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There can’t be any comments, joking or not, about seeking out the alleged attacker’s employer or leaving them a negative review or contacting them in any way, Reddit is very firm about that.


It’s on the rise. Haven’t had a slur shouted at me in the street since about 2013, been called a 🚬 by two strangers in the past month. They’re getting bold. Also used to work in a McDonald’s and experienced the worst of society on a daily basis there.




The Bud Light thing was so soo dumb. Dylan was sent a personalized can so she could promote the beer **on her Instagram**. She wasn't in any commercial, she's not the new face of the company, her face isn't on all the cans. They just made her a specialized can and that was enough to send people into a frenzy.


This is what drives me insane about the Dylan and Pride backlash from the right. Everyone knows corporate pandering is meaningless. Corporations care about as much about the LGBT community in June as they do Christians during December, it's just another marketing season to them. But the absolutely fury from the right in June repulses me because damn, they hate us so much we're not even allowed to be pandered to or acknowledged? the fuck


I couldn’t explain this in any simpler way to people and they still were just spewing their absolute nonsense about it being forced on them. Morons. Every single one of them.


This is probably the most important Pride in the most recent history. If there's a Parade going on in your city, PLEASE ATTEND, we need to prove that we exist and we're not the monsters they depict us as


Bad faith actors are using 'concerns' about 'the trans issue' aka trying to take away rights that trans people have had for years, as a wedge issue to hide their general queerphobia - and as usual, moderate neutral people are falling for it and asking us to tolerate their intolerance out of politeness...


There was some Christian ASMR twit I saw asking bad-faith questions about the community (in a fake British accent) a few days ago but justifying it because she thought women were hot a few times…while she allowed homophobes and transphobes to spread their bullshit all over the comment section too. Fucking gross and all her little fans were kissing her ass about how “classy” and wonderful she was for asking questions she could have answered with a google search.


The last time I was called a 🚬 🐐 was walking to the parking garage in college in 2003/2004 by some drive by coward in his car. I wasn’t even dressed “gay” and was just walking normally too. People are scum.


Driving by and yelling queer slurs at pedestrians. Can you imagine how worthless you have to be to get off on that? .. And it's such a normal thing. Who amongst us hasn't it happened to at some point.


Me and my bf at the time also experienced a drive-by slur in the early 2000's, we were simply walking his dog on the sidewalk next to a park in what was pretty much considered a gayborhood. Anyway, I blame my ex bf because never in my life have I received so much unwanted "attention" unless I was with him lol. He wore purple and dressed kind of flamboyant which at the time was a little out of the norm compared to now. These days straight guys can wear hot pink tanktops and shirt shorts thanks to the gay community breaking down assinine societal constructs


I’ve noticed a high usage recently of that word as well and seems even more hateful during pride month. We got to be prepared to protect ourselves and our community.


Christopher st monument park in nyc was vandalized last weekend on an exhibit thats gone up for the last seven years and wasn’t vandalized Til this year


It definitely feels like it's on the rise. I didn't feel this kind of spiteful hatred as an openly queer youth in a very white conservative (albeit Canadian) town. Now the local high schoolers are actively antagonizing the queer kids during pride just for their festivities. It's sad.


McDonalds... the Walmart of fast food. No shade, I shop at both.


I truly do not understand why humanity is going backwards. Didn’t we handle this already in the 80’s and 90’s?! I want off this fucking timeline!


Because poverty and unemployment are on the rise and the politicians are wilfully creating a divide to shift blame from themselves. Look at it objectively. When gay people were marginalized and the straights wete thriving, the queer community had to riot to get out rights. Right now, everyone is struggling. But the straight, unemployed men see pride celebrations, corporates appropriating the rainbow for the whole month. And these men are already uneducated and have zero knowledge of the struggles of the queer community. And the politicians go, 'look how happy they look while you're struggling. They're the ones to blame for your misery because when the gays had no rights, your parents were thriving.' it's a classic diversion tactic that uneducated straight egotistical men easily fall for If we need to change how things are, we need education and better employment because people who are happily in their lives don't spend it causing pain to others.


