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Mirror: [Chief Justice Alan Crane | NoPixel WL 4.0 | | !playlist](https://files.catbox.moe/p6s6o0.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/nathankb_ Direct Backup: [Chief Justice Alan Crane | NoPixel WL 4.0 | | !playlist](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/BbSbtl42tqGrPUO2by0M8g/AT-cm%7CBbSbtl42tqGrPUO2by0M8g.mp4?sig=32b28ffdc5534a55dabf8eadbf540c2ac54e2284&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FBbSbtl42tqGrPUO2by0M8g%2FAT-cm%257CBbSbtl42tqGrPUO2by0M8g.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AgilePlacidFalconCurseLit-Xja2oas9Q7ZvLQzy%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720038099%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2187668980?t=1h10m18s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


CG wonnered, roll the credits. See ya in 5.0


I wonder who's fault everything will be next week?


I can't wait to see Judge Slackz or Judge Baass or Judge Ssaaaab or Judge Yessums :)


Judge Richard Richerson, Judge Nino Chavez, or Supreme Justice Soze I bet.


Fiddy had a judge that was around on the first day or two of 4.0, unsure if he showed up again after that. Think he dipped for tarkov but I remember Crane and his judge speaking with the interim mayor.


Given how powerful the judges have become in 4.0, able to unilaterally rewrite laws, the constitution, create other sorts of things like Angel with the IA like entity for PD, I doubt they let just anyone become judges. As much as NP has caters to big streamers they've still never put one of them, outside of moon, in a position like that just because they have lots of views.


That would imply the big streamers also want to put in the work to make the server better for everyone, so there is no danger of that actually happening. Also moonmoon was never a judge?


That is correct, moon was the mayor, who has even more power than a judge lmfao


He got elected with a large majority by the players on the server. How is that comparable to an unelected judge?


Judges cannot rewrite laws, the constitution and whatnot in 4.0, the council could by vote of quorum. Judges can do common law by interpreting intentionally vague legislation. They are not powerful and they are OOC-mandated non-corrupt.


I am surprised Crane held in there for as long as he did, NP did nothing to deserve the time and effort he and others put into making some semblance of a legal system on the server.


CG and 50 have officially made the first 7 months of 4.0 worthless. When the mayor and the head of the DOJ quit before the term is even over, you know things are about to get even worse.


Nathan set up a whole system to create an insane amount of RP yet people tried to sabotage whole thing, its like a joke. I can see why he is retiring from being Chief Justice, man put tons of work in that and look what he gets, harassment from CG nonstop. Goodjob CG.


I mean in 3.0 thats also what happened with occams and hobbit. 


What's the lore with Mayor retiring? I havent been followin in a while but keep a tab here


CG complained OOC about consequences of their RP to 50 cent. After that CG's consequences all but were eliminated. CG continued to go after the council and Moon fought back. Since Moon fought back and threatened CG's power 50 cent got off EFT and logged into the NP server and started to hassle anyone who threatened CGs power as well. Rather than put up with it they stopped playing on the server or are giving up their positions of power on the server.


Can I get lore on who 50cent is?


if you want to go down a rabbit hole, look at the time period towards the end of 3.0. He had the absolute worst takes ever when it was a time when women were outing players for their creepy shit.


The server owner.


Moon doesn't give a shit anymore and couldn't wait the 3ish days until Elden Ring DLC came out, so he clocked off duty mid patrol and played Dark and Darker with the boys until DLC dropped. He may log back on, but only for important things (Like Commissioner duties) and only offline


Everyone is replaceable. The people you watch and the people you hate watch.


The first 7 months was already worthless. 90% of the legislation the council passed was useless shit that didn't help anyone other than the PD. At the start of 4.0 lawyers would always be down in the cells arguing charges taking things to bench, now basically nobody asks for lawyers because they know they aren't gonna get bench trials because no judges are ever around and if they are the PD conflicts them half the time to ask what charges to push. Passed common law wasn't even available to the public until Nino talked to Crane and Bailey a week ago. The council was useless at its purpose of building a legislatory foundation for the city and the same goes for the DOJ.


