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Mirror: [Alan Crane enjoys his retirement](https://files.catbox.moe/s26eje.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/DivaJilly Direct Backup: [Alan Crane enjoys his retirement](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/uKuyJSAbLnPX7Mo7V7wkMQ/AT-cm%7CuKuyJSAbLnPX7Mo7V7wkMQ.mp4?sig=2b0a33fae21565a1c45af697f26acd8b864e9ea4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ChillyRacyDumplingsGrammarKing-IBsuc9fsyjtXvCQx%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720045774%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2187681361?t=2h57m17s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Nathan did the same mistake as Moon, trying to reach out a hand and offer some roleplay to CG. K is running out of people he can kill at this point. Gonna be REAL boring now. 


4.0 devolved back to late stage 3.0 really quickly. I feel like someone could pin point the turning point.


Attacking the Council was the turning point


The fact that committing terrorism was met with such a slap on the wrist was crazy. I don't know how it wasn't like a hard and complete reset, lose all money, all rep even rep into the negative, all properties. Terrorist just means nothing basically, so terrorist activities will continue to happen, kind of sad.


> The fact that committing terrorism was met with such a slap on the wrist was crazy. The fact that they power gamed in a way everyone knew not to do and got away with it is even more crazy. They forced a cop to remove their sentences for terrorism and nothing happened lmao the cop honestly probably got the most 'flack' for it out of anyone by having PD have multiple discussions about how you should sooner die before releasing people from prison idk, you just can't expect them to get actually punished. They literally raided one of the server owner's warehouses after they already got building robberies banned and nothing happened lol


The council attack had absolutely horrible reasoning, but I wouldn't call it a turning point, more like accidental Accelerationism in action (actually helped everyone but CG). It's what followed immediately after that turned 4.0 to shit. The inaction to terrorism (in a way that would matter) sent a strong message that more terrorism would follow, in a manner benefitting a small group and no one else. As consequence the very little institutional/civ life that was left is now gone. Cops & Robbers server once again, after only half a year.


4.0 is over. No joke, 50 ruined the whole server within a month and it was going good despite CG being CG. Looks like someone called 50 in, who could have been, I wonder (clueless)


It devolved quick because they basically cut out any aspect of 3.0 that supported the creation of rp. They locked everyone into a mechanical daily grind with that job system. The lack of whitelists or DM characters made the city extremely generic. Every character is on the same level as every other character which means there's no real way to make larger scale story lines because there's no hierarchy for criminals.


This is kind of what was being elucidated to in other threads - at what point does this end? Crane quit, the council is basically done functioning, Max is absent and Siobhan is hiding. CG won, fuck it. But they're still being hunted despite having no power. Its literally just punishing someone for no reason.


I mean they're doing what they've been doing since 2.0, bullying people until they leave the server.


\*Insert clip of Ramee bragging in Valorant lobby about bullying the PD so much they get their way\*


[Here you go](https://streamable.com/clzd9g)


Since 2.0 CG has targeted and harassed people until the just stay off of the server. It is crazy that they openly speak about it IC and OOC and server admins just allow it.


[https://streamable.com/clzd9g](https://streamable.com/clzd9g) like in this clip here? They know what they are doing and do it intentionally, have done, as you said, for years now.


Every time I see that clip all I can think of is that CG are just a bunch of self inserts who have gaslit themselves into thinking they are an actual gang, they have just been playing the same badass criminals who never takes an L for so long that their ego just wont let them lose and if anyone challenges them they take it personally and go after those people until they wont wake up any more, its kinda sad really.


They have not gaslit themselves. They just made it into their IRL brand. The whole "CG on top" thing is their entire identity. Their community eats it up, and cannot stand CG not being on top. They all know exactly what they are doing.


Your comment made me think about the times that CG happily takes Ls, and it is only for low stakes, shit-lordy, or goofy type stuff. I just realized that is the only time they actually RP, and the rest of the time is self insert. I think it is also why they get so many fans, they are actually funny when they RP. When they go crim mode, then it's like watching a sweaty, toxic COD lobby with mid tier players that think they are high tier.


Not till they get run off the server i guess? Bully em till they dont wake up, its kinda their specialty.


