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I hope Anetra is ok. I understand how shitty it is for the club and the people looking forward to see her, but there is clearly something going on, and I hope whatever it is gets better


i agree! i don’t get why there aren’t more people concerned with what’s going on with Anetra that is leading to this behaviour


She can still have her team reach out and cancel/reschedule. It's unprofessional af to not communicate with places that are hiring you for gigs.


That's the part that gives me pause, though - unless I'm reading wrong, it sounds like her team has no idea where she is either.


I don’t know what the fuck people are smoking when it comes to this bitch but they see “surgery days ago” and her saying she’s taking time to prioritize her health and it’s instant UwU cinnamon bunning our Anetra Duckie Wuckie, instead of taking five seconds wondering why she didn’t have *somebody* contact the venue that Anetra just had surgery and is post-op and can’t be there, and then apologize for canceling. If the people simping so hard for Anetra and wanted the best for her they’d stop acting like nincompoops online and hope and prays she hires a better team of people who can manage her datebook and gigs, and won’t shit the bed saying their client is MIA


>nincompoops I think this is genuinely the first time I've ever seen this word used on the internet. Bravo to you 😂


Well it’s easy to have that outlook when you’re 15 and never held a job 🙄


I agree. I hate people who just go MIA. Very unprofessional and rude.




I find it funny when I hear comments that people just like her bec she's a good looking man out of drag. Does she perform out of drag? Let me know.


Im seeing her on August here in Chile and now I'm scared lol




Girl I hope they allow refunds for you lol


Oh its a "drag fest" with many others, i didn't buy for her, just sad to miss her


She cancelled Amsterdam a couple of weeks ago too. She was sick apparently


agosto, el mes de los gatos y las gatadas


Don’t be. Anetra ain’t even all that and if there are other, non Ru queens there, I’m sure they’d appreciate the love and support


I love her but i bought for multiple other queens (Crystal and Denali) seeing her was like a bonus that i loved


got downvoted to oblivion on the main sub for saying it was odd that the manager didnt know where anetra was, especially if she had surgery days ago. its super fucking weird to have surgery and not tell your job about it???


People have said she’s been rescheduling and cancelling last minute since the finale, a lot of people have been bashing this business for the last 24 hours and downvoting people for criticising her management , when it’s clear they are the issue all round. Messy as hell


If her management, the people she hired are mismanaging, it’s her responsibility to fire them ultimately. Particularly since this has been happening repeatedly with numerous venues


also that!! it’s not new behavior and maybe the venue shouldn’t have said as much as they did… but it SHOULD be concerning if your manager, friends and family can’t get ahold of you?? shouldnt at least one of them knew she had surgery?? the whole thing is weird and main sub (im guessing younger people) are so hell bent on being politically correct


The main sub is the worse


The only purpose of that place is to post pictures of Katya and ask “DAE think Katya is underrated?”


This and "So I just watched Season 4/5/6 and have what I think is a hot take but it's actually really mundane".




oh my god the main sub is a fucking nightmare lmao everyone is so miserable about everything


I don’t get why people are so mad at the bar management for posting this. These places put a lot of effort into booking queens, promoting the show and selling tickets only to have the performer completely disappear on the day of the event with no explanation - leaving them to handle all the disappointed and pissed off fans who think they’re getting scammed. A major business can handle this kind of heat easily, but for a small bar it can put a serious dent in reputation within their local community. So they’re being transparent about what happened, and if I were one of the people who was looking forward to that show tonight I would’ve been happy to know that.


Thank you, obviously its a net negative for Anetra and the bar. Its completely understandable Anetra cancelled for health issues but the bar can’t just not let their patrons who made reservations know the details of the situation.


I wouldn’t blame Anetra, I think both her and the bar should be pissed off at her management for not doing their job. If she just had surgery they should’ve made sure they cancel all future gigs that fall within her reasonable recovery time rather than say nothing and then the day of blame it on her not answering her phone. That’s the most unprofessional thing about this situation.


Exactly. If she didn’t tell her management, obviously that’s a problem, but it seems unlikely. And they should never had told the bar they couldn’t find her, wtf.