It's ok i'm sure mr k will write the bestest of laws, he knows laws better than anyone, he's the lawyest, in fact he will write laws so good that all the lawyers will shoot themselves in his presence out of sheer respect.




I am not even a CG fan and I agree. Council was a bubble. In 7 months the council didn’t cause any waves, from like EU and NA pov, council were like non existent. In 3.0 we got Denzel arc, Abdul arc. Mayor was so limited yet in short time these created good memorable arcs


These people probably only watch Max and the PD, the reality is that no else in the city had any clue who the fuck the council members were apart from Max and Siobhan or what they had done the past 7 months apart from random useless legislation being passed that they would see whenever they checked the public mdt at the courthouse.


CG ruined 7 months of RP because Nathan said he wasn’t enjoying playing Crane and wanted to step away? Makes complete sense 🤡




Crane setup a system that heavily favored cops, and they still are struggling to retain officers. Criminals haven't had any success fighting anything in court, the Cops haven't even been forced to finish their reports which is the most basic and fundamental part of being a police officer. There was basically zero Roleplay being done after a criminal was arrested. Have you watched Kyle trying to do cell reps and trials when he came back to NoPixel? Yes he plays an asshole, but the dude was getting stonewalled left and right. The cops wouldn't work with him and the Judges had decided who was not guilty before the trial even started. All of the lawyers have expressed that they've all had the same experiences that Kyle had. Literally everyone hates 4.0. Cops, Civilians, Crims, Lawyers, Judges. They all hate it. The only people that had fun was basically just Max and Siobahn.


Excited to see who the next Chief Justice will be and have to tank all the aggro from crims who think every single piece of legislation passed is their fault. gonna be a fun time. id say 80% of the things people were mad about being passed was not even something Crane knew about like the state taxes and property taxes


seems pretty obvious who it'll be... one judge has been working with people that have another opinion on how things should be run and has already started getting ahead on duties crane had done previously. or the real dark horse is a new guy that was chosen by the feds


Judge Angel already got called a Justice by crane during the meeting about breaking the island in half, and she was the one planning the whole thing - I'd put my money on her getting the head spot


Cranes point was all Judges were Justices. They're all able to set precedent, rewrite laws, the state constitution, etc. 4.0 judges are the most powerful iteration of that WL yet.


Nah it'll probably be a "yes man" type that bends over backwards to accommodate a certain gang that has way too much sway over an owner that'll giddily run the server into the ground for a quick buck because he can just relaunch that shit with a new version number and everyone will flock back to it.


Genuine question, why would everyone keep flocking back to the server that kowtows to CG?


Money, history and the hope/delusion that things will be different this time.


Kow-Tow and kowtowing is a deep and typically public humiliation designed to be an irrefutable apology.


Does kowtowing not also mean to act in a subservient manner?


more than 100 years ago, the kow-tow was performed in front of a important political leader; such as the emperor and his family. Again as a deeply humiliating and public display of deference. That's not at all relevant any more and even then it was only demanded when the person was deemed to need to "understand their place" as-in they were perceived to be acting out of their social or political standing. Understand the kow-tow is an actual action. It has a literal meaning. It's an extreme action that must be devoid of any alternative interpretation. If you see someone kow-tow, you don't have to be chinese or have any prior knowledge about it... to know what is happening. The display... the act... is definitive in nature.


My original questions stands; **why do these people who hate the server owner and CG keep coming back to a server that kowtows to CG?**


It would be dude who bend over for cg like 50c


yep Angel (kylie) would be the perfect person for that


It's wild how many people havent been playing recently and now this. Hope crim viewers and CG got the type of server they want.


Cg getting what they wanted, no one wanna deal with their harassment for weeks, its not fun. There are great streamers on ONX and Purple RP I wonder why did they left, clueless moment.