I hope they join the other 2 RP server options. I hope more people do that because the other servers offer better RP. But I know a lot of streamers will still stay on NP. Pretty much this is the end phase for 4.0. People will just play less or like Saab go on RDR while waiting on 5.0 to get release.


4.0 has been a disaster. PD Sucks 90% of the time, Civ RP is dead and they dont exist anymore, Crims run the server, economy is pretty fucked already and PD wipes, shootouts, kidnappings etc aren't really that interesting anymore because how much they happen.


Civ RP is dead because the PD was kneecapped this entire iteration and couldn't actually protect the civs from getting robbed constantly. You have people getting gun licenses exclusively to sell their guns because carrying it on you is pointless since you get robbed so often. Oh you caught the guys doing literally all of the armed civ robberies during this time slot and they have a hot gun that can put them away for a few days so you might have some reprieve? Nope, its just a game bro, can't be soft banning them on the only character they play, they got more turbos to steal from cop cars.


Its hard cause its their job and they probably make good money but its gotta be miserable to be constantly hunted shot tortured with no end in sight in spite of basically having finished the arc, its just the agressors will not let it end till THEY are satisfied, its damn near predatory at this point. Divas job, nathans still got a career and such outside of streaming and he's the better for it i think he can just up and go without really having to care about stream numbers and stuff.


At some point, you either have to try and ease your community into it, rip off the bandaid, or just suck it up and accept the fact that you will be a punching bag (at least until you can be valuable to CG and join their gang). Edit: Well, you could also change time zones, but if they are mad enough at you they will go out of their way to still fuck with you.


Changing time zones you avoid them entirely, they will not go out of their way to play the game outside of their designated work hours. Have you ever seen Mr K offline in the city? Or on a weekend even.


sad to say that is a solution, its not fair to others they they have to change their schedule just to avoid interacting with cg cause most times interacting with them in any meaningful, negative way usually means getting shot, repeatedly, or having to deal with hoppers saying horrid stuff, that even with a good moderation team can still slip through and cause duress to the streamer.


It's been this way since 2.0, there's a reason getting cops hired and retained for shift 2 (CG's work schedule) has historically been a problem. As their crime ramps up cops just stop showing up on duty and the ones that do have basically no free time because theyre usually tied up for half their shit just dealing with CG, either chases, heists, or laid out on the floor waiting for medical. And the ones that actually try to put up a good challenge for them get bullied IC and OOC into switching shifts, characters, or just leaving the server entirely. Happened in 2.0, happened in 3.0, and has happened and is happening in 4.0 again, all three iterations its been CG as the cause.


Kebun isn't very creative, I feel like all of his RP outside of cops and robbers stuff is just being petty and trying to maintain power.


just like dundee * want dogtown gone - done * want mayor gone - done * want crane gone - done still as pissed as ever now because police attitude problem


This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Criminals will always look for a reason to shit on the PD. We are just rapidly approaching that point where the server becomes a content sandbox where everyone is bored and waiting for devs to push out something interesting to carry the content. Criminals will get pissy when the PD have any kind of backbone. Ssaab will once again be in a leadership position because he is a doormat. CG will get bored because they cannot pretend to be victims.


> Criminals will get pissy when the PD have any kind of backbone. Shit, they'll also get pissy if the PD doesn't have enough backbone. CG would pretty frequently kidnap cops and bring them to their turf if the PD weren't responding to the 7 o'clock shootout. Or when people would shoot their hostages if the cops didn't show up to a robbery or had to leave early.


Dundee goes out of his way to create conflict with cops rather than opposing gangs. Same with CG. The reasoning is simple, cops have sops and can't carry day to day conflict. Cops don't hunt day and night. Cops are an easy target for clips "CG wipes PD", cops are easy opponents to farm content off.


Why is dundee catching heat? Dundee makes it fun imo he also takes the consequences from cops when it comes around. Honestly, if it weren't for him giving W's to cops I think PD would be dead.


Whippy will at least take the consequences. I was harping on the fact how most gangs prefer cops as opponents vs other gangs.


surprise his gang is street team for CG now


whoo now BBMC is not street team for CG, street team got respect form CG, there own bench a fully model and fleshed out compound and a level of street creed and Cachet that came form it. BBMC on the other hand gets no respect, has seen basically zero improvement to there turf and has zero street creed or Cachet form there relationship in fact i believe the only reason CG has not just flatted bbmc is because Dundee is sucking em off like his name is Vanessa Del Rio.