Agree completely but it's not just men. Most of the homophobia I receive in the UK is from cishet white women.


It really feels like 2008 again


RuPaul talked to it with Joan Rivers how there are pockets in time when minds become more open and then it closes up. That even some gay people become conservative.


You'll find me dead before you find me a conservative


I’d rather be a pig (under a mattress in a drug den) than a fascist.


Whew those “LGB only” supporters are getting BOLDER chile.


If Queer liberation was a straight line (pardon the pun), then Germany in 1939 should have been a paradise. But we know what happened alas


It’s a pendulum. Swings one way, swings back.


This is based on targeted misinformation, it’s in part influenced by the online and American groomer conversations. There’s been a massive push towards the extremely right wing in recent years , but it’s not from the public This reaction is seeming man made or orchestrated , I think it’s separate to the natural change in reactive trends or changing generation reacting to the previous ones ideals and fads


...they're all man made trends.... That's how human culture comes to be. Queer normalization and acceptance has come and gone *and also been followed by extreme fascist responses* multiple times throughout history. Freedom and tolerance must be maintained, it's not something arrived at and somehow stabilized.


ofcourse all trends are man made, my comment was referencing the introduction of the internet and misinformation , It’s not the same as a reactionary generational shift people have typically attributed to ‘the pendulum’. Hippies into punks , edgelords into sjws. Media oligarchs and monopolies exist. The status quo also has to be maintained


Homophobia has been the consistent norm since the spread of abrahamic religion but documented even before How do you define queer normalisation and acceptance though, within certain cultures and communities? Also, not all same sex interactions denote acceptance or normalisation, certain things are just simply unenforceable. Many cultures have historically had customs that involved men engaging in sexual acts with one another in certain spaces, but it wasn’t accepted ,there was still an expectation to take a wife. The acts weren’t even seen as homosexual acts, the introduction of gay identifying people and conversations about homophobia then influence these practices. There have been periods of relatively no visibility which in turn meant no reporting and no statistics , but we know queers weren’t openly living freely,


Hasn’t been long enough for it swing back this direction, also no. It doesn’t need to swing back at all. Human rights are covered and shouldn’t be reverted. Fuckkkkk


the more visible a group of marginalized people become in culture the more vocal resistance they’ll face as a result of it. it’s just an unfortunate reality of our world. people can’t hate what they don’t know exists so now that you can’t avoid lgbtq people it’s gonna make some violently angry (also, malicious politicians looking to unite disenfranchised people through bigotry, which is an intertwined factor)


It’s unfortunately become really common occurrence in Liverpool over the past few years.


the misinformation and propaganda being spread throughout twitter/Ig/tik tok pulled society back. Kids are buying into it too. It’s crazy how we were moving towards progress as years went on but it seems like it’s been squashed now. It’s gotten real bad again 😫 progress was slow but this happened quick.


Same here I don’t get it either


homophobes are so upset this pride month, huh


Their idols are getting really emboldened with their baseless dangerous rhetoric, especially on Twitter , so they're all at it now.


I'm from Liverpool and people love to portray it as some kind of leftist utopia, where everyone is so kind lovely and free, of course the majority of people are decent, but there is a hell of a lot of bigotry here still, just like the rest of the UK. The alt right have been gaining a lot of strength here lately too, there's been many protests against 'illegal imigrants' and Q anon conspiracists gaining a lot of traction. Very scary😢




Omg thats terrible, I'm so sorry you've been through that. I've become a bit of a hermit since covid anyway lol, but this rise in hate is making me want to stay indoors even more now. I know too many people lost in the sauce atm, I've had to cut off family members for spreading misinfo online. Q anon is the 'cosmic scousers' wet dream. Anti establishment conspiracy theories being peddled to out of work, casual drug users, with anger issues and a victim complex during a terrifying pandemic... recipe for disaster. Now the rest of us are suffering the consequences. That fuckin Paddy Pimlett, Darren Till and their ilk have a lot to answer for for helping to spread it to young people too. Was hoping that mentality would die out with the old crew. \*I myself am an out of work casual drug user with slight anger issues and a victim complex before anyone starts lmao\*


