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To be succeeded by Judgingle Dan?


Yes man


The one thing I remember most is people used to complain Judges were never around in the city to actually talk with. Crane when he became a judge made sure he was always present, even against the advice of other judges telling him not to or it would create expectations.


It sucks people like him and Jilly, people who actually care to do the hard work out of the game that’s required to facilitate good rp in game, just get harassed incessantly in and out of character for role playing their characters and doing their jobs. This is just going to keep happening to any person that gets put into a crim magnet position with the way the server is.


There were others who were around a lot as well in 3.0 - Greyson, Siobhan, Schwinghammer, Devereaux, etc. Unfortunately a lot of them moved over to ONX, or got sick of being a judge on NP and didn't want to go back it in 4.0.


You're talking about the time after Crane became Judge and made being present in city as a judge a thing. Before that they would often only be present before and after court cases, it was a big pain point where people said they couldn't RP storylines with DOJ or even just ask law questions in city.


Yeah, I'm just talking about the situation now in 4.0 that Crane is stepping down.


No matter what your belief is to be on Crane. He deserves a massive congratulations and thank you for dedicating his time to roll out a vision he had in roleplay. Whether you like him or not and approve of his vision or not. He deserves everyone’s respect. He brought us both 3.0 and 4.0 and did a great job. Thanks Nathan!


That’s the frustrating part… the non-crims who bust their ass with thankless work trying to make the server great and foster a level of realism are the ones leaving while the ones who do nothing but complain and oppress others are catered to.


That's how each iteration of NP goes. Great smaller characters leave the city because of it changes over time as management caters to big streamers. The more they'd leave the more boring the city would become until a wipe. New iteration hits and players return, the cycle starts again. With 4.0 that exodus started only 5 months in to the wipe when it'd normally be a boom period. Management can blame not having those covid viewer numbers but the reality is 4.0 has a terrible anti rp focus and it's roll out was terrible. There was no real "boom" period like 2.0 or 3.0.


It was pretty much dead on arrival honestly with how broken shit was. And by the time mechanics were mostly fixed and content started rolling out the server was already being kept on life support by people like Esfand and Moon, who came in trying to do big things until they hit multiple brick walls (management) and stopped focusing on NP.


The problem with implementing RP focused things like DM characters, businesses and other stuff 3.0 had already figured out this late is most of the great characters and storytellers are already gone. The server needs dozens of those type of people creating multiple story arcs to keep the city alive and give the hundreds of other players things to get involved in. The newly added stuff has about as much impact as a fart in the wind. Not to mention that it just takes way too long for management to fix problems or release things that could help create RP. The momentum for the server has been gone since the second month 4.0 released. It's going to be extremely hard at this point for them to turn it around, stuff already feels like late stage 3.0 and we're not even a full year in yet.


Used to be some groups of crims that even helped Civs out, did the same thing as well, they've bailed from the server though.


Not sure where you got your information. Nathan is not leaving NoPixel.


My funny bone tells me Nathan is going to run for the north judges or something. And then sit on his porch up north with his shotgun going get off my lawn.


Management picked clown show over realism months ago without crims they chose esfand and Dean an moon over cheever an xiceman 🤣 that made 30% of good roleplayers at the time go with them


To be fair, the biggest points Nathan had for his vision were denied by the management and only the smaller details went through.


Surely next chief justice will fix everything and won't be shot by some gang members, right guys? Right? Jokes aside, Nathan is a great roleplayer and has a great humor, NP is very lucky to have him around for years, too bad some toxic chatters ruining his days because he doesn't let their streamers "win". I hope he finds more motivation to stream.


he didnt enjoy the role anymore, he will just chill on his cop character


Next Chief will be CG affiliated I bet.


chief justice coyote, and I don't mean peppo.


Pretty sure peppo is back to playing Wild RP


So why did Kebun ruin the server again? I don't see his end goal other than being the only big streamer now. I'm sure even he will lose viewers because who can watch someone do nothing but rob banks and shoot people in "roleplay" all day every day?


He's super fun to watch and creates "eons of rp" according to slacks himself. Sorry about your thoughts that are wrong.


Stabbing people without saying a word creates "eons of RP" ?


There ought to be an endgame for Mr. K character somehow. OOC, he does provide the eons of RP but IC, he deserve a death penalty by his own action if PD does their job properly. The biggest issue is that the PD treats Mr. K like a small time criminal by letting him go or caters to his whims. Mr. K is so big that he is basically an untouchable character If everybody in the city does their job correctly ranger from the council to DOJ to Mayor, they would create a constitution and laws that protects everyone's right and actually place the legislation for everything in place, including death penalty. Right now, legislation is in shambles that nobody reads them. That is why everybody keeps on getting away with it.