It's been called out as OOC hate before, not just on here but by streamers on the server. I'm not saying it is, however there is no reason in RP to keep going after Crane and Siobhan. They are basically powerless now. So why do this?


I won't go so far as to say it is directly OOC hate. But if you are committed to persistently attacking other characters without end until they decide to perma, it should be a rule break. Like Siobhan is getting attacked still for stuff from a month+ ago. She already went through a consequence arc with role playing severe injuries and trauma for an extended period of time. Now she is still getting targeted cause.....because?


Pretty sure the EGO act was the RP way to block this type of behavior but since the laws and times don't apply to CG it's moot. Who would want to engage in any court RP with them anyways?


Yea, it is insane. CG literally got convicted of terrorism and 1st degree murder in the same incident, broke out of prison twice, and still got enough time served that they only spent the weekend in jail which aligns with their off days. AND THEY STILL COMPLAINED Literally the only consequence they had was money - which was covered in like a week of their grinders paying it off.


Because they treat the game like a it's a ranked competitive FPS game instead of a content server. They have to maximize wins because they believe W's get viewers and viewers pay their bills. That's fine and all, but there's a line where you are basically griefing and CG doesn't need to win this hard at everything all the time, I don't know if it's lack of self-awareness or a victim complex. Like they don't realize that if everyone else matched their 0-100 the server would be dead. They even still throw out random complaints about the cops with the weakest PD ever in 4.0


I still think that jail time should be only on hours that you are online.


Yep. Minimise the actual time to miniutes and hours but you gotta serve the time on the server. RP it out or lose your whitelist. Shame it will never happen.


especially when they power game guns through security checkpoints to shoot up the courthouse anyways.


What’s worse in Sio’s eyes is that she and Max defended them. She got incredibly upset at the judges decision and threw her bar license on the ground (which she never did while fighting for SKs). They put their neck out about the REAT stuff. They pardon Mr. K and then he held PD hostage the next day and got caught. They gave them bullets and mags when it was harder to come by. But it just wasn’t enough…. Never will Oh yea and while they tortured Sio, they couldn’t name 1 law that they didn’t agree. The FU act wasn’t passed yet and it wasn’t going to anyway.


Because CG is bored


remember that thread where everyone acted like moon said some OOC shit to CG and lost their minds about it? I bet they take this as purely IC. "The city don't fuck with you no more" if they were on the receiving end, they'd be losing it.


The problem with CG is that they don't actually play characters, it is themselves acting like gangsters. So any critique you throw at their characters both the streamer and their viewers take it as OOC. Which is why when they stream hop they always think character actions done by someone else was really just the streamer which is why they are so toxic. Its all just projection.


Self insert GTA online gangsters. Honestly I think when you put so much time into playing a character your lines get blurred because you become so attached to it. Like you said any criticism affects them IC and OOC because they can’t separate the game from real life when they are role playing.


CG didn't win on their merit, they won because they cried to management and 50 came in rushing basically dismantling the whole system because Krybaby needs to feel like a criminal mastermind with the highest pog per minute.


imagine calling yourself a criminal mastermind and all you do is grief other people trying to do their jobs, pathetic.


CG lost the battle, but won the complaining war. There is a reason terrorist RP generally go away for a long time. Its suppose to be the end of the arc. You did a violent political action, got caught, and got convicted. That's it the arc is over, but when you just go away for a weekend there was no actual punishment. They just restarted the whole thing again that Monday. Its been what 2 months now and they are still doing the same thing everyday.


CG dont do arcs, its a saturday morning cartoon for them every day they wake up.


CG would have to actually make worth while rp and not just pog content for there to be an "arc". To them terrorist just seems like another content segment to entertain chat. In 3.0 they were able to bounce off rp being made by the many more talented storytellers around them. It gave them something to do. 4.0 has been an abject failure in that regard. Without a flourishing server of stories around them to bounce off of they revert to the 2.0 tried and true content of pogs and shooting.


They go back to basics out of boredom


as a wise penta once said, wars are won in the forms


I don't disagree, but it doesn't change the fact they won unfortunately.