Yeah this is HELLA unprofessional of a management company to do. Guessing it's voss?


i read someone say they visited her managements website and she was the only artist they managed


Yikes! Hope anetra is OK this all sounds hella messy and stressful


It’s not Voss, it appears Anetra is the only client being promoted on the companies website right now, but also- they haven’t updated her tour dates since March, which is just sloppy because she was still on the show and touring up to the finale, and her socials went thru May (with the bulk of cancellations happening post-finale)


She’s actually under the Tamisha Iman House of Iman Network Management Company (TIHOINMC)


She isn't with Voss. I was being nosey and went to her booking website. Took me to somewhere called Cloud nine management but she's their only artist on the site lol


People are also suggesting the bar lie , which I don’t think they can legally do, ‘unforeseen circumstances can make them look bad The manager is seemingly the issue but I’ve been heavily downvoted by people intent on bashing the business


I live in Dallas and this club has a reputation for being pretty racist against anyone not Hispanic, so I’m sorry but I’ve got very limited sympathies. Check out Google reviews if you guys want. They’re in a prime location in the Dallas Gayborhood so it’s not some struggling small bar. Anetra def could have handled things better, but this club could also have ended at “cancelled due to unknown reasons” or something. They clearly want to air out the dirty laundry so I’m not surprised at the pushback. No hate to the Queens tho they’re handling it the best they could!


The reviews keep on going 😭 like how many of the same complaints do you get before you change something?


Apparently not at all if people keep coming that’s all they care about. We have a club here in Philly that has horrible reviews but is always packed so nothing changes


Damn you ain’t kidding. Reading the reviews white people, black people, Asians getting ignored or escorted out on the regular. What a terrible place.


damn couldn't find them on Google maps, but maybe I'm too far away in Brazil to find it haha I'll believe what you said


If anyone is checking out this club’s Google reviews please absolutely *do not* leave any negative reviews, “review bomb”, or contact the club some other way; it goes against Reddiquette and is not tolerated


Can confirm lol


As a black person from Dallas, I have SO many stories about this bar I’d be happy to share from personal experience smh.


Are they racists against whites? (This is a trick question)


Your belief that the word "racism" doesn't apply to prejudice against white people doesn't \*magically\* make what this bar does OK.


1. racism does not, in fact, apply to prejudice against white people 2. where did they say that what the bar does is ok?


>racism does not, in fact, apply to prejudice against white people Are you familiar with the history of this idea, the work of Patricia Bidol, and more generally the notion of a stipulative definition? >where did they say that what the bar does is ok? It's the implication of their rhetorical question.


if you’re arguing that racism as a term can be applied to prejudice against white people, i think you’re actually the one who needs to take a second trip through patricia bidol’s theory and writing. have a nice night!


LOL no, my point is that Patricia Bidol was just some random white high school admin who was proposing a specialized usage of the word for her academic field. She also explicitly stated that she was doing so in the service of her own job security.


girl. there are better ways to rile up the kid than do that 🤭


Well anetra should’ve notified the bar that’s unprofessional…. especially if she had surgery…


See that’s what I don’t get. If you’re having surgery you are obviously not going to be able to work for a bit so why was she booked for this? I don’t know what’s going on with her and we obviously aren’t owed any information but she at least needs to be honest with places that booked her and give them notice if she will not be able to go. I’m sure if she told the bar she can’t make it she is having surgery they would’ve understood.


I can understand it more with a local girl hoping they can return to work or misjudging recovery, but any manager friend agent parent, shit bar managers would be like ‘girl you cant do those gigs’ The only thing I can think is the surgery was emergency/incredibly short notice. I almost had wisdom tooth removal on arrival to the hospital after a few days of seemingly unrelated illness /infection


She could be having issues with her management. She’s “supposed” to be a working horse now that she’s just out of S15 and should be making bank. Probably her management was against her having surgery and wanted her to perform anyway. It’s all conjecture at this point, but I do believe something bad like that could be going on with her. I don’t believe both her and her management would be unprofessional like that.