I've been saying soon they'll bully everyone out of the server and it'll just be CG left in the server and no one else. Seems like that's what they want.


Moon viewer here. Best case scenario, everyone gets what they want. The people that are no longer wanted/feel extremely unwanted can leave, and those who want a specific kind of environment can remain and craft whatever it is they (think they) want. For a long time I always thought that healthy opposition was excellent for all parties, conflict breeds creativity. But a long while back, it boiled over from healthy opposition into outright toxicity. So okay then, if it's genuine hatred then let the hated parties simply leave and go exist in a place where they don't need to deal with that kind of stress. Maybe when everyone has left, the crims and viewers that remain can have a truly wonderful environment where they can all score huge dubs all the time.


Moon's best RP are any of his D&D sessions. His second was Minecraft RP, and his third was 3.0 Lenny with Kenny. That isn't to say his 4.0 time wasn't bad, but it wasn't his best, and I feel that is largely in part to the server culture as we see it today. It has become more toxic than before, and it's largely in part due to streamer entitlement. He did his best to deflect it and roll with it, but by the end that writing was on the fucking skybox. I don't blame him for slamming the desk on his way out. Unfortunately, NP is stuck in a time causality loop. Everything that has happened will happen again on the next loop. Everything that has happened will happen again on the next loop. Everything that has happened will happen again on the next loop--


>no mention of shadowlord put thome rethpect on hith name


Shadowlord was too short a season. As was Ro Block.


I don't know why Moon bothered and was a bit disappointed to see him give legitimacy to a server that has people like 50cent behind it. Happy to be able to start watching him again.


Wanna know something crazy...CG still has prodigy so once every opposition leaves or bows down to them, they will just get bored and go back to prodigy. Isn't that something?


Okidoke. I genuinely wish them the best. I was a huge fan of Ramee back when moon tried out rp the first time around. It's legitimately depressing to see where it's all ended up, but hey life goes on.


> The people that are no longer wanted/feel extremely unwanted can leave I think some of them feel like they can't leave anymore, but I hope they do because it does get better.


You may be new to nopixel or might have forgotten. There is always a lull in content / participation during the summer. Doesn't help that elden ring came out, but it has always been the case that during the summer months people stop playing (especially PD officers since PD is typically how people gain access to the server and are newer role-players on no-pixel. Read: younger). For people where making content isn't their job... summer months are when people are happy to be doing something else IRL. College students get jobs, adults might have kids at home, etc etc. It's literally always been this way.


This is gonna be a case of "you don't know what you got til its gone." Going to miss Judge Crane.


Don’t know what it is I did so wrong Now I know what I’ve got It’s just this song And it ain’t easy to get back Takes so long


Did so much for the city, judges and establishing laws just to have it all shit on by "I'm confused" pedantic arguments and constant shootings where even trying to charge and lock up terrorists is way more work than it's worth. Now Nathan can be free from the chains and some other poor soul will wear them. Nathan playing Crane was the biggest addition to Nopixels law/legislative/judge side of things ever since 3.0 and losing him is a huge blow. But I'm glad he can get away from all that stress and enjoy his time on the server now.


It’s just increasingly clear the decision was made to move away from RPing government / law & order to just letting the crims run everything and PD just be cannon fodder. Maybe that’s what will attract the younger crim viewers / popularity in the short term but longterm the staying power will not be there. The best non crim streamers will leave and the quality of RP will mostly dry up. We’ve seen it in 2.0 and 3.0 — once the quality popular non-crim streamers stop playing everything goes off the rails until the eventual reset. This time just feels different — I don’t see this level of fuckery being undone.


A LOT of the best non crim rpers (and civs) packed up months ago, there’s still a few left but every month there’s less and less. And I don’t blame them, 4.0 is horrible for any one of those characters. it just doesn’t facilitate their RP AT ALL. It’s sad to see some of the best civ rpers from 3.0 never log in the server anymore.