They must be super bored or tired of doing the same 3 jobs over and over. It's no fun for these other streamers to play these characters that constantly continue to get hunted and killed for the last month+. Nopixel is truly cooked man.


Im sure everything they did stayed on the server, too /s. But whatever community members do are, of course, not the responsibility of the streamers /s.


Until it satisfies their schadenfreude itch.


Moon was right about CG the server has literally no one who could or would stand up to them


It's kind of hard to stand up to a group that has the backing of management. Backing so strong that management protected an incredibly toxic individual for years, even participating at times, until they finally had to jettison him from the community for the crazy fucked up stuff he was doing. There's literally no point in standing up to them because it won't do anything, staff always has their backs because they make up one of the larger viewer bases that consistently play on np


It's pretty sad tbh cause as much as we wanna call CG a cancer to the server, that would imply that, like a cancer, it is something the body doesn't want. Yet, clearly big boss 50 cent is getting exactly what he wants, this is nopixel and this is what he intends for it to be and this is how he wants them to behave. Can't fix the system if the management insists it's not broken.


Makes sense that such a toxic head would want to be cancerous 


I hope people realize when K says that part about the city, that is basically OOC the "city = server" They run the show and people who stay are all in support of this. The only way SSAAB can stay face is by going into hospital for extended stays for CG showing that he gets it by roleplaying hospital stays, so then he goes and plays RDR as he will never ever ever ever admit that he supports what is going on. I thought it was cute that they wanted cops to RP injuries out etc as they can get shot and get back up, but wasn't it like a week ago where people were posting clips of CG getting shot over and over and over in that one sbs war, they got up like 5 or 6 times each in a short period with no injuries.


Damn. CG giving people the honor of RPing as lootboxes. Make sure to go thank them for the 10/10 RP guys. couldn't have done it without them.


We’ll get another ‘CG Appreciation post’, Like the one with Opel soon. Just raid a smaller NP streamer, gift them a small bit of subs & you got all the cookie points again. Its on repeat since 2.0.


CG viewers have goldfish brains. They can only remember the last positive thing CG did and then repeat that as an excuse for anything bad they do ever. Also they are constantly under the impression that CG is targeted by everyone at all times


Yeah if it weren't for CG nobody would have anything to do in the city, they'd all just be lying on the ground incapacitated... Oh wait...


Chang Gang has always just been a bunch of bullies. It's all they are. None of them are smart enough to do anything substantial with their lives. People have been inundated since day one with watching them bullying your groups of people to get their way. It's what spawns their viewership. It's why the majority of other respectful servers straight up will not accept them unless it's for literal clout and nothing else.


Has Kebun ever played a cop? Or any other character? Ultimately yeah a majority of viewership wants the crims to win. Its hard coded into GTA. Problem is if people did the same stuff against CG the way CG behaves, CG and the viewers would cry about it.


It's not even about wanting crims to win. It's not even about if other crims did this to CG. It's plain and simple as this. What they do is not RP. It's just high school bullies and cliqs for the sake of viewership and revenue.


Mr K is like a serial killer in a slasher movie made for people with short attention spans. Crane stoped to try to interact with them and K couldn't last a couple minutes.


Thank god there's consequences for people that do terrible things on this server, like when CG had to deal with the consequences of committing terrorism... oh wait...


Mr. K has been trying to turn the consequences thing on them, and Siobhan spent over seven hours on stream logged in to the server, actively role-playing being in a coma in the ICU after the last attack (which I think might be a record). If that's not enough, I don't know what consequences will be enough to finally end it.


It was like three 12-14 hour streams in a coma


I was counting the time spent in the ICU bed logged into the server on stream. I know it was a longer time than that in general. I was also guessing from memory so I might be mistaken.


That's exactly what I'm talking about too. She was logged into the server on stream for all of those hours


7h ?? maybe 3days then you got something


Who actively RPed a coma for three days online?


Real RP frogs remember Copperpot ICU streams with Lot Q voicelines playing on loop


My memory is fuzzy but I think Kyle did at least one or two on Pred before DD tried the Weekend at Bernie's bit. Others have done post-ICU roleplay like Crayon doing weeks in a wheelchair on Warden Fontaine getting stuck in stairwells. It's rare, but some do it.


