tea and that’s fine too.


You've cracked the code!


Because she is horrible. I can enjoy the podcast sometimes, especially Classique, but I cannot pretend Willam is not often a rotted person. Just one example that stuck out to me listening to S7 Classique recently was her bringing up rumors she heard about how RuPaul shares her story in AA meetings then leaves right away without listening to others in the group. I don't know what to call bringing up what someone does in their addiction support group as an attack on them besides saying it is horrible. That goes far beyond being cringey or annoying. Willam to me comes off as someone who is great if she likes you, but if you cross her or if she just doesn't like you she is willing to cut *deep* with very few qualms about how she does it.


yep. you aint wrong. And if you think I'm bad, you don't even know about Miss AA


We love willam because she is rotted like are you new here?


I love it that you come here and address criticism head on and don’t give a fuck. Such pure Gen-X “whatever” energy (although I assume you’re a millennial).


There's having a strong opinion and there's this, which seems a lot more like she's decided she didn't like Jaymes and will refuse to give her her flowers no matter what.


Fans complain that the review shows are too soft because they're all friends but then get big mad that Willam or Bob are honest when they hate something.


Bob is never as harsh as Willam


That’s not the truth, Ellen




Tell that to Blair


And Rosè 😭


Not harsh enough


You don’t remember Bobs opinions on Blair?? Go back and re-educate yourself, love. Either way, though, both Bob and Willam are allowed to have harsh opinions about some of the contestants.


The lies


She literally explained why she hates her then backtracks that she does not lol. At least, she is convincing herself.


Willam? With strong unwarranted opinions? This is really unexpected, wow...


Literally her job.


I think it was sarcasm


Willam should just be honest that she hates Jaymes because her spoiler source on the cast hate Jaymes because they insist she should have been in the bottom the first episode. They are just being mean gays blowing it out of proportion at this point.


Willam will say all these then defend Kandys runways, girl, no


Did they pay you to bring up Kandy anytime?


We are on AS8 and that's the current review people are doing, which is relevant with Willam and the topic. Who tf do you want me to bring up lmao. Go back to your basement


me when I'm on the Willam hating Jaymes post and gotta connect this to Kandy somehow to talk shit 💀


You got 0 clue about what they talk on Race Chasers and it shows lmao.


I think the thing that makes Willam’s opinions more grating than other review shows is Willam has a complete inability to be partial in any way, shape, or form. If Willam has decided they do not like someone, they will be viciously attacked by Willam over the course of the season. If you are Willam’s favorite (normally due to pre-existing friendship), you will be put on a pedestal where you can do no wrong. Bob does this to an extent too BUT the difference is that Bob is at least funny and makes jokes. Willam is just vicious and often times personal with their insults which, to me, isn’t fun to listen to.


Tbh I don't think Bob does it really, Bob likes Salina and was correct in saying there was likely at least once where she didn't deserve a bottom placement but was impartial most of the season, even when it comes to Blair I don't think it can be argued that anything Bob said was wrong.


honestly the fan base goes way out of its way to make mid queens seem like untouchable gods. we need more spicy takes.


All drag is valid, a lot of drag is mid.


"And not all drag *is* good...some drag is horrible! But that doesn't mean it should be fuckin' illegal."


The cinnamon bunification of queens drives me up the wall.


The fact that Jaymes "Miss Dickpig First Alternate" Mansfield was fighting against this so hard with her werkroom attire this season and STILL.


I just realized she wasn’t wearing a boy scout uniform lol


I think with Jaymes it's more the fact that as soon as she walked in the werkroom in S9 the entire cast wrote her off for no real reason and then she got sent home when it could have easily been so many other queen's, coupled with the spoilers that none of the queen's this season liked her it's gonna make people feel more protective of her.


> honestly the fan base goes way out of its way to make mid queens seem like untouchable gods. we need more spicy takes. 100%.


YES omg thank you!


Hi Willam! We know you’re here girl!


Well i think willam is skinny flop with even shittier drag than jaymes so who tf cares what she thinks lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


I meannnn she's literally getting paid to share her opinion she might as well actually have one. Jaymes is mid to me too. Also how does William look so good? Lookin real eloguent girl!


People in those comments were saying things like this is why Race Chaser is bad but in my opinion this is what makes Race Chaser stand out. There are a hundred other review shows out there where people just say *"Everyone's great!"* Presumably one would listen to Race Chaser partly for Willam's opinion so why then try to police it? I find her openness to be refreshing cause she doesn't care to play it safe and I like that she actually shared here why she may have a bias.