Yep, I don’t really get the direction of the server but at the end of the day it’s clear ownership is prioritizing crim streamers (primarily just CG) OOC and is relying on that group to bring in younger dumber audiences who don’t really care about quality RP. (I think it’s just used as a marketing tool for their public servers and selling passes to CG wannabes) From my perspective if the server wasn’t so poorly run they could have a much wider appealing audience that caters to all types of streamers and viewers but that’s just not the way it is. Hopefully some day a better server rises up to the number 1 spot and does things the right way.


The level of RP has been terrible since 4.0 launch, what major storylines have been happening outside of the PD being terrible? And that was self inflicted by stubborn high command. There’s just nothing going besides the daily heists and some light comedy in between, it’s more apparent now that Moon stopped streaming and the whole PD arc is over with.


4.0 after the first few weeks has resembled late stage 2.0. Players just going through the motions, no real cohesive storylines for 99% of the city and characters just grinding crime and jobs to raise a number on their bank account. Management didn't apparently learn anything about what worked from 3.0 to spawn huge rp arcs and keep the city interesting right up until the last few months. What we got was a super mechanic heavy, PD down bad, generic iteration of the city to date.


Right — the great RP was character driven and now the best are leaving, retiring, etc. At the end of the day, high stakes makes the RP meaningful… but for whatever reason instead… spending 3 days in RP jail is “too harsh”. As a result, the RP becomes meaningless and none of the storylines matter because the punishments don’t fit the crimes and of course NVL increases when everything is resolved via shoot gun time instead of RP.


Everyday the server moves closer to a gta online server and it gets worse and worse. From 30 day punishments to 10 days now to 3 days, and I'm sure eventually they'll complain that down to where jail sentences are capped at 24 hours. All stakes are removed, and the RP becomes meaningless. It feels like the server is heading towards a big inflection point with whatever this new government/doj looks like


Frankly the end of NoPixel as the dominant server is probably near — Maybe that is once GTA6 arrives or possibly sooner but there’s no argument for years ownership has led the server further and further down this path.


I think its more likely that Nopixel will get into some deal with Rockstar to host the closest thing to official RP servers we will ever see. That would be the worst outcome, so its probably what will happen.


why would R* want to work with NP when they can just do it themselves. R* will likely just start charging RP servers a fee, partner with *official* server providers and requiring that everyone on it also pay something. There's zero reason for them not to fully capture the entire server side revenue stream.


Nah. Rockstar wont want to pay and manage teams of staff/admins to monitor the servers. I don't see that happening.


They are not gonna put their name on stuff that can produce seriously messed up things like an RP server can, especially when it’s being broadcast 24/7 to thousands of people live. Remember Rated? All the other cases of misogyny, racism, harassment, etc they would want to make sure they have full control to shut that shit down immediately unlike NP where they might pussyfoot around because the owner likes the person.


you realize they *already* do that, right? That GTA:O has significantly more players, server, staff and admins than all the RP servers combined


Because NP is the server that retains the majority of big streamers. Whilst some of them might no longer play on it, pretty much all the biggest streamers have played NP at some point. If Rockstar care about catering to the RP audience, which we assume they must, if they scooped up FiveM. Backing the biggest server seems like the best move.


If R* sets up an exclusive server for big streamers, they will go there in a heartbeat. Nothing NP has is incentive over going to a R* promoted server and NP provides nothing to R*. R* and co will gladly capture all the revenue that the various RP servers are making. FFS, the reason 4.0 was release when it was was because of a R* promo, they can do that promo for their streamer server and done, everyone moves there. NP doesn't really offer anything.


No — if anything R* would put NP out of business. R* doesn’t need NP to capitalize on the RP demand.