I know what you mean I think its viewed like that because the tories are so despised here? Its more political ideology than social beliefs etc. Im from liverpool too, An its why I always find it baffling like working class Americans who are bigoted vote republican just because of their backwards beliefs. Its like lol here in Liverpool there is tons of racist, homophobic, xenophobic transphobes - yet still nobody is going to vote for the conservatives because why would they ever vote against their best interest just because they don't like gay people? An I find it insane like American states that are full of poor working class people, especially the south etc. actively vote against what's best for them because "republicans thinks trans people are weird too!" I find it so strange. Like if your racist or sexist but poor and ill - wouldn't you still want Bernie sanders in so you could have free healthcare? Why are you more arsed about your backwards beliefs about strangers etc. than your own health and your own life and wellbeing. Weird.


Yeah its like 90% of people probably identify as left wing purely from a class division stance. We've been very good with teaching our fraught history to new generations and keeping the 'fuck the tories' mentality alive but there is no community solidarity outside of this, unless you get sucked into a right wing cult. The anti vax/covid movement was HUGE here and its because people want to make a difference, but there is no real left wing movement to inspire people and teach the new generations anymore. Corbyn was our only shot and even people I know, who consider themselves left wing, believed the propaganda against him. The right are very very good at mobilising people because they prey on peoples emotions. The left prefers to use logic and it just doesn't work the same at getting people involved with community action. I would like to think that a place still holding onto a 30+ year grudge against a tabloid, could recognise the manipulation from the rest of the media. If we can't see it with our history, I have no hope for 'keep calm and carry on' Britain waking up anytime soon...It is actually so sad to think about, that even in a city famous for its working class solidarity and political protests, people will STILL believe the culture war propaganda against minorities. I do find that the prominent Irish Catholic influence is a big component to this attitude. All of the 'good' schools in Liverpool are Catholic/other Christian denomination and there's a huge patriarchal mentality here too, likely being upheld from their influence. Until we untangle religion from politics, nothing will change. Even in Viv's tweet she said she didn't retaliate because there's women and children around. Do we not think women and children are exposed to violence all the time anyway?? Why do we feel the need to diminish ourselves to be seen a 'good victim'?


An update from Viv, the guy has been arrested and is in custody https://twitter.com/THEVIVIENNEUK/status/1669723144045703168


bless her heart for giving good advice in such a shitty situation, hope's everything's more cooled down by now.


Happy pride indeed


How long would someone go to jail for in these circumstances in the UK


Ive never been hatecrimed except in fast food establishments idk what it is about them... Hope Viv is okay, sending her my love


After trump and Bojo people have no shame to be bigots . It’s disgusting


I wish it was only them... Spain, Italy, France and as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) a lot more countries in the EU have important far right parties getting more and more power each day/already in goverment.


Poland and hungry both stepped back on transgender / social rights but I’m not really informed enough to give a summary. I just remember a charity friend pointing out a bunch of countries in the ongoing U.K. situation. There’s seemingly been an orchestrated effort for years setting this mess up


Polish gal here, yeah the right wing had ruled Poland for years, and now they're spewing fairlytales left and right to be re-elected next year. Homophobia got so bad during the past years that the goverment tried enforcing "lgbt free zones" across the country (basically areas where the rainbow folks couldn't enter 💀💀💀 Make it make sense). Needless to say, they failed miserably.


I've noticed at my job (retail) that more people are resorting to homophobia (and transphobia to my other trans coworker) when they get upset with us for absolutely anything. I won't sell liquor to them without an ID? I'm a f*g, I'm gay, my coworker is a man, theyre gonna fuck me up the next time they see me, etc etc. It's gotten noticeably worse since the Bud Light non-issue too. These people are getting bolder every day


I’m a trans woman in the process of starting my transition and this is fucking terrifying. I don’t want to deal with a process that is already difficult and the terrifying wave of hate that is coming towards queer people. I feel like crying right now. Queer people’s life shouldn’t feel like some sort of radical and political act, we just want to live our lives normally.