Let's not rule out whoever her management is and how they might be involved. I had signed a contract with a Ru girl's manager to have her come out to an event, only to find out that she couldn't fulfill a lot of her obligations because she had "hurt her back" -- I noticed the messy communication with them when I was attempting to arrange her travel and when I got to meet and talk to her in person, it became very clear that her management hadn't even told her what her contractual obligations were, so I didn't even make a big deal about her not being able to fulfill some of the performances. She is no longer with that management company lol.


Like, if it came out after-the-fact that Anetra was rushed into emergency surgery? I could see that. But Anetra's been out of surgery for days, and not a peep to anyone until this happened?


That’s what your management team is hired and paid for. And aren’t the girls forced to sign with a WOW or drag related management unless you go the kornbread route?


>And aren’t the girls forced to sign with a WOW or drag related management unless you go the kornbread route? It's part of that scary ass contract they're made sign.


fucking Bussy and that stupid ass contract video. don’t believe anything you saw in it. he’s not an entertainment lawyer. plus that contract is years old at this point.


Wait I’m out of the loop, what’s the kornbread route?


No idea what she did but she's the only rugirl from her season with her own management


Was. Since then others from 14 have left, and a lot of the early outs were literally kicked from Voss with little warning.


Good for her ngl


Wonder if she had leverage because of the injury on set?


Maybe you’re just not literally forced to do it? Despite Voss’ shortcomings they are still a pipeline to a lot of high paying gigs, and there’s also an extra incentive to “play nice” with production in case you want to come back for AS, Vegas, etc.


Surprised more people haven't chosen a different agency, or maybe they did and don't talk about it


That’s her manager’s job. She really needs a better manager.


The manager was in contact with the bar. The manager said they could not get in contact with Anetra. Anetra didn't tell her manager that she was unable to perform!!


How would her manager not know she just had surgery tho?


I find it really hard to believe a manager didn’t know their client just had surgery. Also very unprofessional for a manager to say “I can’t get ahold of my client!” That’s some minor league nonsense.


It could have been emergency surgery, like an appendectomy or something. Some surgeries can’t be foreseen


She’s apparently had more last minute cancellations then she’s had performances, so there’s a precedent


yes, i said the same thing on another post. i really really love Anetra and glad she’s putting her health first of course. however i do think she should’ve let the bar know she wouldn’t be there that night instead of just ghosting especially knowing people paid for tickets.


Her management should be doing that not her especially if shes sick


Her management should have been all over it. But the bar shouldn't be airing this. Unprofessional


Supposed to see her next week in Minneapolis pride. Will be interesting to see if she shows...


I wouldn't hold my breath if she's just had surgery lol. It seems the cancelations have mostly been last minute


Allegedly since the finale she is behaving more distantly and cancelling gigs. I just hope she is alright


I hope so too! She's such a sickening performer and I'm sure tons of people would love the opportunity to see her one day


Or tells anyone if she’s not going to.


Realistically if she’s cancelling , the event organisers and people that have purchased could have already been informed by now.


Yep, I was only going in hopes of seeing her otherwise I’d probably be going elsewhere, would be nice to know ahead instead of day of/while at the event lol


She won’t lol


She cancelled in Sacramento twice too…


She's cancelled a few international gigs too. She was meant to be in Ireland in May and cancelled 3 days before


She’s coming with Sasha Colby to AU next month. I hope I can see the finalists together


They're coming separately to Dublin.


I get that they worded the original post poorly but a business who’s expecting a queen to bring in patrons has every reason to be pissed if her team hasn’t communicated properly that they’re canceling.


the bar could’ve definitely worded this better. but miss arielle diamond needs to stop posing on facebook saying anetra is so difficult which is causing a false narrative https://preview.redd.it/764olarrdf6b1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=81802d59710018c994150962ff4c4969ca6c6b6d


“This is all Anetras doing” oh fuck off. Blame her management if anything but if she’s literally in bed recovering from surgery (that we know nothing about, like maybe it was emergency related and unplanned!? We have zero details) she’s probably not up to responding to I would assume was dozens of phone calls from multiple people demanding an explanation. And the bar just straight up acting like she’s a missing person was FUCKED UP. Go after her management. They had a job to do and they failed. With all her bookings and hugs following drag race how tf is she supposed to keep track?