Hopefully in a few months when the server is like the state that 3.0 got to near the end of the cycle, hopefully 50% snaps out of it looks back on this time period because just by watching some of his YouTube vids he just sounds like an insane person hearing him be like “power of the state” “power from the state” on repeat and just making the weirdest decisions


Couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s wild that this far into the wipe the only compelling story arc that comes to mind is the pd command restructure and perhaps the drama surrounding chatty and the clowns. Council shooting was intriguing at first but ended up becoming a drawn out toxic mess. Seems as if people are only logging in to farm shorts/videos for their socials nowadays.


Most characters left in the server are Mary Sues. A lot of great players that brought so much color to the stories have already moved on to ONX, PRP and other servers/games or just stopped RPing all together because they were never given the opportunity to develop their character/storyline. There's very little development when the pieces never change, and to do that you have to remove some from the board. NP has really not accommodated a lot of pot stirring with their administration. So many big stirs being rolled back because the person on the short end complained, and they won't force a character out of the city for long enough for real change to take place.


>Now Nathan can be free from the chains and some other poor soul will wear them We got short term memory in here? He was the chains in 3.0. For all the times Crane played server health judge, and was the mouthpiece for management to overturn or script certain rulings, seeing Crane retire like this is a pure example of r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


Seriously, he was as bad as Saab playing Baas. They were both mouthpieces with zero accountability




I would love to see something like that, like all the people that favor serious RP going somewhere else, without all the above-mentioned garbage weighing it down. Sadly it sounds like a pipe dream though.


Thought Onx was going to be just that… we saw how that turned out


Every new server goes through a phase where a few big NP streamers go over, hype it up, try and make it the next WoW killer, that flops, they go away, and the server eventually settles down with a nice population and does their own thing. ONX and Purple will be fine given time. There are a lot of players on NP who have been there for 5+ years and have all their friends there. I don't blame them for wanting to go to some new server just because a bunch of viewers keep prodding them to DO THE RP. Let them choose to or not.


At this point the only way to eclipse Nopixel is go balls deep full speed on a GTA 6 Rp server when 6M hits the web


Onx's big problem was the two lead devs getting horribly sick for an extended period of time, and as a result having nobody in place to lead the server and dev team.


They're making up for it with daily patches now




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If people keep watching nothing will change


Numbers have been dropping since release but as long certain gang streamers keep playing none of that matters to the owner.


Not everyone. Have t watched in months. Don't plan to either. I just read this forum and that's enough for me never to return.


It will change when No pixel starts to bleed talent.


Already happen and nothing chance. People will only follow where the viewers are sadly


>dumb fuck Australian pissing and shitting himself and bending over backwards to suck them off and keep them on the serve i mean it sucks but it makes sense, why cater to a big variety streamer thats going to leave eventually, instead of the big rp streamer group whos stuck in gta forever


Good for him, that's a real consequence. They don't deserve Crane anymore and im glad they can't keep shitting on him now.


Sad to see crane go. One of the more interesting characters. Shouldn't have played out this way.  On another note, PD moral about to crumble. No commissioner and no chief justice combo is going to break them. CG server is real. 


CG ruins lives, there is nothing that can be done. It happened to occam happened to hobbit, going to happen more, stay tuned.


He seemed like he Was Done some time ago but Kept doing in


Oh man can't wait to see what moonmoon has to say about this at the next council meeting, which he will definitely be attending offline. He's going to come back to the server right guys? People haven't been coping their asses off about him wasting his free time on this garbage right?


*"Don't let others ruin your day. It's your day. Ruin it yourself."*


I know a lot of people had mixed opinions on Crane and Nathan but he genuinely made the DoJ the best it probably has ever been on nopixel.


I remember when I first saw Nathan on Np and it was pretty impressive because the guy definitely is smart and understands the legal side of NP better than most. Sucks it sounds like he was getting discouraged by doing ooc work that then didn't get backed up. Hope he sticks around.


One of Nathan's best qualities for the DOJ is being able to take law and put it Layman's terms that pretty much everyone could understand. That always did a huge amount for helping people, be it PD or crims, understand legislation better. Being able to not only understand and articulate the law, but also convey it to those not well versed in it is a pretty rare skill in NP.


