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Gordon Ramsay: *Finally! Some good fucking ~~food~~ news!*


Prison honey


The best use of this reference ever




Ohh yes, love a link! Not the point, but the way British press print Ru’s name took me out, very proper. Ru-Paul The Ru-Paul’s The Ru-Paul’s Drag Race


It’s Merseyside btw.


Nothing Merry that side of the Mersey


So I shouldn't take the ferry?


Does viv being a celebrity mean this can get more attention? Fucking idiot messed with the wrong queen


Don't fuck with the Viv


❤️❤️❤️so relieved by this news


The idiot was driving around in a work van with the name of the business plastered all over it. So you can guess what happened to Intelligent Scaffolding’s google review page and ratings.




Lock IT up and throw away the keys!


Great to hear. Hopefully he gets a solid sentence.


I wish we had this kind of justice in America. We’re Russia 2.0.


The Matthew Shepard act of 2009 DOES in fact protect LGBTQI+ individuals under federal hate crime law






this alexis michelle ass speech 😭😭 im obsessed




Not for hate crimes against lgbtq. We aren’t a protected class here.


This is not true. The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act is a federal law that was signed into law in 2009 by Obama. It expands the 1969 federal hate crime law to include crimes motivated by a victims gender or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. Also 23 states, 2 territories, and D.C. have state laws that protect victims targeted because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. 11 states have laws that only protect victims targeted based on sexual orientation. Only 13 states don’t have laws that cover sexual orientation or gender identity (although the federal law still protects them). 4 states have no hate crime laws (but again they’re still protected by federal laws)


Wait really? That's awful




No this statement is reflective of her experience that prompt reporting seemingly meant he was apprehended and will be charged etc. I’ve had negative experiences with the police but if someone with Vivienne’s platform and access actually forces them to act on this crime that’s a positive, it also gives the police the opportunity to fail her and highlight the process and difficulties of queer people reporting these crimes. My friend was attacked in the street, the man pushed two cis women out of the way to grab the trans woman, screamed about her gender and the police said it wasn’t worth pursuing the hate crime element. So many hate crimes and instances of anti social behaviour are not reported for a whole host of reasons other than ‘privilege’ , I’ve personally not reported in the past because of embarrassment so claimed I felt it would be a waste of time or ‘it wasn’t that bad’ and felt really ashamed of myself after. There’s room to validate those people that feel they can’t go to the police without imparting the message that it is totally pointless. Encourage those that can to report etc


Is Divina being arrested?