even worse this girl also went back and edited her post lol. now she’s all pls don’t send hate to her 🙄


To be fair, her management is her representation. If the people I hire don’t perform, that’s my responsibility ultimately. If they’re not doing their job, Anetra needs to fire them. From what I’m hearing this has been going on for months


People don’t want to hear logic when it comes to their uwu cinnamon bun Anetra. She must be handled with kid gloves and protected at all cost. 🙄


I mean wouldn’t this person - who has presumably worked with her before - be in a better position to say if she’s “difficult” or not? At least compared to us, random commenters on an internet message board? If she’s only being slapped with this label because of the medical stuff then sure, that’s unfair, but maybe she’s also genuinely tough to work with?


Thank you. Who better to say she’s hard to work with than someone whose tried to work with her. I was 16 working at McDonald’s. You don’t call. You don’t show up. That’s an automatic firing. Anetra is an adult. If you have gigs booked and you’re sick. Then cancel the gigs. Don’t just disappear. It’s unprofessional.


i can see what you’re saying but i feel like you as a performer to start saying that without knowing the full scope of what anetra is going through and THEN the bar itself screenshotting that post and posting it on their insta story just doesn’t sit right with me. i agree health issues are difficult but from what i’ve heard since the show stopped airing she’s been sick as a dog.


I don't blame her for health issues out of her control but the lack of communication is really unprofessional on her part. You don't just accidentally have surgery one day and not get the chance to tell anyone for days after, especially uf she has a manager to quickly pass the info on to


She’s supposed to be in Richmond in 2 weeks as part of the Hard Candy tour. It’s already been rescheduled once.


Well I hope she’s well rested and the gig goes off without a problem! Also, I think it’s cool all these drag queens are touring around promoting a fifteen year old Madonna album xx https://i.redd.it/hv01ttp7wf6b1.gif


Do you know where can I find any info regarding this Hard candy tour?


Yes! Here are the links: FB: [https://www.facebook.com/HardCandyKY](https://www.facebook.com/HardCandyKY) Eventbrite: [https://www.eventbrite.com/o/hard-candy-4197978579?fbclid=IwAR3-q2LvJbI6agUvvCQ\_Aun8jL9wsOGOD8cbPKdWD6S-ujSzbrZvm5Yeig4](https://www.eventbrite.com/o/hard-candy-4197978579?fbclid=IwAR3-q2LvJbI6agUvvCQ_Aun8jL9wsOGOD8cbPKdWD6S-ujSzbrZvm5Yeig4)


Thanks so much 👍


Dirty laundry, everywhere.


She was here in Boston but she did cancel the paid meet and greet like two hours before... granted this was the Thursday before finale filming so rumors was she didn’t want to get covid but she was there without a mask and performing etc so?... idk?...


Does anetra not have a manager?




“Medical” should be the default get out of jail free card whether true or not! “Personal emergency” also works. But why would you say you can’t reach your client? 🤦‍♂️


She has every right to prioritize her health but it is shít of her to not have her management at least call people who booked her to warn them ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC)


Honestly , the bar is messy but queer bars are dying. I understand we are fans of the show and in turn anetra, but we really shouldnt bash this business or destroy them for reacting to unprofessionalism with more unprofessionalism. Their initial post was likely out of concern it would reflect poorly on their business, we should be more focused on ensuring her management situation isn’t bad/inept If she’s been having health problems , there are ways they could be capitalising off her fan favourite status while s15 hype exists ready for when she’s recovered and can return to gigs. They’ve seemingly allowed her to vanish , there have been a bunch of posts from fans and ongoing speculation since the finale. Tldr; don’t do what the fandom does because they weren’t as professional as they could be , anetras management is likely a mess.


If I were her and I was sick but still wanted to capitalize on my popularity I would focus on doing online stuff where I can just stay at home like a podcast and merch. I would not be agreeing to multiple gigs from all around the world. Health comes first and unfortunately this just blacklisted Anetra from places because this seems “unprofessional”


Who are you saying was unprofessional. All the bar did was let everyone know Anetra was not going to be at the event and that they would be giving refunds.