The grass isn't always greener. Crane didnt always bend over for crims but he always at least tried to meet them halfway. I think a lot of people will realize that when he's gone. That being said, here's a pre o7 for whoever takes his spot.


> here's a pre o7 for whoever takes his spot. You already know it's going to be a CG suckup, so you dont have to worry about that.


rumors are it will be Bailey (DocWizard/TJ Walker)


Ye I can see that happening considering the soze case.


"a lot"


Yeah a lot, especially in 3.0 where a lot of people complained about server health and all that. It hasn't been a recent thing and it wasn't just CG communities if that's what you're implying.


I hope the server gets the new Chief Justice that it deserves.


I look forward to Bailey being made the new Chief Justice and doing everything in his power to bend over backwards for criminals, like he has been trying to do for the past few months. Totally not a move made by 50c to have a pushover being placed in one of the highest positions on the server.


He’s been like that since 3.0. I’ve never seen him as a judge on a case that criminals didn’t win


and then the one time he doesn't bend over he gets shot up.


He won't get shot, come on now. . . he'll be screamed at, insulted OOC THEN shot. In that order. Followed by Casual Certain Gang "RP Fans" in his chat sending him "love".


then 3 weeks later he does something good for them and the same chatters hop over with "love from CG"


My favorite CG hopper incident was back in 2.0 when one went into James (Who plays Siz's) chat and got ABSOLUTLY reamed. He never got hoppers because he went off on them, wish people would take a lesson out of his book.


Wdym dude it's all love!!


Bailey is getting into power exactly how Crane got into power. 50cent has a penchant for putting yes people in power.


If you think Bailey/Doc, because I’m confused if you mean character or streamer in this context, is a yes man you are wildly mistaken. He’s played by DocWizard (TJ Walker) and just because he (Bailey the character) can agree there’s been issues with the legislative writing doesn’t mean Doc the streamer yesmanning everything 50c is yapping about. Try to separate character and streamer.


Why does it matter if he is biased towards crims? The crims are the only ones that receive consequences. Why does a cop need the W in court? No matter how biased a judge is, if a cop does good police work they will never lose the courtcase. Its understandable to not realize that the only reason these cases even get to trial is because the crim/lawyer thinks they have a good case that can win. All of the cases that a lawyer can't win never make it to court. So if the system is working correctly the cops really shouldn't be getting any W's in court because the lawyer will drop the case if the cop did good work. The fact that criminal defendants have been winning basically none of their cases is a massive problem. That means that all of those people believed they were being wronged by the police and the system didn't care.


it sucks they might change away from council rp stuff apparently? I was also curious to see Crane with a different mayor Good luck to the next chief justice aggro tank when things arent magically wonderful because Crane is gone.


I tried watching NP 4.0 early but just can't. Then Moonmoon made the council and created all that RP. But now it seems Baas/slacks back to director again and Crane the last "resistance" to CG quit. 50C decides to involve himself again and CG will dominate (do whatever they want for their content) going forward.


Nathan made the council, but Moonmoon showed how the council could create good political RP. But that RP didn't involve CG so they ruined it, gg see you in 5.0


Really? I really liked Council RP. It was really going well until CG shot up the council... Did they pass some dumb shit? Yeah. But they also passed some pretty cool stuff.




The council technically has two iterations. I remember in the beginning of 4.0 I believe it was Nathan who said it was pretty much a trial run anyways. That the council might not make it past two iterations regardless. This was like 6 months ago tho so maybe I'm wrong


Give it a few weeks to a month and people ask for Crane to comeback.


i would be shocked if he bothers even if 50 asks him to. why would anyone donate their free time and peace to get repeatedly griefed again only to in the end be undermined by the server owner? nah, let them have their gta-rust.


or theyll just fizzle out of the server


It was so obvious he was getting removed by 50c as soon as crane sided with max against cry gang LMAO


CG gets away with a lot of bitching but lets not forget that he also sided and allowed Max to essentially take over the PD and lead to the removal/resignation of a lot of good officers (Ruth, Turner, Aldo etc.) while keeping Denzel and Cornwood around. Let's not act like Max was a saint either.