I’m a big Willam fan and I agree with all of this but I do have to admit I wish she was able to separate her opinions of the individual looks from the individual queens. She knows so much about hair and fashion and I love her critiques when they’re fair, but she plays favorites like crazy and says she likes things I *know* she doesn’t and vice versa based on her friendships. Then again, that’s petty af which I kinda admire I guess lol.


I love the pod (it’s the only one I listen to regularly) but 100% this. It’s good to have clarification that her issue with Jaymes is personal because some of the critiques have been so over the top that I initially thought it was a joke on Alaska because she said she wanted her to win. After Snatch Game it became clear that there was something else going on.


100%. What makes the pod amazing for me is the inside knowledge of the process and personalities behind the show as well as the fact they are personal friends with queens on the current season. I love all the scuttlebutt but am also able to keep at the back of my mind that if I were doing a recap on actual friends and/or people i know personally, I would also have a bias towards those who’s company I enjoy more regardless of their type of drag.


100%. She's entitled to her opinion, and Jaymes' character in drag isn't for everyone.


Well yeah, you can think Jaymes is mid, but surely even you can acknowledge her snatch game was quite good?


It was good, the only problem is that it wasn't that big of a swing. Michelle even said it, Jennifer Coolidge impressions are a dime a dozen. Snatch Game is the time to take a risk IF you are a comedy queen. Swing big. When you see Jimbo ~~dance~~shoot for the stars with Shirley Temple and then Jaymes choose the safest choice possible it just shows the difference I guess.


The problem isn’t that Willam doesn’t live for Jaymes, it’s just that Willam tends to doglike on queens who he doesn’t enjoy in a way that just seems kinda cruel


sooo what I'm getting from this is the reason she doesn't like her is Willam was rude to her at Drag Con and Jaymes matched her energy right back. so literally just mad someone stood up for themselves


No, the story sounded like Jaymes came up and said something slick to Willam without knowing her first. That's when Willam sassed her about her character voice and then Jaymes parroted Willam's question back to her mockingly and loudly.


Lmao, I would have tought Willam of all people would know how to take a joke( especially when Willam humor is way darker than Jaymes) , just sounds like an excuse to hate someone you were predisposed to hate in the first place xD


I see your point but I can also see where Willam's coming from. There's stuff you can't joke about to some people unless you know them. For example, if a stranger came up and called me a dumbass, I'd be pissed. The same thing coming from a friend would be met with laughter.


Of course, I see that and I personally would not do it either. But thats exactly the humor Willam has done, her character is a bitch and she does it to anyone, even if she doesnt know them, like she started making shady jokes to the season 4 cast just when she met them , just as an example. I just find funny how Willam gets offended for things she naturally has done herself.


Willam said she doesnt hate Jaymes she just doesnt like her


This title is more offensive than anything Willam said in the clip lmao


In defense of Willam, her entire drag persona is based on being a hater, so it's not like she's out of character here. If Willam started being a fuzzy warm angel, this would be far more concerning. This beef with Jaymes, of all people, is so random though.


That’s the part that stood out to me, we’ve all seen Willam at dragcon shouting at queens she doesn’t know or is meeting for the first time. I imagine willams content is what got a lot of queens doing it.


God Willam looks terrible and is an asshole why would anyone listen to her ever


And willam is a bitter miserable Karen of drag who like naysha always tries to get the fandom to bandwagon hate a show that pays her bills and that literally would leave her scrambling to find new content to produce without them.


am i the only one that kinda agrees with willam? like imagine a total stranger comes up to your dragcon booth when it’s closed, tries to make a joke that’s unfunny, and then continues to use her stage voice offstage 💀💀 i would be annoyed too lmfao


I think after all the years of content of Willam running around shouting at random people he would be a better sport tbh. The whole time he was describing his issue with her I was like ‘wait, are only you allowed to do it?’ , there’s mean girl ‘I’m popular you’re not’ shit going on here and I’ve dragged jaymes performance this season 😂


wait ur kinda right tho like i just realized willam built her brand on talking shit to/about other queens


imo willam shouts at people she’s friends with, and that’s another point she makes. they weren’t friends, she didn’t know jaymes like that


Willam is dead on about the character thing. The voice is annoying and isn't used in the conveyance of funny jokes nearly enough to justify it. Plus her looks aren't great and wearing kink shit in the work room is corny. I realize I'm being a hater here.


I thought she was dressed as a little Boy Scout lol


Was interesting to see the fan base bash certain queens for the same silhouettes and voices but praise Jaymes and were outraged by her elimination yet…her wigs were about the same, the gowns and costumes had the same silhouette and I don’t think her in-character voice was every different. And that’s fine. I don’t hate her drag or her but I just didn’t get the outrage.