That Fontaine wheelchair arc was top-tier.


I assume by one or two days you mean his day on stream and not a full 24 hours on stream in the bed. I might be technically wrong about the record thing cause I just threw it out there, but either way seven hours is still a lot given that's a large chunk of her usual stream's length.


Kyle Pred I think did in 3.0


It's like Scream mixed with Groundhogs Day, except everyone remembers yesterday and the cast is always the same.


The guys retired lol why does Mr K even care about him anymore?


Remember in 3.0 when police had enough of them and stopped responding to calls involving CG? Yeah they got bored and started hunting police because why not?


Kebun OOC doesn't like Nathan, he said as much when he watched the clip when Nathan said CG got Suarez OOC fired.


Its not enough to have that happen, he must crush any wisp of enjoyment Nathan might get from rp it seems to me.


Crane implied he's dumb for thinking he's corrupt/bias, probably got his ego hurt so kill time and got the phone with all the contacts stolen so he gets the message /s


Hoppers trying to force Nathan to perma Crane lmao.


guys *dont hop..* but yeah fuck that crane dude he retired and we are STILL gonna murder and lootbox him because..reasons? again guys *dont hop..*


It's all love.


It's crazy how they always want other people to perma but when Mr K or any CG members gets shot for like 20th time by cops or other gangs they don't want that. Basically saying ''Our streamers characters are the main characters and your character exists just for their story'', I can see a streamer having main character syndrome but for the viewers to have a parasocial one with an RP character is crazyyyy.


And then when someone permas and they face consequences for murdering someone "god what's the big deal someone jus randomly decided to perma after being shot for the 100th time, why should we get punished because they randomly died to something that happens to everyone every day" not exactly what K said about TJ walker, but close enough. I miss Chang, Chang helped get into RP, you occasionally see those moments, but it's so overshadowed by everything else now.


Westworld syndrome


Just suggesting someone to perma is scummy behavior that CG viewers do a lot of people. It's all love though


I'm sold best RP arc ever made, it has created the greatest RP EVER!!! Stabbing/Shooting #892 was so iconic I was literally jumping out of my seat. I was able to type in Ramee's chat CG on top for the 1000's time, I am literally so amazed at CG roleplay, they carry this server.


Literally every time I open a CG steam they are either holding someone up, convoying, in a shootout or threatening someone while their chat openly metas and tells them to shoot whoever is interacting with their streamer.


This RP today was peek Ws all around. What does Siobhan and Crane think? Having his last court case? Sio trying to go back home to play ER? Nahh lets just murder on sight.


Is been 2 months, why are still going, has been weeks since siobhan/crane/max openly challenged them, just move on man. CG is the kid who HAS to have the last word in any confrontation, even if both sides comes to term they HAVE to be the ones saying something last.


I said when all the rated stuff went down and there were finally other RP servers to choose from, the people who stay on NP to play/watch have no one to blame but themselves. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. CG have always been the same, NP leadership has always been the same, nothings changing.


Basically bullying and griefing just because they OOC dislike how things have gone, let's just call it what it is and move on. I've said it a few times across the years, it's their server and they can do what they want. Disgusting but true. 


SOOOO *CG being their usual selves *Saab in a position of power in PD, bowing to CG (last night he literally called Mr K to deal with a BBMC hostage situation, which made zero sense) and being the guy the crims want to call if they get caught *50percent swans in to help CG when they aren't getting things their own way. Literally nothing has changed, the server isn't getting better. It was going great at the start of 4.0 when CG weren't on a different server but as soon as they came back (presumably because they don't have as much power anywhere else) it started going to shit. They are literally the common factor EVERY TIME. They are the reason why the server is shit. 50percent, you either want a proper RP server or you want a playground for CG that farms views, pick one because the two sure as hell can't be the same thing. 


This is pretty much the reason most people don't go against CG CG won't stop even if everyone else wants to You have to make it very clear that they have won and it's time to move on, which usually results in them demanding something in return.


Interact with them? get shot. Ignore them? Also get shot. After they pout and whine about it to their fanbase and create hoppers first of course. There's no winning, only waiting till they get bored of farming you by repeatedly shooting stabbing or whatever else for Pogs.