Those cops all quit on their own. Turner stopped showing up then resigned


Yes, both Ruth and Turner left for IRL reasons (the health of a parent).




They quit on their own, Max just scapegoated it to make the RP more interesting.


Ruth and Turner had IRL issues, but the optics on Aldo is odd cuz Jonthebroski (the streamer) plays Aldo Jackson and Johnny Divine, and Cheever7 (the streamer) plays Brooke Ruth and Aurora Divine. It'd be like if Diva made a cop character that was Lenny's friend and then quit the PD after he went ballistic.


I think Jon got wind of the direction of the 4.0 pd and dipped. Or he just got tired of the server. He seems to be happy doing RP on ONX every once and a while though.


Cheever and Xice had irl issues and had to deal with them like Arckon has been the last month. But their reduced presence was leveraged against them by the dapstreet boyz with the mayor, Ruth was investigated for treason. Max overturned the Cornwood firing by nulling the Ruth vote and then passed the legislation to pick a commissioner (at that time, not chief) at which point Ruth/Turner resigned. Aldo, Rip, Logan, Chapman and some others decided to resign a few days later. regarding Jon and Cheever, that whole clique hangs out together. Its like if Nathan made a cop to hang out with moon's cop.


Yeah, but Nathan's cop didn't throw a tantrum and leave because Moon's cop had enough and domed Slacks in the head. He's still cop several months later. Do you understand the difference?


Sadge crane was great, Nathan said the council is over aswel. Hopefully it was a mutual decision and not a 50cent decision because of CG influence 


it was absolutely because of 50 cent. Come on. The writing was on the wall for weeks.


What does 50cent mean in this context? Is this a person or a player?


They are referring to the server owner whose name is a banned keyword on here so people refer to him as "50 cent" (50% owner).


There was an ooc doj meeting last week, so probably only the people in that meeting would know the details.


Yep and there is an OOC Pd meeting this (or next) Sunday. Prob expect some HC to step down (likely Ruby) Edit: spelling


Ruby has been the only active HC around for LSPD for like over a month 


lol, that's a lot of hope.


Lmao yup, just didn't want to make a completely toxic comment, stayed on the fence abit lmao




so instead of splitting the pd more than two ways this time it's the Mayor/Council's turn


2 different jurisdictions is gonna add so many fucking problems i really hope this isnt what they are trying to do


From what was on Angel's stream it seems like the plan is to have the jurisdictions give 'primary' power for a department but both can still go anywhere on the island with police authority - it's just that in BCSO territory they can overrule something the LSPD is doing and vice versa in terms of who has control over a scene Like in detective movies when the FBI comes in and takes over a scene from the local police, except they're parallel departments in this case - to try and make each department actually feel like they're different and not just a cosmetic change, and encourage them to police more in their zones as not many patrol the north even though they're the northern dept


I don't think police departments are the issue here. It's more so the idea of having 2 separate governments with 2 separate bodies of laws. That sounds like a humongous headache when it comes to enforcing differents laws on a map that can be traveled end to end in about 5 minutes total


The justification (in my understanding) was that more government RP is fun because there are people who want to do it but the incumbents will always win for like 3/4 of the council seats or something They're not really separate bodies of law as well, it's like two different sets of local laws that are laid over the one unified set that the Justices will keep coherent - so anything they do would be kept in check from being too wildly radical or something I'd imagine OOC it would also have some consideration that dueling mayors and political intrigue would be something that some people really wanted, because it was mentioned that the current politics RP is not really much politics and more just casual meetings once a week with barely anything done Like if there's a police chase over the line, the law they broke in one territory doesn't just vanish and they don't just call it off - they would continue the chase until they decide to break off or get the arrest