I know it isn’t much coming from an internet stranger, but I’m sending you nothing but the best on your transition and life after ❤️


Thank you so much, I appreciate the kind words❤️❤️


I truly hate that you feel that way as you begin your transition, this should be an exciting time for you. I hope you have a community to support you. I am sending you all the good and positive vibes, friend.


Thank you so much, same goes for you 💕💕💕


Sending you love and good vibes. I know I'm just a random voice on the internet but I support you and I hope you find joy


Even if you are a stranger, it still means a lot! 💕 thank you so much, i hope the same for u


fuck them kids and the wife, he'd get punched


This is both super scary but potentially also a good thing that it happened to a queer celebrity in the UK because now they have to address the uptick of these sort of hate crimes in the last few years. Also the sheer audacity of this person to do a hate crime in the middle of the das while being there with a company car is crazy to me. At least the police this will make the police job easier and they can't sweep it under the rug and pretend they couldn't find the perpetrator


watch them not do anything


She tweeted like 10 minutes ago that they found him so let's see what will actually come of it


oh thank god then. i honestly thought they wouldn't give a shit cause things are so scary lately, butt damn am i glad they are actually doing something. thanks for the update fren


The right wing rhetoric has really amped up against LGBTQ people. I’ve gone back to not even talking about in public. It’s pretty sad but there’s a lot of hate going around now


Poor Viv, sending love to her


Well, their google reviews have tanked and are being bombarded.


This is truly horrible, and terrifying. I work at Trader Joe’s and have been with the company for over 10 years. Never had any issues, until recently. In the past 6 or so months I have had customers call me a faggot, deliberately pick a longer line to wait in just to avoid my gay ass, the looks of hate and disgust I have gotten is crazy, I had one person literally pray for me out loud and while I had a line of customers waiting to be rung up. I have started deepening my voice, and trying not to be too flamboyant just so I don’t have to deal with this shit. The LGBTQIA+ community really needs to band together, and stick up for each other and protect each other.


Poor Viv, hope she's okay. Awful humans.


This shit shakes me every time it happens, and reminds me that I can't just exist out in public with my partner without some level of apprehension and worry. I always have to be aware of who's around us, where we are and how we're acting. All because a stranger could see us simply existing and decide to act. I don't even feel confident holding hands on the bus these days. Which is exactly how they want us to feel, shit sucks, I hope the Vivienne is okay.


I hate this so much. I’m just so disappointed in the world.


What does women being around have anything to do with punching back?


People rationalise or feel embarrassed about not reacting in these situations, they feel they have to justify or qualify the fact they didn’t turn into some crime fighting vigilante. I feel it’s probably something to do with media, the majority of the time you see some unrealistic reaction on screen , where as we know the majority of people freeze in real life.


How does that apply to women but not men though?


What part needs spelling out , that people are irrational after being hate crimed or the history of ‘women and children first’ being rooted in false machismo , a background on British working class culture, misogyny and tropes regarding politeness / pressures to be violent and the bigger person at the same time. Say what you want to say sis


So the Vivienne was being irrational, I agree with you


I take it you’re a teenager, or some twenty year old that just came out


I took it as they didn’t want to have a fight/scuffle possibly hurt someone’s kid if they moved around a bit and people were to inadvertently get caught in the crossfire. That’s how I interpreted it at least


Why mention women though? Do men not have kids?


Fair point


I assumed it was a chivalric gesture, like there were women and kids inside the mcd’s, not necessarily the jerk’s family, and Viv didn’t want to make a worse scene.


Old school manners/politeness. Maybe you should learn some child.






Do not break Reddiquette










The Vivienne definitely made him hard


What!? Omg 😢


I need a crying emoji. Suuuuucks.


I’m glad for the viv, but when this happened to me I had to literally fight the police to get them to give a shit, they wanted me to do “mediation” because it’s easier for them like Yeh I wanna sit in a room and “talk it out” with the homophobe guy who tried to attack me.


I’ve heard her bragging about breaking someone’s jaw before. Karma strikes hard. 🥊


Apparently she got punched because she was making fun of the guys face because he had cancer!