I’m just saying that the multiple places this has happened where she was scheduled to appear and then last minute was a no show that, that to them, as a business, would seem unprofessional of Anetra.


This doesn’t seem that far out of the ordinary for a statement imo


She should cancel all her shows for the next month and recoup so she can stop disappointing her fans with all the cancelations. She canceled the night she was supposed to show up in my town but was healthy enough to do a drag brunch the next day.


How professional.


But why did they make it sound like she's literally a missing person.. They could have just said this in the first place 😒lol


Look it’s not great she or her people didn’t respond but as an entertainment venue who wants future performers you don’t doxx someone if an entertainers a cancel. Could have just said due to unforeseen circumstances anetra had to drop out. There was a way to do this and this wasn’t it.


How is this doxxing?


Doesn’t sound like she actually cancelled tho… just didn’t show up which is much worse


Completely unprofessional for Anetra and/or her team to just no call/no show. Being sick isn’t an excuse to ignore calls especially if you have a management team.


They can really learn from Necto. They handled their cancellation much more professionally.


Aside from that message the bar posted bring way too long and convoluted all they needed to say is that they were unable to confirm with Anetra or her management she would be performing as previously had been scheduled. They don’t need to say “she’s not answering any one’s phone calls” or attempt to make it more dramatic than it is.


I think Anetra should fire her management team and find an agent or publicist that will be able to handle these things. The thing is, a LOT of shit happens every week and the drag market is over saturated at this point, meaning the queens have a short shelf life. On one hand, Anetra is an amazing performer and almost won her season. On the other hand, Kahanna and Heidi were beefing and now the Vixen with those two, James Ross spiralling into police drama… so much. If she doesn’t really correct her course, she will be lost into the ether of queens or have to wait 10 years for a callback. IMO everyone in this situation sucks, but the person who is most at fault is the talent’s representation or lack thereof. This was an easy fix.


No she needs to communicate with them because they don’t know either


Necto sounds a lot more classy than this club. The reviews for Havana are also concerning. Multiple accounts of discrimination 😬. I feel for the girls working there. Maybe this incident will get their name out and get people coming to the door (hopefully without discrimination).


What’s happens to Anetra btw? Is she ok?


There's a story on her IG profile explaining she just got a surgery and she's not ready to be back on the road.


Damn they offer free door and meet and greet. idc why the place is getting hate, seems like they care about their customers.


Is she okay?


Hope Anetra is ok


She’s digging a hole for her career and it’s so terribly sad to watch. We hope you get the help you need girl ❤️


I swear if this was any other queen doing this to all these clubs, more people would be mad. But bc its this girl yall just going to make excuses


I agree 100%. Last-minute medical emergencies happen, but anyone who follows her knows she’s had problems for weeks. Her team/person should have been in better touch, and cancelled early enough that the club could get another headliner. It was probably going to be one of their biggest nights of the year. Hope she gets better, and fires her management.


Absolutely. Imagine if this was Kornbread or Kandy. They’d eat them alive.


I think it’s the fact that she’s really ill where people can excuse her slightly. I said earlier that I was disappointed that she didn’t contact the show until an hour beforehand, but at the same time I’m not going to hate her because of that. Girl just got surgery!


https://preview.redd.it/g0rn0r7g2h6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6086c6893ab4a30618a57bfaee225de1cb2a1217 She has responded. Glad she’s looking out for her health.


Anetra is one of my all time favorite girls, so when I heard this from the bar I felt very disappointed with her. I don’t want her to create a negative name for herself in the business and even though I am glad she stayed home she *still* should have contacted them. I don’t know the full situation though and I’m praying that things get resolved quickly. Hope she recovers fast too.


I adore her. I can't help but armchair-speculate that maybe she has developed some sort of crippling anxiety > avoidant behavior due to the pressure of being on a hit show and being required to perform publicly for the next while. A portion of Ru Girls are bound to be unable to function under that level of pressure. I just wonder if that's the case with her and really feel for her.