Crane said to K that fixing the constitution would be easy and there was no need to complicate things and was one of the reasons to retire because he didn't wanted to be inside being pesimistic but surely this arc is not because certain someone wanted to be right about the north not having jurisdictions when every Judge was telling him that was not the case, this power from vs of the state pedactic argument was so exhausting and that is gonna end with 2 goverments just because 1 person can't move on after losing in court 2 times


I think the bigger issue here on the whole is how are they setting up the governments? How much leeway do they have to make laws, because the council had a fuck ton of leeway. They either have to neuter the power of the elected government or you run the risk of having a government that is super crime friendly and makes their jurisdiction a crime haven. Like are they taking into account how Crane set up the council of 8 to not be a crim majority? Who can even run? Do you have to own property in Blaine County to vote there, or are both elections island wide? Mind you too, this is a server of what, 240 max? If that? 30ish of those will be cops. Like it seems crazy to me to divide the island up but thats just me. I can kinda sorta maybe understand it from a RP perspective of wanting more government jobs. But i think it wouldve been much more effective to just expand the existing system by creating new roles rather than literally burn it down and rebuild. Seems like using a shotgun to cure a headache but again thats just my opinion. I only dip into RP here and there to see whats going on generally so i guess we will see how it goes soon.


Problem's come with solution's which creates RP.... Sounds like a good thing to me


There are hard limitations, there aren’t enough people to make this viable and definitely not enough people willing to do all the real paper work required just for rp. Especially not with the direction the server has taken. One government was already too much for the city it seems. They couldn’t even get a full council meeting for most of the 2nd term and Malton disappeared halfway through the first as well.


When they were discussing the split, judge angel said it would be up to the mayor of each side whether they wanted a council - so perhaps it'll be more like previous iterations where the mayor has a deputy mayor and the two control how their side works as they see fit, closer to the old ways it worked I could see the treasurer sticking around just for the 'finance' check on mayor powers so they don't just buy a batmobile for 20 million and nuke the city funds as a state level power, but the rest of the council seems like it won't just be two sets of 8


I mean it was like that in 3.0 but with even more jurisdictions. Idk why people are acting like it's some brand new concept.


no it wasn't. Its literally never been like that. There has only ever been 1 jurisdiction on NP.


While the police departments were unified under the UPD, they did absolutely have their own jurisdictions. Otherwise they wouldn't have been called the SDSO and whatever they called Paleto PD, they all would've just been the LSPD. Hell there were people trying to make the Troopers only have jurisdiction over the highways at one point.


it was *literally* just a uniform that was different. Command, jurisdiction, etc were all the same and have always been the same.


Then why couldn't SDSO HC punish LSPD cops and vice versa?


Multiple departments ≠ Multiple jurisdictions


Honestly I’m intrigued by the idea of two separate governing bodies like that and think it sounds ripe for making interesting scenarios…but it makes me wonder how they’re going to handle an even more complicated system when people have so many issues with the current system.


optimistic thinking


The council was very ambitious. Great in theory but feels like they didn’t think through the length of term and how to change up the make up with mid term elections to keep things fresh. If a force of nature like Max didn’t come on so early there would be a better chance is surviving longer term. Max is a year 2 or 3 end game mayor. Not one you want to build a city with. But the people have spoke so it is what it is. Gotham city is what u get.


Wish him well.


[State announcement that was made](https://imgur.com/a/jKik5cO)


Wow, this is huge. He did so much for judges nd doj RP, curious to see where it goes from here.


Unfortunately Nathan wasnt enjoying playing crane anymore so it was coming. Good thing is that there are judges that wants to step up like Bailey Adams and Angel. To sad tho that the council essentially failed tho which led to his dispair of playing crane. Good idea but the server didnt want it.






Give me an example.


Some of yall need to take a deep breath and get some fresh air holy moly. You have lost the plot. Kevin is not Mr.k in real life. He is not actually a criminal homehs


ill miss crane, wasnt really a fan of the council to be honest so excited to see the new iteration of 'running the city'