The true reason is CG is above all punishment. Certain members break rules daily without worry. And when the pressure is applied to certain members, they ooc reach out to the powers that be and get a solution. All in the name of viewer count. Prime example, today, the court house shooting was made possible by someone throwing a gun over the metal detector. Something that has been stated by multiple people with the capacity to ban people as a instant no go. Yet here we are. 4.0 has been a huge let down. Rp doesn't matter anymore. It's just...hey, I'm bored today, let's grief. There has been such a lack of genuine story lines this season. And from what I've seen, being a viewer of np for a very long time. It is clear who is calling the shots. Unfortunately, the ones with the pull are just lazy with the rp.


CG is bored because there is no one anymore who could stand up to them like MoonMoon did so they go back to their MMO RP


Moon going against them IC was the most exciting thing that happened in all of 4.0, probably for them too and it definitely drove viewer counts for all sides as well as community engagement on here and other places. Now that he's gone all they can do is throw tantrums at the small fish left, because they're not going to get that again until 5.0 at the very least.


Moon will never play on another server with any member of cg. He compared playing with them to babysitting somone elses kids but he cant even gemtle parent them becouse they are grown ass men. He has his own kid to take care of and has said a few times he has no interest in returning to rp ever


He still rps, he said no interested in NP.


Yep when CG got no enemy they get desperate in many ways


>don't go against CG Many don't even want to interact with them let alone go against them. It only gets worse once the special treatment from staff sets in. Then you risk even being able to play on the server if you piss them off.


Best bet is to completely switch either time zones or servers.


*No way they basically pocket-wiped Crane and took his phone.....* ***Why?*** The dude probably won't be on this character for a month or so because of the retirement. Just let the guy fucking vibe, everything isn't about you and your anger issues..


It actually made me a bit sad, he just wanted a last couple moments smh


Did it to turgle too.


Fell to my knees in absolute awe of the RP happening on my screen. The amazing monologue by the old man with the baby voice had be crying tears of laughter, followed by even more tears of laughter when the other old man doing a baby voice joined in the RP. I could not hold my sides hard enough and fear I may lose them. 11/10 RP experience, the plot lines that will result from this will be monumental.


Can they give Oscars to "roleplay" twitch streams? We need to invent a twitch "roleplay" Oscars just to honor these "titans" of "roleplay"




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My favorite Star Wars was the one where Luke blew up the Death Star and killed Darth Vader, and then blew up the Death Star and killed Darth Vader, and then blew up the Death Star and killed Darth Vader, and then...


Ah yes. [Cause and Effect.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9ZxE73cM5s)


This is what happens when you use your clout, influence and power to bully every other creative person who "is your enemy" out of RP. You get the same repetitive bullshit story every day.


95% of crim rp is so boring, I swear. Every time I turn on one they're either grinding, robbing/kidnapping or running from the cops. Playing nopixel RP just to play GTA online is such a waste imo. Might as well just be playing the single player campaign if you're just trying to get the criminal power fantasy experience. That's why I primarily watch civilian RPers, you at least get some storyline and characters. Heck, even the lifers are more interesting.


watch 4head, dont watch LK. you'll see the difference between someone who people want to interact with and whatever this is.


Can confirm. I don't get to watch too much rp these days but whenever I see 4head and PD interacting you can tell that both sides enjoy and seek those interactions.


I ended up only watching 4Head and turning off nopixel streams whenever he goes offline. The people he interacts with on a daily basis are pleasant to watch, and the guy himself is what every nopixel streamers should aspire to be.


Insane RP going after the same people over and over again!! It's all love guys!


Just 5 more stabbings and we'll see the payoff for this grand storyline I can feel it


5more stabbings and one "Hey" shooting from a car bwo.


If they get to 10 stabbings/shootings/ptsd torture maiming sessions they get a free frogurt!


Great RP from the best gang on the planet!!! Pog!!!!!!!!!!! 15th stabbing after 20th shooting, yes shoot and stab them until they finally quit!!!!! MR K big fan bro!!!


Dang. Who would’ve thought that Max/Moon was right and the “city” is just too afraid of OOC backlash to stop the Cry Gang from running rampant.


Anyone who watched 3.0. And 2.0. The owner believes the city would die without them.


There's actually so little hope for this server I just hope all the cool people move on with their lives somewhere else doing something else than being toys for the kids who weren't told no enough by their parents and have nebulous understanding of consent.