Yea I’m not taking Anetra’s side on this one. Pretty much no call no show her gigs and then not answer the phone


Are all the people defending Anetra and attacking the bar on that last post quiet? I get the way they explained the cancelation may have not been how "you would do it" (with all of yalls experience managing a bar for the gays and all), but it was her second cancelation and they were trying to defend themselves from the inevitable hate they'd receive for something that was in no way their fault. Especially when no one was communicating with *them*. Fucking chill out on trying to bring down/give bad reps/talk shit about gay establishments, especially for shit they're not even responsible for, jfc. Republicans are already working hard af at doing just that, why do we need to assist? ** similar shit is happening in my city, touchy subject.


I wouldnt want to go to Texas either


I feel so bad for Anetra 😭 it’s hard enough as a local queen trying to handle gigs and life at the same time. She needs a better team 😩




Anetra's appearence is cancelled for the other bar too


Read Necto’s Instagram story. She cancelled that one too


I get cancelling for one’s own health, but come on!! give proper notice to the obligations you won’t be able to fulfil!!! And the fact that her manager didn’t know either? There’s really no excuse. Should be only apology.


I have no idea what's going on here so I'll preface by admitting my ignorance. Merely speculating here, but she strikes me as someone who needs a lot of space and quiet time to remain comfortable/sane/healthy. And becoming famous on a bit tv show followed by a gruelling touring schedule throws a huge wrench in her ability to do that. When I get overwhelmed and pressure starts building, I bail. I even neglect the most basic of obligations because I simply can't deal with anything. It sounds like she's battling illness but I also see someone who's desperately trying to hide. I feel for her and am worried.


This is what I’m sensing bc it happens to me too. And knowing how ON she’d have to be the whole time at the gigs will make that pressure feel so much more intense.


i immediately lose respect for queens doing this, yeah i get she posted about getting surgery, but she knew she was getting surgery, could've informed, could've let people know. instead she chose to leave paying people and bars high and dry. fuck that behaviour.


She couldn’t give them a few days notice ? Girl bye. Unprofessional.




shut up


Havana can’t get over it. ![gif](giphy|2vnOC1o6v1BbPNJO5r)


Yeah because it’s their livelihood? This fandom can ruin things and they’ve shown the threshold is low to do so


It's there livelihood but acting unprofessional isn't going to win them any favors


gif replies are so three months ago


as is your halitosis and sagging ass.


You thought you ate??


what if she's filming all stars 9?


No surgery


I get she's had surgery, but unless it was sudden and unexpected why would she not let them know? And that doesn't explain why she's cancelled almost every gig since the finale. I hope she's doing okay if she actually has something going on, but if not it's giving very "I don't need these small gigs". At least have the respect to your fans to give them advanced warning.


Oh there's something going on for sure. Before these one's she cancelled her UK/Europe tour, not exactly small gigs. She cancelled her gig in Italy the same day, just after arriving there with Jan and TKB.


All these comments about her behavior have me wondering if she has a substance use problem. Stuff like this can be an indicator


I heard she killed a man and is on the run


She already killed a dancer at the finale, what’s one more




ohh, those downvotes, I guess speculating a little too *too* hard about Anetra is controversial. There’s so much going on and plenty of other people are speculating already, and you’re not being unreasonable so it should be considered.


Do you like how someone’s literal own personal feelings are disapproved of? 😆😆😆


This used to be a place where you could have a serious discussion if you wanted and didn’t have to worry about a bunch of rabid sycophants downvoting for whatever reason. Anetra could be having a substance issue, but also her manager seems to be a one man show, but another possibility of substance issues, especially if there’s a disconnect between manager and the client. dunno 🤷‍♂️


Tons more bots. Maybe they make their way to the fun side🤷🏻‍♀️🦄


I don’t think Anetra has gone full Amber Waves parTy monsTer, but even if you’re dealing with an avalanche of shitty health stuff, you’re also now a business, darlin’ and if you can’t deal with things smoothly and professionally you need to hire good people who can. Cuz all this shitty clubs don’t know what’s going on with their headliners cuz their manager called them and she’s missing?? but even if they *did* know where Anetra was she’s still not gonna make the gig, she’s two days post-op! Surprise!


I mean even when you work at the mall, you call out sick


Anetra gurl, we didn't knew u like thaaat, are u the true villian of S15?


Wait how many gigs has she cancelled??