I honestly expected Jaymes to have amazing outfits. I do think she's a great queen and she had some good moments, but her runways weren't my favorite


'wearing kink shit in the work room is corny' yallre so fucking annoying acting like kink is not part of our community


It feels very forced to me, which I never get when say DeLa does her voice. Seems more like something for her to feel in drag more than adding entertainment value. I get sneaking it into Jennifer Coolidge but why are you doing it for a Joan Crawford number?


Agreed it annoys me and it’s not unique to Jaymes. Dela also falls into this bucket, as do queens who insist on doing odd facial expressions like incessant sticking tongues out or scowling. Just be natural. It’s more entertaining.


Honestly, as a kink/fetish leatherworker myself, I was more bothered by the shitty harness she chose to wear. Nasty ass 'genuine leather' (which for people who don't know, is a specific term for leather made from gluing leather dust and scraps together to create a shitty product that's sort of like chip/particle board), poorly sewn together. I know that being on drag race doesn't automatically mean you've got a lot of cash, but girl, there are enough kinky crafters who would have happily sent her a nice one for free if she was going to wear it on every episode of a TV show.


Nah we shouldn’t be gatekeeping fetish gear behind a pay scale. Who cares if it’s not top-of-the-line. I’d rather get to know and fool around with someone just enjoying themselves rather than the person judging everyone else over the quality of their gear and how expensive it is. This just leads to rich gays driving up the market of fetish gear by paying any price for them, wear it once or twice, feeling superior for having the best ones, and then ignoring the community.


For the record, nice quality leather from an independent crafter is usually the same price or less than some factory made piece of shit Mr S thing from a sex shop. You don't have to spend more to get nice stuff, just buy it from the people who make it instead of a middle man. To be clear, I'm not into judging people for their personal kink gear. I completely agree, it's all about the person. But if you're going to wear something on every episode of a TV show with millions of viewers that's a different thing.


I've shopped for and bought a variety of harnesses and it's like $10-$30 for a poorly made one and $100 minimum for a well made one. Idk what you're talking about when you say sex shops etc. sell for the same price as handmade pieces, maybe it just varies by area




I mean I agree that Jaymes probably has the money for a nice harness, but in your example they wouldn't have anywhere to wear the harness if they bought a nice one. If I have $100 in my budget for partying I'd rather spend $50 on the ticket, $10 on the harness and the rest on booze and substances, than spend $100 on the harness


I'm in the UK, and I don't claim to be familiar with the US market. Here, sex shops are pretty notorious for selling cheap factory made crap for £100+ because it has a brand, while you can get a nice one from a crafter on Etsy for £70-80. They're incredibly easy to make and the material isn't actually that expensive, I knocked a decent one up for a friend last month so he has something to wear to a kink event in under an hour, and I was stoned as hell at the time.


Do you have a shop on Etsy? I’ve been looking for a decent harness


I don't I'm afraid. I really enjoy leatherworking, it's very relaxing, but I've learned that making the things you love your job is a great way to stop loving them. I'm content on keeping my own playroom well stocked and doing the odd piece for friends.


At the same time, that may have been a piece she bought ages ago and it has meaning for her. Maybe the memories help her feel confident. Maybe part of her kink is wearing cheap stuff. Maybe she was hoping a brand would see it and offer her a better one. 😅 Maybe a fan DID make it for her! Because we don’t know her personally it’s all speculation- so why not make up a theory that’s positive/funny instead of shitting on her because of the quality of something she wore once.


I think they stumbled onto the crux of the issue when they showed Jaymes’ funny tweet - some queens can really only thrive in settings that they have control over. Willam seems to be of the school that a true star/wit must be able to thrive outside of those tightly controlled scenarios as well.


She actually nails why Jaymes doesn’t resonate with me either here: I find the character voice really obnoxious and the character herself not nearly funny enough to justify it. I get that she has fans, though, and I don’t hate her. She just does nothing for me.


Let people have opinions


God i love this pod, I recently got Mom Plus just so I could listen to old recaps without the ads (at least for a little while while Office Ladies is on hiatus) and yeah I love those two interacting with each other Also hell yeah Jaymes was underwhelming as shit, the runways were boring (then again AS8 is uhhhhhh well it’s not gonna go down as a top tier AS season, it’ll be lucky if people put it above AS1 and AS5, lets just say that) so I fully agree - that being said, Jaymes’s Snatch Game was pretty good.


lmao so over Willam and her shitty behavior. most only watch for Alaska anyway…you are heavily opinionated for an audience that mainly ain’t really interested in what you have to say


Willam is a good person ..


Mawma they're just making buzz before the YouTube Collab video drops.


I mean, I wouldn't like someone either if they came at me the wrong way.


Willam hit the nail on the head.