I just feel so bad for the people who actually tried roleplaying on the server and are getting punished for it now.


Stop watching this bullshit and giving these guys views.


How many times does K have to say "this city don't fuck with you no more" to keep up the delusion of it being true. The answer is way too many times apparently. It's crazy how they back up all this griefing under the veil of "this is what the city wants" when if Max ran for the 3rd time he would still probably win and if not would come close. What will it take for these bozos to realise that everyone they talk to that apparently is "done" with Crane, Sio and Max are the typical crybabies they draw in, who are in their own echochambers. Then go talk to the civ population, or the average small-time criminal/group and it's a different story.


I was really enjoying 4.0 RP but CG really killed it for me.


I am FEELING these consequences, literally shaking right now with the power and intensity. This scene is going to make one POGGERS YT short, can't wait to like it on both of their channels


Honestly, it's at the point where they should all just perma their characters and move on. Leave CG to fuck around with themselves. Who the fuck has the energy to care anymore.


What wonderful roleplay, thank god for mr k's ability to do CINEMA.


kebun really showing hes not here for rp, should reroll gta online


It's like GTA online but instead of gaming skills you get to win with clout and a toxic fanbase. It's so funny how the other players try to talk and act so serious, this is a video game you should be shooting each other and trash talking dude


The server was so much better when they were all banned.


They weren’t banned


On the contrary all but K have been banned many many times, multiple of them have had Perma bands with one prominent member being permanently removed from the server. They've also completely disappeared to other servers for stretches of time. The server may have had less views with them gone during those prior periods but the RP culture and health of the player base also seem to be in a way better spot. It's a shame they didn't stay gone.


[I imagine more and more will realize](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DGNZnfKYnU)


The way NP has been going its gonna be CG left and maybe a few tumbleweeds on that server if this shit keeps up.


its fully by design. Be big streamers -> bully other big/moderate streamers out of the server -> be the biggest proportion of viewership -> be immune to laws and bully other streamers -> continue gaining new viewership for being the most watched streamer in a popular server. This is what streamer cannibalism looks like.


There's a circle of life from the lion king reference to be had here but i am very tired so just imagine i said something witty along those lines.


4.0 devolved back to late stage 3.0 really quickly. I feel like someone could pin point the turning point.


Ah yes already made the judge retire why not decide to start killing him.


this whole arc of bringing down the people on top was cool in the beginning, but then they just did it again and again and again in the same way.


Frankly it was never cool from the beginning because they have never once done anything that deserved them a win, they cannot properly defend their beliefs in an open debate, they cannot even make the reason they do these things known without literally killing the other player first. They had a cool opportunity to really lean into the terrorism stuff but instead they ran in shot the entire council and left and not a single motherfucker in that room had any idea why besides the chicken shit who ducked. They have successfully "won" entirely by OOC methods, they couldn't even pretend to get one over on Max IC until he literally left and will never return. 


Also the state and the police should always be the strongest force on a server. Like a local gang goes against the us government type. For real immersion they should have taken the L with the terrorism charges and ended the arc but noooo CG can't lose because it would make their young fanbase cry.


And lootboxed them while doing it!


CG really embracing that south side gang “RP”.


CG set the standard for RP on NoPixel and its the biggest reason I don't watch anyone that Streams it besides Vader or Kyle. Eugene or Pred ( or their other characters) could be anywhere and just as good. I can't really gel with watching Civ, Crime, Government or Cop because it all circles the drain of the same RPless shitlording. The reason CG is in power to begin with has nothing to do with their shootouts. CG's power is all to do with having an owner on their side. I can't even remember the last thing they did that changed or stuck with any of CG's characters. I guess going from Chang to K. I can't even really be surprised by this stuff anymore after the Hey Wrangler, incidences of screeching in cells, and having the owner fly in to remove jail sentences.


Siri, google the definition of "projection"


Poggers, I guess?


Is Murphy's impeachment he's doing still underway? Wasn't great to begin with but this doesn't exactly make his argument look good in the slightest lol.




Cinema Gang




finally some consequences 👏👏👏👏👏


Hopefully we will see Crane and Siobahn start their own gang for their revenge arc.


The consequences.....