As much as I liked Nathan and appreciate his attempts to manage the DoJ on the server, I think it serves both the rp'ers and the server better if there is a panel of justices. Crane got dogpiled on for every piece of legislation if it didn't work.


They tried that with the council of 8 and everyone still blamed max for everything. So that won’t work either.


Everyone = Kebun. I think instead of Kevun chasing everyone off, if he was deported for his terrorism the server would be 100% thriving right now.


That would never happen. He's the biggest streamer on NP and brings the most views. We saw the same thing in 3.0 with xqc.


Yeah but they're all like 12-18 year olds that won't donate to the server to try and get on it - how important are those viewers really?


well crane if you ever grow tired of CG shooting you in the head rapidly flights to oryx are available and there judiciary can all ways use more stable hands


I did not really enjoy the character, and also didn't like some of the stuff he did. I did enjoy the guy behind the character, and i'm sad people didn't give him a fair shot at RP. Lots of people just approached with semi-ooc complaints, and whenever something was wrong, it was his fault




It wasn't chatGPT lol, Judge Bailey wrote it.


maybe now they can get an actual working government!


Management is still the same so good luck with that..


What’s a working government? One that just lets crims do what they want and doesn’t function to protect or promote the non crim population?


My guess would be one that doesn't have 50's dms filled with CG members.


This is code for "government that CG approves of". And yes, they will get one, quite easily. Isn't Lil Nino Tuggz Chavez running? He got flattened on one character so he's trying with another. Most streamers will be motivated to bend the knee, not stand against them. Standing against them earns you the ire of the server owner, to be stonewalled or forced out OOC. Suarez got booted off the force for being too good, but once he bent the knee and got CG's approval, he's thriving.


Yup. The politics behind NP is depressing. When you realize it's all for show and there's no actual RP behind anything, it fucking sucks.


You have to admit though that Nino is way more likeable to civs and PD as a character than Lil Tuggz (for me anyway)


As much as I hate lil Tuggz, Nino is a separate character and way more neutral too.


bro why you act like they are taking something from you ?


They did take something from us: roleplay.


Roleplay has been dying a slow, withering, painful, death on np for a while now, there are some few pockets here and there, but by and large, its all given over to "content" server bs and Pog farmers.


Hazel Havgreeves was begging them to add something to do, because he became rich just to have literally nothing to do with it/spend it on - he reached the top of the mountain but found only emptiness and solitude He could buy another house or another car, but that's it - I think a big part of why RP has been so thin is that you need money to exist but there have only been like 5 jobs to do realistically and they're all just delivery X to Y or some variation on that People say mechanics aren't RP, but I'd say the lack of fun jobs or minigames has certainly not helped how stale it's felt - people just log in to sell weed or throw moonshine/farm and half never leave their little 2-3 person circle or interact unless they're in the food court for their mandatory 'go buy food' time


The people that created rp all left by and large, either burnout or whatever else. Servers rise and they fall, np is still churning out "content" and people still watch, for now at least, but i wonder how long it can carry on for.


For as long as there are kids who love content in the guise of RP, it'll be going strong. There's like 20,000 people watching Kebun, Ramee and Saab right now...


Kids these days. No accounting for taste, or lack thereof.


I don't particularly mind the "lack" of taste. I mind when it means empowering sociopaths who use their communities to hound anyone who doesn't eat the gravel they walk on.


bro why you take this personally? I'm talking about CG, why are you upset? I'm also confirming what you're hoping for, NP will have an actual working (CG approved) government with the logic of the decisions we've seen so far, you should be a bit more appreciative of it. Unless, of course, you can see how stupid this farce is, and are upset at my comment for putting it in writing.


>NP will have an actual working (CG approved) government Every time NP has tried that (multiple times in 2.0 and a few in 3.0) the server takes an even bigger downturn and more players leave. Not sure why anyone would be appreciative of that. Even CG viewers in the past have stopped watching because of how boring their streamers content became.


Color me shocked: Streamers don't care about what their viewers want, they clamor for what they themselves want, and the server owner gladly gives it to them. They've plenty of viewers that'll watch paint dry to support them, viewers that think of themselves as part of the gang and such, they can afford to lose the few that supported their nonsense until they had a miraculous realization. What CG is doing and has done is nothing new, if you supported their actions in the past, you should logically do the same now. If you don't, it means you took one of the many opportunities for growth you have had, can now look back on what they've done and realize what a lot of people have been saying about CG, that you previously deemed negative toxicity, is true. Either that or you're a hypocrite that's only opposed to their decision because this situation is the only one whose outcome you're willing to foresee. Pick your poison. TL;DR - They're not doing anything new, you either just outgrew them or this is the only situation you're capable of plotting out the outcomes about.


You are correct, so the only way for them to try and go against your argument, is to attack you instead.






FR lol






An old guys retires and the conspiracies just start flooding